
Chapter 6: Killing Megatron

Internet had been shut down and all other form of communications were also shut down, the time is near it seems.

So, I went out to the city where the final fight in part 1 will occur, I need to be ready when the fight occurs, who knows? I might turn out to be the one to kill Megatron even.

I turned into my jet form and flew high in the sky, turns out, I was just a couple minutes early till the fight occurred.

And then I heard it, the song, it was being broadcasted through radio, guess they're calling me huh?

I flipped my kill-switch on as some parts of me turn bright red from energon-enhancement, technically, could now cut through anything like a hot knife through butter.

I stopped and transformed into my normal mode from my jet form and free fell as I was about 6 kilometres down, I transformed back into a jet and speed up until I broke the sound barrier and reached the building height in mere 5 seconds and transformed back into my normal mode and landed on devastator, almost crushing the con.

I clenched my fist as blades pop out and slammed down. I turned the nozzle and spoke, "Come on, decepticon punk."

Devastator held me and swung me, but I grabbed back and sliced his arm, I landed on the ground and jumped on the building nearby avoiding a shell that could have ripped apart any cybertronian except me and jumped back at devastator.

I grabbed at his remaining arm and swung to the back, according to my calculations, this much momentum was enough to slam the heavy devastator on the ground.

And, bam! As devastator landed on the street, he immediately tried to stand back up, only to end up with a blade through his chest.

I shot the canon below my energon-enhanced blade and killed devastator. "Heat-Glare's here, Baby!"

Iron-Hide, Ratchet, Jazz, the soldiers from the military base in Qatar.

All were stunned and looked at my adamantium frame. "Watcha looking at?! We have 4 more cons to take out!"

Blackout, Star-scream, Barricade, and Megatron. Four in total. Two are already dead, so Devastator and Bonecrusher doesn't count.

Megatron landed on the alley way on the building the left of us. "Ahhh, shit. Everyone, retreat! Megatron is here!" I shouted.

The soldiers quickly evacuated and so did the other bots, but Jazz lagged behind. Megatron got out of the corner and shot at Jazz.

Jazz tumbled to the ground and was stunned so he wasn't able to get up. "Shit." I cursed aloud.

I shot at Megatron and got his attention. "Hey, Sucker! Chase me you bitch!"

Hopefully, my provocation works, and he chases after me. And it did.

"Oh, a mere soldier like you that doesn't even have a reputation back in cybertron dares to call me a mortal dog?"

Ahhh, I'm screwed. I transformed into my jet form and flew as fast as I could and weave through the city like a weasel.

As Megatron was just on my tail, I transformed back and landed on the street. While Megatron? He hit the solid building right in front.

I slap my hands together and formed a railgun. Red electricity sparked and crackled up as Megatron got out of the rubble.

"Ever had a taste of your own medicine?"

I shot my rail gun aiming at his chest. "Goodbye, motherfucker."

Thunder shot out as the bullet pierced through his chest and blasted off to God knows where.

Megatron grasped his chest where the railgun had pierced and looked back at me, "No, I won't die from that."

Shit. Again. I transformed into a Koenigsegg and sped off hoping that Megatron won't be able to chase me.

I burned my infinite energon reserve just to make sure that I get away with shooting Megatron and almost killing him.

Honestly, my thoughts earlier were so arrogant now that I look back, I certainly would look like a coward with my hit and run tactic. Am I a pussy? No.

I retreated back and transformed into my F22 Raptor form and flew in the sky, searching for Star-Scream, I'd like to personally kill that philosophical coward.

I am not waiting till the dark side of the moon comes and the bastard dies.

I spotted Star-Scream shortly after and started chasing after him.

We were in the sky, so I freely fired missiles and bullets to shoot down Star-scream, and so, our aerial dogfight began.

I shot at Star-Scream hoping to hit him. Some rounds did a bit but didn't do much damage.

Star-Scream suddenly slowed down as I zoomed past him as he started to shoot me down.

Our bullet of exchange lasted for a few minutes before an idea came to my mind.

How about I shoot the engine in the back? It's the most fragile part of Star-Scream.

And so, I shot out as many rounds as I could in concentrated fire on his engine, and I managed to get immediate results.

Star-Scream's engine blew up as he started to fall down to the ground and probably die, I am satisfied with my work.

As I went down, I saw Optimus and Megatron duking it out and Sam just a few meters away from the fight.

I jumped down to interfere in the fight and punched Megatron straight in the face. "This is my fight, Heat-Glare." Optimus shouted.

"A fight you might die fighting." I retorted back at him and successfully shut him up. I turn back to Megatron as he punches back at me.

I smash to a building nearby and shoot at Megatron right in the eye instead of his forehead. There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

I slap my hands together and form my insanely loud railgun and fired at Megatron, Megatron shrugged it off and shot back at me.

I stepped back from the shock the bullet's force gave and ducked in order to dodge another fired shot from Megatron.

I stood up and sliced his leg with a spin, making him fall on the ground as I stabbed my blade on his right arm and dislodge the blade, making Megatron's arm stuck to the ground.

Megatron glared at me with his remaining eye and tried to pry off the blade that stuck him on the asphalt road. "No!" He shouted.

I turned my right arm into a gun loaded with a penetration round and aimed it at Megatron's face. "Yes." I chuckled and shot at him, blowing his head to metal scraps.

Haaahhh… today was a very hardcore and eventful day where I even killed Megatron myself. Looks like my words weren't just bragging.

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