
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 27: New Reality, New Beginning

In the depths of pure darkness, a solitary orb of light glowed, cutting through the obscurity like a beacon.

"Do schizophrenia patients go blind or what? Sigh, hmm…" Alvis' voice echoed softly in the darkness.

Memories stirred in Alvis' mind as he floated in the void, struggling to grasp the fragments of his past. He recalled the weariness of his last moments before sleep, the weight of finality hanging in the air.

With furrowed brows, Alvis contemplated the orb of light before him, pondering its significance. Was this a dream, a hallucination, or something more?

As he reached out tentatively, the orb pulsed, casting shadows that danced across the void. It seemed to offer him new beginnings, unseen possibilities.

With bated breath, Alvis touched the orb, triggering a cataclysmic explosion that sent him hurtling through space. In its wake, the void bloomed with colors, revealing a multi-colored portal.

Staring at the portal in disbelief, Alvis grappled with the mind-bending revelation flooding his thoughts.

"So, you're telling me that a higher being took interest in my theories and granted me the power to absolute save and load in the omniverse? Are you kidding me?" Alvis muttered incredulously, his eyes fixed on the screen before him.

{Status} {Saves} {Loads}

Alvis hesitated for a moment before selecting "Status," eager to see the details of his newfound abilities.

Name: Alvis Bright

Rank: Mortal/Nonexistent

Level: Tier 10 Human

Power: Save & Load {Omni}, Status {Oneself}

Skills: None

Alvis sighed, somewhat disappointed by the simplicity of his status. But his attention was soon drawn to the "Omni" next to the Save and Load, sparking a new wave of curiosity.

"Does that mean it's infinite? No, Omni means everything, which means…" Alvis trailed off, his mind racing with possibilities. Pressing on the "Save" tab, he discovered a new interface.


(Slot 1): Unlocked

(Slot 2): Locked

(Slot 3): Locked

(Slot 4): Locked

(Slot 5): Locked

"Interesting. So, five saves? Limited, but still better than nothing. Let's try it…" Alvis muttered to himself, selecting Slot 1 with a sense of anticipation. But to his surprise, nothing happened.


(Slot 1): The Beginning Of Creation

(Slot 2): Locked

(Slot 3): Locked

(Slot 4): Locked

(Slot 5): Locked

"This place is the beginning of creation. Weird. Nothing exists here. Let's try loading," Alvis mused, moving on to the Load menu.


(Slot 1): Locked {Write A rule to achieve the effect of Loading the save}

(Slot 2): Locked

(Slot 3): Locked

(Slot 4): Locked

(Slot 5): Locked

"Huh, weird. You need to write rules? Then, what should I write?" Alvis pondered, his brow furrowing in thought. Suddenly, inspiration struck.

"What can be produced the most and efficient way to use it? Rule, rule…" Alvis muttered, his thoughts drifting as he surveyed the empty expanse around him. The feeling of weightlessness and darkness enveloped him, prompting a revelation.

"Nonexistence… Death… Wait a minute," Alvis said, a smug expression crossing his face if he had one.

Pressing on the locked Slot 1, Alvis began to write with his mind, the action feeling instinctual. 

{Slot 1: Rule Upon the demise of Soul and Body, The loading effect will happen}

"HAHAHHAHAHAHHAA, INVINCIBILITY!" Alvis burst into laughter, his expression twisted with a strange mix of exhilaration and disbelief. His laughter echoed through the void for a full minute before he finally grew tired of its weirdness. 

As his laughter subsided, a wave of realization washed over Alvis, bringing with it a flood of thoughts he should have considered before. 

"As much as these powers seem powerful, no one will give something for free, right?" Alvis mused aloud, his mind already racing with skepticism. "A higher being, but how high? This power itself is virtually omnipotent, right? Save and load, any mistake that I can have, anything and everything I can change if I want. Doesn't that mean I'm omnipotent and omnipresent in nature? No, no, impossible. There's either a catch in the process or something else. But why me? It's impossible because my theories are just imagination, right? Giving me this power—wait a minute, how did I die?"

A flash of realization crossed Alvis' face as he began to piece together his fragmented memories before falling asleep. 

"I finished writing the theory of Reality Suppression. After uploading it, I felt tired for no reason. Weird… So, was I killed, or was it my time? But I'm healthy. I train, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs. Then why… Sigh, why am I thinking about it? It's not like I can change anything…"

Acknowledging the futility of his pondering, Alvis cast a final glance around the space before turning his gaze towards the distant portal. Despite the uncertainty of his existence, he felt a sense of liberation, free from the constraints of his former life.

As he approached the portal, uncertainty blossomed in Alvis' mind. "A new beginning…" he murmured, gazing at the rainbow-like colors swirling around it. With a quirked eyebrow, he shifted his attention to the darkness within. "Looks like a dungeon portal, huh?" he remarked, his curiosity piqued. 

Upon touching the portal, a wave of information surged through Alvis' brain, causing a minor headache. "So, this portal can send me anywhere, fictional or not, in any dimension or reality. Be it a novel, a comic world, or even anime? Interesting…" he mused, considering his options. 

