
Intermission 2: The newbie?

After the opening ceremony, I walk straight to my dormitory. I need to go back to take my magic storage since I left it in the dorm. Since I am free now, I plan to go to the adventurer guild. I haven't completed the subjugated quest, although I already hunt the monster last night.

As I walk to town, I recalled my encounter with Zein Dageraad. The encounter wasn't that different from the past, but somehow, a couple of things has changed from my memories. I think the time flow already shifted from those in my memories.

Why? Because of both the encounter and the opening ceremony was different from the past. In the past, Zein would meet me alone while two days ago someone was accompanied him. I was suspicious of the guy before, but I learned about him later on that he is Zein personal butler. Now that I think about it, mister Julian told me about it once about this guy in the past. But in my last life, the depressing Zein pushing the guy away from him. He left his personal butler at Dageraad estate, as he only wanted Julian as his butler. This is a signify the change of the future, which mean Zein didn't push everyone away anymore. But that wasn't the most significant change that I found out.

The opening ceremony was really impactful. Lein speech, the Lein that I remember at this time should be a perfect example of textbooks noble lady, was filled with jesting and mocking against Zein, it is completely different from my memories. Also that Lein, just now, got the same characters as Lein that accompany me in my conquest in the past. She is cheerful, funny, kind and mischievous. It completely shocked me to see that side of her right off the bat. In the past, she would show that side of her after I clear her misunderstanding with Zein.

What shocked me, even more, was Zein. He was there at the opening ceremony, in the past, he wouldn't bother to come. What more the sudden appearances of Ramza Rames, and his declaration. This never happened in the past, Ramza Rames in my memories is a magic geek whose hardly goes out of his lab in the magic tower. He was a great magician before whose works on magic theories. That part didn't change in any way, but the fact about his study completely change. In the past, his theories and conjecture were about ancient magic while this time it about some predecessors. Then the fact that Zein was the one that he needed to helps him to understand this predecessors greatness was mind-blowing for me. He, the record bearer of straight zeros in the magic test for his entire life before, understand magic theories from a predecessor that called as a jester, that was unexpected for me. It never crosses my mind that he would understand or even know about it.

In the past life, I read his book once, which I found out amazing. I even questioning how did a great predecessor like himself get a nickname as Jester of Magician. Even though I didn't understand some parts of his book, but I know that his insights regarding nature were really deep. I could tell since his book is in line with the heaven dao. At that time I thought he is the real deal, a real Grand Magus of his time. That is why it never crossed my mind Zein would understand his book, that even the geek wanted his help to do his research. It will become a groundbreaking theory for sure if his theory proved.

Then there also that thing, Zein completely reject his offer. My stomach was cramped up when I heard that rejection of his. But all of those wasn't the most shocking things that happen today, the most shocking event was Zein escaped. At that time I could feel mana fluctuations for a moment before he disappeared from my detection range. All I could think about what happened was that he used space magic. But it is impossible, space magic does exist, still teleporting with space magic has been lost for thousands of years. At most you could only find it in historical ruins or myth. Just to store an item with space magic already needed complicated magic sequences, the hurdles for teleporting a living being would be higher. Even Silva which could be considered as one of the best magicians in my past life, couldn't use teleportation. At most he could send a dead item, but living beings were out of questions.

Without I realized, my feet already take me to the adventurer guild. When I go inside, it wasn't as crowded as usual. I guess this is normal since it is afternoon now. The adventurers inside, gaze at me for a moment, before they turned away and do whatever they do before. These days, no one ever come to bother me anymore since I wasn't a brat anymore. I walk to the empty counter and see a familiar face. She is the receptionist that takes care of me on the first day I arrive here. Her name is Fina, somehow she got this elder sister aura around her and she does her job professionally. I move to her counter since it was empty and greet her.

"Hello, miss Fina. Seems like there is no moth around you today."

Hearing my voice, she turned around and smile wryly.

"Geez, those people just horny the entire time."

"Isn't it, your fault for being too hot for them?"

"You must be kidding me. It is disgusting to hear that, even though it comes from your mouth. If you come just to tease me, better go and do that urgent request that you took two days ago."

"Hahaha, as expected of miss Fina, you're not even swayed. Joke aside, I come here today, especially for that. Here is the proof for the subjugation quest, and the quest sheet."

Since she looks disgusted at my joke, I took out the subjugation proof, the quest sheet and put it on the table. She examines the proof at once, then she took the sheet and stamped it with the guild seal.

