
The Academy Circle Fest: Day Two (3)

After the sixth bells rung out, we decided to start searching for those people on the list. I wear the mask at once, since we're going to go to the festival again.

"So whose on the list we should meet first?"

"Hmmm... From your note, Vincent seems to be the most easiest to be found."

"Eh, he indeed easy to be found. He should be there right now, but..."


"I hope he haven't sign up with the archery circle."

"I see, he plan to join them. I guess it can't be helped then if he already signed up with them. I never planned to force someone to join us."


He look at me weirdly.


"Then what about senior Yvain and Lady Melanie?"

"I never force them, I only offer a term with them."


Hey, I am being honest here. Why should I help someone that unrelated to me? I am not a saint alright. Reiya and Also case is different, since I definitely quite close with Elsa and I know how bad is it getting treated like a child. While Alyson obviously because an impulse that outside my control! It outside my control! I repeat it to emphasize what I mean.

"You didn't believe me? If they didn't come and join by themselves, I won't force them to sign up their names on our form."

"... Sure brother. You just give him an offer that he can't let it slide just like that."

"He can ignore it. There is no evidence that I am being honest with my words, and I've fool them from time to time. So right now the chance they would come is around 70 percent."

"Isn't it high?"

"I mean it only chance of they come for talk, but the chance they would agree to join our circle is only 20 percent after the talk. Except I could give them an evidence that the things I said is exist. By then it would be fifty-fifty."

"... And what is the other fifty?"

"Melanie would try to take it by force of course."

"... I think my image of Lady Melanie being a graceful lady of the south is crumble at once. I could imagine her swinging those halberd already. I guess we should prepare for it."

"The problem wasn't there, but it on the mana compressor and storage."

"Pardon me?"

He aghast as he look at me.

"Your thought is correct. It didn't exist."

"... My goodness brother Zein... Then what would happen if they found out?!"

"Err, Yvain would join in Melanie attack."

"Now I understand why the receptionist warn me..."

"I would think about it when they come. For now let's focus on the freshman."

I could tell he feeling sour, as he nods at my words. It not like this is the first time I fooled that couple. We arrive at the festival after walking for 15 minutes, it wasn't as crowded as yesterday. I guess since the major circle and hobby circle already perform yesterday, today crowds got thinner. Because it times for sport circle performance, so the students that come mostly those that love sports. This world got many sport for real, from those that can be found on Earth to those that really this world exclusive sport. Like Blitz, Maze Running, Water Cube, Blast, and Magic Chess many other.

Maze Running literally as it name. While you might wondering what kind of sport is Water Cube? It basically team sport, where the athletes standing on a board and chase after a cube. The team scored when they take the cube to the end line of the opposite team, and then like an American football you could earn extra points if you could shoot off the cube the goal, or take it to the end line once again.

The difference is there is magic, you could used any magic that wasn't lethal. So the team would engaged in a tactical magic warfare, as they try to take the cube which appearing randomly on the field or should I said on the lake. Of course the requirements was to be able to used water magic or any kind of magic that would made you able to surf around on a calm lake! It won't be calm after few minutes tho, since it would be chaotic enough to see.

While Blast is... Honestly it more like a game then a sport, but then again it sport since the player need to have a strategy. It wasn't a team sport, but more like an individual. Have you ever play a B*sh*ashi a game from Pl**Sta*ion, it a game where you need to hit a bomb at least once, while the maximum number to hit it is three times, before passing the bomb to the next player. Everytime you hit the bomb, the count down number would goes down, then when it hit zero it would explode. Eliminating the player that exploding the bomb. Now Blast is like this, although in this game you are throwing a mana bomb to the opponent. It non-lethal mana bomb of course, also as they throwing it around, the mana inside the bomb would decreasing. It a sport that need a good control and sensitivity over mana, outside those you need to be able to throw it on your opponent before it exploded. You could also slow down the count down by imbuing your own mana inside the bomb, or you could make it faster by pulling out the mana. Although you could only hold the bomb for 5 second, before throwing it to the opponent. The opponent could either took it or dodge it, if they dodge the bomb would still be considered with the last player. So if it exploded as you throw it, you are out of the game.

