
Transmigrated into the Sanctuary!?

The internet always caution against preordering games... The MC didn't listen, therefore, punishment followed. As for where the punishment happens, well, in the Sanctuary world of Diablo IV, of course!

MichaelCorbett · Video Games
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325 Chs

Chapter 125. Key Passives

The strange arch looked similar to a shrine, with candles at the bottom. 

It consisted of only two pillars and a strange cauldron suspended by them. There were inscriptions on it, but not in the form of art, but instead...

"..glyphs and runes?"

[Mhm. It should be around now...](Helen)


[ Stronghold Event update - Nostrava

Objective: Rekindle the Wanderer's Shrine to conquer Nostrava. ]

Helen placed her hand on one of the pillars and had Michael imitate her action on the opposite one. 

Once they both infused their energy into it, the 'cauldron' in the middle was lit aflame, and a wave of air expanded aggressively above Nostrava.

[ Stronghold Event complete - Nostrava (conquered)

Reward 1: Waypoint Access (+20 Fractured Peaks Renown)

Reward 2: Stronghold Captured (+100 Fractured Peaks Renown) ]

Checking his Renown interface, Michael was surprised to see it reach 1,430 already. He wasn't far from the following Tier, where he would gain another 60,000 gold coins, lots of experience, and even an extra +80 to his maximum Obols capacity.

All were very much welcomed gifts.

[Finally, the air is clear again.](Helen)

Looking at his girlfriend and the burning church behind him, Michael couldn't smell anything but burning wood.

But, given her saying that the demonic presence was probably cleansed with the Wanderer Shrine being lit.

"What is this Wanderer Shrine? What does it do?"

[Not much. It only serves one purpose: to be relit in case of it being extinguished.](Helen)

"That doesn't make much sense..."

[Its flame burns continuously. However, once demons or other forces take over the place, the flame dies out. The Sanctuary hands out a Stronghold Event Quest to Wanderers in the area, and once rekindled, the flame will prevent harm to this place for a duration proportional to the damage inflicted by the invaders. In Nostrava's case, it should be at least a year.](Helen)

Michael pondered the implications and realized that it might've been a game mechanic that would prevent players from abusing specific bugs. 

A cooldown would be understandable to avoid messing with the game's balance.

The duo hurriedly returned to the base of the hill and saw people walking the streets again. Those who had been hiding until help arrived knew that the problem was handled once the Wanderer's Shrine was rekindled. 

Without paying attention to the curious onlookers, Helen walked into the first house next to the entrance they arrived in Nostrava through and knocked on the basement door.

[Jvana. It's okay to come out now. Everything was taken care of.](Helen)

The creaking of a wooden contraption was heard, and a small head peeked out. After ensuring it was indeed the big sister and not some other creature impersonating her voice, she hurriedly got out.

Unfortunately, in the following hours of helping put out the fires and identifying the dead, Jvana's mother was found among the group.

The child didn't cry, but her sad look was pitiful in the eyes of the couple. 

After handing her over to the orphanage and donating 1,000 gold coins to make sure she would be treated right alongside other children who lost their parents, they said goodbye to the mature child.

[I knew what my mother did was wrong. But you gave me a chance to escape it. Thank you!](Jvana)

Watching the girl leave with two older women, Michael squeezed Helen's hand.

[It's okay, I'm not worried. Evelyn grew up in Nostrava's orphanage. They are kind and caring. Most of Evelyn's earnings have been going there to make sure the lives of other children could be made slightly better.](Helen)

"She's a kind child."

[Mhm. Thanks to her and Aylin's help, we opened orphanages in every city with a Waypoint we had access to. Now, those children who had their future taken away get another chance.](Helen)

After the fire was put out, the previously imposing church was nothing more than flimsy burnt walls. The demonic statues of Lilith were also smashed in a fit of anger by the local populace. 

Walking inside to shield themselves from the cold wind, the couple found a relatively clean and unburnt bench where they sat. 

