
Chapter 2

A small orange pokemon appeared in front of everyone. It had a rounded body with a spike on its head and a small growth on its underside. It was surrounded by a bluish-white light. Suddenly it started zapping across different corners of the room.

As Daniel held his phone in front of him the pokemon entered the device and the phone suddenly started changing its shape.

"Woah" Chris exclaimed. This was the first time Daniel and Chris saw a rotom possess a machine.

A trainer could only have six active party pokemon that could be sent out of their pokeballs in most towns. Any areas with wild pokemon are exceptions along with places where the trainer has permission such as their homes or certain workplaces. There are certain pokemon that do not take up space in the party despite being active and that is rotom.

"Now that rotom has entered the phone, its is now active. This should function as a pokedex. You can also access your temporary ID through your phone."

"Thanks dad" Daniel said. He was grateful that his parents supported him despite his unusual path.

"Now all that's left is your first pokemon. Are you sure you don't want it to be transferred here?"

"No dad its better this way."

Getting starters from other regions cost a lot. For his first pokemon he decided on an alolan starter since the cost of getting one wasn't high, atlest this year. He convinced his parents that he needed to get his pokemon after visiting it in Alola. In his short time there he hoped to get some alolan pokemon.

After celebrating a little more, he sent Rod and Chris off.

The next day Daniel's mom sent Daniel and his father off to the airport from where the flight for Alola would depart.

26th Sept 1020

Melemele island, Alola region.

After landing the duo decided to check in a pokemon center near prof. Kukui's lab/house. Then the soon rushed of to the lab, ignoring the tropical sights Alola had to offer. Daniel was too exited to get his first pokemon.

Knowing that Daniel was eager to meet his starter Kukui directly met them in an open area just outside his lab.

"Ready to meet your partner?" Kukui asked.

"Yes." Daniel could not wait anymore. He immediately took the pokeball and released the pokemon within. White light burst out of the pokeball and materialized into a pokemon.

The pokemon looked like an owl and had light brown feathers with a white patch for its face and underside. There were two leaves on its chest that looked like they were forming a bowtie.

With a loud coo rowlet materialized in front of Daniel.

"Hello rowlet, I'm your new trainer." Daniel said as he approached his new pokemon.

Rowlet seemingly understanding its situation accepted him as his trainer.

Suddenly a bond between Daniel and rowlet was formed. Daniel could feel this bond strengthening him.

As a starter pokemon rowlet had already been made aware of its situation by the people and professor that took care of it until now.

As Daniel was excitedly checking his new pokemon out, information suddenly flashed in front of him


Pokemon: Rowlet

Ability: Overgrow

Stage: Rookie

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leafage, Astonish, Peck

Mastery: Grass 5%, Flying 4%, Normal 7%

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