
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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218 Chs



Facing Hill's enthusiastic request, Daisy found it hard to refuse.

But the embarrassing situation is that the two are facing each other this time, and are very close to each other. Even though the lighting of the room was dim, she could clearly see Hill's expressions.

 Of course, the other party doesn't care about anything right now, as if she is afraid of anything, come on!

After the fragrant treatment, Hill was sweating all over. This time was much more comfortable than before. The reason for this is of course the so-called first suppression and then growth.

Just as Daisy was about to wash her hands, Hill grabbed her.

"We're good friends, right?"

Daisy nodded. Although this friendship seemed a bit inexplicable, Hill was indeed her friend, without a doubt.

"Since we are friends, I'm feeling a bit embarrassed, do you have to..." Hill, influenced by the wine flowing through her veins, blushed intensely, resembling a ripe tomato. 

"You must be under a lot of pressure. Come, I'll help you!" Before Daisy could think about whether to accept or decline, Hill leaped over, and the two tumbled directly to the ground.

Forget it, it's Christmas anyway. Just relax... Daisy consoled herself, abandoning any meaningless reservations.

She had to say that Hill's technique was quite good. Although she looks aloof on the outside, she must have practiced on herself. Daisy also joined in the battlefield with enthusiasm.


The next morning.

Daisy was still asleep when Hill nudged her.


"I'm leaving. Just remember not to discuss this with anyone. Let's keep it as it is, you can treat it as a one-night stand!" Maria swiftly dressed and left without looking back.

Not long after, Daisy leisurely roused from her sleep. Observing the empty space beside her pillow, she sighed.

What's the future for the two of them? In reality, there was no future. Hill was an intensely career-oriented woman. Between career and love, she would choose her career 100%. What's more, they are not in love.

One-night stand is also good! she comforted herself, pouring a glass of milk.

It was only then did Daisy that Hill had given her a Christmas gift before leaving—a professional gun holster that could be hung on the left shoulder to reduce the time it takes to draw the gun in case of an enemy encounter.

Daisy didn't have the habit of giving Christmas gifts and could only make up for it later.

Hill left, and Christmas was spent peacefully.

The two had a good plan, deal with their relationship coldly and leave it to time to decide.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. Just after Christmas, Fury called both her and Hill, and the three of them headed to the UK to visit the elderly Peggy Carter.

If it were a normal day, Daisy would probably mock this visit, comparing it to the corporate ritual of visiting business leaders in her past life—S.H.I.E.L.D. was quite formal too.

But now, she wasn't in the mood, and Hill didn't know how to face her, so she could only sit on the plane with a cold expression.

Daisy maintained a detached demeanor.

This made the braised egg very puzzled; he didn't understand why the relationship between the two women had suddenly deteriorated to this extent. However, he had no intention of helping to resolve it. It is a good thing if his subordinates are not united!

Sharon Carter, who came to the airport for the pick-up, was surprised by their attitude that could freeze the air.

She had a better relationship with Daisy, and couldn't help but ask softly, "What's going on? You were fine before Christmas."

Daisy smiled wryly. What could she say? Say all this is fake, our relationship was so good! That they even measured each other's depth? She could only shake her head without saying a word and let others imagine it.

Shortly after, she met Peggy Carter. The legendary strong woman of S.H.I.E.L.D. The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, but was still alert and sharp-witted, even cracking a few jokes with them.

After the routine visit, life returned to normal.

However, bad rumors began to spread within a small circle.

Daisy Johnson and Maria Hill were at odds, and the two even fought, and now they are incompatible like water and fire.

This left the two parties at a loss. Even with Daisy's prophetic advantage, she didn't know that all these rumors were being reported by Grant Ward after seeing Hill visit her home.

Agent Ward, fearing Hill's discovery, didn't linger at the door. He simply reported everything he observed.

With Alexander Pierce, the former director, acting as a mole, Hydra's high command knew a lot. They even saw Nick Fury's comments on the three people. Now, combining Ward's report on Hill's strong ambitions and their strong belief in the reports, they naturally put together a picture of Hill going over to Daisy's house to argue and then falling apart.

Spies quickly received orders to fan the flames, spread rumors, and alienate their relationship. If they could pull one of them to Hydra's side, even better.

A plethora of rumors circulated within S.H.I.E.L.D., and Fury did not want them to be too united, and acquiesced in the result, even helping on the side.

The rumors left the two protagonists dumbfounded. Hill, seemingly worried about misunderstandings, approached her one night, to be sneakily "candid" with her.

Their instincts told them someone was up to something, so they decided to maintain their current relationship and see who was spreading these rumors.

A lie told a thousand times becomes the truth. The rumor spreaders, seeing no rebuttals, intensified their propaganda. In the end, the rift between the two women became an open secret in the organization.

Hill remained silent on the matter, but observant people felt she became even colder.

Daisy played her role well, but as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents returned to work, she joined the film crew in Costa Rica, temporarily leaving the vortex.

The island where they fought that day underwent minor changes. Agents adapted to the local conditions, preserving the giant plants, and giving outsiders the illusion of a prehistoric civilization with high oxygen levels and lush vegetation.

Daisy signed an agreement with the Costa Rican government to develop the island, which would be open to tourists as a tourist attraction after the movie's release.

Facing demands from the American dad, Costa Rica dared not say no, not to mention that this was still a task of S.H.I.E.L.D. When a few politicians heard it was a secret service organization that was going to do something here, they were terrified.

Daisy didn't make things overly difficult for them, and the split of the profits was more favorable than before.

The scenic area would contribute half its earnings to the local government in the future, but the financial personnel were all from Skye Pictures. In other words, how much money she gives to them depends entirely on her mood in the process...

Considering that Peter Parker and Gwen weren't like their group of idle agents and had to attend school, with the Actors' Guild occasionally calling to inquire about abuse on set, whether they could complete their studies on time., if they had enough rest each day, and even subtly asking if the crew had made any "strange" requests.

Dealing with these overly concerned people left Daisy physically and mentally exhausted, so she could only focus on shooting scenes for the two kids first.


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