
Chapter 16: Would you help me, Nox?

"What in the world are you up to, Linus? Have you lost your mind?" Nox exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief and concern as he took in the sight before him, causing Linus to recoil in fear.

Linus, who had expected Nox to appreciate the virtual world he had painstakingly created, was taken aback by the furious expression on his friend's face. "What do you mean, Nox? I thought you'd–"

"I would what? Appreciate your stupid idea? Linus, I expected more from you," Nox interrupted, his voice tinged with disappointment. "On the day of our farewell, you said you would work hard to establish your own business one day, to create your own game..."

Nox's gaze swept over Linus's disheveled appearance, his trembling hands, and the dark circles etched beneath his eyes. "But look at you now," he said, his voice thick with concern. "Such blatant disregard for your health is disheartening."

Linus felt a pang of shame as Nox's words hit his sore point, and he lowered his head, unable to meet his friend's disappointed gaze. Never had he imagined that Nox would be more worried about his well-being than his own parents.

"Nox, I..." Linus began, his voice faltering as the weight of his friend's concern enveloped him.

"No need to say anything, my dear friend," Nox said, his tone softening as he placed a reassuring hand on Linus's shoulder, his expression one of pity and understanding. "I know people of your age tend to indulge themselves."

With a resolute determination radiating from his very being, Nox gently took the cat girl from Linus's grasp and draped her across his lap. "But don't worry, I'll carry this burden for you."

Nox eyed the cat girl draped across his lap with a mix of pity and disdain. "I bet these temptresses are the ones leeching away your vitality," he sighed, gently grasping the cat girl's shoulder with his hands.

Turning his attention to the elf and demon girl flanking Linus, Nox's brow furrowed in concern. "These vile creatures must be the ones harming your health, my friend," he declared, a righteous fire burning in his eyes.

Without warning, Nox swiftly plucked the elf and demon girl from Linus's sides, tucking them under each arm with a flourish. "Fear not, Linus. I shall bear this burden for you, ridding you of their corrupting influence."

A sly grin crept across Nox's face as he settled back, the cat girl nestled comfortably on one lap while the demon girl occupied the other. The elf on the other hand, stood behind him and started massaging his shoulder.

Linus gaped at the scene unfolding before him, his trembling hands slowly rising while pointing at Nox. "You... you're shameless, Nox!" he exclaimed, his voice wavering between disbelief and indignation.

"I thought you were genuinely concerned about me," Linus sputtered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment and frustration. "But you're just... just enjoying yourself!"

"Return them at once!" Linus shouted, his voice filled with indignation, "They are waifus I created, You can't hog them all without any contribution."

"Why are you acting like a spoiled brat? Didn't you say we are soul mates? Best friends? can't you share a vixen or two for me?"Nox tsked, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Hey Elf, Dear could you put a bit more pressure on my shoulders?" Nox said without looking back, while focusing on Linus he continued, "How about this, Let's do a rotational shift–Ugh!"

"W–What are you doing elf? I said my shoulder, not my neck!" Unknowingly, The elf had already dug her fingers into the muscles of his neck, as his eyes went wide in horror.

"Hahahaha!" Linus's shoulders trembled with uncontrollable laughter as he witnessed his friend's plight. "Retribution!"

Wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, he managed to wheeze out, "Nox, I forgot to tell you. These, uh, waifus aren't exactly known for their intelligent prowess."

He paused, a fresh wave of laughter overtaking him as he added, "Sometimes... They malfunction slightly."

Nox, meanwhile, had wrenched himself free from the elf's iron grip, scrambling to his feet as his chest heaved, gulping down precious air. "You... you demented wench!" he wheezed, shooting a venomous glare at the elf, who merely blinked back at him with that infuriatingly vacant smile plastered across her face.

"Relax, Nox!" Linus snorted, his laughter finally subsiding. "You won't really die in the virtual world. Except for their lack of intelligence, they're good... Overall."

