
The Transmigration

Whistling, a young man walks down a busy avenue, and as he walks across the street, a truck comes barreling down the bustling street, and runs him over, causing all of his organs to flatten and empty, spewing sulfuric acid, urine, feces, and brain fluid all over the truck and the street.

As you can probably guess, that man happens to be me.

So as my soul fades away to Sovngarde, I hear(?) a voice that says, "Oh such a poor soul, for dying such a horrid death, I grant you my blessing, and transfer your soul to this other body, good luck, my child…" And the light rushes forward…

And then I am standing under a bridge in an unfamiliar city block, suffocating in a semi-liquid substance, and suddenly, I can breath!

As I gulp in the luxurious oxygen, I think to myself, 'I will never take breathing for granted again!' And looking around, I recognize the scene from an anime I watched a few months ago, and realize that I was placed into the world of My Hero Academia 'Holy fucking shit what the hell just happened.' I think, trying to process my surroundings.

Suddenly, a masculine voice sounds within my head, saying to me.

'Can you hear me, pathetic child? I am All For One, and you have been granted with my Quirk. Be grateful, for this opportunity should not have occurred.'

Then, another, scratchier voice says, 'Shut up, All For None, I gave him the Quirk, not you!'

And suddenly, I feel… different. I stretch out my hand, and something shoots out of it, destroying the side of the bridge, and carving a 2 foot hole into the side. "Holy Guacamole Carrotini Macaroni rotini sauce what in the actual heck just happened?

All for One says, "That is the power of my, and Tomura's quirks, placed into your body do with that what you will, but first you must rest