
The Academy Circle Fest: Day Three (2)

First I need to go out and buy the materials. I can't start anything without the materials after all. Without thinking, I go out of my room and walk along the hallway of the mansion. Then I met a maid which almost dropping a vase as she looks at me surprised not too far from my room. She bows down at me while being aghast at once, I only nod my head at her. Why was she surprised when she looks at me? Is there something wrong with me?

As I walk away, I could hear her mumbling.

"H-how did young master Zein suddenly appears from his room? H-he wasn't there before when I clean the room."

... Ah, I see. That why she seems like seeing a ghost in daylight. She was cleaning my room before, and suddenly I came out of the room. I keep my calm poker face, as I walk out the mansion. All servants of my family mansion got confused tho, as they saw me. Now, where should I go? I never made any purchase of magic item materials. Would the general store? Or maybe there some kind of specialty shop for it? Without a definite target to go, I wander around the second zone and checking shop to shop. As I wander around the capital second zone, I come to realize that people who known me keep their distance away from me. Some even keep their head low and afraid to get into my sight. Whoa, guess my shitty reputation is real. These couple of days people seems to be friendly with me, or should I said my pseudo?

Well, let's check the general store first. When I come to one of the bigger stores in the second zone, the people inside got shocked. Even the receptionist, tremble a little when he saw me. That when memories of my old self come to mind. I was making things complicated for this store once before! Since they tried to scam me for some liquor. As some self-proclaimed alcoholic beverage commissioner, I can't let that slide, or that how I justify myself. They indeed tried to scam me tho, although the public believes the other way around. Which working in their favor for sure. So they play the innocent merchant act, which makes me as the so-called evil and arrogant young master. They win the battle but lost the war at the end, because I was sending a complaint through some dwarves drinking association. Yes, it the reason I called myself a self-proclaimed alcoholic beverage commissioner. Because of the dwarf is one of the only residences in the capital that friendly with me, or maybe it because we were drinking buddy. Since every time I go out drinking to a tavern or bar, I would pay their bills. We even do a drinking competition from time to time... That why I said they win the battle but losing the war, as there are not a single dwarves that purchase an alcoholic beverage from them anymore, and not a single bar owner make any purchases from them afterward, since the dwarves hate them.

As I am thinking about that, I am stopping on my track. Hey, why I didn't think about that before. Those dwarves would be able to help me for sure. I turn around and goes out of the shop at once. Which make the receptionist flinched and trembled even more. I don't know what were they thinking but from their reaction, they must think that they're screwed. I go to the second zone in the south district at once and come to one of the best taverns there. When I go inside, all costumer looks at me right away. Then merry laughter comes from them.

"Muahahaha... Isn't it young master Dageraad?"

"It has been so long since the last time we saw you!"

"I thought you finally screwed up and get stabbed on your stomach by someone that holding grudge against you!"

"Gahahaha... That is harsh, Kamm, even though it coming from you!"

Most of them are a dwarf, while the other mostly a C-Rank Adventurers. They look at me fondly, well, I am their purse most of the times before. Also, they were used in my arrogant behavior. It pretty normal to meet a client like me in their line of works as a craftsman, adventurer, bards, or bartender. All that important for them is my deep wallet and I never cross their bottom line before. They only see me as a nosy, ignorant, or arrogant nobles children. Even the usual cold bartender of this Flammable Rum got a slight curve on his face when he sees me. I smile wryly, as it the first time people outside those close with me got this kind of response when they see me.


I shout that while making an arrogant pose like how the old Zein used to do. They cheer at once, shouting out of their lungs, as they make a toast. Really these people... It only 10 AM and they already drinking like there is no tomorrow. Well, I was like that too before.

Oh well, no one here could be called a friend but at least no one is enemies too. They just didn't care who are we as long as we weren't a criminal or a wanted man. So in a sense, we're just an acquaintance that knows each other while drinking. I come to the bar as people toasting their drinks and finally, come face to face with the bartender. He is an old man or should I said an old hobbit. His height is around 130 cm with the appearance of an old man around 40 years old, although his real age is almost 90 years old. He got brown wavy hair and thick eyebrows with a fleshy nose that look like Einstein. He took a glance at me, while keep wiping the glass on his hand.

"Your eyes are clear nuu."

He said those when I sit down in front of him. I smile at him, which keep focusing on the glass. He is indeed an experienced bartender, he could tell people condition with a glance.

"Indeed master Baggins. My problems already got resolved."

"I have told you before dat your problems ist simple. You just being a coward."

As he said those, he pours a liquor to the glass. It a liquor that got a blazing orange colored which is a signature drink of his tavern, the flammable rum. He pushes the glass to me.

"It on the house. Although those people drink ist on you."

"Thanks, master."

I gulp it down at once, which resulting in burnings sensation on my throat. It really got a high amount of alcohol, it definitely more than 60 percent... I wonder what is the ingredient of this rum. On earth, rum should be around 35 to 50 percent at maximum.

"Still got it, ey..."

"Of course master."

