
The Academy Circle Fest: Day Two (1)

It five in the morning, as usual I woke up muddle headed. This time I found Silva on his desk writing so—

"... What... Heck?"

He then turn around to see me. He frown as he looking at me. Ehehehe, don't look at me like that, you embarrassing me.

"You... I definitely know that troublesome face. Go fucking wash your face first!"

"But... Draw, what? That... Look... Ehehehe...."

"... Why did I only found this bad habits of yours these days? Somehow I am missing that cold Zein, that doing shitty childish prank more."

"Ow!!! Silba meiis meeehh"


Then something cold splashing over my face...

"Whoa, what the heck?!"

"Are you awake?"

"I am awake! Hundred percent awake!"

"Fuck off then Dageraad!"


When I step outside I tried to recalled what I've said. I am definitely got trouble with my emotion these day! Although I can't agree more about my comments to his drawing. It seriously awe-ful! Pun intended. What the heck did he draw? I couldn't even tell what was that?! It look like pen**. I am sure it is that thing, if I didn't see it was Silva that drawn it. . . What did he try to draw?? A gun? No, there no such a thing here at least none that known. A dog? That... Might be possible... Two big eyes and a long face, while the tip must be a nose. That definitely the most possible things. Still... I never knew, he is that sucks at drawing... I took my bath as I am pondering what was he drawing at that book. I already regret bathing tho, since I am going to get dirty again from morning training. Outside that time when Reiya joining me, I have been training alone this past few days.

Also yesterday results is nihil, we didn't found any of those weirdo or anyone that would like to join us except for Alyson. Although I am not quite sure how would I face her later on. I could definitely see a glimmer hope in her eyes yesterday. There also Fransisca, well I change my clothes first before going back to the festival yesterday. Also I buy another mask, and use the fox mask which I found completely appropriate for me at that time. I don't know how many times I apologized in my heart. Luckily Lein wasn't there since she got a planning for today events. She is one of the organizers for circle festival after all. That aside, gathering members for the circle should be the pressing matters right now. While I should think about my relationship later on.

While mulling about my future action I teleport away to a mountain 10 kilometers away from the capital. If I wasn't wrong, this mountain called as Hearth Mountain which basically where our kingdom name come from. It was a mountain that stretch for 7 kilometers, and it peak is around 8452 feet so almost 3000 meter I guess. It not really steep considering it stretching for 10 kilometers. But it enough to make people goes around it, as there is no paved road on it. Also there couple of village at the foot of the mountain. While the area is considerably safe, as it near the capital.

The only monster spotted here is those hateful rats, six-legged rabbit and fanged boar. Which either a pest or meet sources. Sometimes there a goblin spotted on the other side, but when the adventurer or the patrolling soldier found it. They would got hunted at once. While nearing it top, there is habitat of red-eye crow which a crow but it around one meter high, it wing span for 3 meter tho. They're scavenger, they hardly attack people except those got inside their territory. While annihilating it was hard since the mountain condition near the peak wasn't so good, and it wasn't worth to employee A rank adventurer for a D rank monster. While most C rank adventurer can't reach them except if they're an Archer or skilled Magician. It population is too much for only a group of B rank, since they got many nest near the peak. So the government decided not to care about it, since they hardly goes down the mountain.

I do my warm up and stretching before starting to run around the mountain with the weight pads. Yep, this mountain got a nice atmosphere and air. I keep going even after I broke a sweat and my body straining. Then I used water magic as I healed the part that strained. I just realized this 2 days ago, why should I healed myself after it hurt? Why didn't I healed it as I am running? The results is my endurance grow considerably. Then when I also try to do body strengthening, it resulting with twice results half efforts. I feel really stupid for realizing it so late. I should have done this sooner like that mc from some light novel that keep healing himself with OP item while he hurt himself by eating something. Or that crazy mc that keep grinding his resistance in safety zone which heal his body at once. I finally walk inhumane path! Although I keep it moderate since it would be really hurt if I ended up like them. Then after a round laps suddenly I detect some considerably amount of mana. Hmm!! I stop at my track at once and hide. But something unexpected coming at me as it triggered my arithmetics, it a rock that fly as fast as bullet. I dodge to the side while rolling as the cloth tying my hair got cut by the friction. Crazy! Then a figure suddenly appear behind me, with sword on my neck.

