
Ch 14 - Bye Bye DADA

In the next few days, my DADA lessons as well as most of my free time were spent in the ROR. Apparently, I also received a summon from the Headmaster because of it, sure, ok, let me talk with him about this joke of a teacher.

Transfiguring random objects into birds was one of the basic spells of transfiguration, the Avifors Spell, but making sure those birds were roosters was the hard part and while intent turned out to be the easy part it was the enormous amount of control needed that was the problem.

For simplicity's sake, I made it so these roosters only had to stay still and cry out. This reduced the amount of magic moved (which by extension also reduced the focus needed) making it possible for me to perform the spell faster and on multiple objects.

Now, while Harry was going to find out who the new Slytherin seeker is, I was headed towards the Headmaster's office to explain my unexplained absence.

Knock Knock

"Ah, Mr. Wielding, please come in'" strolling through the office I found a beautiful Phoenix perched on her favorite place near the window. Holding a hooked finger for her to smell I couldn't help but admire the beautiful creature as she sniffed it and cawed gently before affectionately rubbing her cheek onto it.

"Beautiful isn't she?" asked the professor with a gentle tone and a smile on his lips, albeit a bit startled I found the professor sitting on his chair, another was placed in front for me to sit as well.

"Sorry professor, I read a lot about Phoenixes but it is the first time seeing one for real" he kept smiling this time a bit conspiratorially

"Don't worry, don't worry, she is fond of receiving attention-"

"Caw!" cried suddenly the birb making me and the professor by a proxy chuckle

"Oh, before we begin lemon drop?" I was curious about the taste, someone must have written a fanfic about how lemon drops were in reality veritaserums, I will gladly test that theory today.

"Sure, thank you!" I said grabbing one and putting it in my mouth. Tastes like lemon, not bad!

"You must know it has been ages since someone accepted my Lemon Drop offer, for the life of me I will never understand why" he shook his head and I found it appropriate to quip.

"Probably because they are a bit too bitter, and leave a weird uncomfortable feeling in your mouth, not really the best feeling to have when making conversation, have you tried some but with a Coca-Cola or Strawberry flavor instead?" he widened his eyes slightly

"Uh, never thought about it, might as well ask some to be made" he then turned serious "Now let's get down to the reason I called you here, can you guess?" I nodded "My repeated absence over DADA class perhaps?"

"Yes, may I ask you why?"

"I simply find the class to not be of any learning value, the books for the year are clearly fiction and I would not trust the professor in performing a Lumos correctly. I think that the more I stay in that class the faster my mental health goes down as such I would ask to be formally excused from the class for the remaining part of the year."

He frowned, whatever he expected wasn't that. "Mental health Mister Wielding?" he tentatively asked

"First lesson of the year, the professor gave us a test to " check our knowledge," want to know what that test entailed?" he nodded and I continued explaining what happened the day "-finally reaching the apex of my patience I launched a full power Bombarda in the class professor, I will let that sink in, Bombarda." he shook his head a bit amused.

"You must need to know that there were no other choices, the board vetoed any other teacher I proposed. In the end, he was the only one the board was happy with" at that, I was surprised "So there were other candidates?" he nodded "Yes but..." I ended the phrase for him

"Let me guess after last year's events with Quirrel and the low rumors of Voldemort's reappearance, the board seems hell-bent on not letting us teach how to defend ourselves from the dark arts, a board curiously led by Lucius Malfoy with his impressive resume of being a former Death Eater, what a series of coincidences. Am I that far off?" I scoffed a bit

Now Dumbledore was intently looking at me, I hoped he would read my mind and see his own death, but he didn't "You seem to have done your research mister Wielding, fortunately, or unfortunately, none can prove them not to be mere coincidences." that was it, he didn't ask more, he didn't want to talk more about that topic but it was fine, I understood lots of things about him. "Now, it wouldn't be fair for you only to be excused from Lockhart's lessons, if it was found out people would come to ask me for the same thing, I will have to ask you to please go back to attending"

"Or else professor?" I asked him half-heartedly "What would be the punishment?"

