

It early in the morning when someone suddenly knock on my door. Which I definitely know who is it. Sigh... How bothersome to always said the same thing every time someone knocking.

"Who is it?"

"Young master it Jullian. Madam thought young master still asleep. Madam ask me to wake you up. It almost time for breakfast."

"I'll come out in a moment."

With that being said I got up, and change my clothes, before opening the door.

"Good morning Jullian."

"Good morning young master Zein. Would you like a bath first in the morning or you would go to dining room right away?"

"A bath will do."

"As you wish."

With that couple of maid come, and guide me to the bathroom. While Jullian goes inside my room. It seems he going to clean my room like how he usually do. I stop on my track and turn back. It should be the maid work, but since I am being a jerk before and only allowed him to do those it becomes Jullian work.

"Ah, Jullian. You can let the maid to do those. Do forgive me for those behavior from before. From now on you can help father in the morning right away."

He smile benignly as he heard my words.

"I understand young master. Then please excuse me, I still want to make your bed for the last time before giving those maid the work afterwards."

"Ah, alright then. Thanks for everything Jullian."

"Certainly young master."

With that I continue walking down the corridor to the bathroom. I dismissed the maid as I got in, and wash myself. They already prepared change of clothes for me as I am done. While the clothes that I was using for 5 minutes already disappeared from where I placed it. Really? It not dirty at all! I only used it for 5 minutes. I change to a new clothes reluctantly, since it will be troublesome for them if I asking those clothes back. Then I go to the dinning room for a breakfast, which still empty. Only mother was there.

"Ara, you already woken up? Hmm, you even took your bath."

"Well good morning mother."

"Oh, good morning honey. It usually took you an hour to be able to wake up, after mother send Jullian to wake you up."

"I guess it is. But I can let Jullian do those the entire time. It wasting his time, while he could do other things to help father in the morning."

"Whoa, my son grown up after 2 months comatose. I guess that entire 2 months wasn't a waste. You got another accident honey, who knows that next time you got in coma you will become a great person!"

"Geez, mother you're such a jest."

"Thank you for your compliment honey."

We laugh as we exchange few jokes. Mother really can't keep her cool face within family.

"So where is everyone mother?"

"They still on the hell pit! Sweating under the morning sun. Why can't they keep it down once a few days and be like a noble not a knight."

"Said the mother who lose all her face cade in front of her family."

"And mother proud of it."

She make a proudly face and pose. Then after awhile she change to her serious face.

"Anyway honey, your grandpa going to the capital in 2 months.

"This is the first time I heard this."

When see said grandpa it mean, my grandparents from father side. So it will be Dein van Dageraad, the one and only swordmaster in the kingdom. Some that can cut down a 10 meter high castle wall with one slash.

"It is since you are in comatose when he visit us the last time. Also he seems agitated when he seen you in coma."

"Grandpa was agitated?"

"Well he said 'good for you! You finally screw up big time now grandson. But relax even tho grandpa hate you so much for all the things you did, grandpa will get to the bottom of it! Whoever did this to you will paid! So just rest in pieces grandson!'"

Mother told me his words as she impersonated and mimicking grandpa voice and movement.

"... Really he want me to be dismembered?"

"He said it would be easier to buried you if you're got dismembered when mother ask him why in pieces."


"Well after mother throw tantrum he apologized tho. Reluctantly."

"Should I hide far away from the capital when he coming?"

He is technically a walking tactical weapon after all! He is famous for being anti-magician swordman. He could cut down any magic, there even one time he fight against one of the demon general that famous for her magic. He fighting her because she sneak in the continent. The results was he fall down due exhaustion after 3 days fighting while the demon general retreat back to their continent.

"That might be a good idea!"

Mother giggling when she said that. Well I know all those things is a joke, since he really loved me and Lein before. At least before I become a complete trash, and made him give up on me. Anyway he definitely still love me or he won't get agitated when seeing my condition.

"Okay, joke aside mom—"

"Whoa Zein calling me mom when I am not angry at him. It been awhile since this happen."

"Mother then.."

"Ow  you could call me mom as you did like when you were kid."