Magic Chess... Now this one is the real deal. There 10 type of piece, and 560 square board. The board is plus shaped, because it a four player sport. You need to calculate not only those in front of you, but also those beside you. It really crazy chess, which the tide of the game could change anytime. It like a kingdom miniature for real, with a sudden alliance, a sudden attack from flank, got betrayed from behind, any of those could happen anytime during the play. It called Magic Chess because there not only king, queen, bishop, knight, rook and pawn, this one also got archer which move by jumping around like knight but not in L shape.

It goes jump through 2 blocks from where it stand. A magician that move like king while could taking a prisoner that 5 block away in any shape. A Calvary that move anywhere around 3 block it doesn't matter the shape but it can't jump around. An adventurer that got a crazy mobility which basically could goes anywhere 5 block around him, but could only took prisoners one block from him. And the last piece is envoy, which move like those Calvary, and it could convert enemies piece 1 block from it to your pieces. It crazy game of chess! Even if I am using arithmetics to calculate enemies move, my head would get a headache, because there a millions of move for every players, which would branching another million response from the other player. So all I could say, it impossible game that took 10 hours long at minimum for one game.

Whoops my thoughts got derailed so bad. Right, archery circle also included in sport, since most noble do archery as a sport. There hardly any noble that got a bow as their main family heirloom. There's might be some but they're on minority, only those that mastering magic arrow would be one of those. Master of archery, wasn't inferior to swords master honestly, they just unpopular with the youth.

Before we arrive at the Archery Circle, we spotted our target, or should I said Reiya spotted him.


Reiya called him, as we near him. He then turn around and looking at us. When he seen Reiya he look surprised.

"Ah, Young Master Rames."

"I told you just called me Reiya. All my friends called me those."

"I understand Mister Reiya."

"We got the same age, anyway has you register for Archery Circle?"

I am keep my quiet as I observing their conversation. This is the first time I see Reiya on the move. He kinda smooth talker, he didn't give air to Vincent like how noble son usually did. Even Zack last year kinda up in the air, so do Lein. She really giving aura to her surrounding that she is a noble daughter. Although it change as time goes by, they only giving air to those boot licker now days. While me? Of course I was an arrogant noble son to the boot before.

"Not yet. I don't have a courage to sign up... Yet..."

Vincent shake his head, as he scratching his back neck. Anyway this guy definitely got an antelope trait, his hair is brown like those of antelope, so do his ear. He got a pair of white dots on top of his brows. While his look overall is kinda cute for boys, like a little brother figure. He definitely got a baby face with big eyes and brownish pupil. What made me sure that he is an antelope beastman is his tail, that is short. He definitely look like herbivore, that would run away if something scared them. While his height is around 155 cm I guess? Since he is one head lower than Reiya. Although I am only 170 cm, which could be said kinda short for this world standard. Many male students is around 186 cm here, while Reiya which only 15 years old already around there. This definitely because I am a twin! So my height is the same as Lein, which pretty normal for a girl.

"I see. Did you really want to join the Archery Circle?"

"Eh? Well... I am not really sure. I only thought that I could learn more about archery and polishing my skill if I join them."

He look unsure with his answer. That when I finally open my mouth.

"Then what if you could join other circle that let you polished your archery and also giving you advise on it?"

"That would be good too."

He responded without realizing that it wasn't Reiya that talk to him. I could feel my mouth arching up, yep let's push him some more.

"Then you should join us, we would provide you with private archery ground, also a book about archery."

"You would? That seems really nice."

"Then you should sign your name here."

"Eh but..."

"Just think about it, if you join us you would be able to use an Archery ground anytime you wanted. Although it wasn't inside the school, but I could assure you it definitely up to the standard. You could also learn many kind of archery book, there also a book about scouting. You would need those, since you aim to be an adventurer. An archer in adventurer group, also considered as a scout if there is no one that mastering in those."