"Who are you?"

This voice is... Dapper! What with my luck really? Why did I keep meeting him? At once I roll to the front as I used the body strengthening magic and also change my look. But he chase me faster then my roll as my prediction caught in, damn I can't block or dodge it, even without this weight pads I definitely couldn't dodge it. I got kicked off flying to the side and hit the a tree. I cough a blood, but somehow my mouth curved. I already change my face and voice as I get send flying. Well my training clothes wasn't so revealing, so he wouldn't found anything weird except for my hair color.

My strengthening magic with half of my mana definitely paid off to half the impact of his kick... What a strong kick, even after increasing my body potential by twice of my original, I still got rugged in one hit. Also, I would got backlash from this later on for sure.

Since I pour high amount of mana inside my muscles, my physical potential wasn't up for this amount of mana. Even with that, his kick still hurt as hell, as I could feel the blood clogged my trachea.

"Cough... What... A rude way... To greet a someone... Mister Dapper."

I cough a bit of blood as I said those, but hearing my voice he stop on his track.

"You! It's you! What are you doing here?!"

"... Can't ...you see? I am... In training... Clothes?"

Looking at my clothes and as I put down the pads on my shoulder that make a loud thumped noise. He shocked and look apologetic, he run to me right away and pulled out something. Ahhh... That a high level healing potion, he help me drunk it. Damn it bitter, those book definitely lying about how potion taste good.

"I-I am sorry... I... I thought you were—"

I wave my hand as I could feel the effect of the potion immediately. Then after around half an hour, my body got normal. He look at me awkwardly as I change the amount of mana to body strengthening magic at once when I drank the potion. He notice my hair color tho...

"Y-you... Lein??"

"... Lein? Is that some other girl name? Whoa mister just because my hair color back to black you called me with another girl name."

"I-i apologize... Tha-that misunderstanding, yo-you look like my friend..."

Looking at his apologetic face, and bewilderment, I hold myself from smirking. I found a reason now!

"Tsk. This is why I change my hair, people keep mistaking me for her. It wasn't pleasant to be called with someone else name everytime I go out."

He then opening his eyes wide.

"Ahhh... That is why..."

Yep, he definitely thought my reason is logical and make an assumption by himself. This is why I like smart people, they could make assumptions by themselves!

I make a tired face then suddenly opening my eyes wide, as if I reach enlightenment. I won't let you hooked off.

"Also aren't you extremely rude mister Dapper. On our first meeting you accusing me... The-then you smells my blood!! Now... You want to killed me just because people called you pervert?!"

Hearing my thoughts, he flinched. While opening his mouth wide.

"No... No... Th-this is misunderstanding! I wasn't attacking you because of that."

"Then would you attack everyone at first sight just because you meet them at a mountain?"

"Th-that because you were hiding."

"Who would come and meet anyone right away at a mountain? Would you come and greet complete stranger? Mister Dapper are you seriously a B Rank adventurer? Isn't it basic to keep your awareness?! You throw a rock with incredible speed at once than put your sword at my neck. What if I couldn't dodge it?"


"You even destroyed my precious ribbon from my mother! Do... Do you know how precious is it?!"

He flabbergasted when I said that, although all he did was not wrong. Since he did those because of his awareness, he keep his guards up. But his method was kind of extreme for sure. That why he flabbergasted when I point it out.

"I... I will repaid your loss. Ten times."

When he said those things, I stand up right away, as I am faking cry.

"Woah Mister.... Do you think... Do you think you could just paid money... For my mother momento?! I... I couldn't even see her anymore..."

"That... I..."

With that I run away through the forest leaving him dumbfounded there. After around 20 minutes running, I teleport away to my room, which... Silva wasn't here anymore as 2 hours already past. I undo my magic right away, as I go to the bathroom at once. A tearing pain come when my body strengthening magic dispelled. I used healing magic at once, to heal it.... Fuck... The strain for using such a high amount of mana come pounding harder than I ever thought before. I grit my teeth so I didn't scream... I keep healing as I could feel it keep tearing apart. Heal, then it tear... This cycle keep up, for half an hour... I could feel my head spinning and my sense dulled from the pain... At the end I lost conscious.