"Should I choose an easy world or a challenging one?" Alvis pondered, his thoughts racing through the infinite possibilities. "Let's choose from the big three: Naruto, One Piece, or maybe Hunter X Hunter."

As he deliberated, Alvis weighed the pros and cons of each world. "Naruto has Chakra and high-end limits, even at cosmic levels. One Piece has a robust power system with Haki and Devil Fruits, as well as advanced technology. But Hunter X Hunter offers a more comprehensive world with Nen and its rule-based powers, not to mention the mysterious Dark Continent and its infinite energy source…" 

Realizing his infinite lifetimes afforded him the luxury of exploration, Alvis made a decision. "Why overthink it? Let's start with One Piece. I'll train my Haki to its limits, then move on to Hunter or Naruto to learn their energy systems."

"With Haki, at least I won't die that fast, right?" Alvis muttered to himself as he phased into the portal with the One Piece world in mind. Prompted to choose a time-zone, he selected 50 years before the start of the story.

"More than fifty years should be enough, right?" Alvis questioned, but received no answer as darkness enveloped his vision in an instant.

In the world of One Piece, a small rift appeared in the sky, depositing a humanoid body onto the ground with a thud, creating a small crater.

Feeling the impact, Alvis cursed whoever had invented the transportation technology that brought him to this unfamiliar world.

Lying down, gazing up at the sky, Alvis felt the warmth of the sun against his skin and inhaled the fresh sea air. Minutes passed, and a wave of nostalgia washed over him.

"So, what now…" Alvis pondered aloud, the simplicity of the question belying its complexity. He was free, immortal, with infinite life ahead of him. But with freedom came uncertainty.

"What do you dream for, Alvis?" he questioned himself, his mind swirling with possibilities. "I don't know. Why am I even thinking about it? Let's create a challenge. Let's see if I can break through the limits of every world and maybe change the endings of many…"

Setting a challenge and a mission for himself, Alvis rose to his feet, a sense of determination coursing through him. But as he stood, a sudden realization dawned upon him.

"Interesting…" Alvis muttered, a perplexed expression crossing his face. "First, I'm wearing clothes. Second, I'm wearing clothes…" Shaking off the oddity, he refocused his thoughts. "When and how… never mind. What should I focus on now?"

Making his way towards the sea in the distance, Alvis reached its edge and peered down at his reflection, only to find that he looked the same but more handsome and youthful than before. 

"FUCK, I'VE BECOME A CHILD!" Alvis exclaimed, finally noticing the drastic change in his appearance. Surveying himself further, he estimated that he was in his early teens, perhaps tenth or eleventh years.

Examining his simple white T-shirt, plain black shorts, and brown slippers, Alvis silently thanked the being who sent him here—at least he wouldn't freeze to death or die from embarrassment. 

Turning his head to look behind him at the forest ahead, Alvis muttered to himself, "Where am I…" but had no answer. Opting for the fastest route forward, he began to move, hoping to encounter someone or something.

After ten tense minutes, Alvis found his answer. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he cursed under his breath as he ran for his life from a dinosaur. Even though he was immortal, the thought of being eaten alive was not appealing. Running as fast as he could, Alvis couldn't comprehend how he managed to outrun a dinosaur.

Playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the prehistoric creature in the dense forest became Alvis' unexpected achievement. Glancing behind him, he noticed the dinosaur had stopped, its expression betraying fear. Alvis realized he had perhaps pushed his luck too far.

Turning his attention forward again, Alvis froze in place as he beheld a towering figure before him—a giant. Staring up at its face, he felt a sudden realization wash over him.

As a wave of exhaustion washed over him, Alvis sank down, accepting his fate. Though he knew he wouldn't die, facing the giants before him was a surreal experience.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise, a human! Gaba Gaba Gaba! What brought you here, child human? Gaba Gaba Gaba!" boomed the loud, yet oddly childish voice of the portly giant before him. Alvis recognized him instantly—it was Brogy from Elbaf.

"Wow, are you a giant? Cool…" Alvis feigned amazement, quickly preparing a lie to explain his presence. "Mr. Giant, I'm a traveler whose ship broke due to a thunderstorm," he improvised, meeting the giant's gaze with feigned innocence as he lay on the ground, exhaustion creeping over him.

Alvis knew he had to maintain his appearance, adopting a childish demeanor to match the giant's expectations.

Upon hearing Alvis' words, Brogy scanned the sky, finding it clear, and then glanced towards the beach, noticing the crater left behind by Alvis' fall. Satisfied, he believed Alvis' explanation.

"Oh, what a young, adventurous, fearless boy! Gaba Gaba Gaba! My name is Brogy, a giant from Elbaf and Captain of the Giant Warriors. Young boy, what's your name?" Brogy inquired, his booming voice filled with curiosity.

Hearing Brogy's acceptance, Alvis felt a surge of relief. "My name is Alvis Bright, a traveler seeking the endless mysteries of the world! Hahahhahaha," Alvis replied, his laughter ringing childishly through the forest.

Brogy raised an eyebrow, observing Alvis with a clear gaze. He reached down and scooped Alvis up, placing him atop his head. "Young Alvis, you'd better hold on tight," Brogy advised as he began to make his way back towards his home.