"The proof is genuine, please wait for a moment as we prepared for the completion rewards. Would you like to sell the corpse and material?"

"Hmmm. I'll think about it, for now, just the completion reward is enough."

"I understand. Would you like it to be cash or deposit?"

"I need around half of it in a few days. So give me half of it in cash while the other half could you send it to the usual person."

I give her my adventurer cards.

"I understand. Then please wait for a moment."

She bows down slightly as she took the card and the proof. Then she left the counter and walk inside the door which located behind the counter.

Yeah, she really professional with her jobs. When it comes to her jobs, her entire atmosphere change. After a couple of minutes, she comes out with a tray in hand. On top of it, there a stack of gold and silver coin, there also a pouch on the side. Then she put it on the table before she pushes it to me.

"Here is your completion rewards. In total there is 55 big gold coin. The tax for the urgent quest was 8 big coin, so after the tax and partition by half, there is 23 big gold coin and 50 big silver coin on here. Please count it in case there a missing piece. Outside this, I have informed the usual adventurer guild branch and the request has been published. The transfer and request fee is 20 small silver and 30 small silver, I already cut it from the 23 big gold and 50 big silver per usual. If there aren't any problems your parents would be informed to take it in a day or two. Also, the completion has been recorded on your adventurer card, in case there a malfunction in the future which effecting your retirement salary, please bring this quest sheet. Thank you for your hard work."

"I understand, thank you miss Fina. "

I counted the coin and it was the exact amount as what Fina said to be. While it seems weird to pay for tax, but it was something great, to be honest. The tax would be used when the adventurer retired. The guild would send money monthly based on your achievement and quest completion from the tax you pay as when you're active. Also when you need money because of something unexpected, the guild will loan it to you. You could take a loan as much as twice the amount of tax you have paid with only 5% interest. Also, if you got a problem with your health after retirement, the guild will cover the cost based on it too. When in case you didn't need those when you retired, they will give you 90% of the tax you've been paid. Honestly, it a great system to aid the retired adventurer financially and livelihood.

"You're welcome. Business aside, there an interesting newbie."

"Oh, someone caught your eyes? That is rare."

"What do you mean? I always appreciate new talents."

Indeed, even in my past life she also likes this. There a time she was clingy to me to make me work harder since I was registering as adventurer under her wing. But that also the reason I said it was rare for her to find someone interesting. Even tho she is like this today, in the past, she was a rank-S adventurer. She retired early with finding a marriage partner as her reason. Although even after 6 years, she hasn't found anyone, she is already in her 40s now. She looks young since she is a quarter-elf, and her life expectancy is around 200 years.

That aside, if someone caught her eyes for their talents, the person in question will reach rank-A without a question. There only 1000 people in rank-A, while there around 20000 people in rank-B. So it means only 5 percent of rank-B adventurer could raise their rank to rank-A. Even in this kingdom there only 23 rank-A adventurers that actively do a quest. While there are a handful of people that reach it, but they aren't free enough to be active as an adventurer. For example Marquis Dageraad and his wife, or Duke Rames. So do those other Marquis, Duke, and head of the knight brigade, but they're busy with many things. So that why the newbie must be a rare talent among the talented newbie.

"Your standard is too high, that the reason I said it rare."

She chuckling neither she denying nor retorting my words. But she seems to be in deep thoughts about it whilst she put my rewards into the coins pouch slowly.

"She seems suspicious though."

She opens her mouth before I ask what distract her.

"The newbie?"

"Yes, the newbie. As talented as she —"

Before she could finish her words she flinched, as we both could feel a huge amount of mana fluctuating from the training field. Those adventurers with sharp sense seem to feel it too. As they staring at the training field door in wariness. But after a couple of minutes, nothing happens. They start to murmur with their friends on the table. What happened today? Somehow, many shocking things keep happening today. I am clueless about this sudden event. Since I never step my foot inside the guild around this time in my past life.

"Who was there?"

I muttered audibly, as I keep my eyes on the door. As I am curious about it, there is someone powerful behind that door for sure. Although it wasn't as powerful as myself, it still piqued my curiosity. I look back at Fina after a while, she seems to know something about it.

"That the newbie for sure."

"The newbie??"

The unexpected answer comes from her mouth. Even though I already regarding the newbie highly, I never thought it would be this high. Seems like I am underestimating its talents.