When I woke up... I could see the water dirty with blood. Blood starting to seep out at the last five minutes, as I keep healing my body. I don't know how long I was out, but I could see my body wrinkled already as I step out the tub. I drain the water right away, and wash it off as my I feel headache. The room seems spinning around, I think my blood pressure is low. Since I could feel my mana almost full in my body. But somehow I could feel my body lighter than before? Is it because of that too? I walk slowly to my room after I change to a clean clothes.

I laid on the bed right away, but I could still feel I am lighter. Then I took my orb and check my status.

Name: Zein Dageraad

Age: 16

Level: 12

STR: 9.431

AGI: 9.678

INT: 16.123

VIT: 7.901

Mana: 182.933


Swordsmanship (Rare Growth) (0.02%)

Magic (Unique Growth) (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Space, Light) (2.44%)

One Sight to Learn (Myth)

Arithmetics (Unique Growth) (51.78%)

Potential Growth 2× (Extreme)

Unlimited Cap (Myth)

Sword and Shield (Self)

Self Taught Body Strengthening (Uncommon Growth) (23,23%)

Heightened Sense (Rare)

Pain Resistance (Uncommon)

What... The... Hell? I raised by 1 level? And also I earn two aptitude... What is aptitude really? Isn't it talent? You could increasing your talent? I should really ask God about this. Although there is saying of my world that if you bury your talent it would disappear someday, but if you grind it and try many things it would heightened and increasing. Although I never thought fighting that guy, even when it one sided, I would gaining this much. Ain't he a perfect whetstone then? No... That isn't possible, even tho he is a hero, that wouldn't make any sense in my increase of body potential since my intelligence didn't increasing at all. While the other was around 7 before and it jump through to 9, so around 2 points increasing. Also my mana increasing by 40 points. Then is it because of that cycle? It is that tearing and healing cycle, isn't it? should I try this assumption? If I am correct, doesn't that mean it a cheat.... No... My thoughts is moving to that insane and inhumane mc path... But this temptation is seriously... No, no, no, I could've died in the bathtub before. I am mulling about this until someone knock my room. It must be him, as we already made a promise yesterday.

"Brother it is me."

"Ah, come in."

With my agreement, he open the door and come inside. He look at me which laying on the bed.

"Am I bothering you?"

"Not really. I am just resting after a crazy work out."

"Did you straining yourself again?"

"Kinda. So what the plan? Have you meet anyone of them?"

I told him to find them first or even bought them here yesterday.

"Hmmm... I bought one them here, which surprisingly... Got interest in you?"

"... Interested in me?"

Then a figure come from the door. He wasn't someone that I know for sure. He got a brown hair that ponytailed... A fucking blindfold in his left eye, while his right eyes got a black color... He wasn't good looking but he wasn't ugly too. No, what even bothering me is, he wearing a tattered robe, which revealing his left arm that got bandage all over it... Then his pose as he took an entrance. Fuck... This definitely fucked. That was my first impression when I met him.

"My thirst of blood leading me here, as I smell your bloodied body from miles away. As I could tell that my cursed eyes aching to reveal the truth of the world. While my sealed hand ready to take their soul and feed on them, as I walk on mylonely path."

He making a pose of some pirate empress as he fucking said those lines. He then waving his hair as he lean on the door frame.

"The Evil Gruesome Darkflame Slayer Kairos at your service."


"... Is his real name is Kairos?"

"No, brother his real name—"

"Don't said that forbidden name, as it would make my eye aching out of control. I couldn't let you guys turning into dust because this sinful me."



Fuck! He is a first class chuunibyo patient! He making an exaggerated pose as he waving his hand. I pull Reiya to my side at once and whisper to him.

"So... What major is he? And his real name."

"... He is Amon Welhoned, the third son of Viscount Welhoned. He is majoring in arts. Although he is an artist, he was in top ten of freshman."

... What a high class chuunibyo is this? Well I know how to handle this.

"Cough, so Kairos what is your skill except those 'evil eyes of extermination' of yours?"