"Is... Is that so? Then I must learn it too."

What a pure kids... He definitely got caught in my flow, while Reiya got dumbfounded.

"Then it more reason to join us, since I could assure you this scouting book is a good one. It one of book that noble children learn, as they need to understand how scouting goes and drew a conclusion from scouting report. It also include many theories about how to read a to tell the real condition based on the report."

"That seems like an amazing book. Would you really lend those to me?"

"Of course! if you join us, you could even used our studies and read any book inside. When you found something interesting you could borrow it without a deadline to return it."

His eyes already glittering as he completely got drowned in with my sweet condition. Book is considered as a luxury goods in this world, the lowest price for a book is around 5 silver coin. What more a book that contain a useful information, or techniques. It could goes up until 20 gold coin or more.

"Then please let me join you!"

"Sure, just sign your name here."

I give him the form and pen. He sign his name on our circle form without thinking, Then he finally realized that I wasn't Reiya, he got bewildered when he looking between me and Reiya.

"Cough... Well it good that you join us. It mean we would meet from time to time."

Reiya open his mouth at once to smooth it over. He then look relieved a little before stuffing up.

"Ahhhhh.. does that mean... I-I would met with senior Dageraad?! Wo-would he skinned me... And make my pelt as a decorations???"


What kind of shit is this now? Was my reputation that bad? Now that I think about it, there isn't a single beastman student approaching me after last winter... Is this a rumors that inclusive to the beastman student??? Is that why I rarely met a beastman, or when we met they run at once? I am animal lover you know, so do that bastard before me... Now that I think about it... Wasn't the beastman treat me normally before winter? What did I do before... Ahhh... I didn't remember any moment which that bastard doing anything to them... I could accept any rumors if it because my shitty act, but I definitely couldn't accept it if I got nothing to do with it! Isn't it the same as slenderizing?

"Cough... Vincent, let me introduce you to this person. Vincent this is—"

"No, no, no.... Why did you think I would skinned you? Did I ever do something to any beastman student??"

I cut Reiya words as I suddenly said those and catch this guy shoulders with my hands.

"Pa-pardon me?"

"Why did you think Zein Dageraad would skinned you, and make your pelt as decorations?"

"Eeehh? Isn't it because he was chanting something like 'I want to touch those ears and tail of them, but it wasn't appropriate, should I made a decorations of them then?'. He made all the senior in sophomore scared of him.... Anyway Sir who are you? I am sorry, I just realized that you are the one that talking to me. I got hyped up before."

Cough... They heard those mumbling of mine?! Hey, hey... It doesn't mean I would skin you alive. With those clue from him I remember the entire speech I mumble before. The continuation was 'Yes, let's go commission an adventurer to catch a wolf and ask for the complete skin. So I can mofu-mofu it ear... Or maybe I should just made commission for catching a wolf puppy alive?' which ended up failure, since Julius found out about it. He banned me for having a wolf as a pet, he agreed with me having a normal dog or cat. But their fur wasn't as fluffy of those beastman so I am losing interest after a week playing with them in our mansion here.

"... Just called me Johnny. I am sophomore of our circle."

Hearing my answer he nods his head while Reiya frowning.

"It nice to meet you senior Johnny. Please take care of me... A-also he-help me to stay away from young master Dageraad."

"Relax junior. I won't let him bite you. He won't join us anyway."

I made a benignly smile when I said that making Reiya frown even more.

"I-is that so? That's sound like a good news."

"Anyway, you could also sign up for other circle if you weren't sure about us."

"No need senior. I might be sweep by the flow before, but your explanation was really promising. I only afraid that young master Dageraad would skin me alive."

"Alright then. Anyway we should meet again on the weekend. For now, me and Reiya going to recruit more member. We need another four members to made a circle after all. You should try and enjoy the festival, since there many attraction to try. It would made the senior happy if you freshman trying their attraction and asking about their circle."

