
Transmigrated With My Game System

Quinn was living a normal life in NYC until he was shot. But instead of dying he woke up in a brand new life of adventure, love, and fun.

Bruz_bot · Games
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Chapter One

 "Ahh the Autumn breeze is so nice". But I wish I had someone to spend the day with though. I guess i'll just go to granny silva's coffee shop."

*Walks to her shop.

"Hey Miss Silva it's been awhile. Oh is that you Quinn come in come in. I was worried that you had forgotten about my little shop, but no you came again."

"Yes I have been busy lately with work and all, you know how it is. "Oh deary I hope nothing is making you feel down."

"No I'm ok Miss thanks for asking though. "Well you had better tell me if something is wrong you hear me? Yes ma'am i will."

*About half an hour later.

"Bye ma'am thanks for the food and drink.

*Starts walking home.

"Oh shoot! I think i left my wallet on the counter. Guess i'll have to go back.

*Goes back but sees a police car parked out front.

"Is that a cop? Why would they be at Miss Silvas shop? 

*Runs up to the cop.

"Excuse me but did something happen? Sir i'm sorry to say this but.... the owner just died. WHAT! Sir i'm going to need you to calm down. How did she die! Tell me! "I was going to if you would just let me finish. Im sorry. Miss silva the owner of this store died by a gunshot. Someone broke into her shop and shot her."

"Did you catch the criminal? *Quinn said sadly. I'm sorry but we are still looking for the culprit. Ok please tell me if you have any updates. I'll try."

"I can't believe this, she was the last person i had left. After my brother died of cancer and my parents died in a car crash. *Tears up. What am i going to do?! 

"I have nothing else to live for anymore."

*Walks to the nearest bridge.

"I have nothing so i might as well jump. Sir why are you standing up their, your not gonna jump are you!? *Jumps.



"Hello Quinn. AHH what the hell was that? I thought i jumped off the bridge..... You did. *Says a voice behind him. HOLY SHIT YOU SCARED ME. Listen kid no cursing in the holy realm got it. The holy realm? Yes that's where we are right now."

"Hm never heard off it. Ok then if you haven't, then you have probably heard of me. Ok what is your name? My name is Yuri of the holy realm. Nope never heard of you." Impossible i am known far and wide."

"Well i've never heard of you. Hold up what planet are you from? What do you mean, isn't earth the only planet with life? Hahahaha silly earthling there is life far and wide." Wow ok, but why am i here?"

"Oh yes i almost forgot, i brought you here to tell you that you have been chosen out of hundreds of Quintillions. You are now the owner of The Game System.