"No, it will made you goes to your teasing mode. Anyway mother why is he coming to the capital?"

"Eh, it for your academy annual competition. He going to be a guest of honor for the events."

"Then there is no chance for me to run away from him."

"There is zero chance, except you run away before he arrive. But you will got kicked out from Magic Academy if you can't get a spot in the the main event on any competition."

"Pardon me?! I never heard of this too."

"Eh, your father haven't told you yet?"

"He haven't, not even a mention about it."

Mother face change to chilly one.

"I guess mother need to talk to him later on. Anyway Zein, if you still want to study in Magic Academy, you need at least reach the main event of one competition. It the term for you to be able to continue your study there. Since you were running away in the middle of the semester before. That is our family agreement with the headmaster, and it took a considerable amount of your grandpa face. So you better not let him down."

"I understand. So mother which competition did you think I would be able to survive?"

That when my mother face turn to grim... Which understandable since I got no talent in every competition. Even last year I got lucky to be able to reach third round of elimination in blitz, which all about team. Also I am entire a dead weight to my team at that time. While no one want me in their team for any other team competition. Then mother suddenly got a bright face.

"Umm... Blitz? Or maybe magic debate?"

Blitz is a magic game, which you need to take your enemies team down by making them surrender or steal away their tags or tap their team crystal. The tags is located on every player belt, while the team crystal can be hidden anywhere by the opponent team. So it easier to steal the tags, or make the opponent surrender. It's kinda like a game of tag, but full of magic and super human if I should said. Although it would made me in a highlight if I suddenly become so good at those. But it is still an available choice since I can hide the entire time while my teammates doing their works. On the other side, I need another 7 people to make a blitz team, which kind of hard because of my stink reputation. Last year I can made a team using my allowance tho. But to be able to reach the main event with a random paid people... Definitely won't work. Because those people that really good at it, already make their own team, since it a popular sports. While magic debate is literally as it name. We're debating about magic, which chosen by the judge and try to took down our opponent with those chosen type of magic. Since we both free to choose 4 spell from 20 of random spell that judge choose, it actually a fair game. It a game of mind, the fun fact is all those spell will be projected on a big screen and our character will move as we commanded them as the debate goes on. It will move according to our analogy, analysis, the magic theory that we use and how to used the magic in practice.Then at the end of the debate both character will move to fight against each other and prove which contestants correct. Who got their character die is the one who losing. There would be 5 round. So taking all the powerful magic at once definitely a wrong choice.

"That sounds like a great advice. Since  both of them doesn't need a high body potential. Well blitz need it, but if my teammates are great, I can just hide the entire games. While on magic debate, it all about whose making a good decision as the debate goes. Which all about strategy and psychology."

"I know that I am great."

"Yes, my mom is the greatest."

While we laughing and  being cheerful someone finally come to the dinning room, which is father. Mother face suddenly turn ice cold. May you rest in pieces father.

"Whoa good morning darling, and Zein, you guys seems like having a great conversation."

Then he look at mother face...

"Darling did I do something wrong..."

"Oh it nothing Rein, you just didn't told our son the things you need to discussed with him. Which luckily I heard it before it too late."

"Am I? I am sorry.."

He make a puppy eyes, which soften mother face. Okay you guys get a room, I don't want to see my parents romance.

"But I guess it make me had a great conversation with our son."

"Is that mean you forgive me darling?"

"Yes, still as punishment no touching—"

"Cough. I am still here mother..."

I fake a cough before I hear more about this punishment of father. Which I am sure not something I want to hear. Mother got embarrassed, so do father.

"We will talk about this on our room later dear."

"Alright then."

Father grin and wink at me. Okay father that disgusting...

"So what were you guys talking about?"

"Ah we were talking about which events Zein should took at the academy annual competition."

"So that what I am forgetting about. Now that really bad of me. Then which one you should take Zein?"

"I would try blitz again and magic debate. Since it seems I got the highest chance in there."

"Nice choice. Then you probably should pray that your sister won't meet you at the preliminary round."

"... which competition that Lein going to take?"

"Father heard she would like to take blitz, battle competition in both team and individual, then archery and castle skirmish."

