








His erratic heartbeat filled the silence in the empty room, the bodies littered the floor like trash.

Hearing a quiet muffling, the expressionless man, walked over to the body that was gasping for breath, placing his heavy boot over the unrecognisable males chest, letting the man breathe its last breath, he pressed his boot harder against the mans chest even in death, the man was not allowed to go with words for the next life, all hail the king hahaha, the man thought.

Walking over to the scheming woman who was crying thought the gag that was placed so tightly on her face that you could see the fabric burns on her flesh.

Smiling grimly, the man calmly walked to the scheming woman,

"do you think I would let you do what you were about to do? Stupid woman" the man started laughing hysterically, almost pounding the floor, finally grasping for breath, he looked back at the terrified figure, who was trying to minimise their presence as much as possible, already knowing what tortures were to come.

"and your child, hahaha, hope it reincarnates and becomes the child of someone else, not someone so despicable like you, because of you my love is writhing in pain, do you think I would let you of so easily? MY LOVE IS TRYING TO FIGHT DEATH BECAUSE OF YOU…...you"

He grabbed her tied wrists and put the little gap of rope that is in between both of her restricted wrists, into the hook, her muffled screams got louder, letting all the blood stop circulating in her hands, her hands turning a pale bluish purple. The blood rushing to her head and torso, no longer resisting, now hanging on the wall limply, no longer having the strength to pull her very pregnant body, blood and white slime continuing to leak between her legs, her once colourful clothes were covered in gunk and grime and endless supply of blood leaking out of the wounds.

Her lavish life over as she hanged from the wall like a freshly skinned animal, her families blood decorating the gritty walls, all that was left is her and what was once her unborn child, her skin forming large red rashes, the once called beauty was nowhere to be found.

"it seems you are having a good time, time to ruin that". He picked up a small dagger.

"the way you tried to hurt my baby, I'll do the same to you, death by a thousand cuts? Ill give you ten thousand, you messed the wrong woman to mess with, did you not know who was backing her" she kept whimpering in the gag, her eyes filled with desperation. "the emperor of death or you might know me by the death bringer" hearing his words, she crashed, realisation covered her murky eyes, loosing the will to live she allowed herself to give up, death would be easier to anything he would offer right know.

Bringing the small danger to her face "this face, the same face that made you want to hurt her, you had every man in this city around your finger, were you not happy? Doing such things to my love, you must really be brave" he snickered.

Cutting her face in jagged lines, letting the raw flesh from underneath be uncovered, he continued cutting to his heart's content, laughing hysterically in-between, licking the blood that splatted on his lip, "seems your insides are just as disgusting as yourself outside" he laughed.

He continued to cut her everywhere, saying reasons as to why in between. He neatly cut out her breasts and placed them in jars, then cut her chest open with one long cut, doing all this as she was still alive, he fed her a drug to force her awake, letting her feel all the pain.

He skillfully took out her organs and chuckled watching the blood gush out, dripping on every surface of the grimy room, her breathing becoming more and more shallow and death finally welcomed her.

Seeing the light leave her eyes, he stood up and took the contained organs and her breasts, he left the room to go to the room outside, entering the lavish room, completely opposite to what he had just been in.

Walking up to the man,

"Master Wang, welcome back, did you do what I asked?"


"good, that disgusting woman deserved woman, though I feel bad for that woman's child, as promised I will perform the surgery on your beloved"

"thank you Master Que" he placed the containers on the coffee table.

"do not worry, in the past I promised if you ever need help, I am one for availability"

He entered the room after the surgery, having complete faith in the man.


Seeing her steady breathing, he sighed in relief, still in his bloody clothes but not caring, his love, loves everything about him, and he is sure she knew this side of him also.

Stroking her head gently, he began thinking what had happened in the last few hours, that disgusting woman, Fan Wae. When Ming Lan was getting ready for their wedding which was ruined,

her maid had betrayed her and drugged her, she trusted that maid with her life, and this is how she repaid her. Men took her unconscious body, to the Fan residents torture room, they stopped all feel in one of her legs and shoved a dagger into her eye, losing sight in that eye forever. Taking her little brother and forcing him to watch all the things that his sister was going through.

He clenched his fist tightly, digging his nails into his palm. He wasn't there in time, if he got there in time, he wouldn't have to see her looking deathly pale on an infirmary bed.

They wouldn't have been in this situation if he tried harder in keeping her safe, her shadow guards that he placed were also executed, if you can't do your job properly what's your reasoning to be allowed to live.

He will protect her forever, until his last breath.

Lying his head into her chest and closed his eyes and let his once dreamless nights being occupied with nightmares.

Next chapter