"Anyway, I won't say anything anymore nuu.. Since you already got tended."

"Hahaha. I still need some help master."

The dwarf I am looking for wasn't here for sure. That why I am saying those.

"You need dis old hobbit help? Nuu, dat ist interesting, dat arrogant brat won't say those before."

"Hahaha... It just a juvenile phase master. Anyway, I want to meet with Oldman Khan. But seems like he hasn't dropped by here."

"You want to meet Khan? Wat ist it for? You know brat, it bartender code to not spilling their customer's information."

He shakes his head as he shot down my question right away, as he left me alone and goes to the other customers. Honestly, searching for a single shop in the capital definitely bothersome. You know this city is big, like seriously big. Even with all the people living here, the third zone definitely big. It more than 150-kilometer square capital. Even if we didn't count the third zone, east district and castle it still almost 80-kilometer square. There also at least 300000 households that recorded as a citizen, but there should be more than those in reality. There a slum after all. So it better to check every store than searching for a single person...

"You want to meet Khan brat?"

As I am thinking about what to do next, a dwarf next to me called me out. He is one of the usual patronages of this tavern. A stout looking dwarf with a long bushy red beard and hair. Height? Of course, he is only a meter tall. His arms are big tho.


"I could guide you to his shop, but give me a good reason to do it. Although we hardly judge a book by its cover. But you know that your reputation is really bad. I can't let you meet him if you would make trouble for him."

"Then I guess, I should search for another person."

"Does that mean you're looking for him to make trouble?"

His gaze change, as the cloudy looks from being drunk, disappear at once. I keep smiling while meeting his gaze with confidence.

"Yes, I would trouble him for sure as I met him."

He observes my eyes before taking his trinket and gulp down his drink.

"You didn't seem to get an ill intention as you said those. So you want to meet Khan for something that in the line of his business, aye."

"Yes, it is. I got some business with him, which I found troublesome."

"Gahahaha... What an interesting answer brat. Indeed, I didn't ask what is it, I only ask is it trouble or not. Your answer was definitely acceptable. Even though I dislike a riddle."

"It never meant to be a riddle. But if you ask for a specific answer, then I need his help on a material."

"Material? Couldn't you just put a commission on adventurer or merchant guild, and be done with it?"

I look around, then casting soundproof magic in secret.

"That the troublesome part. I don't even know what kind of material I needed. All I know is I need a material with specific traits."

"Still you could discuss it with merchant guild."

"Told you it troublesome, since it for the secret invention of a magic tool which is under development."

I smirk at him, as I tried to make him intrigued.

"Ah, you don't want someone to snoop around you. But isn't it reckless to talk about it here?"

"Reckless, if I didn't put soundproof magic."


He opening his eyes wide and shouting that when he looked around he realizes that no one turns their gaze. He then looks at me as his lips curving up. Now even the air around him is changing, so do his slight movement and gesture. He rubbing his thick beard before he makes a smile.

"Interesting brat, interesting... You could cast soundproof magic without I realize?"

"You make me blush mister. Anyway, that is the reason I am looking for him."

"Gahahahaha... You really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Fine brat, I would lead you to his workshop."

"Thank you in advance then."

He nods at me before he gestures me to follow him. I put 3 small gold coins on the bar, as payment for everybody here before following the dwarf. I put my robe hood, to cover my face as we walk out the tavern. Then after walking for a while, I realize he leads me to the north district. After walking for almost an hour, it slow because his legs are short, we finally reach our destination. It stores on the second zone called as Hun's Anvil. Is it a smithy? We got inside the store at once, then the shopkeeper comes and greets us.


She looks surprised as she saw us. Did I do something here before? While I am being puzzled the girl nods her head.

"Brat, here is his shop."

"Welcome to Hun's Anvil, how may I help you, sir?"

After the dwarf beside me said those, the young shopkeeper follows up and greet us. Eh, she greets me without any fear or what so ever other emotions.

"Ah, yes I want to meet mister Khan."

"You want to meet master?"

She asks me puzzled, as I said those.

"Anyway, brat. I already did my promises. See you later."

The dwarf that guide me then left us, which still confused at each other. The girl somehow got even more puzzled. This is weird... I scratch my head while turning my gaze back to her.

"Yes, I want to discuss something with your master."

"Aahh... Then come this way."

She then guides me inside to the back of the shop. We end up in a room, that seems to be a reception room. It a 25-meters square room, with a square tea table, sofas and a couple of cupboards and bookshelf.

"Please wait a moment, I will call master. He dislikes it if someone he wasn't close to coming inside his workshop."

"I understand."

She then goes to the other door after gesturing me to sit down, and leave me alone. Not even a minute past, two figure comes to the room. It Khan and the shopkeeper. He still got the same look as before, with his stout body and brown wavy hair that braided. He looks like that Viking from Ast*rix movie from earth. The one that short, with his mustache and short body. He is stocky tho. He frowns when he looking at me before he glances at his shopkeeper.

"He really comes with him."

"Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure."

I got confused with their conversation, as I am observing them. Khan then looks back at me as he sits down in front of me.