Perched on top of Brogy, Alvis surveyed the island below without a trace of fear or timidity. He couldn't explain it, but since his reincarnation, he felt as though his emotions or soul had undergone a transformation.

Suddenly, a high-pitched explosion echoed through the forest, followed by hysterical laughter. "Gegya Gegya Geyga! BROGY, COME, LET'S FIGHT! GEGYA GEYGA!" the voice rang out, unmistakably familiar to Alvis and Brogy.

Turning to the left, Brogy spotted his friend approaching at lightning speed, causing the ground to tremble beneath his footsteps. With a swift motion, Brogy raised his hand, its dark hue contrasting with the surroundings, and caught Dorry's flying punch. In response, he delivered a powerful blow, sending Dorry flying through the air.

"Cough Cough Bastard Using armament Haki" Dorry Coughing out the dirt as his hand's and leg's begun becoming dark Brogy sounded again

"GABA GABA GABA, Dorry! Today, we can fight later. We have a guest today! Gaba Gaba Gaba!" Brogy declared, emphasizing the importance of their visitor over their usual 

sparring session.

"GEGYA GEGYA GEGYA! A guest, you say? We don't see that much here, GEGYA! But we will not slow down much, GEGYA! We still need to decide the winner, GEGYA!" Dorry exclaimed, coughing up sand and dirt as he rubbed the lump forming on his head. He couldn't help but notice something peculiar when Brogy used Armament Haki.

"Uncle Brogy, what's the dark thing in your hands and in Uncle Dorry's hands? It looks so cool!" Alvis exclaimed, stars sparkling in his eyes as he beheld the supernatural for the first time in his life.

"GABA GABA! Interesting, young kid. It appears you will have a bright future, GABA GABA," Brogy remarked, lifting Alvis off his head and placing him gently on the ground. He then raised his right hand, a dark black hue enveloping it once again, as he coughed and shifted his expression to one of solemnity and arrogance.

"Armament Haki, or Haki in general, is the power of one's willpower. Everyone has Haki; even animals possess it. But few know how to use it. This is Armament Haki," Brogy explained, his hand held high above, as he looked down at Alvis, who was still gazing up at him with starry eyes. With a smug smile, Brogy continued, "But those who don't use Haki cannot see it. So, little Alvis, you're an interesting guy. Either you have a high affinity for Haki or you're using Observation Haki."

"Uncle Brogy, I don't think I'm using what's called Observation Haki, but since I was young, I've had good eyesight," Alvis replied, denying any connection to Haki. Internally, he vehemently denied the possibility of possessing Haki. "How could I, a normal human being, possibly use Haki from the One Piece world?" Alvis questioned himself, firmly rejecting the notion. Unbeknownst to him, his soul and body were gradually adapting to the rules of the One Piece world, a fact he remained oblivious to.

"GEYGA GEYGA! Brogy, leave the child alone. He's just a kid. It's impossible for him to use Haki. Even if he did, what can he do to us, GEYGA GEYGA?" Dorry's arrogant voice rang out, dismissing any notion of Alvis posing a threat. After all, they were giants, and Alvis was just a human cub. The worst he could do was bite their toes.

"Indeed, Dorry. GABA GABA GABA!" Brogy joined in with laughter, both giants looking down at Alvis, who wore a sour expression.

Inwardly, Alvis seethed with frustration. 'Hope you both remember this. I'm going to knock you both down later on…' he thought to himself. However, Dorry and Brogy's comments made him realize something—he could see Haki, which should have been impossible. It was the first supernatural power he had encountered, aside from what had happened an hour ago. 

But before he could dwell further on this revelation, embarrassment flooded over him as his stomach growled loudly in hunger. Looking up, he found both Brogy and Dorry struggling to contain their laughter. Alvis began to resent the fact that he had reverted to his childlike body.

Swift, swift!

"GEYGA GEYGA! Young Alvis, today you will eat until you're full! GEYGA GEYGA!" Brogy declared with laughter as he lifted Alvis onto his head once again, heading towards his residence. Dorry followed behind, a hint of nostalgia flickering in his eyes as he muttered under his breath, "Another monster…"

Far away from the Little Garden Island, a ship broke the confinement of the sea, sailing further and further away. On board, multiple people could be seen fighting, eating, and drinking. Despite their apparent merriment, the blood that painted the floor told a different story.


"HOORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the crew cheered in response, their voices carrying over the crashing waves.

Far above the sea and earth, atop a crimson mountain within a deep palace, a being sat upon a throne, gazing up at the moon. Its yellowish eyes lost their luster momentarily before regaining focus. A chill permeated the air as a strange laughter emanated from the palace, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it.

"Hahahaha! An interesting character has entered the story… Will he rule over my ruins, or will he be cut down by my blade? Let the blood spill for miles and miles, hahahaha!" the being proclaimed, its voice tinged with malice as it contemplated the unfolding events.

The Past is the future be it in history or in time what you think ended was just the beginning what you think is the beginning was the end.

_Beyondcreators' thoughts