"Yes, as expected, she is suspicious! Just where did she come from."

"What do you mean?"

She pondering a moment before she nods her at me.

"I guess, it should be fine to tell you about it. That girl comes just a few minutes before you come, she looks pretty decent with a good appearance and weapon on her belt."

"Eh, so why is she on the training ground. There shouldn't be any test to join the guild as long as she paid for the registration and show her orb. Then what so suspicious about her if she is decent as you said?"

"That what suspicious, she doesn't have an identity orb! She said she lost it with her favorite pouch yesterday. She even cries as she tells me that it a memento of her mother."

"Then isn't she telling the truth?"

"That the problems, I couldn't tell if it was an act or not. But she seems to change her face slightly with magic."

"Illusion magic? You're known for your position as a scout tho."

"Sigh, if only it was illusion magic, I wouldn't be troubled. But it wasn't, I could tell there is mana circulating abnormally on her face, but it changing her looks physically."

"Physically? Hmmm... Is it like this?"

I show her my body strengthening magic as I change my muscle mass, and shape with my arm.

"Yes! The mana flowing like your magic! Hold on, what magic is this?"

"It is body strengthening magic. It increases your physical prowess with mana. How it works, it's secret. But it unexpected to find out there is another person who knows this magic."

"Is it hard to learn?"

"In a way. But more than it is hard to learn, it hard to understand the principles behind it."

"Now, you made me doubting her origin even more."

"Why so?"

"She comes from a rural fishing village near the sea in Saywen territory. She lived with her mother until last year, she said. Do you get it?"

"Err, no?"

"... I guess I am overestimating you or maybe you're ignorant of it because you're abnormal yourself."

I smile wryly as I heard her words. I got this urge to retorted her words since she was someone that reaches rank-S in her 30s, and she hasn't been an adventurer for long. Basically, she was the miracle child of her generation. In my past life, I heard she got a nickname as Ogre Princess because of her jobs as a brawler and her thirst for blood. Also, she wasn't like this in her adventuring day, I heard she was hotheaded. I wonder how is someone like her could be a scout. Well, she was the first person that finds out the demon race movement in the past. So it does her justice as a rank-S scout.

"Anyway, here your payment for the quest."

"Thank you very much miss Fina. So is there any other urgent quest?"

I took the gold pouch as I am asking those.

"Hmm, there is no urgent quest for you Storm Child."

"Please stop using that nickname. I am too old for that."

"Hahaha... Indeed you are already too old to be called a child. Maybe I should make petition to guild master to change your name to Storm Bearer."

"... I am not even doing those things from before anymore. Also, I will stay here for a long time since I am a student now."

"Oh, congratulations. I guess it won't be stormy in other towns from now on."

"Oh come on, I was in need of money before. That why I took every subjugation quest available."

As we are messing around, I could tell that miss Fina shifts her gaze.

"Oh, are you done?"

I turn around and look at miss Fina line of sight, there is a girl standing behind me. She gets black hair, or at least that how it looks like since I could feel mana circulating in her hair. Her eyes are big, and her eyelashes are long, then when I am speechless because of her eyebrows... I see this girl is the newbie that miss Fina told me. She is somewhat suspicious indeed. But if she could use body strengthening magic, why did she do this half-baked appearance change?

Anyway, I realized someone coming to our direction from the training ground, but I thought it was an adventurer that ready to take a quest. Since the other counter is empty, I keep chatting with miss Fina.

'So this is the newbie eh?'

"Ah, I am sorry. Did I stopping the line?"

I act innocent as I said that, and pretending to look around as if I am clueless why she was here since the other counter is empty.

"It alright, I could wait for your business."

Surprisingly, she replied to me politely.

"No need. I didn't plan to take a quest if it wasn't urgent. I only chatting with her because I thought it empty, also I already got my payment too. Seems like you got a business miss Fina. Sorry to make you wait."

I step aside politely, as I show her the rewards pouch, as I apologize for making her wait.

"It fine. I only come to complete my registration. Sister Fina here a note from mister Agun."

She nods her head slightly to me, then she talks to miss Fina right away and give a note to her.

'Hee, miss Fina even used the mana tracing note. Seems like she is really suspicious of her.'

Then professionally she dispelled the magic enchantments on the note as if she opening the note normally. I glance at the girl, but there is no change in her face. Then as miss Fina looks inside the note, she looks surprised before she looks at me and the girl.