[The Quest could probably proceed now, right?](Helen)


They both looked toward the location of the big statue where Negala was praying when she took a priestess form. In its place stood an open passage leading somewhere downstairs. 

A temporary Dungeon was created, where Michael would no doubt find the hiding cultists. 

There was only one strange thing in this whole matter.

"Say... it's been more than three hours since we partied, right?"

[Mhm. I have no idea either...](Helen)

The Order of Restriction was still active, and Helen was still at Level 32, the same as Michael.

"Do you think you can follow me inside?"

[Probably? Anyway, there's something we must take care of first.](Helen)

"Yes... I postponed it to the point where I have four unused skill points..."

After wrapping up the Stronghold Event, not only did Michael reach Level 32, but he also gained lots of experience on top of that. He currently stood at 83,675/137,700. 

Once more, he was more than halfway through the level. He knew, though, that without Helen, he would've either ended up dead or, even if he made it out alive, he would be missing at least a couple of limbs.

"I'm never going to attempt Stronghold Events alone. It's too unreasonable."

[They were never meant to be handled solo...](Helen)

"That's fair. What do you think I should pick next for my skills?"

[Let me see... Oh, right! You're two points away from the final Tier. You need one point for that. Hmm... I'd say one point in Death's Embrace and one into Death's Reach. Then, whatever passive skill you get from the final Tier. With the last one... let's see after.](Helen)

"Mhm. I was thinking the same thing."

[ Death's Embrace (1/3)


Close enemies take 2% more damage from you and deal 3% less damage to you. ]

[ Death's Reach (1/3)


You deal 4% increased damage to Distant enemies. ]

Spending two points on those passive skills was good, as it increased his total damage by 6%, and they could also be further upgraded. 

Next, the final Tier, called 'Key Passives,' opened. There were only four skills there, but each looked amazing in its own right.

[ Kalan's Edict


After you have not taken damage in the last 2 seconds, your minions gain 15% Attack Speed. While you have at least seven minions, this bonus is doubled. ]

With four Reapers, three Cold Mages, and one Golem, his number of helpers reached eight. Imagining himself staying in the backlines while his minions attacked faster and faster while yelling 'ora-ora-ora-ora,' a strange image formed in his mind.

Furthermore, their damage was nothing to scoff at, with the Golem taking the lead at now 800 Life Points and 226 Attack Power. And its only means of attack were its fists.

[That's a powerful passive. From what I've seen, your Reapers attack faster than your Cold Mages, but they deal less damage. Each Reaper deals around 50 physical damage, while your Cold Mages around 75 magical damage. Your Golem... is slower but hits much harder. A boost in attack speed would be incredible, especially one as high as 30%. Also, remember that you have no items that would empower your minions on you at the moment. Once you've added those as well in the mix...](Helen)

"Indeed. If I reskill around them, I could sit back and let them do all the work. But it's not that easy. There are plenty of monsters and intelligent demons that wouldn't simply attack what's in front of them and instead come at me. It's too risky. Especially during Boss fights. Even with my Golem, I can taunt them for a maximum of one or two seconds."

[Let's see what the other skills offer before deciding what to do next.](Helen)

The following passive skill was from the Bone category, which Michael wasn't using.

[ Ossified Essence


Your Bone skills deal 0.5% increased damage for each point of Essence you have above 50 upon cast.

Current applicable bonus: 25%. ]

Both frowned upon seeing this skill but didn't pay it much attention since Michael couldn't use it.

Furthermore, such a skill would be good only in a system where the other abilities would continuously generate Essence and had skills or items that would increase his total Resource pool.

[ Rathma's Vigor


After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood Skill Overpowers. This timer is reduced by 2 seconds each time Blood Orbs heal or Overheal you for 560 Life Points. ]

Once again, the couple shook their heads. Blood Necromancers were real cockroaches, according to Helen. 

They were incredibly hard to defeat as they could use everything around them to heal and even Overheal themselves to the point where the enemy died of frustration. 

Such a passive wouldn't only be based around a tanky Necromancer healing himself continuously but having its damage focus on Overpower damage, which not even Helen understood entirely.