"Now my chance for blitz seems bleak. Since her team must be full of my acquaintance that grow considerably strong like their parents."

"Really? You already know whose gonna be in her team."

"I am not sure father, but based on her circle of friends in the academy you should known most of them. It Zack, Silva, James, Carol, Kaitlyn, Fransisca, Rick, Thomas, and also Abbie."

"So it a team full of our noble circle children, except those that already graduate or those that haven't get in the admitted yet?"

"Frankly yes. Also this year Karin and Alfonso should be a freshman."

"... Isn't it a dream team already?"

"It kinda yes. Hard to admit but yes. The only team that could fight against them is Elsa team which from neutral faction circle."

"Oh, with Duke daughter there it must be a great team."

"As you expected dad, their team is full of Duke Rames circle of noble children, and many scholarship student."

"I see. Then what about Prince Gerad son?"

"You.. do know his circle is full of my oldself. Hedonistic, egoistic noble and merchant children. Got potential but never polish it."

Well honestly our academy is like a our kingdom miniature. With many noble son and daughter leading their own circle and normal student thriving to be acknowledged by those noble. There is no such discrimination by birth, but there still a circle. The major circle is like I said before, it based on our kingdom Noble circle. Lein circle of friends that based on the king noble circle which hold on equality, moral and ethic. Then Elsa circle of friends that based on Duke Rames noble circle, that act neutral, and do their best for the kingdom and the people. Then the last one is Prince Gerad noble circle, the ex crown prince lead by his son Edgar. It full of old nobility that egoistic, hedonistic, and always thinking about money and power most of time. So where I am standing on before? I am standing near Edgar before. It pretty normal to change circle of noble as a student tho. Since that one of the reasons the academy made of, took make all those heir made a relations before ruling their territory.

"... Right you were such a hedonistic noble son before."

"I apologized."

"What past stayed in the past my son. So now you would go back to your old circle of friends?"

"I guess I'll pass on that, father.

I answer him without any hesitation, making him frown.

"Relax, I won't go back to Edgar circle of friends too."

"I am not worried about that."

"Eh you don't? Then what with that worried look at your face?"

"I worries you will become a loner."

"... Seriously father?"

"I am being serious here, who want to be friends with someone that got reputation like you, outside those kind of people."

"... It not like I want to mingle with noble, on the bright side our family successor got a bright future ahead of her. So I can just be a useless son ain't I? A useless son that only laze around and took care of their old parents."

I grin at him as I said what is on my mind. He look bewildered since that wasn't the answer he hope to hear from me. While mother giggling.

"Please tell me he was jesting darling."

"I am not quite sure dear, but isn't it a good enough offer from Zein? At least he won't make any trouble anymore."

"That... Kind of a good offer if you said it like that."


Okay my parents officially agreeing my future prospect of being a NEET. You guys would be the best parents ever for those NEET on Earth. Then suddenly Fransisca walk in the dinning room. With furious face..

"Zein!! Are you lying to me about making your own business as you graduate?!"

"I am just teasing father Fransisca..."

"Eh? For real?"

"For real."

"Really?! You're only teasing me? And you gonna make your own business?"

"And yes father."

After they heard my confirmation another couple of times, they finally drop the topic.

"Ah... Where is my manners. I am sorry father, mother. I just storm in the room without saying my greetings."

"It alright Fransisca. Right darling?"

"Yeah, all good."

Then the last member finally appearing her nose. She come inside the dinning room on time.

"I am sorry father, mother for making both of you waiting for me. And good morning mother."

She then surveying the room as she met my gaze, she turn faster.

"And good morning Miss Fransisca."

"Ara good morning honey."

"Good morning Lein."

Lein frown as she heard Fransisca greetings.

"... Did we already on a stage of just calling our name directly?"

"Yes, you're honey."

By her response I think she didn't meet Fransisca on the field today. She gaze her from head to toe, couple of times.

"You're kinda familiar when I look at you now... I feel like we indeed met many times before. This is really weird, I can feel my heart beating faster."

"... Did you feel that to other person?"