"Storm Child seems like you found a rival!"

"Eh, pardon me?"

Her words caught me off guards. She really good at acting surprised, I mean she already notices her talents from the start. The reports on the note won't be that different from her expectations.

"Miss Nies over here got the highest potential which seconds only to you in melee also she topped your magic score!"

She continues the acts, it is as expected tho since she even made that fluctuation from before. But somehow the girl seems surprised and confused about what is happening. Then miss Fina smiles at her when she saw her face.

"It nothing miss, your results are amazing. You even beat him in magic. This person here was the most talented rookie in this generation. He brought a storm to every town he visited, by cleaning their surrounding from monsters as a 13 years old boy."

She explained to her what seems surprising, whilst leaking my personal information somehow.

"Cough... Miss Fina, could you stop leaking my personal information."

I fake cough and reminded her not to leak my information.

"Oh come on, who doesn't know you by now. You're already talking of every adventurer guild. She would know about your past quest sooner or later. After all many people already predicting your advancement to Rank A. You might even beat the Marquis Dageraad and his wife record for being a Rank A in their twenty. After all, you are only 15 and already on the peak of rank B."

Somehow, my rebuttal to her make the opposite effect, she leaking more information about me. Sigh...

I took a glance at the girl and found that she is dumbfounded when she heard her.

"See even miss Nies dumbfounded at your achievement. Although she also got potential to surpass you."

"... You're too kind miss Fina. Still, it wasn't a reason to leak information about me."

The girls keep her silent as she heard my rebuttal once again. I wonder if I should report her to the association, but it won't work against her. Seriously, we need a decent guild master for this ex rank-S.

"Whoops, please don't tell guild leader."

As if you care about what that big-bellied old man told you! Your position is higher than him anyway! I kept my silence tho since I know she acts like this to dig something up.

" Also, miss Nies, this is your new orb. You already know how to use it I guess, and here is your guild card. Please drop your blood on it."

"... Blood?"

"Yes, blood. It would record your blood essence, and also mana trace. So no one could misuse it, or when you lost your card we could check your records right away when issuing new cards."

Hearing the explanation the girl seems conflicted. Okay, this really is suspicious, for someone that could make mana fluctuations to be afraid of a little prick is really suspicious. She is hiding something for sure, with that facade of her.

"Bu-but it hurt... Couldn't we do it another way?

"Relax it only feels like you got a prick by flower thorn."

Miss Fina suddenly made her move and pierce her finger with a needle right away. Nies stare at her dumbfounded as a drop of blood drip on her card. She frowns and sucks her finger at once as she stares at miss Fina grudgingly while pouting. The card shines for a moment as a sign it completed. Somehow, her blood scents seem familiar to me. I frown as I thought those.

"Then with this, it is completed. You can use either your orb or this card to get inside the city. If you make a crime your card would record it just like the orb. Also, stop staring at me with your cute pouting face! It made want to hug you."

"Ugh... Bad sister, you caught me off guard."

I shook my head as I dismissed my thoughts. While they are talking with one another. I keep listening and observing them talking from the side. I could feel her gaze was on me for a moment when I shook my head.

"Then everything is 7 silver coin. You could either pay it in front, or you could pay it by cutting your rewards."

"Umm... I would like to pay it right away."

When she said that, she took out a gold coin from her purse right away. Looking at the gold coin, miss Fina took it with lightning speed so our surrounding didn't see her took it out.

"With this, you're officially an adventurer."

She then pulls the girls and whispering something. The girl seems to be baffled and nodded her head. She must have told her not to take a gold coin outside in the public. That was dangerous after all. She then parts away from her and changes back to her business face once again.

"Then would you like to take a quest?"

"Hmmm.. not today sister Fina. I got something to do."

"Ah, please be careful then. Also, remember as a Rank E, you must take a quest at least once in a month. You could also buy your monster corpse to the guild, we would purchase it from you."

"Nnn... I got it, sister. Thank you once again."

With that, she walks away whilst waving her hand before she goes out of the guild. A couple of adventurers are looking at her, but they seem to cease their intention as they glance at me and miss Fina on the counter. Then I turn back to the counter and face miss Fina once again. She seems to be in deep thought, whilst staring at me.

"So what do you think?"

"Indeed, as you said she is suspicious. But she doesn't seem bad as a person. You should know about this more than me. You even use that note to analyze her mana, but your acting when you were surprised was really great."

