
Opening Ceremony (2)

So what was the relation between that event and why am I being stared by Elsa.... Like in an intervention. It all because...

"What were you thinking?! You skip your orientation on the first day of school. No, even if it the second or third day it wasn't a good things!"

Yep the rosy head and bubbly of age definitely mad because her brother skipping the first day. Why am I here? She also mad at me because she heard I am the one that encourage Reiya to skip.

"Also Zein, I am disappointed of you! You taught Reiya to break the rules on his first day. I thought you were released from your curse but it seems the curse was only a lie! You just being a bad influence to him."

Reiya could only lower his head as Elsa scold him, until now. He finally snap.

"No sister! It wasn't brother Zein fault."

"Reiya van Rames, is this how our parents teach you? You talking back to your own sister now?! I never taught you to talk back to your older sister, so do brother Ramza. He never taught you to skip class what more an orientation!"

"You never taught me indeed, so do our parents and brother Ramza. But our parents do taught me to defend our friends and family!"

"No, they never taught us to defend someone that giving us a bad influence!"

"You're the one that giving me a bad influence! I am already an adult, and you! You keep managing everything I did, you keep telling me what to do! Who do you think you are?! Indeed you are my sister, but do you think I am your doll? Your pet that you could command and told to do what you want?!"

Hearing Reiya words Elsa stunned and opening her eyes really wide.

"Reiya van Rames how ungrateful are you to your own sister?!"

She raise her voice when she open her mouth as she stand up.

"Who do you think keep cleaning up your mess?!"

"Who ask you to clean my mess?!"

"It called as caring your own family!!"

"And let them be spoiled kid forever!!"

Reiya then raise up too as he pointing his finger at his own sister... I frown my brow as the conversation keep getting worse by time.

"I never plan it to be like that!"

"Did I ever ask you to plan something for my life?!"


At that time I finally open my mouth while imbuing it with consider amount of mana unconsciously. The room got quiet at once as I released my mana to the air... Hmmm, I sense something there, ah it the Fey. It hiding right away as my mana gushing out. Both siblings stopped at once and fall back on their seat.

I took out my cigarette again as breath it in. Brother Ramza cigarette really good, sadly I left with only two pieces right now. They both taking glance at me as I could see a sweat tumbling on their head. I keep releasing my mana as I pressuring the room. Then a thud sound could be heard from behind me and Reiya. It was Rum and Sai which suddenly kneeled down. The Fey already moving to edge of the room, as it hiding as far as possible from me.

After a single cigarette I finally recalled my mana pressure. Seems like my unconscious action making more effect than I think it would. I never plan to release mana like that.

"Have you both clear your mind?"


"Sigh... I never plan to meddle with your family teaching or anything. I just want you to know, I am sorry for making Reiya skip."

"Bu-but brother..."

"Enough Reiya! It also my fault for not remind you about orientation. You won't be late to it if you didn't join me in my morning practice. Also the upperclassmen won't run away if I wasn't with you before. My apologies Elsa for being a bad influence to Reiya. It my careless action as his senior in the same house."

Well it the tradition of the academy for the upperclassmen to guide the freshman in the same floor. Which mean I should've remind him about the orientation, and other schools events.

Hearing my apology Elsa creasing her brow, she still drenched with sweat from my pressure before. Also she keep glancing at her Fey, whose hiding at the edge of the room.

"What do you mean?"

"Sister the truth is..."

Before I could open my mouth Reiya starting his monologue about what really happened. She surprised and frowning even more as the stories goes on. She then bitting her lower lips, as she glancing at me. When the story ended, she bowing her.

"Zein, I apologized for jumping in conclusion just by what I heard from people. I never thought it was Reiya fault. I should've known better than believing other people."

"Sigh... We all at fault here. It also my fault for lying about getting cursed."

"Yo-you lied about that?!"

"... Well you won't leave me at all if I didn't lie to you."

She bite her lower lips even more... Now she got a sad face...

"D-did you dislike me that much?"

"Eh, no. I didn't dis—"

Hold on! This is trap! Before I could continue myself, her face change to happiness.

"Really? You didn't? For real? Then why?"

"It because the things brother said on our house sister. He already explained himself."

And Reiya answer it right away... No, just no!

"Ahhh... So that the truth, you thought of me that much. You avoid me so I won't get your bad reputation. Ehehehe, I know Zein is the best!"

"Err.. no it because—"

"You don't need to hide it anymore. I also care about you, it kinda sad and hurtful being avoided like before. But it all in the past. I was worry you know. Then I'll see you later. I still got something to do before the opening ceremony."

She skipping outside after saying that, the Fey come to her right away like it got librated.... Okay, her rosy head is back. She smiling brightly and happily. I stare at Reiya at once. He shocked, and give me an apologetic puppy face. Damned kid! Don't think I will forgive you just because you look like a sad golden retriever! Now I miss my dog on Earth because of you!


"I am sorry brother."

He open his mouth right away, when Elsa leave the room.

