
Transmigration Transformation: Trash To Interstellar Treasure

Wen Yu had been a homebody all his life. He'd lost both of his siblings when he was two which prompted his parents to raise him in a metaphorical glass cage. Due to being shielded all his life, it was so easy for him to fall to the schemes of others and he lost his life at the hands of his cousin and so called best friend. The next time Wen Yu gained consciousness, he was inexplicably transmigrated into a futuristic universe by an unknown entity, where the stronger ruled over the strong. Faced with a universe filled with, Mechas, spiritual power and being born in a military family to the most talented general of the Federation, Wen Yu quickly discovered that he could no longer be the pampered young master that he once was -especially when he was born with a body with extremely low aptitude. Sigh. This is BxB, MxM, Bl, Yaoi. In case that wasn't clear enough. Gong mc. Author here: I can't design sh*t so I got the cover photo from pinterest credits to owner

Melted_Ore · LGBT+
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54 Chs

Wen Yu And Wen Lin

Wen Yu slowly stirred awake. Ever since the events of the forest, he'd been feeling extremely weak. He could barely keep himself awake before but now it was much worse.

His saviour was really clueless and didn't even know how to properly care for a baby but he didn't have the heart to complain as he was glad to be alive.

The foreign spirit energy had been removed thanks to the consistent efforts of his saviour and the energy dispersing ring but he still felt off and his limbs felt like jelly.

He wasn't sure if it was a major problem though since he was still four months old and his muscles were yet to fully harden, so controlling his limbs was still out of the question.

He struggled for a while and managed to roll to the side and then he was dumbfounded. Why was there a baby in here with him?

Did his saviour save another child? Should he be worried since the man seemed to easily come in contact with babies in distress?

He opened his mouth to shout but what came out were nonsensical babbles. His noisiness soon awoke the sleeping child.

The baby blinked at him with large clear eyes. What followed next was a wave of pitifully loud cries.

He inwardly groaned, thinking that was the worst of it but soon, echoes of loud cries seemed to come from everywhere.

'...' He was shocked. Although he couldn't see them, he was sure this place was full of babies. What was this? Wasn't the man in black supposed to be a good man? Why were they so many babies?

He could no longer control his baby hormones and soon joined the army of little wailing human halflings. So shameful!

Soon enough a group of ladies rushed into the nursery and started coaxing the babies.

A pretty lady stood before his shared cot. "Mei Mei are these the twins that were dropped off in front of the orphanage last night?"

Orphanage? Wen Yu was stunned. He was in an orphanage? He quickly pursed his lips in shame. He had labelled the man in black as a bad person so quickly. How ungrateful.

He barely paid any attention to the first half of the lady's words.

"Hmm." The young lady called Mei Mei gently hummed.

"How cute." The lady before his cot gushed as she picked him and the other baby up.

Another problem arose. Since he was in an orphanage, did that mean he was never going to see his mother again?

He might have only spent six months with her, counting from his time in her stomach, but the fact that he started out as a baby made him naturally attached and a little bit dependent on her.

He pursed his lips harder, he didn't want to cry but it didn't work for long. He soon started another round of wailing which triggered the little army again.

Wen Fei Fei immediately got on the next available spaceship to Planet Xin when she saw the letter.

Her child, her baby was alive. She could barely contain her tears of joy. She'd been refused access to his supposed grave and no matter how much she pled, the Xie family never budged.

She finally arrived at the Capital Planet two days later and rushed over to the orphanage without rest. Who knew if her child was still there?

She was trembling from both fear and excitement as she placed her electronic bracelet against the AI scanner to activate the bell.

A short while later, an immaculately dressed woman stepped out of the metal doors with a bunch of attendants following behind.

Wen Fei Fei tugged on her scarf and glasses. The woman was a wife of an influential military family and she was carrying a child.

Wen Fei Fei's heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be...right?

She was still trying to peek at the child, swaddled in blankets in the woman's arms, when a voice came from beside her,

"Miss, you're here to adopt?"

She looked over to the young lady in front of her and nodded quickly. "Ah, yes."

The young lady smiled warmly. "Okay, come with me then."

Wen Fei Fei looked back as the elite woman entered her high grade Techno car with the baby and drove off.

She was led to a nursery of sorts, filled with all kinds of milky smelling cinnamon rolls.

Her heartbeat increased. Her baby might be here. But what if he was not? She willed away the negative thoughts as she gingerly looked through the cots, tears in her eyes.

She looked through numerous cots but couldn't find her baby. She'd just gotten to the last one when the lady besides her said with a smile,

"In there is a set of adorable twins."

Wen Fei Fei paused. Twins? She looked around the extra large nursery. Her child wasn't a twin, has he really been adopted? Was she too late?

She barely held back her choked sob when one of the babies in the twin cot rolled on his back and started babbling animatedly with flailing limbs.

She was stunned. Her son! She walked closer and picked him up, hugging him tightly to her bosom.

She looked over to the lady and uttered happily, "I want him."

The lady hesitated for a while before sighing. "If it isn't too much, can you adopt them both?"

Wen Fei Fei stared at the lady in confusion. "Them?"

The lady nodded like a pecking hen. "Hmm. The twins. It might really be too much but my younger sister found them with a note saying they should be adopted together." She walked closer with a look full of pity.

'...' Wen Yu paused his babblings when he heard the lady's words. Twins? He looked to the wriggling baby in the cot but kept silent in the end.

The baby was so pitiful. Dumped in the orphanage at such a young age and the baby looked very likable too. He thought to his former siblings in his last world. He didn't mind a sibling.

"The mother must have been sad to leave them and wanted them to be adopted together so they could look after each other, " The young lady continued.

Wen Fei Fei looked at the smiling baby in the cot. Her husband's subordinate must have put her son in that baby's basket and now these ladies all thought they were twins.

The baby was staring at her in curiosity and her eyes looked so beautiful. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to adopt her too.

She nodded at the orphanage attendant.

Three days later, a naming ceremony was held in the Wen family of Planet Xin and two new names were inscribed in bold calligraphy on the family genealogy.

Wen Yu and Wen Lin.