
Building a House Cave

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

A moment later.

The meat was cut and salted, then packed in a barrel.

The white fruits were spread out to dry. The hand held basket, back basket and wooden barrel were neatly arranged.

Ya Dong left and headed for the rocky beach. Before he left, Nan Feng called out to him and told him to go back to the tribe and get someone to go to the rocky beach with him to gather rocks.

It would be best to move the stone back in one trip.

On this side, Chang Xia led her men to get busy on the west slope.

Before they started digging, they needed to get the foundation right. Draining water was no small matter. It had to be taken seriously. The entire foundation and the clearing of the weeds and trees around the lair required Chang Xia. She drew lines with charcoal.

"Chang Xia, have you started?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

Chang Xia looked up to see Root and Mu Qin marching over with a group of her people. Her mouth twitched, and she covered her eyes.

The beasts were lacking in spirit and did not have much fun.

It was rare for Chang Xia to cause such a huge commotion that it instantly alarmed the entire tribe.

"Why are you here, Chief?" Chang Xia said.

Root shook the clay pot in his hand and replied, "I brought you pottery and want to see how you're building the house cave."

"Chang Xia, I heard you're going to live in a cave?"

"The cave is damp and stuffy. It's not as comfortable as a beast's den."

"You heard wrong. Chang Xia wants to build a house cave. She wants to live in a house cave, not a cave."

Immediately, a wave of discussion broke out.

Chang Xia felt helpless.

Usually, at this time, most of the clansmen would go out to hunt or gather. Today, they came in groups and probably wouldn't disperse for a while.

"Be quiet and watch quietly," Mu Qin said, stopping her clansmen from arguing. At the same time, she asked her clansmen to put down the pottery and other things. More than ten pieces of pottery, big and small, were exchanged by the tribe for Chang Xia's contributions.

Root shrugged and didn't explain.

"Don't be in a hurry. You can come and take a look when the house cave is built. For now, the foundation hasn't been built and dug…" Chang Xia patiently explained. She knew that if she wanted to reverse her clansmen's view of the house cave and the cave, she had to wait until the house cave was built.

It was difficult to explain with just a few words.

Besides, the house cave couldn't be built in three or five days.

The clansmen still had to hunt and gather, so they did not have much time to watch the show.

As expected.

Everyone watched for half an hour.

Gradually, the crowd began to disperse.

The beasts had no concept of hoarding food.

Basically, they were out hunting and gathering every day. Few of the clan stayed in the tribe unless they were sick or injured.

Although Chang Xia had already told her clansmen about the fishballs, they still went out hunting and collecting every day, as they had done before. They weren't like Chang Xia who would hoard food, let alone grow and breed it.

"Where's Ya Dong?" Root asked.

Mu Qin crouched and helped Chang Xia remove the weeds and tidy the ground. The other beasts climbed the western hillside and cleared the weeds and trees.

"I'll exchange fried meat and fish balls with him and ask him to help me look for stones on the rocky beach. I want to make a few stone pots. There's too much meat from my clansmen. I plan to turn it all into fried meat and store it for later…" Chang Xia began.

In the distance, except for some old people and beast cubs, the clansmen all returned to the tribe and busied themselves. As Chang Xia had said, they would come and watch after the house cave was built. The beast cubs were restrained by the old people and did not dare to go forward. They watched from afar with curious eyes.

Root listened, then nodded in satisfaction.

"You did well."

Mu Qin stared at the charcoal in Chang Xia's hand. "Chang Xia, what are you doing drawing lines on the ground?"

"These are the gutters. Apart from that, you need to leave flower beds for planting flowers and grass and so on," replied Chang Xia. The vegetable patch was edging out, but that didn't stop Chang Xia from trying to plant a few fruit trees or something at her doorstep.

Then she unfolded the rolled-up half-used hide and handed it over.

Mu Qin took the half-old animal skin and was quickly attracted by the painting on it. Seeing this, Root came over to take a look and was immediately shocked.

"Chang Xia, what is this?"

"The house cave I'm going to build."

Suddenly, there was a grunt.

Root and Mu Qin looked at each other, clearly fascinated by the painting on the half-worn hide. The shaman knew how to draw, but Root did not. However, he could read drawings.

The drawing on the semi-old animal skin was too beautiful.