He shook his head "If you chose not to comply for a prolonged period there could be expulsion, we are an institution, Mr. Wielding, we exist to teach and we expect students to be willing to learn, otherwise, there is no place for them here." if he thought I would be done with it he would be sorely mistaken.

"Isn't it weird that you think so many people would ask to be excused from his lessons? If what he taught was so valuable wouldn't people ask to be taught more? See the problem professor? You want me to learn? Then the solution is simple: since it only goes to my own detriment if I attend a lesson or not, could I use these free hours to attend another class? Say, for example, potions with Snape?"

At that, he sighed knowing that I had a point, and in the end not attending one class with clear reasoning and a proposition to make up for it was more than reasonable. After a bit more arguing he finally relented, it was also a bad decision to send away the best student of last year (second only to Hermione since theoretical knowledge was more important) over something so little "You are sure of it? Your grades might drop"

"They will only drop on DADA, and honestly? I couldn't give any less flying ducks about a subject that has "What is Lockhart's favorite color" as a possible question." he sighed again. Can't even reprimand me for using bad language.

"Very well Mr.Wielding. You must know that your teachers are all very proud of you, I have to inform you that this year's exams will be more difficult than the last, I wish you good luck" he said with a genuine smile that made me smile as well

"Thank you, professor"


"As you might have seen for the past few days Mr.Wielding has been absent, it is no mistake, he has been excused by the Headmaster from attending my class" he paused letting the whispers run rampant, "he probably thinks himself to be well above my lessons after last year's performance, I only feel pity for him, when he will face a real enemy and when his grades will drop he will realize the gravity of the mistake he has made" for the first time in her life Hermione felt like screaming at the professor, what a bunch of baseless accusations they were, she had never seen someone so dedicated to his studies and to learn new knowledge as him, he was just like her after all. Her study companion. Her friend. And she didn't like when people bad-mouthed her friends.

She kept a bad mood for the entirety of the lesson.


"As you might have found discovered we will have a new student from today onwards as he will attend supplementary lessons" boomed Snape turning the attention of the class to me

"Maybe this opportunity could help solve the crippling problem of below-average results from Gryffindors in my class"

Yes sure, and you gave me EE in your class, the highest in history obtained by a Gryffindor since you took charge, knowing fully well I deserved an O.

I just smiled at him.

"Now we will review the Wiggenweld potion... Mr.Wielding you forgot your book?" Snape said as he saw me take one from the pile of scraps in the cupboard at the end of the room, I decided to be a bit of a bitch

"No professor a couple of six years allegedly from Slytherin allegedly burned it finding it boring, as such I find myself without one for the year, is it a problem if I take this one?" if looks could kill I would be dead

"10 points from Gryffindor for your cheek, now sit down and start brewing" I beamed as if the loss of points meant nothing to me which it honestly didn't.

"Thank you, professor," I said sitting beside a second-year Ravenclaw named Sophia Rivens, pureblood. Not one of the original 40 however. It Is beyond me how can people forget that every pureblood line started with a muggle-born having magic powers.

The class ended without further problems and I was allowed to leave.



"Avada Kedavra"


"Fuck my arm"

I was able to successfully cast the killing curse on a bird, none could snitch me in the RoR, and as such I was safe. The bird was only knocked out, I didn't even have enough strength to kill a bird imagine what this would do to a Horcrux.

You must know that the killing curse requires a shit ton of mastery to kill, at first you might just knock people out or do severe damage instead of killing them if your proficiency is low.

I had been all afternoon here but I was only able to cast it once, in any case, I considered it an absolute win in my book.

"Uh, thinking of killing spells, imagine if it was possible to have Voldemort teach me how to fight in this room, would be pretty-"

The room became darker, all sound disappeared a noseless face started appearing from the ground, and not long after the whole body.

He was there, in front of me.


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