"Umm, I think it a no? Ah except when I am looking at brother Fran mother. When he swing his sword in the morning and look focused, it make my heart beating faster. I miss him already."

... All of us goes silence at once, mother even looking grim. While father smile wryly, the subject of the confession herself got her mouth touching the ground. Okay, I definitely got a serious problem here. Can I ask Google how to tell my sister that her crush which she thought as a guy turn out to be a girl, and that crush going to be my fiancee which technically her sister-in-law? Okay, this is really disastrous, she already hate me for being a total jerk the past three years, and now her crush turn out to be my fiancee. I send a helping glance at mother, which returned with helplessness glance. Seems like getting kicked out from Magic Academy would be much better for me.

"Why are you guys got quiet suddenly? Di-did I said something weird?"

"... Cough, it nothing Lein. Father just thinking, let's we eat breakfast first. Since your carriage is already here."

Father fake a cough as he awkwardly change the topic.

"Ah, then we should! I can't wait to reach the capital already, I miss my friends and Fran."

Then as usual, Jullian prepare the table and take out the food. It pretty simple, only a sandwich and a salad. It filled with some bacon and lettuce. Yep, simple breakfast is the best. The rest of breakfast got a weird atmosphere, as we eat our breakfast in silence. It finally time for us to depart from Dageraad manor, with 6 carriage waiting for us. Four of it got our family seal and banner, the dawn in a mountain, while the other two got Earl Grey family seal which is Grey Wolf. Basically we got our own carriage and a baggage carriage... I finally understand how lavish a noble can be. Well my baggage ain't that many tho. Mostly it only clothing.

"Father... I don't need any carriage for baggage. My baggage ain't that many anyway."

"Is that so?? Right... You finally throw those jealousy from back there."

Now that he said those, I finally remembered how I make a fuss for another carriage since I don't want to share with Lein.

"Then Lein—"

"No, I don't want to share my carriage with him."


"It alright Sir Dageraad. Zein could put his baggage on my carriage. Since my baggage carriage still kind of empty."

Hearing Fransisca words, Lein staring dagger at her. Seriously this is messed up. Jullian move my baggage right away to Fransisca carriage, and making sure he didn't miss anything.

"Hmph, so you're indeed his lover."

"Le-lein this is..."

"I don't need your reason. Anyway father, mother I will miss both of you."

Lein goes to father and mother side and hug both of them.

"Aaa.. take care on the journey Lein."

"Becareful alright honey?"

"Will do father, mother. I'll see you later on our academy annual competition."

With that farewell, she left to her carriage leaving me and Fransisca behind.

"Father please don't work too hard, I know you've been up for couple of days now.

and mother took care of your health okay? I want to see my new sibling soon."

They both gaping as they heard my words. Then mother blushing, while Fransisca got bewildered face.

"Since when did you know Zein?"

"Ah, around 2-3 days ago I guess. I caught up when I stroll to library. You were having morning sick when I cross the hall."

"Fufufu, I guess you're really changing Zein. You become more observant and caring."

"Of course mother, after all those things. I should show you that I care."

"Look Rein, seems like we got found out before we announce it."

"Sigh, even though I want it to be surprised when we goes to the capital."

"So how long it has been father?"

"It the 70 days, we found it just half a month ago."

"I see, then my new sibling will be born by the spring."

"He or she will, anyway don't tell your sister yet. Okay, honey?"

"Will do mom."

With that I hug them both. Then Fransisca step up.

"Co-congratulation on you pregnancy ma— mother..."

"Fufufu, thank you honey."

"Also Fransisca, just relax around us like how you used to be."

"I-I understand father. Please take care of your health."

Mother hug Fransisca suddenly, making her stunned.


"Relax honey, it alright. Mother already stable."

"Anyway I'll took care of your mother, you guys better get going before Lein flare up."

"Yes, father. Then until the annual competition."

"Yes, take care my son. Go mend your relationship with Lein before your new sibling born."

"Will do dad. See you later mom."

"Ahh, don't do stupid things again honey"

With that we board our own carriage as we leaving the Dageraad mansion. I can see mother waving her hand until we really far away.

Next chapter