
Transcending Paragon [ Dropped ]

Note: This is a rewrite of my first Fanfic. WARNING!!!! THIS FANFIC IS A POKEMON HAREM WHERE IT JUST GET GIRLS WITHOUT MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. DO NOT READ IF YOU GOING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. A young man whose life met a cruel fate. his father died, his mother diagnosed with a unknown disease and face financial problem. when he ask why fate was cruel. it answered him "I need you to be my husband" "....." Wish fulfillment story, I write this for fun. world travel, anime world and manhua world First world : Black Clover Second World : Fairy Tail

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 61 - Tasty~

Earthland. Deep within a verdant forest, a man with long wild crimson hair stood as his gaze explored the area around him. The man's eyes squinted, feeling the overwhelming sensation he felt from the air.

'The mana is thicker than the world of Black Clover…'

The man was no other than Caelum who had arrived at the next world he needed to conquer. He immediately notices the thickness of the magical energy compared to black clover. There were noticeable differences between Mana and the magical energy from the world he was in. 

Within his abdomen were constantly stirring of energy that violently shook his body wanting to be released. Unfortunately, Caelum couldn't just evolve when he has no idea what world he's in.  Though, important events and specific stories would be sealed from his psyche did not mean it would be completely gone.

"Good thing my body is highly adaptable or I would have a hard time getting used to the pressure."

Caelum could feel a strange thing as if something was trying to pull away. He has no idea what it could be but vaguely guesses that it was rejected for being a foreign creature. If he has to describe it then he's like a bacteria where the body in which case the world is trying to remove him.

He could be wrong but that's how he senses it. Caelum hardly notices it thanks to his skills that combat the issue. Deep in his thought, he soon found a panel screen before him.

[ Main Mission!]

[ Main mission

Details: The world where dragons and humans are at a fine thread into causing a wide scale war with two factions from those who wish to co-exist and those who are against it. Everything is nothing more than a set up of gods who oversee the world. 


Kill or subdue the gods. Note: God Slayer magic is recommended. 

Reward: Star Armour Technique, Divine God World Tree, Divine Artifact Refiner Knowledge.  

Extra Reward: Random.

Penalty: Impotent for 5 years.  ]

Caelum unfazed yet understood the reward could be an interesting addition to his growth. Though, it's unfortunate that he was unable to see the description of the [ Divine God World Tree ], and knew quite well what the Star Armour Technique is. 

It came from the verse of Apotheosis, one of his favorite stories and the technique itself is extremely powerful as it allows the person to bond with the star and acquire their strength. Though one could not completely use their strength, it was still beneficial to their power. 

The [ Divine Artifact Refiner Knowledgeable ] was self explanatory which gave him knowledge in refining artifacts. Caelum grew excited in creating weapons, especially having his [ Creator ] skill. 

'It would be a great help when I decided to tie the knot with them. I just don't want a simple ring. That aside, Cereza, what world is this?'

[ This is Earthland. As you could guess, it is when the dragon roams the land. ]

"That's troubling. I only have access to the canon timeline and now I start at 500 years in the past!? Guess that's how things are huh? For now it's best to find a place to go." 

Caelum was slightly annoyed but decided it's best to find where he was and spread his Ki sense since it had his presence against mages. He came to find a nearby settlement in the west and noticed a strong presence of [ dragon ] energy and few of them were heading his way. 

At that moment, an immensely powerful blast decimated the whole forest leaving only a barren land. The cause we're dragon rampaging within the land roaring in delighted showing their might. They spread their wings as they descended into the ground while arrogantly staring down to nearby humans. 

The sky has turned into colored crimson, with black smoke rising up from the ground. The ground was burning, trees, houses, the lands, and everything. Screams and despair of shouting can be heard everywhere, in the sky, thousands of figures can be seen flying all over the place. 

"How many did you kill now?"

"I killed more than everyone!"


These creatures were dragons who were slaughtering innocent humans and as they all kept chasing humans who were running while some were hiding in despair with tears of sadness, grief, powerlessness and many more. It was that moment, they were able to sense someone flaring their magical energy. 

They shudder when they witness a young man emanating a terrifying aura that makes them reluctant to move closer. 

"A human? No, a dragon!? How can there be someone who chooses to appear human!?"

"Whatever, hey are you going to join us!?"

Caelum only dusted off his cloak while the dragon thought he was kind. He scanned the whole place locking to every dragon opening his mouth then closing it. 

'I didn't expect using my space magic with [ Absolute Devourer Ammutseba] could create this effect.'

Every dragon within his radius vanished into thin air yet in actuality was devoured by Caelum using his skill and magic. They are hardly able to resist it, defying the natural law itself. The only thing that was disappointing was that he wasn't able to taste the dragon meat.

The moment he absorbed their blood and essence started to burst with dragon energy. Caelum's body began to turn into a dragon while refining his bloodline, shortly after refining his bloodline. His Dragon form began changing and it turned bigger, oppressive, majestic, and mighty.

