
Chapter 5 The first group quest?

Upon waking up in the morning and gazing at the unfamiliar ceiling, Drav noticed a weight on his upper body. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was Jyahnar who was hugging him.

Drav was momentarily stunned by the situation as he and Jyahnar had only just met, and he never expected her to be so affectionate towards him. It was surprising that she was already hugging him so tightly, especially considering that they were still strangers just a day ago.

Drav had conflicting emotions as he woke up to find Jyahnar hugging him. On one hand, he was delighted to be embraced by such a stunning individual. On the other hand, he was uneasy because their relationship was not romantic.

He also felt the temptation to take advantage of Jyahnar while she was asleep, as he was a typical teenager with hormones raging. However, he was able to calm his impulses and mind with his other ability.

After that, Drav tried gently untangling her embrace but failed to do so, as her embrace is very tight and he need to use more force on her to untangle herself from it.

"It's troublesome..."

So he uses the teleport ability on himself and succeeds escape from Jyahnar's embrace, but after doing that Jyahnar instantly woken up after feeling something missing in her sleep.

"W-well...good morning Jyahnar"

"G-good morning Drav"

They both felt awkward and embarrassed as they stared at each other. However, Drav eventually gathered the courage to start a conversation and break the silence.

"So, did you have a good sleep at night?"

Drav asked with an awkward expression. Jyahnar smiled gently and looked at him with a flirtatious gaze in response.

"Yes, I had a good dream at night~"

Drav was surprised by Jyahnar's response, as it was the first time he had learned that an amnesiac girl like Jyahnar could stare like that.

"Are your memories already returned?"

He asked, thinking that the reason Jyahnar could respond like that was that her memories had returned.

"S-sadly no, my memories haven't returned"

"Is that so..."

After their short conversation, they both decide to go to the dining room, to eat breakfast together with Yae's sibling.

As usual, they all happily eat together rice balls Yae Sakura made, while eating they chatted together about their plan today, when suddenly.

[Ding! A first group task has been requested]

Drav was surprised by the sudden announcement in the chat group. He was curious, so he opened the group after a long time to see what it was all about.

[Admin: Wow! Finally, the group made the first task after a long time since we joined, I mean it's weird if we didn't get requested to accept the task in this typical chat group]

[I'm not slutty saint: The first task? I'm curious about what we got requested to]

[The vanishing basket player: Me too]

[Traveler: From what I know, we got requested to do something in another world, The task could involve altering the storyline or fate of that world, or maybe eliminating an abnormality like a "traverser" who may be causing issues]

[Admin: Wait a minute! How did you know something like that Lumine?!]

[Traveler: I mean, being a traveler was not for nothing. I've read a lot of web novels in many worlds that are similar to our situation. So, I have an idea of what we might be facing]

[Admin: Ahh, that's right, I almost forgot that you are a traveler who visited many worlds before you arrived in Teyvat]

[Root Princess: Ara~ so we simply just need to kill a person in that world? It's easy then~]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: It's not 'killed' but 'eliminated' to be precise, but the meaning is essentially the same. Also, it's concerning that you talk about eliminating someone as if you were talking about killing an insect]

[Root Princess: Well Ehe~]

[Admin: Haa...I hope you didn't take human life lightly Manaka-Chan. Also Drav, it's been a long time since you were online, did something happen after saving Yae Sakura?]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: Well you see...]

After that, Drav explained what had happened since he saved Yae Sakura. He told them about him successfully saving Yae Sakura with his golden finger and arriving in Yae Village, living with Yae Sakura, and eventually saving Jyahnar.

[Admin: Nima! Are you kidding me?! Jyahnar existed in your world?! But, you are not in the GGZ universe, right? So how is that even possible? Also, your golden finger is so overpowered, I envy you...]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: I am also still confused about this. Huh? Did your golden finger weak compared to mine?]

