
The Academy Circle fest: Day Two (2)

We walk away from our dorm at once, and goes to the academy laboratories facility. Which located on the south of the academy ground, it kinda close actually. Since boy dormitory located at the edge of south-west. We move to the magic engineering lab right away once we arrive at the laboratories facility. It a building that seems like a bunker at first glance. There is many experimental magic item inside, so they make it like that in case there an accident happen. Well that guy would make accident most of times. It wasn't because he is bad at it, it just that... the item he made always need a complicated and frail engraving. That is the reason it exploded when mana got channeled in it.

"Can we get inside this labs without permit?"

Reiya ask me as we arrive in front of the building.

"A normal civilians can't goes inside, but it different for us. Since we are student that of the academy. We got a privilege to use the labs for experiment if we got a professor permission."

"While we could also just come for a meeting or sight seeing, we just need visitor permit, just follow me. The building itself wasn't a labs, although there many labs inside. But not every room here is a labs, there also office, classroom and warehouse. That's why a student could got a visitor permit even outside the class. Since sometimes a magic major, professor would dwelling here for a weeks."

"Ah... I see."

We go to the front desk as we're greeted with a stern looking recieptionist.

"Welcome students, what business do you have today?"

"Ah.. Mister Muray, I come to guide this freshman around and meet few friends."

"Dageraad. You want to court death today? Wasn't the last time enough? Just don't let your fight or prank with that guy messed up the other labs, tell that kids too."

I grin at his stern warning, as I put my student ID on the desk. He took it for a moment then writing my student information in guest book. Reiya following me, and give his ID.

"Boy. You better not get caught in Dageraad mess. Now go away, I got something to do."

Reiya smile wryly as he heard the receptionist words. We goes away and walk to the second floor at once, then as expected he was in the usual labs. Inside the labs there was two students, it that crazy couple. Well although they only crazy when they met me. The mad scientist was engraving a magic formation on a mana stone, while the pacifist Berserker making some tea. Whelp this couple definitely got a harmonious vibe.

"Brother, they doesn't seems that savage as you described them."

Reiya which looking at their harmonious atmosphere whisper to me.

"It because they haven't notice me."

"They seems familiar tho?"

I scratched my neck when I heard that. I almost forgotten that this guy is Duke son sometimes. Of course he could recognize them.

"I forgotten you are a Duke son sometimes. You should have seen them couple of times indeed. The man which fiddling with those mana stone is the son of master craftsman Igor, Yvain. While the girl is... Marquis Zuidhaus seconds daughter, Melanie Zuidhaus."

"Seriously? How did you made that Graceful Lady of the south angry, that made her want to beat you up?!"

His loud exclamation made the two of them look outside the lab. I could see that the brown skinned girl narrowing her eyes at once. As her mana flooding at once... Seriously her mana is almost as high as Silva. But before she run outside, the boy already holding her arm. He look at me curiously, as he never expected I would come here once again.

Well the boy got a look like a nerd from head to toe, with his intelligent face that covered with big circle eye glasses and tidy green hair that brushed to the right side. He got lanky tall body figure, which kinda humped because of reading and writing too much. With a little pale skin that definitely because he rarely goes outside.

While the girl got a graceful movement, with athletic body figure. Her brown skin come from being under the sun, as it got healthy completion. She could be considered as beautiful athletes if she is on Earth. With black silky short bob hair, and clear light brown eyes. She got a long legs that really made people glancing at it.

Being stared from the window, I goes inside the labs right away. They didn't change their look as they watching me got inside with Reiya.

"What a rare guest, Isn't it young master of Mangroves Dageraad? Oh, there also the second son of Duke Rames."

Yvain open his mouth as I got inside the room with Reiya.

"Hello senior Yvain, and miss Melanie."

Reiya exchange his greetings as both of them nods their head. They keep looking at me, Melanie definitely gnashing her teeth tho.

"So what did you need young master Dageraad? I thought we've made it clear that we would beat you up if we seen you."

"Straight to the point as ever Yvain. Well I want to give my congratulations on your engagement with Melanie. I heard that not too long after that incident you guys finally bonded for real."

