
Alone in the Darkness

Sitting alone in darkness, Kikiyo was thinking about how all this happened. She was analysing her current situation and planning a way to escape.

After analysing her surroundings, she understood that she was not in her kingdom anymore but was on her enemy's camp. She was wondering how she got there. But what has happened cannot be changed but she will be foolish if she accepted her fate.

She has to escape. Somehow. Dying is more honourable than to be captured by a enemy. She knows what will happen to her in near future. She tried to move her arms and legs but that was of no use. She couldn't even move an inch.

She has to wait for the right time so that she could somehow escape this place alive. Time passed. As she was drugged she was unable to get her complete consciousness but the fire in her was keeping her awake and aware of her surroundings.

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