[Admin: Oh, it's nothing compared to you. My golden finger is named Omnipotent Talent, it just granted me the talent to do anything as long as I want to and made me a genius in anything so I can learn instantly easily with this talent, but it is nothing compared to you, who could become stronger without doing anything]

[All members:...]

Ning Yun'er's statement about her powerful golden finger left all the members speechless. They were amazed at the extent of its abilities, which allowed the user to easily accomplish anything they wished and become a genius in anything they learned. Ning Yun'er's statement made everyone wonder why she was envious of Drav's golden finger, which they deemed comparable to her golden finger.

[I'm just an ordinary person?: Huh...anyway, what is our first quest information?]

[Admin: Well, let me see...]

[Group Quest:

(1.) Quest Name: The first group task

Quest Description: A powerful anomaly known as the System User has appeared in the universe of one of our group members, 'I'm not slutty saint'. This anomaly is predicted to be extremely dangerous and could cause chaos in that universe. Your task is to eliminate the System User and retrieve or destroy the universe cancer (system) within the anomaly.

Quest Objective: Eliminate the System User and prevent any further damage or chaos from being caused in the universe of 'I'm not slutty saint'. This is a critical task, and failure is not an option.

Quest Requirements: You must work together as a team to eliminate the System User before it causes any more harm to the universe. Use your skills and talents to your advantage, and be prepared for any obstacles that may arise.

Quest Rewards: Upon successful completion of the quest, the shop and sign-in function will be unlocked for all members of the group. In addition, each member who participates in the quest will receive a reward of 1000 CP. This is a unique opportunity to prove yourselves as capable dimensional travelers and protectors of the multiverse. Good luck!]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: System user, huh? Fortunately, I didn't get the system. Otherwise, we might have become enemies]

[Admin: Now, I am even more grateful for my Omnipotent Talent than having to deal with a system and constantly being hunted by dimensional protectors like our chat group.]

[I'm not slutty saint: Can someone explain to me what the chat group meant by 'system'? Also, the task is in my universe? Does this mean that my universe is currently in danger?]

Then, Ning Yun'er and Drav explained about 'system' to all members, explained from the speculation origin of the 'system' to the most fearful thing about 'system'

[I'm not slutty saint: Are you kidding me?! We'll be facing enemies like this?! How the hell can we win against them?! I mean, we're just ordinary people compared to them, who have cheating abilities.]

[Admin: Well, don't worry about it. With Drav and me in this group, I'm confident that we can defeat them. Before, my confidence wasn't at 100%, but now that Drav is here, I'm pretty sure we can take them down.]

[I'm just an ordinary person: Yeah, don't worry about it]

[Root Princess: It's really interesting, isn't it? Fufufu, it's been a while since I got excited]

[Traveler: Hopefully we got the weak one rather than the powerful one in our first task]

[The vanishing basket player: But, we need to kill someone huh...]

After they discussed the quest, they continued chatting for a while. During their conversation, Drav had been curious for some time about the true identity of 'I'm not slutty saint' and decided to ask her about it.

[I'm not slutty saint: My identity? Well it's not secret, my name is Seo Yuhui, nice to meet you again, Itsuki-Nim]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: Ah? Seo Yuhui from the Korean web novel series 'The Second Coming of Gluttony?' the one who was an apostle of lust?]

[I'm not slutty saint: Eh, you know me?]

Feeling shocked by the true identity of the party, he shared his knowledge of the Seo Yuhui universe which is the information and the plot of the Second Coming of Gluttony to the other members.

[I'm not slutty saint: It surprised me, that someone knew my future, and I didn't expect that Jihu was the childhood and also ex-boyfriend of the famous Baek Haeju]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: So you already regressed? By the way, what date today in your world?]