"Do you even know what you've done?"

"Err... I accidentally playing matchmaker?"

"... So you do understand."

"In my defense..."

"She is your sister?"

He gulp down as I finish his words. I sigh as I walk away to my room. He stare at me like an abandoned puppy. Ugh...

"We will talk about it later."

"Yes brother!"

Why the heck his tone is so cheerful? Are you a M or something?! I got inside my room followed by Rum that still flustered.

"Rum, make sure Sai didn't tell anyone about what happened. I would tell Reiya later on to told the same thing to him."

"I understand young master."

"Also, please remind me not to get to close with the Rames. They really know how to mess things up with me..."

When I said that I could see his poker smile twitching.

"I will note it down, young master."

"Sigh, you can leave now. I need some time alone after all of those!"

"Then excuse me."

I sigh, as I step outside with teleportation to the Rocky Hill. Then I change my clothes, to training garb. What did I wanted to do? I want to try something, which need me to be focus. I pulsating mana at once to the earth, as I sending a magnetic force. Yes, I am trying a metal detector magic. I've been thinking about this for few days. One of the good things about medieval times is who found a mine is the owner! Which mean if I could find metal deposit, it would become mine...

No I mean it indeed mine after I found it... Okay, that weird, so I would own my own mine... Since it mine, by the kingdom law, I could do anything to the mine. So how do you call a mine that is your mine? Mine of mine? Or it is mine? That mine is mine? Okay too much mine up there, even for a pun it made me confused by myself.

... This stupid thought giving me a headache. Anyway as I pulsating the magnetic force with mana I found out that it is working. I could feel something metallic buried deep inside, even something that as small as sand. Now I would really hit a jackpot if it iron! Well even if it a nickel deposit, it would still work. It price is lower than iron tho, since pure nickel is weaker than pure iron. The crafter here doesn't understand how to make alloy. So they don't know that if you mix nickel and iron it would be two times stronger than pure iron.

That why, it would be the strike if I could found both of it. Then I should mold them together and sell the after product. Yes I would be rich!

I start to used magic to resurface the metal that I found. One thing for sure, it wasn't that much here. At maximum the things I am pulling right now is only around 10 kg, and it not a pure iron, it an iron ore. So not sure how much it left after I melt it down. At least the new magic is working, even though I am not sure is it more efficient than just extracting the Fe from earth and condensed it, to get a pure iron.

Still I think it won't be good for the environmental balance. Since plants would need iron, a soil without iron would make the plantation failed to product chlorophyll which resulting in yellow leefs. Then, they would wither away slowly, as many function of it need iron, so that definitely a no I guess?

Also I got this vibe, I would get in trouble if I do that for real. Like God wrath? Or maybe... Walking the vilain path for real? What more, I don't know how much iron I could got from that method. Let's just cross that method for the bigger picture! I only want a thriving business, not a thriving trouble. As I am thinking that, the ore I've been pulling with magic, finally resurface. Took me five minutes to take it out, when I look at it... Yep, I don't know what ore is this. I am not an expert at geographic, I can't tell what minerals is this. It grey and also kinda silverish? Yep... I still don't know what is it.

Okay, how do I know it composition if I can't even tell what is this ore?! The only thing I know is this things definitely a metal. So it could be iron, nickel, gadoli–something...

I seated on the ground right away, as I finally realized, I know shit about mineral outside those alloy for engineering! Or should I said again I know shit about raw mineral ores. One plan goes to trash can, what kind of businessman doesn't know a shit about his business?! Yep, let just throw those mine business shit to trash can!

Sigh... Let see the positive side, at least I could pull and detect a metal from distance away. Even though it took around 20-30 point of mana to pull it out from hundreds of feet away...

Also it took like ten minutes until it resurface...

Yep my verdict is... this is a complete failure of magic! It useless and non-practical at all. Except for detecting metal from far away, there is no other useful application. Even using it as detection in city, that just ridiculous. It much efficient if I just using mana detection, than detecting a metal! This is a waste of effort, and time.

Today seems to be a bad day for me, I keep having failure one another. First the spar with Reiya, I ignore my prediction just because the chance is too small. Then when I arrive, I made Reiya guide tuck her tail. Afterwards the conversation with Elsa, I definitely failed to control my feeling and made huge amount of mana imbued in my voice, making my mana gushing out. Then now... Damn it, could it get— Zein Dageraad, you don't jinx it and raise a flags!

I throw the ore to my storage right away, before goes back to my room. I hope it won't happen!

When I goes back Rum already waiting in front of the door with a towel. Now I am really wondering if he put some observer in my room or something... He always there when I come out, with something I definitely need. With his poker face he give me the towel.

"It almost time young master. Young master Reiya already depart first, since he need to arrive there before the freshman procession."

"I understand. Then we should depart too."

