

-Jessica's p.o.v-

I'm in a deep slumber next to Winter when I feel something around me that jolts me awake and I reach out to grab what's coming towards me. My eyes open and I have Cassius's wrist in my hand. I snarl at him and throw his hand away from me. What is he even doing in here. He starts talking but I'm not listening to most of it.

"I appologize. It's just I have some important questions. May I take a seat?" he lets outs with determination in his voice. I guess we might as well get this over with.

"Sure, if you must!" I let out harshly. I hope he can hear the annoyance in my voice. I gesture with my hand for him to take a seat on the bed next to me. Winter excuses himself from the room. I make sure to close and lock the heavy wooded door after Winter exits. "Well, what are your questions Cass?" I say impatiently. He turns towards me and looks me directly in my eyes. His expression is sad and soft. He truly looks hurt.

"I..... I just need to know what is going on between us. I know that you feel the same as I do. Why can't we be together? What's holding you back? I need answers Jessica." Cassius spits out quickly as if he couldn't help himself. I turn my face away from him. I do love him so deeply but I need to know for sure that I am meant to be with him. I have two mate marks on me. That means I have two mates. It could be Cass. I thought Eclipse was the other but I know for sure she isn't. I can feel that.

I don't really know if Cass is my mate but he feels like it. But I don't understand it. I have two marks. One is of the wolf, which I think is Ash and the other is of a feminine looking vampire. I don't think I have a third mark anywhere. This is why I need answers and fast.

"Cass....." I pause for a long moment. "I just don't know what to say or how to answer you. I'm still figuring out mate marks. I don't know who I am supposed to be with." Cass shoots up quickly from the bed and turns his body to face me.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR MARKS. I KNOW WHAT I FEEL AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FEEL! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT JESSICA!" He shouts loudly at me. He moves his hands to his head and threads his hands through his beautiful hair.

"I am done with the conversation Cass. Do know that I love you. I've tried my hardest to stay out of love with you but it's impossible. I just need time to myself. Can you understand that?" I say calmly. Cass gives me one last nod with a very sad expression and leaves the room. I'm left sitting in shock that he had nothing else to say. But I don't have time to ponder on it. I have to prepare to meet Luna. I walk into my giant closet and head for the shower.

After my well needed long shower I dry myself off with a towel and walk to my wardrobe and to my surprise a shy looking Ash is staring at me. "Well hello my dear Ash! It has been some time since we have talked. I'm glad you are here." I give him a wide, joyful smile and walk over to him and hug him tightly. He shifts uncomfortably and I let go and realize I'm naked. This is normal for me and most everyone around, but I think Asher still gets nervous around me like this. "I.... I'm sorry, let me dress myself. Why dont you take a seat on my bed and we can talk. I do have alot to catch up on with you!" He nods and makes his way slowly to my room. I catch him looking back a few times.

I slip on a red sheer slip on nightgown that hugs me in all the tight places. The front of the gown is dropped down in a deep "v" so my cleavage is extra exposed. Everything is exposed. I just have grown very fond of my body and how perfect my shape is. I walk through the door way leading out of my closet and spot Ash looking out the window. I clear my throat and Ash jumps slightly and turns around. His eyes go wide and his mouth is gaped open.

"Please, sit love!" I say gesturing towards the bed. He does as I say. I wait till he is seated to take the spot next to him. He seems uncomfortable. "Are you okay Ash?" I ask using my hand to turn his head towards me. His face looks flush. Is he blushing?

"I... I am fine. Just excited to finally get to talk to you again. It's been too long!" Ash takes my hand in his and gives it a slight squeeze.

"Is there something you came to tell me Ash?"

"I just wanted to check up on you. It's been weeks since we have talked last." He turns his face away and starts fidgeting with his fingers. He is so sweet to think of me. I do miss him.

"Yes actually. I have wonderful news to tell. This must stay between you and I. Ky knows what I'm going to tell you and so does Winter." I catch him up on what is going to happen and what has been happening.

"I want in. I want to help you find out who you should be with!" he shouts out more excitedly than I expected.

"Of course. You will come then?" I ask.

"Absolutely Jessica. Anything for..... I mean anything to help you." He looks away blushing.

"We leave shortly. So prepare what you need so we can make our trip." He stands and starts to make his exit when he stops in the doorway.

"Jessica...." he says softly.

"Yes my love?" I look at him question written all over my face.

"I....." he pauses for a long moment. "I hope you get to figure out who you should be with. You deserve happiness." With that, he makes his exit.

Something is different about him. I dont know what it is but I can tell something is off. Oh well, no time to ponder. I must get dressed. I rush off to my closet to find suitable clothes for the journey.

- A few hours later -

All that knows about Luna have met up in my room. "Thank you all for following me on this journey. It's something I think we all are curious about and I'm excited to get started in this journey." They all smile at me. " Shall we?" I gesture towards the door and we start out on the mission ahead.

"Now Winter knows where Luna lives. We will be following him. He has mentioned that it isnt far from here. It should be a short journey for us. But please be vigilant and weary. Who knows what lingers out here." I say smiling at everyone. They all seem truly happy about this journey and hopeful that things will work out.

After a grueling cold four hours of walking we come up to a small cottage that is lite brightly in the dark night. It's round in shape and has a small chimney that has white smoke flowing out of it. It's covered in moss all around the whole house. Someone would walk right past this if it were day time. There is no door that I can see. Winter takes the lead and walks right up to the house and takes a seat.

"Luna!" Winter yelps out. His tail starts wagging and this is a sign that someone is coming. Suddenly a door starts appearing infront of Winter and it slowly opens.

This is it. This is the moment Ky and I have been waiting for.

"Winter.....is....is that you?!" Luna's head slightly peeks out of the door and she instantly slams it shut once we are spotted.

"Luna.... please. I need your help. My name is Jessica and...." the door flies open nearly swiping Winter but he jumps out of the way just in time.

"You're Jessica? Please.... come in." She ushers all of us to come inside. "Please make yourselves at home." she gestures around her home.

It's much bigger inside than it is on the outside. It feels like a home. There are small trinkets everywhere along with a big cauldron to the side of the room inside a fireplace. There are 4 bookshelves full of books. A few desks are covered in paper. The one thing that truly stands out to me is the shelf above the fireplace. There are small viles filled with different colored liquids that all are marked differently. One says 'Love Potion' on it. Is she a witch? I stop looking around finally and my eyes now land on Luna. If I had a heart, it would have stopped beating once I looked at her.

Luna is tall. Tall for a woman. She must be 5'8 or 5'9. Her hair falls to the floor and is a beautiful bright red color. Her face is beautiful. She has a small button nose with beautiful freckles that cover her nose and cheeks. Her arms are covered in beautiful tattoos. She has two piercings. One in each nostril. She has a small mole just above her upper lip on the left side. Her eyes are a beautiful green color. She is wearing a long pink flowing dress that hugs every curve of her body.

I finally break the silence. "Does my name mean something to you?"

She floats smoothly over towards me and touches my face with her small cold hand. I feel the heat rising in my body and I try to hide it the best I can.

"Oh you sweet girl. Yes your name means something. You are the savior of our species!"

I take a step back and look at her then look around the room at everyone. They look like they have as many questions as I do.

"Explain!" I shout out.

"You're much snapper than I'd expected you to be. But my visions are correct. You do exist and you are just as beautiful as you were in my visions. Although I know why you are here I hadn't expected you so soon. You all must have alot of questions. To make this easier, I will take questions from one person at a time. So let's get this started." She huffs out.

- To Be Continued-

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