Chapter updates

Hello, everyone.

First and foremost, I would like to thank the people who gave their time to take a look and read this novel.

I am a nonnative English speaker so expect that there will be mistakes with the grammar. Please bare with me. I will take time to edit them at a later date.

As for the chapter releases, I can update 2 chapters a day with a minimum of a thousand words. The chapters might increase but I will make sure to upload at least two everyday.

As for the time, it will be erratic. I publish whatever I have written at the time I finish it. I am doing minor checking after writing, but since I have a proper job, there will not be a specific time.

For the names of the characters, well, I am very weak at it. So I will use any suggestion that the readers bothered to give or my friends'.

I very much appreciate if you point out any problems or mistakes that you have stumbled while reading the novels. I will try to correct it as soon as I can.

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