"Still great with your tongue I see. Although I did not want to ever heard your blessings after all those things you did."

"Right, you almost made me think that Yvain was hating me, and keep harassing me!"

"In the end you guys still got together isn't it?"

She ready to pounce at me when she heard me saying those, Yvain hug her at once which calm her down. She scowling even though she definitely like his hug.

"If you come for nonsense, the door is right behind you, young master."

I scratched my neck as I am expecting their unwelcoming attitude. I look over to the magic item he made, it something that I am familiar with. Which is a engraved magic wand. Technically he try to make a gun. He want to make a magic items that could be use by anyone for self-defense, even if those people got no mana. Why I said it as a gun, because the wands itself is only medium to shot off magic. But it definitely inefficient.

"Then I would take my leave, it disappointing tho that item won't be able to work. Since the mechanism you've made definitely put the carriage in front of the horse."

I turn around as I said that while scoffing at him. I mean technically it was correct, since I could see he already make a mechanism for mana stone. So when you put a mana stone and said the magic word, it would do the magic sequence and channel the mana from the stone. But he forgotten his reason to make the item. Right now this item could only be used by the rich. A mana stone is expensive, even small one should be around 5 silver. Because you could only found it on D rank monster or higher which could used mana. It a rare material! Then the inefficient that I said, you could only used one magic with one magic wands. As I walk slowly, of course deliberately doing so, he took the bait as he open his mouth again.

"What do you mean?"

I turn around with mocking smile.

"It efficient and expensive. Which definitely not how you vision it."

He snort at my words.

"What do you know Dageraad?"

"Nothing much, but I know you wanted to make it so normal people could use it. By normal it mean everyone in the kingdom."

"So what? With this everyone could use magic."

"Yes, every rich citizen could use a single type of beginner magic for 2 to 3 times or around 10 basic magic with 5 silver. It inefficient and expensive."

The mana stone with lowest price only got around 1.5 mana point after all. He flinched at my words, his calm face change to frown. While I could see that Melanie already angry when she heard my words. Reiya getting tense, as he felt gunpowder flying in the air.

"It called as experiment for a reason Dageraad."

"Which definitely over the budget of your father funds already."

Well his father definitely the one that funding his research. Maybe his father is indeed a master craftsman that making most of noble furniture, but it not like he could funding a research on magic item that draining money like it was nothing. Even the material for that wand is made of 20 years old Black Ent Stem, which a monster of B rank. One of it stem is around 5 small gold, it hard to get it since Ent got high vitality and could used earth magic. Usually the adventurer must burn them to kill it, while chopping them like some tree definitely a hard work. Their body is as hard as steel, although they could easily burned. He frown even more at my words.

"Did you come to mock me?"

"Well no, I come to offer you something."

"Whatever is it I would decline."

Honestly I really want both of them in my circle if I ever made one. Since they are definitely a good talent.

"I want to made a circle for the next annual competition—

"I decline to join you. The door is on that way Dageraad."

"Let's me finish my words, I could help you build a better design."

When I said those, his eyebrows arching. While a punch come to my face, I dodge it by moving my head slightly and stumble Melanie foot. I caught her as she lost her balance.

"Fancy meeting you too lady Melanie. Although it wasn't proper to pounce at me in front of your fiance."

It happens in couple of breath, looking at me holding Melanie waist Yvain frown. Suddenly Yvain raising the experimental wand. It launching a fire ball without any chant as he channeled his mana on it. The magic sequence is faster than those intermediate magician. As it created the magic in a breath and cross our distance under a second. I disperse it by sending out to the fire ball, while Melanie try to escape from me at that moment. I couldn't hold her of course as her brute force definitely higher than mine. She then return and stand beside Yvain. Reiya which completely got off guard, step beside me as he finally realized what just happen. Then they stare at me warily.

"As expected from both of you, you guys got quite a teamwork."

"Young master Dageraad must be jesting, as I never knew you could dodge those before."

This time it Melanie with her crisp soprano voice retort at me. Yvain look at Reiya which making a stance.

"Did you come here for a fight?"

