
The Academy Circle Fest: Day Three (1)

The Academy Circle Fest: Day Three (1)

Our search yesterday come to an end after we part way with Diefa. We couldn't find the other students on our list. Seriously, these people are hard to find. Are they a mole or something? Well, I already told Reiya to pull over any of them if he saw them and we would meet at grand fountain later on. I was thinking about those while training.

Of course, I am not training in the Hearth mountain. I don't want to meet him again, once is enough. I am not a fan of getting hurt.

Anyway, right now I am at the Rocky hills doing some basic work out. It seems ineffective at once, but the truth was different. Maybe it would be ineffective if I do it normally, but right now I am using gravitational magic although it only twice of this world gravitation force. You might think about what the use of that with my superhuman strength, but the truth it makes significant changes. First, it makes my body weight increase by two times. Which disturbing my sense of balance, half of my strength drained just for keeping me standing straight.

You might think it only changes from one to two, so it would be easy. Just used two times of strength. Unfortunately, it didn't work like that, indeed you could lift your body with force twice as for how you did it normally as nothing happens if it only for matters of minutes. But when it goes on for a long period of times, you could tell that not enough blood gets to your head. I could tell the pressure keep compressing my body... I hope I won't get shorter.

Second, since not enough blood gets to my head, it makes me light headed. This is because of my heart haven't got used to pumping my blood with two times gravity. So not enough oxygen goes through there.

Third... The oxygen around me gets denser as the gravitation increasing. Which mean it harder to breathe than normal. Also, I spending more energy to move around.

So, that is the reasons why I use half of my strength just to be able to do things normally. I've only run around for an hour, but I've completely out of breath even with my improved potential.

Then when I dispell the gravitational magic, it gives me a new reason. I could feel a sudden rush of blood pressure to my entire body! The heck, this must be because of the sudden change of gravitation. My heart was pumping really hard to supply blood to my head before, then suddenly the pressure that holding it was released. I could feel it beating hard, as my nose starting to bleed. Damn, some of my veins definitely ruptured, because it got compressed before by the pressure. Then when I suddenly changed the gravitation to normal, it got decompressed with the sudden rush of blood that flowing hard because of my fast heartbeats. I used healing magic at once, as I sitting on the ground and stabilizing my heartbeat and breath.

This is really bad, I could also feel my muscle got strained by the sudden change. Now I regret my decision to using that magic for training. Although the results were great, by one session my potential increase around 0.07 across the board. I wonder if I could become like that anime character by training under multiplied gravitation. Still, there never side effects for them when they training in that hyper something chamber. Reality never works the same, I guess.

After the morning training, I return to my room as if nothing happens. My mana has recovered after doing that self-meditation and healing. It keeps growing tho. When I return surprisingly Silva still in the room, he looks at me profoundly.

"Have you done your morning training?"

"Done. What are you up to, Silva?

" I need a favor."

"You need my help?"

"... Yes."

He answers me bashfully, I could see his face goes red as he glancing on his desk. On his desk there... A pile of paper that shredded. When I pick some of it, I could tell that it was drawn with something. It the pe— I mean some weird dog picture from before.

"... Seriously, what were you trying to draw?"

"That... The reason I need your favor. Although you are a bastard and trash of a noble... I must admit, that you were one of the best in painting. Your art class was one of the best in noble faculty before."

"... Get to the point Silva, hearing your compliments scared me."

"... Teach me how to draw this magic circle."

I look at the book he pulls out, as I take a look on the opened page. It magic formation, with dual circle... The hell, how did he made this look like a pe—weird dog face. Is it because I saw it upside down before? Also... This words around it... Alphabet? Honestly, I got zero knowledge about magic formation and engraving magic. It wasn't included in my study as noble lineage, or my curriculum from before. Since I was completely at talentless with magic in the past, I've never tried to learn it. But this is the first time I see a magic circle using the alphabet, I was used seeing Yvain works after all.

"Okay? How did you make this magic formation, to become like a pen—weird dog face? And what with this scribble here?"

He scratching his head when I spoke those words.

"This is past heroes magic formation. He invents it using his world language."

I see... This is the magic formation of a hero that comes from Earth. It a dual circular formation, with a triangle connecting the center of both circle. I don't know what is the other symbols in the circles or outside it. But I definitely understand the words. I could tell that the first circle was used to drawn out fire elemental from the air, while the other one is used to make wind magic. Then this triangle is a formation to combine both magic. I am basically reading it! The maker writes it plainly, whoever understand English can read it! He only writes 'fire burn every oxygen on the first circle', then on the second one was 'wind make a tornado', and 'combine both magic and burn everything in front of me' ... While there also some image is drawn there, which symbolized the element. I don't understand the other tho, but if I wasn't wrong this should be the magic circuit.

Somehow the image of complicated magic formation and engraving in my mind got clearer.

It wasn't so complicated it as it seems to be before! Also, the words in this diagram weren't so clear, I guess this wasn't written by the person itself. I am sure because those alphabets look like scribble. But it a good discovery for me, since I found out that, you can used alphabets in stead of those magic letters that used by this world.

