
Free pass to Mt Moon

I released Gligar from its Pokéball after distancing myself from the other recruits.

"Where's Gligar? Where's Leaf Guy?" Gligar asked me. So, this one speaks in the third person, huh? Of course, 'the guy with the leaves' is Shiftry.

"Defeated," I replied, "it won't bother me anymore." For the first time in the conversation, Gligar looked at me, understanding that I spoke its language.

"Where is Gligar's trainer?"

"Your trainer died," I told it bluntly. It was better than saying that he had abandoned him, or so I thought. I wasn't good at these things. If Gligar was affected by this revelation, it didn't show much.

"What will become of Gligar now?"

"Do you want to join my team?" That surprised Gligar.

"Gligar? Gligar lost almost all of its Pokémon battles; Gligar's previous trainer said it was a pest." He said it, thinking now that Alex didn't treat his Pokémon well. That action was very stupid considering how dangerous a Pokémon can be.

"I'm interested in your natural ability," I answered it again with the truth.


"Poison Heal; you heal when you are poisoned," Gligar stared at me.

"If Gligar joins your team, will you make me win fights?"

I nodded my head.

"Then Gligar is willing to listen to you."

I smiled. Another one for the team.

"So, I thought you were a flying scorpion, so I'll call you Scorpio."

"Call Gligar what you want; Gligar is not interested in human traditions, but how can you understand Gligar?"

"I can understand Pokémon to a certain extent; I don't know why."

"Gligar thinks he makes sense."

What part of that makes sense? Well, now let's get to the action.

"Shuppet," Shuppet came out and hit me.

"Ouch, why did you do that?" I told the puppet.

"Sorry, I still had some adrenaline retained after that battle, haha." It doesn't bother me too much; if Konrad wanted to, he would have knocked me out, so I guess it's just him following his ghost nature. He also had an important mission.

"Now I have a small mission for you to make us even richer."

"Um, what more money? Why didn't you say you had enough?"

"I'm afraid not; this is the perfect opportunity, Konrad. With this, we will be filthy rich, so much so that we can buy a Pokédex."


"It doesn't matter; don't get it. Look, you just have to use your Frisk ability on this photo."

I took out my phone and showed him the photo of a Helix fossil and a Dome fossil. Currently on the market, these fossils are worth $200,000 each. And according to the games, there were at least two fossils here. With Konrad's Frisk ability, maybe we can identify the fossils. And who knows? Maybe a herd of Kabutops or Omastar existed here.

"That's very good, but you forget one thing, genius: we are in a cave, and in the caves there are Zubats—the deaths of many trainers, even experienced ones."

He was right; although weak, the Zubats attacked in swarms in the darkness of the cave. Many lost their lives facing the terrifying, confused movement.

"Well said, but for that, we have another trick," I said, releasing Corvus.

"And what's the trick?"


"Bats are afraid of light."

With a Thunder Wave, those bloodsucking monsters would flee.

"We can test your theory, but if there is minimal danger, I recommend running away." Konrad gave me his ultimatum.

"Scorpius, Fury Cutter."

For each turn this attack is used and hits, its base power is doubled. He was currently teaching that attack to Gligar. How did I teach it to him? Well, at level 16, Gligar learns Fury Cutter. Scorpio's rival was a wild Geodude.

Gligar narrowly won the fight.

"Gligar wins, Gligar wins," Scorpio celebrated.

"Activate analysis,"

Gligar lvl 17

Gender: Male

Moves: Quick Attack, Knock Off, Sand Attack, Poison Sting, Fury Cutter.

Ability: Poison Heal

He went up a level, mmm.

"Congratulations Scorpio," Scorpio smiled at me.

Escurpius's trust is now in something else.

I grabbed a flashlight that Marcus gave me and set it off.

"Okay, that's it. Now let's go inside the cave, Konrad; you already know what to do."

For this self-imposed mission, Scorpio would stay by my side, protecting my weak body (compared to a Pokémon) from Geodudes and Zubats.

Konrad would stay behind me; his mission was to activate Frisk to detect the fossils; for this, he had to stay behind me and maintain concentration.

"Corvus, he would stay in front; his mission was vital for the survival of the group; he would be in charge of launching a Thunder Wave at maximum power in case of a pack of Zubats. The light of the Thunder Wave would scare them."

Anyway, we walked for half an hour without a trace of life or fossils.

"Here is a Helix fossil." The puppet confirmed my suspicions.

"Scorpius, Fury Cutter this way."

My Gligar made a cross on the wall to mark the fossil area.

"There, very good; let's continue."

We do not go any further. So Scorpius made a sign for us to stop.

"Gligar hears something," Scorpio warned. Gligar also had some bat stuff, so I trusted him.

"Corvus, go for it."

We stood still, trying to detect movement. I didn't notice anything.

"Let's slow down."

We walked another 5 minutes.

I shined the flashlight at the ceiling, trying to see Zubats, until I finally saw them. They were on the roof, asleep.


Corvus uses a Thunder Wave.

And the Zubats fell to the ground. A total of 20.

"Scorpius, Fury Cutter."