"I understand, thank you for your advice senior, then see you later senior and Re-Reiya."

He wave at us as I pull Reiya away to the crowd. Okay their ears definitely sharp, after we took considerably distance Reiya look over to me. His face still frowning like before.


"... You did it again."

"Hey, he sign it by himself."

"... I feel like you're scamming him. What facilities, what book... I never heard of this.."

"Seriously, I am being honest about it. The Dageraad mansion in the capital got all those, since Lein love doing archery for fun. While those book definitely exist in our library, we studying here after all. Your family definitely got their own book collection, no? We could just bought it over to Dageraad library."

When I said those he got shocked. He then pondering my words for a moment.

"But... Why are you lying about your name? And you even said that you won't join us."

"I just realized something! Fransisca was known as Fran in the last year annual competition, it mean you could use alias to join the events. Also he afraid of me, it better if he thought I am a different person."

That also a fact, the commentator last year called Fransisca as Fran. It mean you could register for an event with an alias. Then doesn't it mean I could join the events with alias? While the she definitely got a credit. Yep, I could used my strengths then, while only teacher would found out who am I. Hearing my explanation, although seem reluctantly Reiya nods his head.

"... I understand, then whose next?"

"Hmmm... How about Rood?"

"Rood... I don't know whe—"

At that moment a girl bumped on him. I look at them, and noticed she—

"I am sorry. I was in a hurry"

"Ah, no problem."

When Reiya look over to her, he open his eyes... The girl already run away... What a great move that slight of hand she did really good, I chase her at once. He surprised when I dash to chase her.


"She took your purse!"


Hearing my words he follow me at once, I already do a calculation of her movement. She run faster when she realized we chasing her. She goes through the crowd in front of the stage, as I already used mana detection at once to keep an eyes on her. I could tell people mana trace by using this skill. She going to go to the magic faculty, I run through the stage as a swordsmanship circle doing their routine. They surprised at my sudden interruption, but somehow the one that giving explanation about their training suddenly turn his eyes on me. He then giving a hand code to those performance, as they suddenly move towards me in a formation.

"Now in case something like this intruder, come suddenly we got a perfect formation to surround them."

He open his mouth and start explaining at once, making the crowd thought this is one of their performance. He look at me while smiling brightly, although I definitely could feel him being annoyed. They surround me as I dash toward, I jump up high to dodge them. I could still see the girl in the crowd running while... Damn it she still making time to steal some more. When our eyes met, she wink at me as if she told me nice distraction brother. She then turn to the grand fountain at once with lessened crowd. While I got a barrage of swordsman coming at me also some of them throw their swords.

"So when the enemies jump, we few of us would intercept them. While other would throw their spare weapon."

But before I they could intercept me I already made air foothold as I dash to the girl direction. The change of my movement in the air surprised the performance also the crowd and Reiya. He was dropping his jaw, since he never knew I could change my trajectory in the air.


When I shout that, he snap out and run to the grand fountain direction. The performance definitely dumbfounded as they could only see me get away. But as professional as before, the one that explaining suddenly open his mouth again.

"Cough. Although if we met a great magician like him, those formation with middle class swordsman won't be enough. That mean we need someone that could used mana slash, like this."

He launch a mana slash at me right away. I took a wave my hand and dispersing it once, making the crowd shocked and suddenly cheering.

"Whoa!! He could even disperse a mana slash!"

"He definitely someone that good at both!"

"Who is this senior? Why I never heard a senior that could do these before?"

"T-that senior is so cool!! That mask of him make him seems like a playful character."

"Which circle selling mask?! I definitely would like to buy one!"

"But... Doesn't it mean this circle got a great senior?! Since they could invite such senior for doing a performance."

"We must join them!"

"Could we reach his height if we join them?"

... Okay now seems like my pseudo Johnny would be famous soon. But I ignore their cheering and shouting as I keep chasing them. This accident would made the Northwind Swordsmanship circle got hundred of members, although that is story for later time.

Next chapter