

I stand here, consumed by the raging fire within, my voice trembling with defiance. I am tired. Tired of their omnipotence, their insufferable rule over every aspect of our lives. These so-called gods, who claim to be all-knowing, all-powerful, and yet, their actions betray their arrogance.

I hate them. Hate them with every fiber of my being. How can they sit on their lofty thrones, reveling in their self-proclaimed divinity, while we mortals suffer? They play with us, like pawns on a celestial chessboard, toying with our lives as if we were mere playthings.

What have they done to deserve our adoration? Endless wars, untold suffering, and the crushing weight of their indifference. They parade their miracles, their divine interventions, but what about the countless prayers that go unanswered? The innocent lives lost in their so-called "divine plans"?

They claim to be just, to be righteous in their judgments. But where is the justice when the wicked thrive, while the righteous are left to wither in the shadows? They preach about love and compassion, and yet, we witness their followers perpetuating hatred, intolerance, and violence in their names.

I refuse to bow down to these gods who revel in our submission. I will not be a puppet in their grand narrative. We are not their playthings, but sovereign beings with the capacity for free will and choice. We are more than mere subjects to be ruled over by divine whims.

Let the heavens tremble at my defiance. Let them hear the roar of my hatred, for it is born out of the disillusionment and despair that their existence has wrought. I will forge my own path, guided by my own compass, free from the shackles of their divine machinations.

I will not hate blindly, but I will hate what they represent – the arrogance, the tyranny, and the betrayal of their promises. I will stand against their oppressive rule, fighting for the liberation of our mortal souls from the clutches of their false divinity.

Let them hear my cry, for it echoes the voices of those silenced by their tyranny. Let them know that not all of us are blind followers, that some of us see through their charade. I will be a thorn in their side, a constant reminder of their fallibility.

I hate their gods, not out of spite or jealousy, but out of love for humanity, for the potential we hold within ourselves. We are not lesser beings destined to grovel at their feet. We are warriors, rebels, and dreamers, capable of shaping our own destinies. I'd rather burn in the depths of hell than bow down to a man incapable of taking care of his creations.

So, I stand here, resolute and unyielding, with the fire of my hatred burning within me. I will challenge their authority, expose their flaws, and ignite a revolution of thought. For in the end, it is not their divinity that defines us, but the strength and resilience of our mortal souls.


I close my journal between my fingers and palm, hiding it in the pocket of my cloak. The sounds of the city mingled with the saxophone music of the illustrious masquerade gala— an event where people concealed their identities and mingled with one another.

I breathe in and then out. Every mission is like my first because of my ability. But-- today will be my last. I will do my best and report my resignation to Boss.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

baalnanacreators' thoughts
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