Nox rolled his eyes, massaging his tender neck with both hands. "Good? They almost took my life!" He shot Linus an incredulous look. "You call these 'slight malfunctions'? These malfunctions can take my life!"

Regaining his composure, Nox fixed Linus with a pointed stare. "So, is this the business idea you were talking about? Let me be clear first, I think it's a flop. There's no way people would pay money to get strangled."

"Now, now! Don't be so quick to judge!"Linus exclaimed, rising from his seat with a flourish. His hand settled on Nox's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as he steered his friend back towards the plush seating arrangement. With a practiced motion, he uncorked a bottle, releasing the rich, enticing scent of aged spirits. A splash of amber liquid filled a crystal glass. "It's true that they're not perfect, but you know people still like them. Even though they're imperfect."

Nox's brow furrowed as he traced the cool rim of the glass with his fingertips. "People? Appreciate them?" He shot Linus a quizzical glance. "You mean to say you have visitors who come here?"

"But how come? Indulging in... these kinds of activities? Isn't it, well frowned upon by society?" It had been a mere two days since he had transmigrated into this strange, new world, but one thing was abundantly clear to him: physical intimacy was a taboo subject here, a notion deeply ingrained in the fabric of this society.

Perhaps individuals harbored alternative thoughts deep within their hearts, but the prevailing trend dictated that such feelings were to be suppressed, relegated to mere curiosities, much like the situation with Lyra.

"Nox, you underestimate the depths of human desire – and the lengths some people would go to satiate those desires," Linus mused, his gaze drifting upwards as a contemplative look settled upon his features. "You see, over the past two years, I've visited many places and met individuals from all walks of life, and I've come to realize that many harbor curiosities or yearnings – unspoken yearnings that stem from the very depths of their hearts."

Linus paused, swirling the amber liquid in his glass as he carefully chose his next words. "But people can't act on these feelings, as the trend is such. Following curiosity would lead people to be shunned by society."

Nox's brow furrowed, his expression a mixture of confusion and disbelief. "Shunned? Surely it's not that serious, is it? I thought they would be mostly looked down upon as 'bad eggs,' perhaps, but shunned?"

Linus chuckled bitterly, "Nox, why think about others? Look at me..." He trailed off, his gaze distant and haunted as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass. "… I made a mistake, and followed the desire in my heart. Now, my father disowned me, people avoid me and I have to lay low here in the academy.."

Nox frowned while looking at his old friend's appearance. The consequences are as serious as he described? But why? Looking down is fine, but outright shunning? Nox couldn't fathom the reasoning behind such a drastic stance.

Before he could voice his questions, Linus leaned forward, his eyes regaining a hint of their former spark as he eagerly pressed on. "But Nox, the virtual world is different."

"People can come here and enjoy themselves, reveal their true personalities without worrying about being looked down upon."

A sly grin tugged at the corners of Linus's mouth, "After all, it's a private place. They can come here, indulge in their deepest desires, and leave. So simple and direct."

Leaning back, Linus steepled his fingers, his gaze fixing Nox, "And the money would roll in if the business is successful."

"So, Nox, would you help me by lending your virtual creator expertise to establish this business?"

Hii guys, I was really busy these days. I was not able to update any chapters for 3 days straight due to colllege and work.

In this week, I recieved total of 16 powerstones. One gift, Thankyou for so much support guys.

As agreed previously, For every 3 powerstones there is 1 bonus chapter, In total i owe you guys, 5 chapters. Lets add one of the gift combined.

I am staying up all night as tommorow is my work holiday, I would try to edit as much as chapters I can, (I only have 3 in stock *sob*) and write more.

Thankyou so much for your support once again!

One more thing, I think I would not carry this powerstone event, As I don't have time for writing so much.

But you can still show support by comments, Powerstones and gifts, Those motivate me a lot!

Have a good day!

Plottergeistcreators' thoughts
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