
Chapter 17 Second Quest, Fate Strange Fake

"Bye Teacher and Ottovia!"

"Bye!" Drav and Ottovia wave their hands at Kallen and went back to their home.

Drav accompanied Ottovia back to her home, and they embraced each other in a heartfelt hug before parting ways.

While on the way home, Drav recalled what happened today. It was fun for him and the girls, as they travel and studied together even though Kallen had a hard time when studying.

Maybe all Kaslana descendants like her? It was very confusing for him, as he remembers their other ancestor was a very genius person (Dr. MEI)

Shaking his head to clear that strange thought, He run quickly as he can't wait for what dinner he eats tonight.

When suddenly.


Startled by the sudden notification sound from the chat group, he came to a halt and quickly opened the chat to see what it was about.

[Ning Yun'er: Yohoo! A new quest has appeared!]

[Kuroko Tetsuya: Seriously? It has only been 2 days since the first quest was over]

[Lumine: 1+]

[Seo Yuhui: 2+]

[Manaka Sayjou: Well, as long it's not boring, I'm okay with it~]

It seems some member doesn't like a new quest, as they don't have enough rest after a long time quest.

[Drav Itsuki: Maybe this time the quest doesn't need all the members to participate?]

[Ning Yun'er: You're right, there doesn't seem to be a limit on participation for this quest. It's quite surprising, considering the chat group fanfic I read in my previous life.]

[Ning Yun'er: I had assumed that only the first quest was an exception, allowing all members to participate, but it appears I was mistaken for this one.]

[Group Quest:

(2.) Quest Name: The Anomaly Within

Quest Description: A mysterious rift has opened in the universe of our group member, 'Manaka Sayjou'. From this rift, a dangerous entity has emerged, posing a threat to that universe.

Quest Objective: Locate the anomaly and eliminate it before it wreaks havoc!

Quest Requirement: 2-7 members are required to undertake this quest. Access to a mana circuit is necessary.

Quest Reward: 5,000CP and 2 more new Group members were invited upon accomplishing the quest]

[Drav Itsuki: It seems the enemy we facing was stronger than before.]

[Ning Yun'er: From how the reward this time more than before?]

[Drav Itsuki: Yeah]

All members thought the same as Drav, they knew the more the reward they got the more dangerous and difficult the quest and enemy they encounter in the future.

[Ning Yun'er: Count me in as well. As the admin, I should participate in every quest.]

[Drav Itsuki: Same here! I'm always thrilled to explore new universes.]

[Manaka Sayjou: Of course, I'm in! It's my universe, after all~]

[Lumine: It can't be helped, there was nothing to do here after I beat up Heavenly Maintaner]

[Ning Yun'er: F*ck? You already beat her? This Nima doesn't go according to the normal routine]

Ning Yun'er's mouth twitched, shocked to learn that the Lumine had already managed to defeat the Heavenly Maintainer, who was typically regarded as the final boss in the Genshin universe. Her speechlessness was understandable given the fact that Lumine had just woken up from her slumber.

[Drav Itsuki: Then, how is your brother? Are you already find him?]

[Lumine: Wait! You just reminded me. I nearly forgot my mission to find him. I apologize, but I'll join the quest later once I've located him.]

After that, Lumine logged off, determined to search every corner of Teyvat using her HoV power in her relentless pursuit to find her brother.

[Drav Itsuki: ...]

[Ning Yun'er: ...]

The two were left speechless seeing that.

[Kuroko Tetsuya: I'll pass. I almost got kicked out of school after my disappearance for 3 months]

[Seo Yuhui: I'm afraid I can't join either. With the aftermath of our group's recent events and the chaos caused by the disappearance of Parasite, my schedule is too busy to participate in a quest.]

[Ning Yun'er: It's a pity. Then, the member that joined in this quest was: Me, Drav, and Manaka]

[Drav Itsuki: Yes]

[Manaka Sayjou: 1+]

[Ning Yun'er: Then, we will start the quest tomorrow]

After that, the three got offline as they prepare for tomorrow's quest.

"I'm home!" Drav exclaimed, pushing open the door to find Jyhanar and Yae Sakura standing there, awaiting his arrival.

"Welcome back, Drav!"

