

Hello, my name is Arjun. I study mechanical engineering. Everyone studies engineering. It has become such that more engineers are available than the jobs. In my case, I am in final year, trying to score to find a job, though that's a minute possibility.

I am really into anime. My favourite one is of course Naruto. Many of my ideals and principles have come from it. Only if my wish of transmigrating into the Naruto world would come true.

Well, I am feeling really guilty about skipping classes, so why don't I go to donate blood. Read about it in the newsletter, the area is near.

Our campus is near the edge of the city, so more greenery can be seen, more fresh air to intake. By the way, this is my first time donating blood. I was advised to eat a lot before, so I did that.

What I didn't expect was to get bitten by a snake while traversing through the bushes, trying to find a shortcut. I pissed my pants right there knowing no one was there, reminding myself not to panic as it would increase blood circulation, and then knowing that even after I find someone, it will take time to reach the hospital and if they even have an antidote is another question. I start to hyperventilate and the next thing I know is darkness.

All that can be seen is the darkness. It's pitch black. No hand, no feet, just endless darkness. I try to look right and left but I don't even know if I am moving, and the even spread darkness is not helping. Am I in coma? Am I dead? If I am dead, that won't be a good thing. My parents would be devastated. Thank god I have another sibling. I am not the only one, but that won't lessen their pain, would it? What are you thinking, Arjun. Now is not the time to get jealous over who gets more love.

I hear a voice. "You have been summoned", and I see light. Increasing from a small dot, it comes and I see the whole world in white. It is worth noting how even though the light should have been blinding, I don't feel the need to close my eyes. Its like standing in front of TV screen and watching a film. How caged I was with my human senses, touches. *sigh*

Now where am I summoned? I hear a voice again.

" Soul in human form met death prematurely." Bunch of details of my 21 years of life separated into good and bad deeds. How is it checking if it is a good deed or not, by karma. How it has affected people and changed their path to do good or bad karma. Its a long process but happens within seconds. I just know all of these. A doubt pops up and I know the answer. That's sleek.

" Final result: Bad. Soul is given another chance at life. Choose where do you want to reincarnate." Why am I getting another chance? Don't I go to somewhere like hell, for bad karma, though it's just a little bit. " Premature death, couldn't complete whole life, insufficient karma to judge, unique condition, now choose". Why is it a premature death?.... Oh, I get it. So, I was not supposed to die at that moment under any of the infinite circumstances that were pre-planned by this thing based on my choices that I made.

What is this thing? .... Wow, it literally cannot be described in words. It comes quite close to God, but it is not? Don't ask me how, I just know. It also comes quite close to an A.I, like it has been given some instructions and it is calculating and having permutations and combinations of literally everyone's lives right now.

Hmm... let me think, where to get reincarnated. Can I go back in time and reincarnate as myself?.... "Reincarnate in different dimension" .. Damn it... Ok.. Calm down.. Guess I won't be able to meet my parents after all. But why am I not able to remember their faces?... "The more time you spend here, more you will forget about your past life".... Fuck ... Can I get reincarnated into Naruto world?? ....." Yes"..... Ok.. so how is that possi....

Hmm... where am I.. did I get reincarnated? The last thing I remember is getting sucked into a vortex, or was that vortex me...?... whatever... Oh.. how is that woman so big.. I do somehow know that she is my mother.. I am hungry. I want food..... Why the fuck am I crying? Shit, I am a baby.. and looking at the headband on her hair, I was born into the Naruto world, that too in Konoha.. what luck..

hey, author here...

I just wanted to experience what it meant to write daily, so I am trying this out.

It is a first person perspective story. So, I am trying out some things. It might be a little rough around the edges.

I am having zero expectations. " no completely, though"

Just some ground rules to refer for my self

Thoughts and sounds of the protagonist will be in *...*

Speaking of others will be with ".."

speaking of protagonist will be '...', a single apostrophe

kshitij97creators' thoughts
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