
Caught In The Act (2)

When Chi Xiyou and his friends arrived at Duan Yixin's home, they saw Duan Sida and three gangsters from the Chen family's village climbing over the fence and sneaking into the backyard.

Chi Xiyou felt angry and cold in his heart because of Duan Sida's actions toward his niece. 

He cursed at Duan Sida's cruelty in his heart and said to his friends, "Let's divide into two teams. The four of us will go in and fight them, and you two stay outside. If we can't stop them, then please catch those who ran out of the house. Don't let them get away."

The friends nodded, and then Chi Xiyou took three friends into the house, leaving the remaining two people guarding outside.

Inside the house, Duan Yixin was busy grinding pearls into powder. When she heard footsteps coming from outside, she quickly put her things back into the Liquid Chip warehouse. As a person who was born, lived, and died in a world plagued by war for more than three hundred years, Duan Yixin was used to having her guard up at all times.

Because she is a scientist, herbalist, and doctor by profession, she has no combat experience or combat abilities. But there were medical supplies in the warehouse, so she could still protect herself if necessary. Even the strongest soldier will die if his carotid artery is severed.

It's just that she doesn't know how many people have sneaked into her house, nor how powerful they are. Without any information, she could only pray that those who had sneaked into her home were ordinary villagers and not some kind of criminal or trained soldiers.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Duan Yixin hid behind the woodshed and then took out a scalpel and a silver needle. With how high her proficiency is when using scalpels and silver needles, her chances of defending against enemies also increase.

She held the scalpel and the silver needle and waited while slowing her breathing. After a while, she saw a burly man coming out of the house. He searched the backyard for a moment and then went back inside.

Soon, Duan Yixin heard several people shouting at each other. Judging from the tone and volume, these people seemed to be in a bad mood. From her hiding place, she couldn't hear the conversation in the house clearly, but she still recognized Duan Sida's voice. 

She clenched her hands and thought, 'I let you go because you are the family of the original owner. But since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unjust.'

Due to the courtyard design, the house is located between the front yard and the backyard. If Duan Yixin wants to leave, she has to go back to the house. But with the intruders still shouting at each other inside her house, her only option was to climb the fence and leave. Fortunately, the fence was not high, and there was a stool for her to step on.

Duan Yixin formulated an escape plan in just a few seconds and waited for the opportunity. When she found that the sound in the house suddenly stopped, she quickly stepped on the stool and climbed over the fence. She took one last look at the house as her eyes flickered for a moment, and then she turned and ran.

Hearing a sound of fighting coming from behind, she quickly ran towards Chi Xinru's home. At this moment, she only trusted one person, and that person was Chi Xinru.

After putting the scalpel and silver needle back into the warehouse, she knocked on the Chi family's wooden door breathlessly, "Xinru, are you at home?"

She called for a long time, but no one came out. Seeing that there was no one at home, Duan Yixin thought for a while and decided to wait. In any case, it would be safer to wait here than go back to her house.

When she squatted in front of the Chi family's house, Chi Xiyou and his friends were fighting with the three gangsters from the Chen family's village. Four against three, they barely managed to knock the gangsters to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Duan Sida cursed and sneaked out while Chi Xiyou and his friends were busy dealing with the gangsters. Unfortunately for him, Chi Xiyou's two friends were ready to catch anyone who tried to escape.

As soon as Duan Sida ran out of the front yard, two men rushed over. They threw the thin Duan Sida on the ground and pinned him down. He was extremely anxious and struggled desperately but failed to free himself from their grip.

With red eyes, he shouted angrily at the two young men who were pressing him to the ground, "Let me go, you bastard! Let me go!"

One of them sneered and said, "Let you go? In your dream! Since you dare to plot against a young lady, then you should have the courage to bear the consequences of the crime!"

Hearing what he said, Duan Sida knew that if he was caught tonight, he would be doomed. No matter who is sent to prison, if no one saves them, they can only wait for death. This is especially true for a villager like him who has no money or backing at all.

Thinking of his dark future, Duan Sida became desperate. He struggled harder, and the sudden increase in strength caught the two young men off guard. They were thrown aside by Duan Sida, who ran away quickly without looking back. Because the surroundings were too dark, the two young men couldn't see his face clearly.

One of the two young men groaned in pain, looked at his friend, and asked, "Did you see his face?"

Another young man shook his head, rubbed his bruised side abdomen, and said, "It's too dark. I can't see his face clearly, but I think I've heard his voice before. He must be from our village."

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