It seemed that both of them were eagerly awaiting his return, and he couldn't help but wonder why it felt as if they were waiting for him like devoted wives eagerly anticipating his return after a day's work.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he smiled warmly and gently patted the heads of both girls. A faint blush colored their cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed by the intimate gesture from Drav.

Then they all went to dinner room, as Yae Sakura already prepared dinner for all. While eating, they talked about what today happened to each other.

When Drav told the girls about his travels with Kallen and Ottovia, their faces filled with envy. They longed to experience those adventures with him, wishing they could have joined in the excitement and exploration of the world.

"I promise I'll bring you all if I travel again"

"Promise?!" Yae Rin exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation as she stood up, her eyes shining with expectation.

He nodded, affirming his promise, which caused Yae Rin to cheer joyfully. Although Yae Sakura didn't display it on her face, a subtle glow of happiness radiated from within her, knowing that she too was delighted by his promise.

Jyahnar also smiled gently at Drav, expressing her understanding and support. However, as he continued speaking, he mentioned that he would need to go away again for a long time to embark on another quest.

His statement cast a shadow over their mood, as they hadn't anticipated another long separation from Drav. The prospect of being apart for an extended period once again dampened their spirits, and a sense of melancholy settled in their hearts.

After the dinner was over, and went back to their room as in the middle ages there was no TV for entertainment for them to watch and use in their free time.

The next morning, Drav woke up and gently disentangled himself from Jyahnar's embrace. And whispered, "Jyahnar, wake up, we have to go now."

Jyahnar woke up and rubbed her eyes, yawning before hugging Drav. She responded with a soft murmuring.

Seeing this, Drav smiled and embraced Jyahnar as they made their way to the bathroom.

The two of them showered together, and Drav, accustomed to such moments, at first was very tempted but with his transcendent power, he endured and got used to it. He could only smile appreciating Jyahnar's continued pampered nature.

After finishing, they went to have breakfast, where Yae's sisters were already waiting.

Yae's two sisters could only gaze at them sadly, aware that Drav would be leaving soon.

Yae Rin asked with a sorrowful voice, "Do you have to leave?"

Drav, hearing her words, smiled wistfully and replied, "Yes, I have to leave no matter what. But rest assured, while I'm gone, I will ensure your safety."

Both sisters were slightly taken aback, looking at Drav with expectant eyes.

Drav then instructed the 'Great Sage' to grant them enough strength to survive in this dangerous world while he was away.

In an instant, the two sisters felt something entering their bodies, sensing the power filling them.

Drav shared his instinctual and physical power with both of them, ensuring their safety. He also provided them with honkai resistance so that they wouldn't succumb to high-level honkai radiation.

After doing so, Drav felt somewhat relieved, knowing that at least Yae's sisters would be safe in his absence.

After bidding their farewells, Drav, holding Jyahnar's hand, accepted a quest and entered the portal that appeared.

In the next moment, they found themselves on top of a building, similar to their previous quest.

Taking a deep breath, Drav realized that there was magical energy in the atmosphere. It was Mana, the magical energy produced by the planet used by mages and heroic spirits in this universe.

Activating the energy absorption within his skill, Drav felt the energy coursing through his body. It was similar to what existed in the universe of "The Second Coming of Gluttony," albeit with slightly different properties.

[Drav Itsuki: I'm already here with Jyhanar. Where are you at? @Ning Yun'er @Manaka Sayjou]

[Ning Yun'er: Somewhere in the forest. I don't know why the group teleported me here.]

[Drav Itsuki: Do you know which forest you teleported into? By the way, I'm at...Snowfield?!]

When he saw a sign telling him his current location was Snowfield, he was taken aback, how could he not? After all, he thought he'll get teleported somewhere in Fuyuki, as many fate series take place there.

[Ning Yun'er: Snowfield?! Are you telling me we are in the Fate Strange fake world? Wait, think about Manaka's existence, it makes sense why we teleported here]

[Manaka Sayjou: Ara~ but, Admin-san. This world isn't my world, you know~ and why does it make sense because of me we teleported here?]

[Drav Itsuki: Because your "Sister" is the protagonist here]

[Manaka Sayjou: Eh!? Ayaka-chan is the protagonist? How surprising~ And, why did you quote her, Drav-kun?]

