
Saving the kids

"I see, it is little brother Su Meng, then... We would be glad to help and accommodate little brother for a while but I am afraid our village is facing a crisis and it's not very safe here. May I also inquire which dishonorable people that talked about our village the little brother met?" Feng Baichuan replied and his tone became more friendly but he was still very cautious.

'Are they trying to keep me safe or is it just because they think I am here to create additional trouble? Well, either way, they warned me not to stay here, it looks like they are pretty humble and kind despite me being a stranger to them.' Meng thought before he explained their appearance with a faint smile.

"Those guys...what happened to them?" Feng Baichuan asked in a low voice.

"I had to take care of them since they wanted to rob me. It's alright if it's not safe here, after all, how could it be safe anywhere in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. While I would stay here, I would do my best to protect everyone. However I don't think you would accept profound coins as payment, right? I can treat some minor illnesses and I can also pay you in form of herbs or profound beast cores." Meng insisted despite the dangers with a smile on his face while looking at some children curiously looking at him from afar.

"?! I see...The guys this little brother met were part of the group named Black Demon Mercenary Group. They have been here a few times already. As for the payment...there is no need to pay us anything but we would gladly take you up on your offer to treat anyone who falls ill during your stay here. However, I must warn this little brother that the Black Demon Mercenary Group will certainly come back here and at that time, you might find yourself in danger." Feng Baichuan said respectfully and informed Meng of the strongest members since he couldn't sense Meng's profound strength no matter how much he tried which could only mean that he is much stronger than him.

"Alright, I am fine with being in a danger, haha. How about that little girl there comes here and I will help her with that pale face. She must not be feeling well." Meng laughed and waved at a little girl hiding behind her mother with an inviting smile. The little girl looked at her mother and her mother in response looked at Feng Baichuan who nodded his head.

The little girl slowly approached Meng and Feng Baichuan.

"Hello little one, you are not feeling completely fine the entire day, right?" Meng crouched down to match the girl's height and asked with a bright friendly smile.

"Ooh...Ah! Y-Yes, I am feeling a bit strange for a while already, especially my stomach." The little girl stared at Meng's friendly smile with a wide-open mouth before she replied with a smile and a faint blush crept up on her pale cheeks while rubbing her belly.

'Although I don't know much about medicine and only know about first aid, all I need to do is send my yang energy and gently soothe her blood vessels, get rid of any harmful substances and revitalize her blood and organs to become more immune, by doing just this, she might even gain immunity to some weak poisons.' Meng thought and pressed his index and middle finger on the little girl's heart and slowly imbued her body with his yang energy and carefully guided it inside her body.

The pale face that the little girl previously had was slowly changing and from her expression, it looked as if she was having a blissful experience. And how could she not? Having your own blood and organs revitalized usually also meant a longer lifespan.

When the process was done, the little girl looked finally well and when she opened her eyes she couldn't help but brightly smile at Meng.

"I am feeling much better even than during the days I feel very well...It's...It's as if I gained a new life~! I feel so full of energy, thank you, big brother!" The little girl said with a bright expression before she jumped on Meng and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on his cheek before even quicker running away, back to her mother.

"Eh...Little girl, you shouldn't kiss strangers' cheeks like that..." Meng was a bit speechless as he only muttered while looking at her back and scratching the back of his head, not sure what he should do.

Seeing this, Feng Baichuan faintly smiled.

"Little brother Su Meng isn't a stranger anymore...Please follow me, I will show you to your lodging." Feng Baichuan slightly bowed with a smile before he started walking towards the center of their small village with Meng behind him. At this time Feng Baichuan was pretty sure that Meng was a kind person and not someone who just came for the treasures. However, what convinced him wasn't how Meng helped the little girl from his clan but how he behaved after she gave him that quick peck on the cheek. He was able to see that Meng was feeling a bit weird, not knowing what to do since he wasn't that familiar with the little girl.

Feng Baichuan accommodated Meng and he immediately went to cultivate inside his room but after a few hours, the same little girl came with a few more kids looking for him to play with. Facing their puppy eyes, he had no strength to refuse them plus he could use them to show him around so he could scout out the surroundings of this village. Although Meng never had kids, a lot of his friends had little kids and since then, little kids became his weak spot. Maybe it was because he also wanted to be a father and try bringing up a child but he had his duties and he really had no idea how to find a woman who would be willing to have a child with him without a few years of dating, therefore, he was spending his spare time with the kids of his friends, taking care of them. He was pretty popular among them and they quickly started calling him uncle as he was friends with their parents.

Thanks to these old memories, Meng was capable of handling more than 4 kids and playing with them. However, when others discovered that their kids went to bother someone with unknown strength they were quickly reprimanded but Meng made sure that their parents wouldn't punish them in any way.

Meng spent a few more peaceful days, relaxing and meditating inside their village while at night he was looking around, just when he woke up, he heard a commotion right outside his room.