[I'm not slutty saint: Well, it was March 10th, 2017 on my world now]

"So, it 6 days before the main story happened huh? Well, it's kinda interesting to see the main protagonist later"

[I'm just an ordinary person?: It's 6 days before the main story happened. By the way, could Yuhui-nim prepare a gold or silver stamp for each of us? I fear that the chat group will not immediately teleport us to Paradise planet]

[I'm not slutty saint: Sure, I'll do my best to get that. But, are you guys sure want to follow the tutorial with the newcomers later? I mean Itsuki-nim and Yun'er-nim are already very powerful]

[Admin:I'm okay with this, And we can use this tutorial to train and improve the weak members in this chat group]

[I'm just an ordinary person?: Me too. Perhaps if lucky we could find the anomaly among the newcomers later on]

[Root princess: I agree, we can keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior from the newcomers and try to gather more information about the anomaly]

[I'm not slutty saint: Alright then]

After that, they chat for a while before offline To do their own thing and prepare for tomorrow's group task.

"Uwahh, I really can't wait for tomorrow's quest"

Drav shouted excitedly, raising his hand enthusiastically. This caught the attention of Yae's siblings and Jyahanar, who looked at him in confusion.

"? What do you mean about tomorrow's quest?"

"W-well it's nothing, also, tomorrow maybe I will leave here for a long time, I have an important thing to do for tomorrow"


They all shouted in surprise after hearing what Drav said. It was sudden and unexpected that he would be leaving for a long time, and it made all of them feel uneasy and sad about his departure.

"Don't worry, I will be back again, but I don't know when I will be back, but I promised that I will be back here"

Drav explained after seeing their worried and uneasy face. but unfortunately, his explanation didn't ease their worries or unease.

"No, please don't leave us"

"Yes, Drav-Nii don't leave us, we still want to play with you, Wooooooo"

The Yae siblings pleading him with their pitful eyes with Yae Rin crying pitifully, they think that Drav will leave them forever and his departure will surely make their now happy life gone.

"Drav Drav Drav Drav, please don't abandon me, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. please don't abandon me, I'm sorry if I'm wrong, Please Please Please please please"

While Jyahnar's response made Drav concerned and headache as her condition began to worsen and frightening, like a broken doll that repeated sorry and please not abandon her, especially with his instinct telling him something terrifying will happen if he disappear in front of her right now.

Jyahnar hugged him very tightly with a force that could be crushed an elephant into a ball, fortunately, his strength is already strong than the elephant if not maybe he would die after getting hugged by her.

"Alright Alright, I didn't abandon you okay? I just leave for a while and will be back after that"

Drav patted Jyahnar's head gently as he calmed her down. Unfortunately, it was futile as she shakes her head and said:

"No no no, I want to follow wherever Drav goes, I can't live without Drav near me"


Sigh, it is troublesome. Hopefully, the chat group has a solution to this. Or maybe, I could make myself a clone to accompany Jyahnar?

Drav Thought that was a good idea, so he decide to do it. He then teleported away from Jyahanar which made Jyahanr scream hysterically and quickly made a clone of himself before Jyahnar goes berserk.

He thought it was successful, but unfortunately, it wasn't. At first, it was successful and Jyahnar doesn't notice that it was a clone but a few moments later she noticed something off with the clone which made her angrily kill the clone.

"Your fake! Fake! I want the real Drav!, Drav Drav Drav, where are you? Dont abandon me please please please"

Because of that he give up and teleported into Jyahnar before she become more berserk and Jyahnar instantly hugged him tightly while unconsciously using her Honkai power to prevent him to escape from her.

This girl! Did she just use her power unconsciously because of me? Haaa...did I get myself a Yandere girl with this?

Drav thought so in his mind, and after that, he accompany Jyahnar the whole day to calm her, Hopefully, tomorrow there will be a solution to this.

(A/N: Hopefully, I can write the next part, which is about The Second Coming Gluttony world. I plan to re-read the novel to refresh my memory on the important details and plot points. I'm sorry for my slow-paced story, it is still hard for me to write a fast-paced one after all English was not my main language)

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