
Calm before the storm

(space) (3rd person pov)

In space you hear nothing. The perfect place for meditation. If you ignore the lack of oxygen, SItting on the moon we see our hero son goten in his orange gi with no sleeves in his super Saiyan 2 state mediating.

Maintaining his super Saiyan 2 transformation gotens eyes snaps open as if he has discovered a break through

(mc pov)

"I FINNALY DID IT" I yell as it comes out as nothing, Remembering im in space I focus back on to what I achieve 'I've mastered the ssj2 transformation, Something no one in the series seemed bothered to do.' I think as I clench my fist feeling the power flow through me in droves.

'Similar to how dad and gohan mastered ssj in the cell saga I mastered ssj2 to the point using the form is as easy as breathing' goten thinks as he un-transforms then transforms without even needing to think.

'now that i mastered ssj2 my power no longer drains while i'm in the state and im much stronger in it.' goten thinks as he kicks off the moon flying towards earth.

Reaching earths atmosphere goten covers himself in a layer of ki not because the flames would hurt him or anything but to protect his gi from them as he doesn't want to head home in destroyed clothing.

slowing down goten reaches the ground in a little over five seconds landing on a farm were he is greeted by goku "hey son! are you ready for you're turn with the tractor" dad says waving over to me.

"yeah dad you can go train at king kais place I got it covered" I respond as goku nods in understanding instant transmission-Ing away in a instant.

Dropping my super Saiyan 2 transformation i hop on the tractor and I begin fertilizing the crops. once I am done with that I pick the cabbages, Using it as a form of training as I pick 1,200 cabbages in a little over 1 second.

Dumping all the cabbages into the massive container I lift it up and I walk towards my mom "hey mom what do you want me to do with this" I say as my mother looks over from cleaning can u go sell those in the town honey?" mom responds as I nod.

Flying up with absolute ease I fly the cabbages 2 miles arriving in a town that is brimming with merchants and buyers looking for products to buy, Them not even sparing a glance at me carrying the huge container despite my small frame due to the fact this isn't my first time here.

Moving to our usual buyer I drop the huge container onto his flying truck, as he is about to hand me the usual amount of zeni we are rudely interrupted by a group of bandits with futuristic guns, ignoring there threats I take the zeni and I turn around to see the butt of a gun flying towards my head at a snails pace.

Letting the butt of the gun hit me the bandits are left in shock as instead of my face getting bashed in the gun literally shatters like glass, "Despicable willing to harm a child for a quick buck" I say out loud as I ignore the rain of bullets showering upon me.

"you morons just saw me carry a massive container with one hand and u think bullets can harm me?" flying over I kick a large bandit into a tree rendering him unconscious upon impact.

Turning over I am once again met with a shower of bullets, Ignoring it I move at the speed of sound disarming every bandit in to what seemed like a instant to them.

Dropping the guns I Put my hands up into a fighting position my dad has taught me in these last 3 years I speak up "ill be holding back 99.8 percent. if one of you can land a blow on me I wont turn you into the police".

A burly bandit is first to charge as he goes for a messy left hook with I dodge with absolute ease flipping backwards and using my hands as a spring I kick flip him into the air knocking him out upon impact as he falls to the ground limply.

Looking over to the last 4 bandits they look at each other before making a break for it but before they can get far the police stop's them and krillin steps off his police bike knocking all the bandits out in what looked to be fast to a normal person but was extremally slow and sluggish to me.

"hey mister krillin have you been training?" I ask curiously as krillin looks at me ashamedly "W-well I've been busy taking care of maron and being a husband to train." krillin responds as I nod in understanding "its okay mister krillin" I say as I wave to him i kick off the ground flying in the direction of my family farm.

Arriving to the farm I hand my mother the zeni which she takes happily, "make sure you study before you go to sleep sweety" my mother yells out as I enter my room.

'Yeah im not studying' I think as I leap into bed falling asleep immediately.

pretty short chapter for my standards but hey its a filler chapter not a full blown one. hope u enjoyed it, Untill next time my readers. also one serious question would u like for goten to travel the multiverse once hes done with everything he needs to be done with in the dragonball verse? or do u want the series to end when the t.o.p ends? and before u ask no im not writing about the movies or the manga until the dragon ball ssuper manga is finished i wont consider it. because then my uploads will be reliant on the mangas monthly updates. id rather send goten to like the invincible verse or something once hes done with everything in the dragonball verse

amarril14creators' thoughts
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