Even the sorcerer's hall at Mount Kana was not as exquisite and elegant as the house cave painted by Chang Xia. The Sorcerer's Hall where the shamans lived was built by the beasts for the shamans. The entire hall was built of stone and was solemn and gorgeous.

However, compared to the hole Chang Xia had drawn, the Sorcerer's Hall seemed very old and crude. The two were not of the same level at all.

"Chang Xia, this house cave of yours is even more spectacular than the Sorcerer's Hall," Root said quietly.

His words were filled with envy and jealousy.

Chang Xia blinked and said innocently, "I've never lived in the Sorcerer's Hall before. I wonder if it's good?"

"Stop it." Mu Qin knocked lightly on Chang Xia's head. Chang Xia was not well enough for the shaman to keep her at Mount Kana. However, he would visit Chang Xia at the Heluo tribe every now and then.

Therefore, all the beasts in Twilight Forest knew that the Sorcerer Tribe was extraordinary.

"I hear you're going to build a whole set of furniture for the shaman. Is that true?"

"Yes, can't I?"

"Sure, but… why the black wood?"

Ironwood was definitely the best choice for the beasts.

However, Chang Xia said that the furniture needed black wood. How could Root not ask?

Chang Xia was speechless and explained, "I just think that the furniture made of rosewood is beautiful. The ironwood is good, but the wood grain is too simple."

"I think the black wood is pretty good, too, Root," said Mu Qin, nodding.

She wasn't as stubborn as Root and Nan Feng to insist that Ironwood was the best.

When Mu Qin saw Chen Rong building tables and chairs in the morning, she was immediately tempted. She thought about getting Root and Nan Feng to find time to cut wood while she made a set of furniture.

However, this beast lair seemed small and cramped.

As she thought, her gaze dropped to the half-worn hide.

This child Chang Xia is too transparent.

It was hard on her to plan everything for the tribe.

"Mother Mu Qin has good taste!" Chang Xia said happily.

Before noon.

The group of beasts sorted out the foundation and the appearance of the house cave.

At this moment, Ya Dong brought back more than ten stones from the rocky beach with his clansmen. Thus, the hillside was piled up, and even the shore of the White Lake was filled with things.

Chang Xia squatted in front of her den and started a fire to prepare lunch. She looked at the pile of things and smiled foolishly.

"What are you giggling about, Chang Xia?" Nan Feng asked as she walked over and knocked her on the head.

Mu Qin glared at Nan Feng and scolded him. "Nan Feng, don't keep hitting Chang Xia. Her body has just recovered. If she gets sick again, you'll suffer."

Nan Feng was speechless. She could only accept Chang Xia's rolling eyes and the scolding from Mu Qin.

She did not dare to provoke Mu Qin, so she changed the topic and asked, "Chang Xia, where's Chen Rong?"

This question.

Instantly, the beasts reduce their socializing..

"He—" Chang Xia was shocked and said anxiously, "He was sitting here just now." Chang Xia pointed to the location of the beast lair. Chen Rong was in poor health, so Nan Feng and the other beasts did not dare to let him help. When he was busy, it was inevitable that he would be careless.

"I smell blood. Nan Feng will go to the tribe and invite Elder Westwood over," Root said grimly.

When he entered the beast lair, he saw Chen Rong lying on the ground, covered in scarlet blood. At this moment, Chen Rong's body was twitching slightly, and he was moaning softly.

Chang Xia's eyes widened in blind horror.

She more or less sensed that there was something wrong with Chen Rong's body and was about to do something.

Unexpectedly, something happened to Chen Rong.

"Chen Rong—"

"Cough, cough!"

Chen Rong raised his head slightly and met Chang Xia's worried gaze.

"It's an old illness. Don't worry, I'll be fine after a while," Chen Rong said gently. He reached out his hand to comfort Chang Xia's panicked expression, but when he saw the black blood on his hand, he immediately retracted his hand.

The beasts were silent, not daring to ask questions.

In the beast lair, the atmosphere was tense. It lasted until Elder Westwood arrived and finished examining Chen Rong.

"Elder Westwood, how is Shen Rong?" Root asked.

Westwood shook his head and said, "Chen Rong's body is very strange. It's like he's infected with a disease but he's still a normal person. I'm not sure. I need to ask the shaman to help. However, the blood he coughed up is poisonous. Don't touch it. By the way, it's more comforting for him to cough up some blood. Feed him more meat after he's done."

The treasures of the beast race ate more meat.

Eating meat could strengthen the body.

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