"Anyway, why are you here young master Dageraad? Wasn't it been half a year since we see each other?"

"Ah. Yes, it has been around half a year. I need your help mister Khan."

"My help? If it is for your childish prank, my answer is no."

"Of course not mister Khan. I need your help with materials for making a magic tool."

"Are you this stupid young master Dageraad? You want to purchase materials from someone that runs a workshop that makes magic tool?!

He said those coldly. Right, he is a magic item craftsman. He hardly makes an invention but most of his work based on his teacher. Which is pretty famous as a magic tool inventor.

"Ah... Let me rephrase it, I want you to introduce me to a shop that sells material. Also, I need your knowledge of materials."

"You could easily get those if you put commission in merchant or adventurer guild."

"The things is... I don't even know what materials I needed. Then as I was walking around the shop aimlessly, I remember you mister Khan. That why I come here to seek your knowledge."

"How could I even help you, if you don't know what kind of materials do you needed."

"By giving me advice which materials are the best, based on the traits I needed.."

"I see, you know what you wanted, but you don't know which is the best. Why bother searching for me? You could just go to any information guild, magic tool association or just look it up on the library."

"Secrecy. Because I am sure that mister Khan is someone that gets a tight lip."

"Secrecy? Are you developing something dangerous?"

"No, it something useful. While I am not registered in the magic tool association nor do I got any help from the school. It personal research that I am doing in secret. Also your experience, I am sure you could give me the best advice."

It a lie tho. I haven't do anything at all, he seems took interest in it tho. As he put his short stocky hand on his mustache. Even though he is still suspicious of me. While the shopkeeper got even more puzzled. Why is she puzzled, really?

"What kind of magic tool do you plan to make?"

"It won't be a secret anymore if I told you. But I am sure you could find a clue based on the material I needed."

"Then tell me what is it? If it wasn't as intriguing as you made it off, I won't help you."

"Alright. I need a material that got at least 80 percent of mana conductivity. It also needs to be hard and flexible."

He looks at me speechlessly... The material traits must be ridiculous for him.

"You are insane, aren't you? And here you said it wasn't a weapon. All I could think of when you said that is you wanted to make a grade A weapon!"

"No, no... It wasn't a weapon, although it could be misused to invent a weapon."

I am not lying here, it wasn't a weapon! I want to make an energy source, not the weapon. Yvain would be the one that makes a weapon out of it, not me. He frowns as he brushing his mustache.

"Not a weapon but could be used to invent a new weapon. Isn't it more dangerous than making a new weapon? As expected you're crazy!"

"Well, it could be used for other things which would be helpful for many people."

"For example?"

"A new lightning source, so we could change those lamp in the street with this magic tool and another magic tool which I plan to develop afterward."

When I said that he flinched.

"You... Do you want to make a new energy source? Or maybe you want to make mana storage?!"

He catches it fast, with only those words he found out what I was planning to create.

"You can think it as you want."

"You aren't denying it... Mana storage is impossible to create. Only mana stone could store mana, you could use mana from the stone, but you couldn't store mana inside a mana stone. That why mana stone is a finite resource that comes from monsters!"

He explains it to me, as he thought I didn't know about it. It a basic knowledge tho, since many nobles family got magic tools. Of course, as someone from a marquis family, I have seen plenty of it.

"If you think you can engrave magic to store mana on the stone, you can't get more wrong about it. From the start, if you could store mana inside it, there is no need for engraving it."

He continues as I keep my silence. That is true if a mana stone can be used to store mana, anyone could do an advance magic. You could just store mana day to day until the mana is enough to cast an advance magic. You need a mana stone with a diameter around 3 adult finger tho. Also, the market price would be thrown off for sure. Yep, this project got more annoying as I think about it.

"Let's not go too far by yourself, Mister Khan. All I need is advice on the material that I was stating before."

"I refuse to help you! The door is over there."

Tsk... Seems like I come for nothing. In the end, he won't tell me. I got a rough idea about it tho, it either mithril, blue iron, black mithril, carbalite, dragonite, star iron, orichalcum, or adamantium... Although only the first two got circulation in the market, while black mithril and carbalite appeared from time to time but it rare goods. Obviously, you could find a dragonite ore in a dragon lair. While the others, it harder to find them than seeing a dragon! That why I need an expert opinion. My option is either the 4 material then. Well, if I got those others material, I would rather make a weapon out of it!

"Sigh... Then could you—"

Before I could finish my words, the old man stands up right away... Hmmm, he looking past of me.


Master?! When I look back, I could see the old dwarf from before. He is the master of Khan?

Finally, it is done. Kinda scraping it multiple of times. My laptop is fixed, although I am drowning in a pile of assignments. But chapter should back to normal by next week. I would try to release an 8 chapter a week, for months. Before changing it to 5 per week I guess. Since I got my own study. ;-;

Which keep making my grammar go worst each day. Let's just say I am majoring some country culture, which got the same root as English. But their grammar is different, which make me mix it up.

SleepyCaninecreators' thoughts
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