When I said those he got a shocked face, while his eye glimmering...

"How did you know I got evil eye of extermination?!"

"I count it my toes, so what is it?"

He got even more surprised, before taking some notes... No, no, no, you don't need to put that on your play book!

"My excellen—"

"You know I could get executed if a noble son like you called me that, so do you as the one that saying those..."

He got shocked again at my retort, before gulping down.

"Your grac—"

"That is title for Reiya family, you might be able to called him that. But definitely not me, since it would be troublesome if Duke family pointing fingers at me."

Hearing my retort again, he loss at words. While Reiya which beside me surprised at how good I am retorting him before he could say more.

"Milord then?"

"Hmm... Acceptable, although I couldn't be called that too by a viscount son, as my sister would be the future head of my family. Except you see yourself as my servant."

I keep my cold voices.

"Good then, reporting to milord, this one is a master at knife works."

"Like a cook then! Good, I need one recently."

He is shocked at my answer. Before changing his face to serious one, he smirking! He is burning with challenge, did I triggered something I shouldn't have?

"Hmphuahaha... It been awhile since someone knew my hidden talent. Indeed, milord, this servant could dice even a dragon and made a feast from every part of it. No worries milord in the future I will cook it for you! As expected from master, you could even see my deepest secret."

"I would wait for it then... Anyway why are you interested in joining our circle?"

"Of course to meet you milord."

"Are you by any chance a gay?"

"Of course not milord, but if it for milord I would even warm your bed."



Me and Reiya exchanging whisper at once.

"Now, what is wrong with him?"

"Everything brother... Everything."

"He could even make me at loss."

I mean, even my chuunibyo friend on Earth won't be like him... Which chuunibyo want to be someone servant suddenly, also warm the bed, really?? He is so weird, even for a chuunibyo!

"Is there any other skill?"

"Of course this one also a great magician! Although I couldn't show my full power to milord because this cursed seal on my left hand."

What a standard role-play, I thought he would make a much more grandiose reason. But I guess a classic play is much more convincing. I could tell his mana amounted around fifteenth of mine tho, which kinda high for a freshman.

"And what is your attribute?"

"Hahaha... My attribute is darkness flame that burning cold!"

"So fire, water and dark?"

"Indeed I also mastered wind."

"I see. But what is your real reason for joining us?"

"Hahaha... what a silly question milord. This talented me want to used my power for your conquest to take over the academy! When I heard the whisper of the wind, I already knew that blood will be spilled soon as I receive your call! Since no one else could suppress my power other than you. As our darkest force surfacing on the academy ground, I would show the world that no one should belittle us."

Okay? So what did he meant by it is 'it a simple question, i want a place channel my talent. I heard that you are accepting anyone, since no one would accept. I want to show my skill in the annual competition.' Yep, according to my translation, it should be something like that. Reiya look at him completely loss for words.

"Do you think I need your help?"

I said arrogantly as I scoffed him, he surprise at my response. Before goes on deep thought, I could see he is worry. After a moment he open his eyes exaggeratedly and speak once again.

"Hahaha... You don't need to worry, as this one completely understand that you would be burden on my path. But I need a figure to be my puppet! I might be serving you on the publics eyes, but don't get it on your head, because I only need you for a facades. It would be your loss not mine."

In normal people language, it would be 'ah. . I know you don't need me, but I need some circle to channeled my hobby and skill. I might seems even serving you, as long you accept me... Please...'

"Then the door is right behind you."

I smirk at him, while those cold voices of mine made him sweating. He look at Reiya at once, with a pleading eyes. Honestly I don't have a problems with him being chuunibyo, I just want to test him. Would he leave?


"What's wrong? It my loss right."

As I keep my cold poker face, he finally sweating, he keep sending glance to Reiya, while the person himself only shaking his head. He then gulping down.

"Se-senior, that just a figure of speech.. I really want to join any circle... B-but..."

Now that better, I change my facial expressions at once.

"Now that good enough. You're accepted, although I don't care about your preference and hobby. But you need to talk normally if it something serious. Do think time, place and occasion before you starting that play of yours."

He open his eyes wide then nods his head.

