

Hi my name Mia King see everyone in town knows me. Who do they know me as?. The girl whose parents are nut jobs. Or the girl with the tattoos better yet the mute girl. Yes I am mute but by choice. The reason why I don't talk is because I don't want to. There's no point in talking if people are just going to judge you. They already do judge me. Enough about me let's get on with my story. See my family used to be the one that does everything together. But it all started to stop when my parents lost their jobs. What was their jobs? Well my parents used kids as lab rats. From ages one to eighteen. Kids kept dying during their work so  the president shut down the project. Therefore they lost their jobs. See my family was kind of cliche. My brothers played football. I did gymnastics and my parents made a bunch of money. When my parents lost their jobs they started working on it at home on my brothers. Crazy right well my brothers were twins. Chase and Hayden were two years older than me so they were seventeen. And I was fifteen see Chase and Hayden had medical problems. And my parents wanted to fix it. They had rhythmic heart disease as in they couldn't be to stressed out. Or frighten badly their hearts could stop at any minute. Thats what happened they died a few months after my parents started using them as lab rats. And it's their fault, people at school started blaming me. So they started bullying me,and beating me up. Enough to leave scars yes scars. You know my parents just couldn't stop their research. So here I am ladies in gentleman sitting in my mom and dad's lab. Heck they didn't even have the decency to wait for me to stop morning my brothers death. And here I am two years later still being tested on. Half of the people in my town don't even recognize me. After Chase and Hayden died  i've been getting different types of tattoos. Each of them tell a story about me. Some of them I can't say without breaking my walls down. And to tell my story would mean i have to talk and i'm not talking unless I need to. I still do gymnastics sometimes when I need a escape. But sometimes I get this feeling. Like someone shocked me with electricity. And I feel so much more energized. Me I have this power that no one knows about. And my parents will never find out.

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