Escurpius blocked the attack coming towards me from a Zubat, defeating it. The rest were scared away by paralysis and the electric light.

With that, we went deeper and deeper into the cave.

"Bingo," Shuppet exclaimed.

"Shhhhh," I silenced him.


"What happened?"

"A bunch of Helix and Dome fossils are in front of you."

"How many?"

"I don't know, about 10?"

10! With that, he would win a million pesos.

"Corvus watches Konrad knock off the wall."

The wall opened, revealing some rocks with drawings of animals embedded in them. They were fossils. I should have brought a pickaxe; I'm an asshole.

When I was going to give the order to Konrad again, Escorpius stopped me.

"Gligar hears sounds, many of them."

"Again? Surely it's not your imagination?" Corvus responded skeptically.


"Blood, blood, blood."

A swarm of Zubats—no, also Golbats—were coming in our direction.

"Run away!" I exclaimed, and my Pokémon followed suit.

We ran for 10 minutes, and I was beginning to feel tired. I turned around for a moment to check.

They were countless.

"Corvus, Thunder Wave, Full Power!"

Corvus turned and released probably the largest Thunder Wave in history. And yet, they kept coming.

I suggested running.

"I'm getting tired; that Thunder Wave weakened me; put me in the Pokéball."

I heeded the warning, put Corvus in the Pokéball, and we continued running.

Until they finally lost sight of us.

"Ah, ah, ah." I never ran so much in my life. Well, yes, with those Beedrills.

"What's up, boy? Because you went so far into the cave, we were going to look for you just now."

"So I'm sorry I worried you; I had a little inconvenience."

About 1000 bats chasing me was no small inconvenience, but I didn't have to know that. Thinking about it, your help would be invaluable. It had an exploding, right? And bats don't like sound—at least the Zubats, who are guided by sound. At least the Zubats were not trained by trainers. I would have to ask because the Zubats of Team Rocket are not afraid of light.

Without fear, I told him what happened, omitting data such as the first fossil found or Shuppet's Frisk ability.

Marcus, as expected, scolded me for being an idiot and going into the cave alone, but his greed got the better of him.

"Damn, some fossils here?"

"I'll call the exploration team; you'll lead the way."

"But there are like 200 Pokémon from Zubat's evolutionary line," I replied, "you should use Exploud or an Electric type."

"Boy, who do you think I am? Come out, Magnetone."

Three stuck-on magnets appeared in front of me.

"Are you calmer now?"


Well, we wouldn't need Exploud.

Marcus took three people with him; they were miners. Rocket miners, I guess, wore a helmet with a flashlight, a pickaxe, and a backpack.

"Take us there."

With more confidence now that I got help, I prepared to guide them.

"First some Beedrills and now some Zubats, boy, I think you have a death wish."

"I just want to do my best for Team Rocket."

"Hahaha, don't fool me, kid. I know you were thinking of getting some fossils; you will have one if what you say is true."

"Thank my Lord."

"Don't thank me; I said that if what you say is true, if there are nine fossils, you won't have any."

I ignored him and asked my own question.

"How does the Zubat of the Rocket team not fear the light?"

"Seriously, kid, did the Zubats absorb your brain? You're earning me not to recommend you."


"That's right Julius, you, Jackson, and Garfield have earned a promotion."

"Promotion to what?"

"Promotion to get out of this group of rookies. I have told my superior that you have the talent to be with someone more qualified to have people like you."

"More qualified—what does that mean?"

"I thought I could only be promoted to Captain and then to Executive."

"Team Rocket's hierarchy is more complex than that."

"You still didn't answer my question."

"Really? Where did you grow up? Under a rock? The answer is the aura; everything about being a coach is the fucking aura."

That affirms my theory. Trainer Zubats are not affected by the sun due to the human aura. The same should happen with Snow, Water, and Fire Pokémon.

"Here it is."

Two Golbats did not attack.

"The blood returns, the blood returns."

Marcus's Magnetone went quickly and launched a Thundershock, weakening the Golbats one by one. I continued the conversation.

"How did you become Captain?"

"My Magnetite was strong, and I was lucky. That and years working for Team Rocket, my Pokémon team can defeat most Pokémon trainers."

"I would like to challenge you one day."

"You think you have what it takes. Hahahaha, okay, one day, when you are a Captain, you will have the opportunity."

With that, we found the fossils.

"Captain Marcus, he says Mello was right."

"Haha, good. Start chopping."

I saw how they began to carefully break stones.

There are a total of 14 fossils; on the black market, it will cost a total of 1,400,000, or two thousand dollars per fossil.

"A promise is a promise; do you want to sell the fossil? You will be very rich."

"Yes, Captain Marcus," I said.

"Very well, we will pay you 200,000 pesos in black."

I had thought about keeping the fossil, but neither Kabutos nor Omastar really caught my attention. Kabutops relied too much on his fast swimming ability in games, which allowed him to double his speed if it was raining.

Also, since they are very exclusive fossils and Pokémon, there is not much information about them on the Pokénet. How will I feed them? No, it is definitely better to sell them. And with that money, I can buy a Pokédex

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