When he walked out of his room, he saw Feng Baichuan and his wife Feng Caiyun frantically discussing something with anxiety visible on their faces.

"What's going on?" Meng approached them and asked with a serious expression.

"My Zu'er and Xian'er were seen abducted by some people! Please, mister Su, can you save them?!" Feng Caiyun quickly explained in a distraught way, begging Meng to save her kids.

"That..." Feng Baichuan, on the other hand, looked extremely worried but he had no idea if his wife's begging would do any good, after all, they still had no idea how strong Meng is.

However, contrary to Feng Baichuan's worries, Meng narrowed his eyes, and the air inside the house became suddenly tense.

"Where were they last seen and in which way those guys that abducted them run?" Meng asked with a hint of anger in his tone. Obviously, the kids of the clan leader were also the ones Meng occasionally played with however that wasn't the only reason why he was so angry. He promised them to protect them during his stay here and so he will do it even if a Sky Profound Beast suddenly popped out of nowhere and attacked the village.

[New Quest: Save those you swore to protect]

[Reward: 1.000 Skill Points]

"Ah, thank you! They were seen going on a stroll in the south part of the village and when they were abducted, other kids saw them carrying my kids towards the forest south from here!" Feng Caiyun thanked Meng and explained as her tears were going down her cheeks, she still managed to form a weak smile upon hearing that Meng will go save them.

Meng sprinted out of the village while using his Cloud Steps, disappearing inside the forest within a few seconds. With his Spiritual Sense constantly in use, he was able to instantly pick up any tracks left behind by the abductors.

After around 20 minutes he finally caught up with them and saw 3 men of 5th, 7th, and 8th Nascent Profound Realm putting a slave collar on both kids who were distressed by these events. The collars were also connected to a tough line.

'Treating them like undisciplined dogs!' Meng clenched his teeth and used his top speed at the moment when their guard was at the latest state and he grabbed both kids while also cutting the tough line connecting to their collars at the same time.

"What?! Who the hell are you?!" The guy at 8th Nascent Realm was completely shocked that someone snatched the kids that were standing a few steps away from him.

"Leave and go inform your leader that if he wants to cause more trouble he will suffer." Meng said while glaring at them, pulling the kids behind him.

"Big brother Su! You have to be careful!" Both kids cried out at the same time and their expressions brightened before a worried expression appeared on their faces.

"You are telling us to leave? Haha, boy, if those kids are so much important to you, why haven't you killed us when you had a chance? ...Because you are incapable." The guy shouted with a nasty smile and his two comrades were getting ready to make a move. Seeing this, Meng whispered to the kids to keep their distance away from him.

"The only reason why your bodies are still intact is that I don't want these kids to see your filthy blood. Go away, this is your last chance to leave otherwise I will deal with you in another way." Meng narrowed his eyes and they immediately changed color and a cold mist started appearing near his legs.

"?! I don't believe a young brat like you is stronger than 3 of us combined! Let's kill him, boys!" The guy was slightly surprised by this change but he still charged at Meng with both his buddies in tow.

"I gave you your chance...now repent!!!" Meng shouted and swiped his right arm from down to up in a diagonal line and a thick cold mist together with snowflakes appeared, attacking the men like a smaller avalanche.

When the cold mist disappeared, the figure of 3 men standing still with wide-open eyes was revealed, they weren't covered in ice but their skin was completely pale covered in a thin layer of white snow.

The ground in the vicinity was now covered by a layer of snow.

"Wow! Is that snow?!! Big brother Meng is so strong! Thank you for coming for us!" Both kids run up to Meng and hugged his waist

[+ 1.000 Skill Points for completing the quest]

[Skill points: 2378]

"No need to thank me, let's go back to your parents, they are worried about you, the entire village worries about you two."

-----Back In New Moon City-----

"Junior brother Yun, are you sure you want to leave the city?" Lan Xueruo asked worriedly.

"Yes, I have advanced a bit in my cultivation so I need to test my strength against strong opponents. There is no need to worry, senior sister, haha." Yun Che replied with a smile.

'I can't keep cowering from Xiao Sect branch, I also need to gain more battle experience with my techniques. The previous time when I went to visit Iron Spear Clan to ask Su Meng something, they told me that he has left the city and yet to return...Maybe he went to train too, I doubt he ran away from the Xiao Sect branch. Maybe I should take initiative and strike them first...' Yun Che thought.











I am pretty sure everybody is already aware that Meng will take on Phoenix's trial. I just want to inform everyone that I am not planning to do something plain as taking its bloodline and using its flames...Meng's "flames" are already much better than Phoenix's in terms of heat (Ofc they are weaker right now because of his cultivation base but if he were to use Phoenix's flames and his own then his yang-based flames would be much hotter.) After all, the Golden Crow's strength of yang flames is the best among Three Supreme Fire Attribute Beasts as far as being too dangerous to the users.

I am planning to do something epic during the trial so I hope you will like it.

darvomcreators' thoughts
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