We walk out the dorm which almost empty, only couple of students mingling around. Mostly those that planning to skip the opening ceremony. I stride out slowly, as I taking my time to reach the grand auditorium. It not like my oldself to be there in the opening ceremony, but Lein would give a welcoming speech from sophomore student. She made me promise that I am there when she make the opening speech yesterday, and I accepted it. We just make up after all, so I want to give her my support. Although I don't want to come on time, I made sure to just appear there when she walk up to the podium.

So I make my stroll as I took my time. I cross the park to make a long tour to the auditorium. The thing I found interesting in the way is, there so many resemblance between this world and Earth. They got the same kind of plants and flowers, although they got much more variation than Earth. While animal, I haven't seen any monster outside of goblin from before. Maybe it because of we were going through the high way before. Still this flower is kinda interesting, it look like a tulip, but it got much more petals. While it scent is kinda like lime, with a little jasmine lingering around.

As I am wondering what kind of flower is it, someone fall from the tree above.

"Whoa, look out!!"

I roll to the side as the voice come out from above, it would be weird if one of the weakest sophomore could dodge it easily. So I am acting exaggeratedly since I don't know if this student known me or not. I am pretty famous with my infamy after all. He fall down face first right on the same spot as where I am standing before. Rum come over to me almost at once, his face definitely those that wary.

The figure slowly raising up, as he dusting off his cloth. He is a guy with black hair, a sword like eyebrows, with nose bridge and mouth that exactly look like carved for his face shape, and deep black eyes that gleaming with light.

Which made him look like those character from fairytale. His height is around 6 feet, with sculptured body figure... What is this guy?

"I am sorry... I was searching for something up there, when the branch can't hold off my weight..."

"What the hell did you search on a 50 feet height pine?! Also are you alright? I never seen someone's fall of from that high in a piece."

He keep dusting himself until I said my words while being dumbfounded.

He then looking at me right away.


A streak of surprise and shock come across his face. He look at me from top to toe, then he shook his head before sighing. Now what kind of reaction is it? I could almost feel hostility for a moment there, before his sighed. Rum already step in front of me when he felt that hostility too. Looking at Rum, he bow down.

"... My apologize, I didn't meant any harm."

"Then why are you having hostility for a moment there?"

Rum said those before I could say anything.

"It is my bad behavior, I just surprised seeing the most notorious sophomore standing here. I just realized it wasn't proper of me to do those."

He explain his reason at once which made me frown. No that wasn't a face of someone that meeting the other for the first time... I tap Rum shoulder, so he step aside so I can see him in the face.

"Did we met before?"

When I said that, his eyes looking down as if he recalled something... There a relief, excitement, sorrow, disappointment, but also hatred for a moment before he shaking his head in wry smile.

"We haven't met before..."

He lied right away, make me frown further. Don't tell me...

"... Your voice seems familiar tho."

He surprise for a moment. Before change his face back to wry smile.

"I often heard my voice is familiar with the famous bard from your territory."

What a good move! If I didn't catch those face from before I would believe him. Since they indeed got a familiar voice, but his is much clearer and vibrant. What the heck is he? He got a good look, a body straight from sculpture, and a mesmerizing voice. Can someone got more perfect than him? So I throw another bait.

"So why is freshman strolling around here?"

"Ah... The one that guiding me is some noble that hating commoner like me. He told me to take a pine cones from this tree. But I can only found it near the top."

"I see... So how have Maria been?"

"Ah, she been doing go—"

He hold his mouth with his hand at once, and looking at me shocked before change his look at me and Rum to wary. I respond his gaze with benignly smile.

"I see, that's good then."

"You... That..."

He stuttering at his words.

"A bait? Then yes, it is a bait question. Well I know why the hatred look from before and hostility, but why are you looking at me relieved, excited, disappointed and sorrow before those?"


He keep his silence and only looking at Rum warily... I see it wasn't me that he wary of, but it Rum. I could see Rum creasing his brow slightly, as he doesn't get what we were talking about.

"Relax hmmm... I don't know your name yet... But Rum know nothing about it."

Hearing my words he creasing his brow, as his body get tenser.

"How could I believe someone like you that keep your acting for years? You might fool me once, but not twice!"

"What?! I thought we never met before Maria..."

He change his face to grim as he realized his slip of tongue... No, this is so weird. He said those as I really fooled him before. But I never met him before that, or do the old Zein.

"I know those concerned words from before is only an act."

He said those hastily to cover things up.

"No one know I've been acting..."

When I pointed that out he keep his silence again. Dude, I know there a phrase saying silence is gold, but it didn't work when you already spilling something... Oi, God you better told me that my assumption is wrong! Because right now I need your explanation from you, and your scam! The puzzle pieces together as I meet this hundred percent sure a hero of this world. Fuck that why he is a mister perfect, he is the fucking hero after all. What more from our conversation I could tell he know me from way before Maria. Which mean he either turning back time or reincarnated after something happened in the future?!

Damned God, you scam me into a messy world, which you told me I could get a cozy lazy life?! Are you kidding me? Come out, I promise I won't beat you to pulp!

Looking at me stunned he frowning.

Next chapter