
Training, Planet Namek

One month later...

Dr Brief was explaining to Celeron on how to work the gravity machine. It wasn't that confusing.

After Dr Brief had left, Celeron excitedly went to the gravity dial as he dialed it straight up to 20x! He felt some pressure but it wasn't much for him, he dialed it straight up to 50x. His back hunched as he slowly tried to walk, it was perfect! It took more than 100% effort to walk! If he did bodyweight exercises like pushups or something, his power level would surely rise like crazy!

And so! He started his training! He did all sorts of different exercises. He started by doing one finger pushups with his index finger, he changed exercises again and again until he was left half-dead from exhaustion. Literally half-dead. He struggled to put a senzu bean in his mouth each time! He repeated this again and again and again! Each time he healed after nearly dying, he gained a Zenkai boost! 30 days later, he was running around in gravity levels at the 200-300s!

He had gotten much stronger, if he had to guess, he was around 8 times stronger than before!

He was way too strong, he knew that he wouldn't be able to find a good fight until a long time. He stopped training now, he had to hold back the urge to train. He wanted to fight someone strong! In 7 months was the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament... he would participate but it would still be too easy!

He had the idea of going to Namek so he could wish for a strong person to fight, by using the Namek Dragon Balls, but that probably wouldn't work since Porunga is weaker than him. He also wanted to wish for being able to survive in space! Or just a spaceship! He wanted to travel around looking for some people to fight!

Celeron thought for a moment before setting his mind on going to Namek! But to do that he needed a spaceship! He was going to ask Dr Brief to make him a spaceship!

Celeron walked outside to see Dr Brief and a huge spaceship! "Dr Brief! Can I borrow that spaceship?! I want to go to a planet called Namek!" Dr Brief looked at him in surprise, he had finally come out of the gravity room! "Ah yes, Celeron, you came at the perfect time! I just finished creating this spaceship and I need to test it! If you want, you can test it? But if it breaks down, don't blame me! You can probably survive with your aliens power anyway, right? Oh and for this 'Namek', you will need the coordinates for it!"

Celeron completely ignored what he just said, apart from, 'you can test it' and 'Namek, need coordinates'.

"Yes, I'll test it! But it might take me a while to get back, it could takes months, is that ok?"

"Sure! If you want, you can keep it! It's completely experimental anyway."

"Then I'll keep it! Thank you! I'll repay you some day!"

"It's okay, just take of my daughter." He winked.

Celeron wasn't really surprised he knew so he just smiled in response. Celeron walked into the spaceship as Dr Brief showed him all the controls. After the explanation he thanked Dr Brief before telling him he was going to get coordinates for Namek.

He couldn't be bothered to explain how he already knew Namek's coordinates. He had seen them on the Dragon Ball Wiki. And with his eidetic memory, he could just do a quick scan through his memories!

Celeron got into the spaceship with his cleaned Saiyan armour and 2 and a bit bags worth of Senzu beans. He inputted Namek's coordinates into the ship, "9045XY". The spaceship started to launch upwards as it shot into space. Celeron looked at the time it said it would take the ship to reach Namek - '34 Days'.

He had plenty of time to do whatever. However he realised he had a problem! He would have to scavenge the whole planet to find the dragon balls.. he didn't have a radar!

Well, at least he had something to do now? Forgetting about all that, he opened one of the ten mini fridges and took out some food. He munched on it and then fell asleep.

Like this, he lazed around for 34 days. But of course he did some light exercise so he wouldn't get 'rusty'. After the spaceship had landed, he got out and stood on the blue grass. He did a few stretches then closed the spaceship door.

He slowly walked as he looked at the green water and green sky... it looked really weird! Ignoring that, he sensed around 100 energy signatures on the whole planet! The Namekian's had such a low population! That made Celeron's job easier, he just had to go ask for the dragon balls and then for his potential to be unlocked! But actually doing it... would be much harder.

Celeron teleported to the biggest energy on the planet. Nail jumped back as he stared at Celeron in caution and asked harshly, "Who are you?! Get off this planet!"

Celeron replied with, "I'm Celeron, a Saiyan! I'm here to get my potential unlocked, and to use your dragon balls if you allow me to!"

"No we don't. Leave!" Nail replied coldly.

"Eh, but I want to defeat Friez-"

"Leave, or I'll kill you."

Then an ancient voice sounded out from a building behind Nail, "Let him in."

"Yes. Follow me, Saiyan!" Nail replied instantly, although confused.

Celeron followed Nail into the room as he the giant Elder Guru sitting on his throne. Celeron's mouth opened in shock, the guy was huge! After a bit of talking, a bit of explaining of how he was going to defeat Frieza and a promise that he would protect the Namekians if they got into trouble. The Elder Guru said, "Your potential is boundless, a tiny fraction of it has been unlocked already somehow but I can unlock a tiny bit more if you would like?" "Yes, please!" The Elder Guru called him over as he placed his large hand onto Celeron's head. Celeron suddenly felt more 'natural' in a way. He didn't know how strong he was now, but he guessed he could defeat Frieza's 1st form, maybe?"

He thanked the Elder Guru and went to go look for the dragon balls, (he had the Elder's permission). After a few hours, he had gotten the dragon balls. He flew back to the Elder Guru with the 7 dragon balls. (He could hold them all at once because plot convenience).

After he reached the Elder Guru's building-room-throne-thing, he placed the dragon balls outside. Nail reluctantly chanted the password and then asked Celeron his 3 wishes.

His wishes were:

- To have the ability to give Eternal Youth to 10 people of his choosing.

- To save my third wish for whenever I need it.

Nail repeated the wishes to Porunga who granted them and then disappeared into the Namek Dragon Balls. The dragon balls turned into stone as Nail then told Celeron, "Okay, you got your wishes! Now leave."

Celeron thanked the Elder and Nail as he flew back to his spaceship and then thought in his head, "Give Launch Eternal Youth!" And then he had 9 Eternal Youths left.

He started up the spaceship as he flew around randomly in space. He looked at the planets which flew by as he thought on what he could do.

He had around 11 years till the Saiyan saga! But in those 11 years, he would need to get more harem members. He couldn't really travel the universe then... or he could bring them with him? He could make his wives be stronger so they could at least defend themselves - at least Nappa level.

He decided on doing just that, going around the universe with his wives while teleporting to Earth at times to 'catch' some new girls!

So he’s going around the universe. I didn’t make him wish for a faster spaceship as his adventures wouldn’t even last long.


Android 21 will not be married to Dr Gero (which means she is a virgin and is not an android! Her evil side won’t exist!)


The harem will only be 12 people at the HIGHEST. Also Mai in this is Future Mai.

Current Harem: Bulma, Mai, Launch

Future Harem: Android 21, Android 18, Vados, Marcarita, Kusu, Caulifla, Kale, Jerez, Videl.

SomeRandomDaoistcreators' thoughts
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