
Chapter 72 Article.

One week has passed since Soma finally found the reason for the contradiction within himself, which was none other than himself. Soma spends his days studying and thinking about how he should solve the problem he is facing.

However, no matter how hard he thought, he still couldn't find the solution, and that doesn't mean he should give up. He kept searching for an answer even until today, nearing the day for the exam to enter the Hero Academy.

Soma, who sat on one of the comfortable couches inside the wide room in a private plane, looked toward the two individuals with him. There were four couches, and Soma was sitting on it, with a round white table lying before him near the body plane. Hina, who sat beside him, was gazing down, looking at the flash card, trying to memorize as much as possible the content of the study that needs memorization. Even though the exam will begin tomorrow, she is as serious as ever.

In front of Soma, Hiroshi was sitting opposite of him, gazing down while reading some new articles in his terminal tab.

While Hina and Hiroshi were busy with their own assignments, Soma turned his gaze to the side toward the oval window beside him. The window gives him a breathtaking view of the world above, a blue canvas that stretches endlessly adorned with a delicate mist of clouds that floated in the gentle breeze.

From this point below, Earth seems like a diorama whose beauty cannot be measured by human standards. It gives Soma a sense of tranquility. He gazes at the wonder that unfolded in his eyes, a small island that showed itself, a blue water body reflecting the sky, filling his sight as the plane was floating above the Pacific Ocean.

"Everyone drinks, ready. Soma, here is your drink".

Soma jerked his head to the side as his name was being called, and he saw Hisako holding a silver metal tray with four cups of glass filled with orange juices on top and offered one of them to him. The other passenger that rode the plane beside the three of them was none other than Hisako, who happened to be preparing some drinks for the people present.

There are four passengers that stay in the plane, Five including one the pilot, and as for the private plane, the association was lending it to them.

"Thank you very much, I will take one".

"Me too, Mom".

Hina, who was also distracted, decided to take a rest. Putting down the flash card inside the storage. She took one of the cups filled with the smell of citrus that wafted through the air.

Soma took one of the glasses. The cold from the glass seeped through his palm, numbing his nerves for a moment. He put the cold tip of the glass into his lips and took a sip. A burst of vibrant citrus flavors, tangy and refreshing to the taste, roused his spirit. The glass filled with a block of ice chilled the juice. It enhanced the refreshing taste in his mouth further.

"Here, Dear"

"Thank you, Hisako".

The two spouses began to exchange talks, and Hina also put down the mini book in her hands, drank the juice in hand and shouted in enjoyment.

"Puhaa, that was refreshing".

"Hina, are you done with memorizing?".

"Well, I'm already done with all of them. It was just that I couldn't stay calm if I were just sitting around and doing nothing".

"Just say you're nervous".

"I am not".

"That reason again".

Hina and Soma began their usual banter. Soma already knew that Hina was nervous about her weird behavior the moment she entered the plane. Her posture is stiff, and she keeps fidgeting, twirling her hair tips, and fiddling with her books if she doesn't have anything to do, trying to distract her mind from the test result.

"Fufu, You two seem closed as usual".

Hisako, who watched their banter, chuckled while covering her mouth, exuding her feminine charm. Hiroshi, on her side, also lifted the corner of his lips as he enjoyed the juice his wife prepared.

" Well, yeah. After all that we have been through. Of course we will be close to each other, right Soma?".

Soma gives her a wry smile and nods his head.

"What was that? At least say something, will you?''.

"Yes, we are".

"Good. Look, you can do it if you try".

"Who are you, my mom?".


"Fufufu, it sure is lively in our household, right, dear?".


Despite the usual noise, the atmosphere that filled the room was full of warmth as the two youngsters kept their friendly banter with each other, and the two parents who saw them watched with warm and amused faces.

This scene has already become their daily life since Soma began to enter their lives this past week to continue his studies. At first, Soma hesitated, but after Hina and her parents asked him to tutor her, his escape was blocked. Because of that, the Akabane family is becoming more livelier by the day.

The warm and welcoming atmosphere continued until Hina was out of breath, for she was always the target of being teased by Soma and the others. Hiroshi began to step forth while bringing his tab that displayed some articles he believed would pique their interest.

"Hina, Soma. Look at this!".

"What is it, Dad?'.

Hina leaned her body closer as she inspected the news that showed on the display. Soma, took another sip from the cup before putting it on the table. His curiosity was piqued, so he bent his body forward, and the two of them started to read the article on display.