"Question, how did a magic formation works?"

"Eh? You draw the formation based on the element, then write the magic letters while imbuing it with mana. Usually, the words would be based on magic chants. While the magic circuit used to comprehend the sequence of the engraved words. Well this magic formation definitely weird tho... I can't decipher this magic circuit. All I could understand is the fire symbol, wind symbol, and mana symbol."

I observing the magic circle once again, when Silva said those... Hold on, why does this symbols seems familiar, and all those branch from the symbols... Is it... Are you kidding me? It logic gate symbols! That a symbol for and, or, xor, nand.... Now this is really crazy. Predecessor are you a f*cking electrical engineer or maybe IT grad student? You could make a magic formation like this too?

... No, from the start chanting wasn't needed. All you need to know is how nature works and imagine it happen while casting magic. Mana is like some sort of fuel or energy to conjure the spell. The magic sequence itself is a phenomenon of mana when it took shape of the natural occurrence based on your imagination. The magic would fail to cast if your imagination isn't in accordance with the natural order or you don't have enough mana to make the magic sequence. Although you could force it if you used a higher amount of mana. But the results won't be as good as if you understand the natural order. Don't tell me, all this time people of this world never understand this? Is it the reason why that guy is mocked for being a jester of magician? Also is this the reason why that master magicians were low in number? Damn it... Then Ramza thesis would be a real groundbreaking.

Also this predecessor magic formation... You making a logic gate as the circuit that genius! In case there a malfunction the formation would work by itself to create the sequence by itself. Like here with or without oxygen, in case there is no oxygen on the air, the magic formation would go to create oxygen first, before creating the fire. I sigh, then looking back to Silva.

"Can't you draw it with a ruler?"

"... I can draw it with those, but I don't mean to ask your favor to help me in the formation drawing. I want you to help me draw the symbols."

"Ehhh... Then that paper?"

"I was practicing to draw the formation. I could draw it out already, but I can't draw the symbols which come from the heroes world. I am not that bad at drawing! It just these letters which like symbols is really hard to copy."

Ummm well, this world letters is cursive letters that look like old Hebrew. But with each letters connecting one another. If I don't have Zein memories, I would have a hard time to learn it.

"I understand now... We should talk about it later. I got another appointment today."

"You got an appointment?"

He looks surprised as I told him I am busy.

"... What so surprising?"

"It still the festival days, the shitty noble got an appointment in the festival days? That definitely surprising, since I didn't hear about it from anyone."

"... Are you a stalker?"

"No? It just Francisca haven't said anything about it, while Lein definitely busy. So do most of your acquaintance, it makes me wondering what were you planning to do? From the past few days, I hardly see you after you woke up. While I am sure you won't mingle with those other sons of — I mean rich noble son anymore."

Sharp as ever ey, when his mind is clear he is indeed sharp.

"Just something to do with the mansion in the capital."

I lie to him without changing my tone.

"I see, that why I haven't seen your butler for a couple of days now eh?"

"He is doing the bothersome things, while I am checking the progress."

It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth too. Since what I told Rum to do indeed a troublesome matter. While the report on the progress won't come that fast tho. He nods his head as he took my lie.

"I understand... Then tonight maybe?"

"Sure... Although I could just do it right now."

I took a piece of paper and write the alphabet with its stroke order and give it to him. He looks at the paper in wonder.

"Ah... So this is how you write it. It seems simple, but how did you spell it?"

Well, the letter here consists of two words of the english alphabet at least. Like 'A' in English would be akh here. Of course, I am feigning ignorance.

"I don't know, anyway I got to go soon. See you later White."

He only shakes his head as I go out of the room. As usual, I take a bath then change to the school uniform. Why? Because Zein Dageraad rarely used the uniform. That why I am changing to my uniform, I already made an appointment with Reiya yesterday. We would meet at the grand fountain after my morning training. Since he got something to do first in the morning, it was things for all freshman. That why we plan to meet there after the 4th bells. I also told him to just pull our target of recruitment if he ever saw them.

I go right away after I wore my uniform and teleport near the artificial lake. It one of the spots that hardly get anyone there in this kind of seasons. I wear my mask as I arrive there before I stride over to the grand fountain. It wasn't far from here after all this place is located behind the swordsmanship faculty. It only took me around 10 mins to reach the grand fountain.

When I arrive there, I couldn't found his figure. Well, it wasn't the time yet so it normal. But somehow as I am standing there alone, many students starting to gather around me. They looking at me like they found celebrities. on Earth. I got a feeling if I am on Earth right now, they would pull out their phone and starting to take pictures of me. Then a girl suddenly rummaging her bag, and pull out a pen and paper. While being bashful she comes to me.

"Se-senior fox, could I ask for an autograph?"

Yep, she asked me an autograph, as she pushes the paper and writing tool to me. I was speechless since the thing really happens, but I keep my cool as I took over the pen.