"Then, there's this."

[Mhm. It functions better with your current build. It's between this and the first one.](Helen)

[ Shadowblight


Shadow damage inflicts enemies with Shadowblight for two seconds. Every 10th time an enemy receives shadow damage from you or your minions while affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 110 shadow damage.

Shadowblight's damage is increased by 100% of your current Shadow Damage over Time bonus.

Currently applicable bonus: 12%. ]

It was a long text, but the bottom line was that he would deal 110 extra damage every time he or his minions dealt Shadow damage to an enemy ten times in a row.

Furthermore, that amount is increased by 12% based on his current Shadow Damage over Time, which, according to Helen, could be checked in the 'Stats' interface that appeared after reaching Level 50.

After much consideration and realizing that his primary damage-dealing method was Corpse Explosion, which turned into a shadow skill, Michael added a point in Shadowblight.

There was a reason behind this.

[I'm sure I've seen a Legendary item being sold that increased Shadowblight's effect. It was at a shop in Gea Kul.](Helen)

"That city's name... In that case, there's nothing to hesitate about. After all, I can reskill at any point in time. As for the last point, let's add it to Corpse Explosion. More damage means fewer problems."

With all the points spent, Michael was pleased. Furthermore, his Corpse Explosion finally showed the total amount of damage he was dealing after its upgrade.

[ Corpse Explosion (3/5)

(+1 level from item contribution)

Corpse | Corruption | Darkness


Release a vile miasma from a Corpse, dealing 560 Shadow damage over 6 seconds.

Modifiers: Corpse Explosion's radius is increased by 15%. ]

His Scout Talents Rare pants gave the extra level, which was also why Michael was reluctant to change them for something else.

[ Scout Talent

Rare Pants

228 Item Power


228 Armor 

* While Injured, your Potion also restores 10% of your Resources


* +11 Dexterity

* +1 Rank of Corpse Explosion (Necromancer Only)

* +1 Rank of Blood Mist(Necromancer Only) ]

Shrugging and making a mental note to search for better items in the future, he looked happily at his stats page under Helen's loving gaze.

[ Class: High Necromancer

Attack Power: 583

 Armor: 1449

 Life: 970


Strength: 158

Intelligence: 185

Willpower: 170

Dexterity: 187 ]

"Good! It's come along nicely."

[*Sigh* That's an understatement. Wanderers your level usually have about half of your attribute points, even fully decked in Rare items.](Helen)

"Mhm. I owe Hoduin and Martel a lot. And Aylin."

[Staying alive and helping those three make more money would be the best thanks they could get. Anyway, what next? Do we go in?](Helen)

"Sure. Since we're still in a party, let's make proper use of it, shall we?"

Seeing the increased 5% experience for the killed monsters and looking at his 3 Weak Precision Elixirs just waiting to be used, Michael smirked evilly and decided to ride this bus properly.

Metaphorically speaking, for now and practically later.

[I've been thinking ever since I saw Lilith's Altar.](Helen)

"Mhm? What about it?"

[If I can see it, do you think other Wanderers couldn't?](Helen)

Looking at his Renown interface, which showed 7/28 for all Altars found, Michael understood her meaning.

"Let others search for them?"

[Mhm. Each Altar gives something according to what you said.](Helen)

"Yes. Attribute points get sent to everyone in the realm, but experience and Renown could be collected only once you go there in person."

[Then, let's have the others keep an eye out for them. We can even put out a Bounty Quest for them since there aren't that many. And when we have the locations, we can go around and 'collect' them.](Helen)

Shaking his head in disappointment of himself, Michael scolded himself internally. 

He kept forgetting that this wasn't a game anymore, so there was no reason to treat it as such. He could simply employ the help of the other 'NPCs' since he was one of them as well.

Kissing his smart girlfriend, he grabbed her hand and walked together into the Dungeon.

As previously mentioned, I'll shamelessly plug-in my Patreon every 25 chapters or so from now on.


Thank you for reading!

MichaelCorbettcreators' thoughts