"True... She doesn't seem bad, but I was really surprised tho."

"Eh, you really surprised??"

"Yes, the notes result was really surprising. It analyzing and matching her mana wavelength with the recorded mana of every registered adventurer in the guild, do you want to know what is the result of its analysis?"

"There is a match?!"

Well, the note true use is to prove the adventurer identity in case they die in a quest without leaving a will. So when the family comes to collect their bodies and saving, the guild would test them with the note. That is why I am curious since there is a match, which means her close relatives were an adventurer.

"Yes, there is a match. What even more surprising, she said that it was her mother that teaching her magic and swordsmanship. But the thing is, the person who matches up with her wavelength didn't live in Saywen territory."

"What?! Doesn't that mean you need to reports it to the adventurer guild association? She definitely used a fake identity to register. Why did you give her the card?"

"Ah, well... Those people that match with her are treatable, so I guess it would be fine."

"Eh? Does that mean your suspicion on her is cleared?"

"Yeah, it cleared. But I am curious why she hides her real identity. Maybe it because of her social status? Well, those people also used an alias in their younger day. Whoops, now, I really leaking personal information. Please forget the last part."

"She is a noble eh?"

"Forget it alright."

I am completely dumbfounded tho, because of a figure crossed my mind at once. Now, they both seem familiar, if it wasn't for their hair color, eyebrows, lips, and voice were different... No, from the start, that Nies changing those parts of her. They also got the same height and demeanor, also her speeches don't seem like a commoner. If my conjecture correct, it completely explained why her blood scent was so familiar. No, it no uses to pondering about it alone. I should try to ask her directly. I already move out, when I come to my sense. I could still feel her mana which closes by, it only took me a couple of minutes to chase her. She looks bewildered for a moment when she sees me, but she pretends she seen nothing and ignore my presence.

"Who are you?"

I ask her directly, as I never plan to beat around the bush.

"Ah, mister Dapper how are you suddenly here?"

She frowns a little and saying those lightly as if she saying I don't know what are you doing here, but made it fast.

"Are you acting innocent or you're taking me for a fool? I definitely feel your glance when I frown back there."

"Oh... I only thought you seem weird because you frown when you see my blood."

I test her, but her reply was as I expected.

"Is that all of it? You don't seem real to me tho. Also, I could feel mana under your face muscle. That definitely a superb control on body muscle with mana. Normal people might not realize it, but coincidentally I am also good at that."

I tried to test her once again, but her reply was unexpected. She keeps feigning ignorance.

"Isn't it rude mister Dapper to talk like that about girl's face."

"It if you're really a girl. I mean how could I know you are a girl or boy, with your voice changing like that."

I scoffed her as I try to make her spill the bean. Since it seems like she won't tell me directly.

"Oh my goodness, the girl won't like a boy that acting like that. Would you also commenting on girl make up if they use one and said how did I know you are a girl when you hiding with a thick powder like that?"

That when I got checkmated by her next reply. I finally understand why miss Fina didn't ask her about her magic despite knowing how it works.

"I.. I..."

"See, that rude of you. I mean my face might be not as good as now without those you said. I also might only change my voice slightly since my real voice is bad."

I stuttering as I lose my mind. T-that was really rude of me. Indeed it pretty normal for a girl to use makeup, and since she could make herself prettier with her magic why not? But...

"M-my apologize... But your blood."

"What with my blood?"

"It got the same scent as someone I know."

What the hell did I say?! I am definitely didn't think straight, she looks at me disgusted as she stops walking.

"Mister Dapper, I never thought you are such a rude person. Do you even smell my blood?! Are you a pervert?!"

She shouts those out whilst trembling as many people shift their sights to us. They murmuring something, as they watching my every move. Th-this... No, it a misunderstanding.

"Th-that wasn't what I meant. I..."

"Our conversation end here mister Dapper! You accuse me of my face and voice, then you... Did you smell my blood?! Please don't appear in front of me again."

My attempt to fix the misunderstanding ended with failure, as my stuttering in nervousness made her cry. The crowd opening a path for her at once as she runs away from me. They give me a disgusted face, as they stared at me like a rapist. This.

"This... I..."

I completely at lost as I could only shake my head and wave my hands. It took me half an hour to clear the misunderstanding, but I could tell they still doubting me. I left the spot and returned to my dorm at once.

Next chapter