I said that while writing a signature of Johnny in this world letters. She smiles brightly before she bowing down, seems like I have done something I shouldn't have done. I look at my surrounding which starting to rummaging their belongings. Fortunately, I found Reiya figures from behind the crowd with another person. It was a student with a tall stocky figure. He got a blazing red hair and sharp eyebrows. His pupils colored dark brown same as mud color, although he doesn't seem like muddle-headed. Since it got clear conscience while looking at the crowd. His looks are average outside of those. What really made me jealous of him is his height of course, which around 190. I walk through the crowd and approaching them. Fortunately, they didn't even try to block my path. The crowd opened a path for me without any need of me to say anything.

When I stand in front of them, the student which I assume as Rood, looking at me in admiration.

"You're finally here."

"Sorry to make you waiting for us, brother. This—"

"We should move on first. This place is overcrowded."

I cut his words, as I gesture them to follow me. They nod in agreement and come along with me. No one stopping us from leaving the place, nor they following us. There some disappointment noise from them tho. After walking for quite a while we arrive near the lake once again. It's as deserted as before.

"Alright, this place got much more privacy than the grand fountain."

"Yes. Anyway, brother, this is—"

"M-my name is Rood! Brother fox, I've heard your deed yesterday! You're a really amazing person."

Before Reiya could finish his words, once again someone cut him. It Rood this time, he spoke those words full of energy as he offering handshake with me. Yep, somehow that Johnny got an alias as brother fox now. All the students called me those, I never told Johnny alias to the other students after all. I shake his hand, which make him got more energetic.

"Ah!! Brother fox shakes my hand. My roommate would be jealous of me for sure when I told them this!"

This is embarrassing... As I look at him staring at his hand that just shaking mine. Reiya got a wry smile too, as he looks at the spectacle.

"Cough. Anyway, Reiya, have you told him about it?"

"... Not yet brother. When I told him, a senior of mine want to meet him, he agrees at once. I think he already guesses it you since he been expecting about it so much."

"I see. Then Rood—"

When I change my view back to him, he still dazedly looking at his hand, while mumbling and laughing about something. Okay, this is weird. Should I hit him? But before I could do those, Reiya nudges his shoulder. He looks at him right away, then he realized we're still there.

"Ah. I apologize, senior, I was out of my mind before. What were we talking about?"

"It fine. Anyway, we haven't talked about anything. So I guess let's start talking about the reason, I want to meet you. I want—"

"I agree!"



Me and Reiya completely speechless since he agreeing without hearing my words. What the heck is this guy? Did he get tendencies to ask for a beating by not listening to the other? Looking at us being speechless he scratches his head.

"I don't know what noble friend Reiya and senior want to ask me for, but if it for the admirable senior fox, I would even cross a mountain of swords!"

"... No need. We only want to ask you to join our circle."

"Yo-you want me to join your circle?! I want to join! No, let me join your circle."

He rummaging his belonging at once, and pulled a pen and an ink stone. This fella is really energetic. Since he agreed to join us, I give him the form. He wrote his name and signature at once.

"Alright, then we should meet again next week by the grand fountain. I got another thing to do now, right Reiya told the other to come there by next week."

"I understand brother. But what was your plan now?"

"Something to do with that couple."

"Ah... I got it. I wish you good luck then."

With those parting words, I move away and teleport to our family mansion in the capital. Of course, I go to my own room. Now then, I need a material that got a good conductivity of mana and I could start doing my research. Well, I am not sure how magic engraving works. But from Silva explanation I got a rough idea how to make it. All I need is understanding of the magic that I plan to engrave, a mana stone to be use as a fuel, material that could conduct mana, then the structure of the magic item that I want to create. It basically like a machine that using mana as energy, but the differences is the circuit made by engraving the magic symbols.

Well, simple magic item can be made just by engraving magic on the material and arrange it to make a magic formation. For example like boundary magic item those adventurers bring when they diving a dungeon. They only need to activating the magic stake and plant it on 6 directions.

It only used to hide their presences from dungeon monsters. It blocking their scent and sounds, although it doesn't block monsters to got inside. But dungeon monsters hardly go outside their room except they sense a presence. So it good enough as long the adventurer clear the monsters in the room before setting up the boundaries magic formation. It drains a mana stone every hours tho, that why the adventurer only used it when they plan to dive to the deepest of a dungeon.

Anyway, that magic formation wasn't so hard to make. While here I make a new concept of magic formations. But I guess it would work if I used the predecessor technique. Luckily I was an electrical engineering student beforehand, although I change my major midways because some circumstances. Hmmm... I need to put a mana detection, mana absorbing, and loop so it could recharge. The only problems is mana absorbing magic, I never knew how to do it. Because I absorb mana without using magic, I only meditating and breathing in the mana in the air before changing it to my own. Ah, I guess I need a mana converting magic too. The structure of mana in the air is kinda different from those in people body after all.

"Well let's get to work."

Next chapter