"... Yes, senior. I understand."

He become a normal junior at once, as he fill his name on the paper. I only do those since I need to know how chuuni—

"Huh! I have fooled you! Now even you can't stop me from joining your dark force."


He put his hand as covering his face, then he turn grandly.

"Hahahaha... Until we met again my puppet!"

Then he dash out the room to the balcony, before trying to jump off. He stop on his track tho.

"... It fifth floor, did you forget?"

"... No, it... Just... I forgotten my power was sealed."

He goes back politely and bow down, before walking out by the door. Reiya completely dumbfounded as he watching that guy fooling himself.

"So 4 to go?"

"I am not sure anymore if it great to gather them brother."

"... Is the other 4 is a complete delusional like him?"

"I... Don't know? When I ask him to join before, he wasn't like that."

"I guess, he was acting like that to amaze me. Well we could check the others 6 of freshman. I also got some sophomore students in mind honestly. But I am not sure if those two would be interested in joining."

When I said that Reiya looking curiously at me.

"You've got someone in mind?"

"Yeah, although meeting them won't be pleasant."

"Are... They like him?"

"No, it just anyone of the them would pounce at me at first sight."

I smile wryly as I said those. Well the two of them is a talented sophomore, and quite the odds one. One is called as mad scientist while the other is berserker. Basically a crazy inventor, which 9 out of 10 of his invention would explode. While the other one would angry and goes berserk when someone cross the bottom line. So, why are they would pounce at me at first sight?

Simple, I was using that guy invention couple of times to prank the berserker. At first they hating each other, until they found out it was all my plot. I also fool the mad scientist about something that I wasn't really proud of talking about it. Ugh... Most of the time, my oldself action wasn't something to be proud of with from the start. Although this one resulting something good, it also the reason that make things much more dangerous for me to meet them before.

"Who are they brother Zein?"

"You wouldn't know. Both of them wasn't famous, as they're circleless, and they only join the annual competition on events that only for fun. They also wasn't in the top thousands of my year."

"Then, what is the problem even if they pounce at you?"

"The problem is they're strong and crazy for my blood!"

Hearing my answer he got more bewildered.

"How could they wasn't famous while being strong?"

"They're bad at other things outside their mastery. While the other one is pacifist, no one ever seen their strength outside of me. After the last incident with them. I never cross my path with them, since I am not sure I would be lucky enough to survive it once again. I barely survive thanks to a swordsmanship teacher that strolling the academy ground."

If we talking about magic enhancement and physics only, that mad scientist definitely beating Lein and Silva. While if we talking about brute strength the berserker surpass Lein, Elsa and Fransisca. The berserker is pacifist tho, but run for your life is you ever made that person angry angry. Since that person would chase you with a big halberd that 9 foot long.

"... What did you do brother?"

"I made a fake confession letter and sent it to both of them."

That last time I was sent a fake confession letter to both of them, which resulting they found out it was me all those times. Then they search for me and chase me to beat me up, luckily I met an instructor that saved my life from that Berserker. It my own nickname to both of them tho. Since I am the only one who ever mess with them like that. Surprisingly, they become a real couple after few weeks later.

"... Whoa, your shitty self seems as bad as the rumors."

"Thank you for your compliment. Those title I earned wasn't for nothing. My shitty play book is definitely the most complete. As I have tried most of the things, from making normal student running naked by using my family name. Punishing those that 'accidentally' knock me, just because I am bored. Blackmailing someone, forging a letter, and many others shameful things..."

I sigh at my last sentence. He scratching his head awkwardly.

"... Thank you for stopping me from walking on those path. I am sure I would break down from guilt if I do those for a month."

"You're welcome. I already broke down before, fortunately I was stopped everytime I almost crossing the bottom line. Anyway let's try meet them first, since I know where they are."

"Sure brother."

"Then let's go."

Late chapter, as I got a hair cut done and other things. Although that not the real reason. I've been busy with new term, so the chapter going to be released later than usual. I usually post at 16:15 on +7 GMT, but for the next few weeks I am gonna push it to 21:15. Thank you for reading, I really appreciate the comment and power stone. It one of things that made me keep writing the book.

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