
Transmigrated as a Secret Agent Into a Novel

"Tides of Chaos: A Worldwide Fantasy Web Novel" Unveiling the protagonist's journey and the struggles encountered along the way. Yet, were these events truly meant to strengthen the protagonist, or was there a hidden agenda behind them? All the events that have occurred so far, which seemed to be mere obstacles for the protagonist, were actually part of a plan orchestrated by a secret organization—BlightWeavers. The mastermind behind these events, the puppeteer, was a high-level BlightWeavers agent operating under the alias of Silas. When Alex transmigrated into this novel, he realized he was neither a main character nor an extra. Instead, he had assumed the role of Silas, as a rookie field agent during his early days within the organization. Alex unwittingly became the catalyst for the events that drive the story's progression, all under the orders of the BlightWeavers. *** Update schedule: 1 chapter/day [GMT+8 (Shanghai, China) 15:00 ~ GMT+5:30 (India) 12:30 ~ GMT -4 (New York) 03:00 ~ GMT +3 (Turkey) 10:00 ]

WriterOfEnd · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Mission Briefing

After some time, they arrived at the conference room, and Agent Kirf gestured for them to take a seat. He then walked to the front where a hologram device was located.

Agent Kirf opened a file containing several pictures and notes. He began to explain Alex's assignment.

"Agent Silas, you've done your research on both Francis Mullen and Jack Reed," Alex nodded in agreement.

"Based on our research and intel, these individuals are key members of the minor team in Gaxbrux City, along with Thomas Cain," Agent Kirf stated.

"They are the people who prevent problems from arising with the hunters," Agent Kirf explained and added, "except for Jack Reed, he is the typical troublesome youth."

"Whenever there is a dispute between hunters and miners, Francis Mullen calms down the entire mining team, while Thomas Cain handles Jack Reed," Agent Kirf continued.

"Tomorrow, there will be another mining expedition, and Francis Mullen himself will be leading it," Agent Kirf revealed.

"Your task is to infiltrate this mining expedition as Thomas Cain," Agent Kirf explained to Alex.

"As for me, I'll be using my undercover identity to try and arrange for Jay Spencer, the son of the branch family of Spencer, to join as well," Agent Kirf added.

Agent Kirf gestured towards Jay Spencer's picture and then opened a file.

"This is the file about him," Agent Kirf stated.

"In summary, Jay Spencer fits the profile of an arrogant young master."

"As you may know, the current head of the Spencer family has only one heir, his daughter, Gabrina Spencer."

"Because of this reason and with my constant personal education on Jay Spencer in these three years, he has come to think of himself as the true heir of the Spencer family."

"That's why he has a big ego and can't tolerate anyone he considers beneath him."

"There's a high chance he will cause trouble for the mining team tomorrow."

"When that happens, Francis will try to calm down the mining team and subconsciously ignore Jack, assuming Thomas will calm him down."

Agent Kirf looked at Alex and stated, "However, you will not do anything to calm Jack Reed down; instead, you will try to incite him even harder."

"This plan is in case Jay Spencer initiates a fight," Agent Kirf concluded.

"But if this scenario doesn't happen and Jay Spencer does not start a fight, you will take the initiative to provoke him and start a fight with Jay Spencer, as Thomas Cain."

"Sir, how would I do that? There would be hunters around him." Alex asked.

Agent Kirf reassured him, "Don't worry, I will send his guards and the hunter team to another place when the time comes."

"Then, before anyone realizes what is happening," Agent Kirf paused and took out a mini syringe from his space ring, throwing it towards Alex. He continued, "you need to inject this into Jay Spencer."

"What is this, sir?" Alex asked while examining the syringe.

"It's an untraceable poison that will kill Jay Spencer within an hour," Agent Kirf revealed, continuing with his instructions.

"After you've attacked him, stay back, and let Jack Reed do the rest."

"Are you clear on your assignment, Agent Silas?" Agent Kirf asked.

Alex just nodded in agreement. He didn't have the energy to object.

"As for the rest, I will handle it. I will take Jay Spencer out, and then when the time is right, I will come for you."

"In the meantime, don't reveal your identity, and wait for me to get you out."

Alex asked, "How will you get me, sir?"

"I will apprehend you, using Jay Spencer's death as justification."

'What is their aim?' Alex tried to think, but due to his tired mind, he couldn't come up with a reason and replied, "Yes, sir."

After that, Agent Kirf returned to the hologram and opened another file before addressing Agent Eris.

"Agent Eris, these are all the local gangs in Gaxbrux City," Agent Kirf stated, pointing to various locations on the hologram.

"Tonight, I want you to visit all of them and hire their services."

"Tell them that when they receive our signal, they must create chaos all around the city," Agent Kirf pointed to locations on the hologram and continued, "and they must attack these places."

"After successfully taking over these locations, they must sever all communication between Gaxbrux City and the outside world," Agent Kirf emphasized.

"As the head of this operation, you'll be responsible for organizing these thugs and gangs, ensuring everything goes according to plan, and that they act simultaneously."

"Are you clear on your assignment, Agent Eris?" Agent Kirf asked.

"Yes, sir," Agent Eris replied affirmatively.

After seeing both of them understand their assignments, Agent Kirf spoke, "You are dismissed."

Both Agent Eris and Alex stood up, preparing to leave.

Agent Krif held Alex back, saying, "You stay behind for a moment, Agent Silas."

Alex obeyed and waited while Agent Eris left to carry out her assignment.

As Agent Krif looked around, trying to find the file regarding Thomas Cain.

Alex waited and thought, 'Why won't this day end?'

Alex started to feel annoyed and frustrated after everything he had been through.

After finding the file, Agent Krif tossed it toward Alex and stated, "In this file, all the information about Thomas Cain exists. Study it and become the real Thomas Cain. Don't raise suspicion from anyone,"

Agent Krif added, "Before forgetting, don't use the accommodation that BW prepared for you. Go directly to Thomas's house."

Alex simply nodded his head and started to head out. However, Agent Krif held him back once again.

Agent Krif warned Alex, "Remember, you are now Thomas Cain. It would be better if you forget your other identities and accept yourself as the real Thomas Cain."

Agent Krif said, "This is the best advice I can give you or any other agent." Agent Krif paused and emphasized, "If you want to protect your cover, don't think of your identity as a cover."

Alex nodded, his voice tinged with frustration, "I understand, sir. Can I leave now?"

Agent Krif noticed the disrespectful tone from Alex, but he decided to ignore it. He didn't want to waste any time. He simply gestured with his hand and gave Alex permission to leave.