"Seniors, we never planned to fight both of you. Me and senior Dageraad only want to recruit both of you."

"You must be daydreaming then Dageraad if you thought you could convince us to join your circle."

"Hahaha. I might be daydreaming a little, who never dream anyway? Although as you've seen, that item of yours wasn't so effective. It might be efficient in your hand, but that because you channeling your own mana on it."

I mock him as I open my mouth, he snort at me.

"Hmph, it not like you could make a better magic item than me."

"Indeed, I hardly make an item that explode after all."

"You believe that I couldn't beat you up?"

It Melanie that answering my retort, as she took her halberd from magic pouch. Reiya took his twin sword at once, as he parry her halberd. He took a damage from the after shock tho as he staggering backwards. Seriously her brute strength is top notch. She step forward and thrusting the spear part of her halberd. Tsk, annoying weapon, that is my thoughts as I could see all her response. If I step to the left she would make a sweeping motion with the axe part, if I dodged to the right she would turn and pull so the scythe would cut me. Seriously she wants to kill me. I decided to roll on the ground, as Yvain greet me with another fire ball which got intercepted by Reiya. I pull Reiya at once to duck over Melanie halfmoon sweep, then dash to the other side of the room to take a distance. They stop attacking at once, as I am standing near a shelf full of experiment item.

"Ara, you survive that attack."

"Damned couple, I could've die! What were you thinking attacking with a real weapon?"

"Oh my, it wasn't nice of you to use such a brute language young master Dageraad. You didn't die from my attack after all, like we found out about your plot last year. At the end we become a couple, while you didn't die from my attack. Isn't it rude to said those, young master Dageraad?"

"... You talk about manners when you swinging a weapon at once?"

"My, my at least I didn't curse people."

Damned Berserker! Reiya could only dumbfounded at our exchange.

"Get out Dageraad, before I really killed you."

"Fine... I'll go back. But if you ever change your mind, and want to talk about mana compressor and mana storage. You always know where to found me."

"Mana compressor?"

"Whoops, it should be a secret. Anyway take care Yvain, and Lady Melanie. Until we meet again."

It a bullshit of course, when would I got a time to devise a mana compressor or storage! Although I could think about the theories, but I know shit about it making a magic item. If I could compress mana and store it away, then I would definitely used it already to build many kind of magic item like heater or refrigerator or even making a air conditioner. I left the room while pulling Reiya outside at once, we could heard a murmur when we are outside the room. I hope he took the bait.

When we got back to the dorm, we sat down at the balcony. Reiya then prepare a tea to calm his nerves. They definitely a tough couple.

"So what do you think Reiya?"

"They are scary... Lady Melanie definitely stronger than anyone I know, at least her physical prowess surpassing sister. Also her fury is terrifying, she definitely try to kill us before."

"Told you she want my life. She definitely Yandere I tell you!"


Whoops that a slip of tongue.

"It something that I read from a book, it mean someone that loving her lover too much. Because their love, they would even kill anyone for their lover, and also would kill their lover if they couldn't get them for themselves before killing themselves! Although in normal case they hardly fall in love, but when they did they would be extreme. Everything they did would be for their loved one, and they're extremely easy to get jealous person."

"That ridiculously scary! Brother please advise me on chosing my bride, so my future bride won't be those type... I don't want to have a bride like that."

He trembling as he bowing his head to me. Dude that why I said she is scary. If it was on Earth they would hide their extreme side, but this is a fantasy where killing is completely normal. They won't hide their savageness. She is really a berserker when it come to Yvain.

"I would... But if it too late, I could only say take care Reiya."

"Noooo... Please no...

"Anyway whose next on your list... I hope this one wasn't so crazy!"

"Hmmm.... Ahahaha..."

He scratching his head as he embarrassed, before he took a note full of list. I took it from his hand as I sipping my tea. I miss coffee, I hope I could found coffee in the future.

Hilsman, a son of farmer. He got admitted for his attribute which is light. He is weirdo th...

Nope. I read the next one, as I definitely not want a fanatic!

