
The Scientific Method

Now, some may think that science and magic don't mix. Although, this is not necessarily true. The scientific method for example. I created a hypothesis: hexes are not innate. Then, I test my hypothesis through trial and error many times. If the outcome is what was desired then my hypothesis was correct. If there was no outcome then it was wrong. In my old world science and math were my strongest subjects in school so it is only natural to remember the basics of science.

I looked in Melody's direction, "Do you want to learn song magic?"

She looked happy, "What kind of question is that? Teach me, Master Nova."

She said that last part with sarcasm. I looked at everyone else to see how their training was going. It seemed that Elena had improved the distance of her Sound Tunnel quite a bit. Zeph also looked to be almost finished with the completion of Sound Barrier. This was good.

I made Melody sit in a comfortable position, "Now, the only way to jumpstart song magic for you is with extreme sadness. Can you sing well?"

"Yes, I am quite good."

That made things easier, "Alright I will demonstrate how I awoke my song magic."

I sat down and sung the same depressing song that I used the first time I casted song magic. A sad tone resonated throughout the area and made one stop and think for a bit. I lost myself in the music, completely immersed in my melancholy. After the song ended, there was silence. It was not an awkward silence but an uncomfortable one. Tears fell from Melody's hazel eyes.

I explained, "I put every feeling of sadness I had into this song. Just like how it worked for me I believe it will work for you too. You have experienced the despair and sadness that I have felt. I want you to close your eyes, lose yourself in your melancholy. I want you to sing like you are experiencing these sorrows for the first time. I want you to share the despair with the listener."

Melody simply nodded and closed her eyes. I could visibly see her entire body relax. She took deep breaths and immersed herself into the world of music. She took one last deep breath and sang out. Her voice was like the fanfare of angels. Quite good? That was a huge understatement! She sang with sadness and the hardships and despair were released through song. I could feel my mind becoming unclear and could only feel sadness. This song... It made me reminisce of times past. I couldn't help but cry. This song was powerful, it was not just the song magic that was powerful it was also the lyrics to the song. the lyrics resembled a beach at night. Darkness surrounded the sky while small waves slowly crept onto the sandy beach. And on a rock over the water was a girl singing, looking toward the night horizon. This was the power of song magic. The song ended and there was silence except for my tears.

I have really found a companion, "You have succeeded. You can now cast song magic."

I gave her a huge smile but I still was crying, painting an odd picture .

She hugged me tightly, "Thank you Nova, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"Hey, what are friends for?"

Friend... a term that had been long forgotten in my mind. This word brought with it despair but now there was a new meaning to the word.

I smiled at Melody, "Thank you."

She looked confused, "Why are you thanking me?"

I blushed a bit, "Just... thank you."

The sky was turning orange with night fast approaching. It looked like training was to be continued tomorrow. Melody had gotten her mother's permission to stay as long as she wants to train so she would be staying the night. All of us stopped training and went inside for dinner and went off to bed, exhausted from training all day. Melody had her own room and we all soon fell asleep.


The next few weeks flew by. Melody and I joined in on Elena's training and soon Melody got the hang of song magic. She had even surpassed Elena in the distance and turn control of Sound Tunnel. Melody had quite a large magical aptitude. Zeph continued to perfect his Sound Barrier with the occasional help from myself. There was a year and a half to go until I enrolled at Thorn Hill with Melody. What I noticed during my training so far was that I had the highest affinity for sound and water magics so far. These magics seemed to be my primary magics. I do not know my secondaries or tertiaries yet but in due time I will find out.

After perfecting my Sound Tunnel, I went onto perfecting Sound Barrier. It was best for me to make these spells as powerful as possible because they would become my primary spells in the future.

Two weeks past and I finally perfected Sound Barrier. Now that I had mastered these sound spells it was time to try out a new sound spell.

I walked up to Markus, "Father, can you teach me Sound Burst?"

Markus and I previously discussed this spell. One would gather all the sound in the area into one spot, amplifying the sound waves. Then you would release it towards the opponent. It sounds simple but it was not. Different things created different sounds which had different sound waves. One had to recognize the type of sound wave and gather it accordingly. This is why this spell is difficult to cast.

Markus smiled brightly, "Sure, we will start tomorrow. Also, call me dad. There's no need for the formalities anymore. We're family."

That's right, I have a family now.

I smirked a bit, "Alright, dad."

Markus looked happy with my statement and turned back to train Elena. The training would only get more difficult from here.

I will post ever other day during the week but I will post a chapter every Saturday and Sunday. I hope you enjoy the chapter. See you in the next one!

BlueOrchidscreators' thoughts
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