[The new rising stars in Japan. The birth of a new Hero: The daughter of the renowned S-Rank awakeners manages to conquer an new-founded Trial Gate that is considered rare in the world and save one of the civilians who got involved]

"Hmm, Pfft..".


Soma opened his eyes while reading the articles before jerking his head to the side as he almost accidentally spit the juice in his mouth. He cover his mouth, and swallowed the juice in mouth while trying to hold back his laughter, after reading the full title of the news.

Hina, on the other hand, opened her eyes wide, her jaw slacked to the ground, and her face burned in bright red.

"Yeah, It seems one of the paparazzi from back then managed to take one shot of you carrying Soma".

"..Oh my, there is also the picture below the article. Do you want to see it?".

"Pffth, ahaha, let me see the rising stars".

"Aaah, mou, stop it! Soma".

Hina, who was red in the face, held Soma in place, for he always kept teasing her. But he was also curious and wanted to see the picture of her helping him to get out of the trial gate. Soma managed to slip past her grasp and snatch the tab from Hisako's hand.

"Wait, Soma".

Soma ignores Hina's plea and then skimps through the content. There, he found the picture of Hina, with bravery in her gaze, standing up while carrying an unconscious boy on her shoulder. His breath was taken aback when he saw the fire in Hina's eyes. It managed to cool his head down, and he felt a great debt of thanks to her for accompanying him and sticking together with him till the end until they went out of the gate.

"...That is enough".

Hina, who couldn't hide her embarrassment anymore, snatched the tab in his hand and held it in her bosom. Then, with puffed cheeks, she retreated to the edge of the sofa while throwing her gaze at the news. As she skimps the content, her gaze shrinks. The content that was plastered there was all filled with misinformation.

Soma turns his glance at the parents' side and meets their eyes. The two parents nodded their heads while pointing their index finger to Hina.

""We leave her to you"".

The two parents began to stand up, then lightly stepped away from the set, leaving the two youngsters.


Soma approached her side. But Hina kept her gaze focused on the display. He sighs as he realizes how foolish his earlier act was.

"Look, I am sorry, alright. I didn't mean to be mean to you, it's just.. "

"..What the hell is this?".

Hina interrupts his words as she slams the tab on the table lightly. Her cheeks bloated as she didn't find it agreeable with the article that spread on the internet. Soma was stuck, dumbfounded, then opened his mouth.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. The news was nothing but false information. Because the one who cleared the gate was none other than you. ..But those stupid guys.. Should I burn them?..".

"Stop that. Don't say something scary with a straight face!".

Soma was also curious about the articles, so he took the tab and began to skim the content. As he kept reading it, he chuckled and put down the tab on the table.

"..Well, the hero part was true, though. Because, in the end, you saved me from the Trial gate and brought me to the outside world".

"What nonsense are you saying? If you take a rest, You could just get out of that place alone without my help".

"Then, being unconscious for a week in that sub-dimension where I don't know when it will disappear".


Hina tried to refute but couldn't speak a word.

"So cheer up, okay, and I am sorry for teasing you too much".

Soma bent his face forward, trying to see Hina's face, who gazed down but couldn't retort to his words. She raised her face and met eyes with him but soon turned to the other side.

A silence hung between them before Hina continued.

"..I am painfully aware after experiencing it first-hand. How arduous and gruesome the journey that we have been through inside the trial gate, especially you, Soma. In the end, I am just burdening you inside the gate..".

Hina clenched her fist hard on top of her thighs, biting her lips, feeling frustrated recalling the past events she spent in the trial gate.

"..All those strong monsters, you are mostly the one who fights them all alone and gives you a fatal injury that could take your life at any time. …Yet, those guys just write everything that seems convenient for their own benefit without knowing what has transpired inside. That is what makes me mad at them and at myself".

Soma understands the conflicted feeling Hina has right now. She is feeling guilty inside as the false information the paparazzi made stung her where it hurts.

The news that was written inside was filled with praise for Hina, making her consciousness hurt and crushed by a pang of tremendous guilt for stealing other people's achievements. But the truth is, she also took part in the conquest of the trial gate and helped him, albeit a little, in battling those strong monsters. So, she must be rather proud of her achievement despite the lies that spread to the public.

However, Hina couldn't accept that. She is feeling angry at those people for spreading lies and at herself for not becoming a great help to Soma.

Soma kept gazing at her frustrated face, gazing down while biting her lips.

"..Then, Do your best!".

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