[Drav Itsuki: That girl wasn't your sister. To be exact she was your sister's doppelganger. Sharing the same name and appearance as your sister, with the difference her being blonde hair than brunette as your sister had]

"Blonde Ayaka-chan? Fufufu, how interesting~" Looking at the reply her 'prince' sent, Manaka chuckled interestingly. She couldn't wait to meet her 'Twin' little sister in this universe.

"But first, let's deal with that pesky peeping gaze," Manaka stated, her eyes focused on the sky. A mischievous smile crossed her face as if she had something devious in mind. The sudden transformation from a cheerful girl to something more sinister would surely startle anyone who witnessed it.

Closing her eyes, she tapped into her connection with the 'Root' to sense the source of the peeping gaze. In the blink of an eye, she vanished from her original location, reappearing at the intersection of time, space, and a parallel world where the veils between dimensions intertwined.

In this realm, she laid eyes upon an elderly man dressed in a white suit, seated upon a grand throne with a book laid out before him. If any fans of Fate/Grand Order were present, they would undoubtedly exclaim, "Is he the Kaleidoscope guy?!" The old man's expression shifted from calm to surprise upon witnessing her sudden appearance in his presence.

The old man regained his composure and spoke, his gaze fixed intently on Manaka. "You were not meant to be here, 'Princess'," he stated with a hint of warning in his voice.

"Then?" Manaka tilted her head innocently, the gesture appearing incredibly cute to any observer. However, the old man's reaction was quite different. He felt a cold sweat trickle down his forehead as he sensed a faint but unmistakable aura of killing intent directed toward him from within Manaka.

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, known as the second 'Magician' and a man who delved into the 'Root', held great power and had defeated Type-Moon as well as being the fourth Dead Apostle ancestor. Despite his reputation as a formidable magician, he found himself unnerved by the presence of the petite girl standing before him.

Indeed, it was understandable why Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg would be unsettled. The girl standing before him was none other than the 'Root Princess', a being whose very existence was an anomaly. Born inherently connected to the Root, she possessed a unique and extraordinary nature that set her apart from ordinary individuals.

With her connection to the 'Root', the girl possessed immense power and influence. The 'Root' encompassed the essence of the entire multiverse, giving her access to limitless possibilities. Her potential was boundless, and she could manipulate and use the 'Root' as she desired, now unrestricted by the limitations of her magic circuits thanks to her acquisition from the chat group.

The 'Princess' was a lot stronger than before?! Why she has been through this while I not observing her?

Zelretch thought while he and Manaka do a staring contest. After a few minutes, he sighed tiredly and give up as he couldn't find a countermeasure to her.

"Alright, you can do anything but please don't make wreak havoc on this universe"

"Good decision you made, and don't worry, I'm here to prevent chaos instead of causing it," she said with a sly smile.

Hearing this, Zelretch appeared confused as he asked, "What do you mean?"

"Ara~ haven't you realized it yet?" she teased. "Use your 'Magic' to glimpse into the future of this world now, fufufu~" With a wave of her hand, Manaka chuckled and vanished, leaving Zelretch to worry about her words.

Utilizing his Second Magic to peer into a brief glimpse of the future, Zelretch was taken aback by what he witnessed. The world appeared to be amid doomsday, with a colossal and unidentified monster wreaking havoc upon the planet. Soldiers and mages fought valiantly, but their efforts were in vain as they were unable to defeat the relentless creature. Each attack launched against it proved futile, as the monster rapidly evolved and grew stronger when pushed to the brink of death. The sight of humanity's imminent demise left Zelretch filled with shock and a sense of urgency.

Anxiously, Zelretch searched for the monster's origin in the past, hoping to eliminate it before it could cause further destruction. However, his magic suddenly stopped and failed, shocking him as it was the first time he had experienced such a failure. The realization that the situation was even more dire than he had thought left him bewildered.

"Hopefully the 'Princess' can solve this" Zelretch continued to observe the world, attentively keeping watch and eagerly awaiting Manaka's decisive actions to resolve the looming crisis.

(A/N: I'm kind of confused here. Should I write in my own language or English? I can write faster in my native language and don't worry, I'll translate it correctly using ChatGPT.

If I write in my own language, I might be able to update it four times a week (hopefully), or I can write it in English and update it once or twice a week. Honestly, I want to write it in English because it will help improve my English writing skills, but I also want to update the novel more frequently.

Alternatively, I could do both by writing one chapter in pure English and three chapters in my own language. What do you think?)

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