Rood, a son of guards in Saywen territories. He got admitted for his skill as a shield bearer. His proficiency as vanguard is on top 10 of freshman. He is someone that love getting hitted. He is majoring in adventurer, he already got a license of D rank.

... A masochist vanguard? Seriously? This one might be good tho. Still a masochist eh.

Vincent, a antelope beastman. He got admitted for his archery. While he wasn't a weirdo, he doesn't have any friends. While those from his race ostracized him for being a coward. A nice student overall, although he afraid of brother Zein.

Ohhh beastman. Talking about beastman, our kingdom isn't a racist. So there a beastman living here and go to the academy, there even a teacher from the adventurer major that a beastman. Although they hardly involved in a big circle, but there always couple of them. From 12000 student at least there 1000 of them, and only those extremist that give them difference treatment, like those from Edgar circle.

It would be good if we could recruit him. I read the next name in list. Which doesn't caught my eyes, because they really become an outcast for a reason. Like this Jack that love peeping girl skirt with wind magic, or a noble son that like to do exhibitionism. I definitely don't want my circle to be a circle of pervert. A masochist is enough.

Oh this one definitely suspicious.

Penelope Verborgenwel, the daughter of Marquis Verborgenwel. Majoring in Territory Management, her proficiency in combat is average, or should I said everything she did is average. She got plenty of acquaintance but not a single one that could be called as friend. Same as Marquis Verborgenwel she keep people at arm length, never too far and never too close. She is attentive in many things but same as her relationship with her surrounding, she keep it at arm length. She wasn't in any circle nor interested in one from my observation.

She is suspicious for sure. I don't know how Reiya could gather his information, but this one definitely correct. Since I've met her family once before in tea party, their family was considered off the court. They didn't care about faction, as they completely focus on their Mangrove. Nothing weird considering their Mangroves located near the border against the empire, if it was a normal situation. But at that time, the court was hot with internal struggle between faction. Weird enough they didn't even join in the neutral faction. Which mean they doesn't have any allies, nor do they have an enemies inside the kingdom. They only focusing on the border, as if nothing would happen. What more they wasn't that wealthy, or strong. Indeed they repelled the empire from time to time, but it always a small scaled skirmish.

Their family is clean, although their attitude is suspicious. A noble that hardly make a relation, even through marriage, they never took another noble lineage. They always married with someone from their territories. Smells like trouble for me... I cross out her name at once.

Now the last two are, unsurprisingly Alfonso Buckburn was one of it and the other one is Dief. Of course I cross Alfonso name, and read on Dief.

Diefa, a cat beastman orphan. Majoring in adventurer department, complete loner.

Whoa, that's it? Interesting... He got the shortest description. After digesting all of the information, I give it back to Reiya. He only give it a glance while nodding, before he put it back to his magic pouch.

"You didn't seems surprised by my selection."

"I already guessing which one you would choose to accept. The only one unexpected is lady Penelope from Verborgenwel Mangrove."

"I see, so why do you think I am crossing her name?"

"Because she is average?"

"Wow, you know me well enough."

"Although I don't understand the reason behind it."

"It because she is too average, to the point that it suspicious. It like she deliberately made herself seems average."

"Eh? Why is someone do that?"

"Questions is why they didn't? I was deliberately being a bastard before, why someone can't be average?"

"Ahhh... I understand. So brother Zein thought she got something else behind that average facade."

"The other reason is her lineage, Verborgenwel itself is suspicious. Although my claim is basically groundless right now."

"Should I ask my father to do a check on them?"

Whoa... Seriously what an unconditional trust? He seems like a dog that wagging his tail to his master right now.

"There is no need to bother Duke Rames for groundless suspicion."

"I understand, then should we go and try recruiting the other students?"

"Sure, after a cup of this tea tho. It would be a waste if we didn't empty it since you already prepared it for us."

We enjoy our tea time while talking about small stuff. Like how did he able to gather all this information, which come out it was Sai work. Somehow butler figure in my mind keep changing to a secret service.

Happy Valentine's. Please do it considerably, and don't overwork yourself. It still Thursday, you would still go to work or school tomorrow. I am definitely not jealous of you guys okay?!

SleepyCaninecreators' thoughts
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