Four horns grew on the head of the dragon, the two most middle horns shot backwards and were pitch black in color. The same color as the other to horns that curved backwards and then forward like if they were tusks.

The dragon's color slowly changed to an obsidian color and its scales turned a little jagged, showing off an overwhelming might. With the dragon's eyes turning into a completely golden color. Its body finally stopped Caelum thought that was the end of it before.

The air, the trees, the mountain, and even the sky began to shake from the overwhelming body transformation. The shackle broke and Caelum looked at the new name of the bloodline, [ Ancient Dragon ].


He violently roared, spreading his four wings that instantly turned to six wings where a hurricane was created from a single flap. Moments later, his wings vanished and he became a eastern dragon. Caelum could feel the vigor from his body and quickly returned to his original.

It was the perfect opportunity to break through and unlock the first [ Eight Great Meridian ]. He concentrated on the singular point where his energy was flowing vigorously. His breathing remained calm despite the power emanating from his body.

Caelum couldn't make any mistake or it would cause his body to be heavily damaged beyond repair. He remained unbothered by the world and only saw himself. 



His eyes opened shimmering in golden light causing the surrounding to turn into glass land despite the initial destruction. Caelum energy became an overflowing cup once again where it was full yet undisturbed. He had indescribable vigor coursing through his body. 

'So this is the Gate of Healing?'

Caelum thought of scanning his body and found a point where the energy was condensing while letting more energy flow through his body. It was located between the collarbones.

He tried to give the air a light strike yet I only caused the air to ignite from the forces and speed. There wasn't any magical energy and merely his physical strength. Caelum took the moment to executed a series of jabs, kick, chop, block, parry, etc.

"Guess it wasn't a complete waste of time. I wonder where I should go."

[ It's best for you search for civilization more than anything. ] 

"Right….Let's just head in a random direction, we're bound to find someone." 

Caelum spread his senses finding few human survivors and decided to help them by using the healing power of his [ Archangel ] Bloodline. He went towards the humans who were staring at him as if he were a god.

"A-A mage! My lord, are you the one who saved us from those tyrannical monsters?"

"Yes I am and may I ask for the location of the nearest town or city, I'm a bit lost?"

"That would be the Dragnof kingdom, my lord but it would be a long journey."

"Can you point me to its location?" 

"That would be that Direction, my lord if you don't mind but may you help us head to the kingdom? We are willing to pay you." 

"Hmmm, if you wish to repay then this would be a better option."

Caelum summoned his grimoires before sending the people into his kingdom within the Grimoire. He let the golem handle the rest and his clones to do the job in organizing the new citizen. There is no doubt that they will be useful to create a haven for him and his family. 

The chances of his humans in betraying him were slimmed since he would be able to know immediately if they did something horrible. Now that's done, turn into where the man pointed and used [ Spatial Shundō ] to travel near instantly. 

Caelum rather easily broke several several kilometers until he was able to find near the location where he was able to sense the dragon yet much calmer than before. He spread his senses and knew that the  place was perfect to study magic. He understood that since this time was where lost and ancient magic was still being written or recently created. 

He went inside without anyone noticing and took a stroll around the city. Caelum started to gather information regarding the kingdom and found that Dragnof was a country in which lived many Dragons and humans, as both races freely interacted and lived with one another in peace.

With Irene Belserion as the Queen and at the same time also known as the Queen of Dragons.The Kingdom of Dragnof is at peace, unlike other kingdoms or empires which are being ruled by Dragons. In this Kingdom, Dragons and Humans co-exist freely with no descrimination, and it is thanks to the Sage Dragon known as Belserion who became friends with Irene.

The entire kingdom was surrounded by walls; on the inside of them contained numerous housing and building structures, as well as the main palace. The exterior of the palace had many tall structures with Dragon statues placed on top of them, walkways and passageways, as well as trees and plants. The palace itself was a large, stone building with many unique structures and arches. The interior of the palace had a large courtyard in which Dragons and children routinely played.

'Why do I feel drawn to go inside?!'

Caelum thought while looking at the walls of the palaces yet ignored it and bought an apple walking away trying to find the public library. He went to buy an apple since it only satiate his desire and boredly going around the kingdom until something pop up.

[ Side Mission!

Description: Make Irene the Queen of Dragnof Empire fall for you and conceive a child!

Rewards: Divine Alchemy Knowledge. 

Failure: Irene dies

Time Limit: 2 Years ]


Unknown location. One could see a young woman with a buxom and a curvaceous woman with her long blonde hair extending to her hips. For attire, she dons a loose kimono with fur lining on the top while also having flower designs all over it as well as zigzag lines on its edges. The back of her kimono has another layer of cloth with no intricate designs. Her head is covered by a hood adorned with an upward crescent moon with a gem on top as well as a pair of wings on each side. She also has a pair of socks while wearing wooden sandals. It made her appear divine and this wasn't far from the truth.

She seemed to be in slumber until her eyes opened and noticed something out of the ordinary. The young woman confused before smiling in a mischievous manner.

"Ara~ an otherworlder?"