
Split Path

After the usual morning antics Melody and I set out for Thorn Hill.

I made a high pitched yawning sound and Melody looked at me with worried eyes.

"Did you sleep at all last night? Jeez, now you're going to be tired for the test."

I replied with a mischievous grin, "Don't worry, i'll be fine~. You should be more worried about me kicking your butt this time. I'm not going to help you again."

Melody puffed out her cheeks, "I can handle myself, you know. I'm not some damsel in distress."

I rolled my eyes, "Hai, hai."

Melody punched me in the arm, "Baka."

We arrived at Thorn Hill earlier than usual. The classroom was surprisingly full, even the teacher was here. I guess everyone was anxious about the test today too. Mr Willows more excited than anxious though.

Mr Willows got everyone's attention, "As you all know, today we will determine what the second test will be. However, before we do that, I have to announce the penalties."

Everyone started whispering to one another.

Mr Willows continued, "Since Aaron and Andrew got last place they are expelled from Thorn Hill."


Everyone except Warren and myself yelled in protest.

Aaron was the first to speak up, "That's not fair! If we had known that we would be expelled then we would have done better!"

Mr Willows responded calmly, "So you would do better if you knew the out come?"

Andrew spoke this time, "That's right!"

Mr Willows laughed, "Wouldn't that be great! Sadly, life isn't so fair. When you enter a battlefield the outcome is unknown. Are you going to take it easy just because you feel safe? If you want something, you have to work for it, even if there are no consequences. Even if there is the slightest chance of winning, fight with everything you have. Can you really say to me that with zero points I should pass you both?"

The boys backed down in defeat. They knew it was a risk to help Cynthia but they did anyway.

With nothing left to argue with the boys walked out of the classroom with their heads dangling on their shoulders.

"Alright, now for the penalty."

Some students murmured. Michael spoke, "That wasn't a penalty?"

Mr Willows smirked, "That was a requirement for the test. Whoever gets last place is expelled, effective immediately."

Everyone was a bit surprised but Warren and myself still didn't get surprised by this. I mean, it does make sense. If the school excepted everyone then their prestige would drop.

Mr Willows seemed to be enjoying our expressions because he chuckled.

"Terra, since you were in the bottom three you will get a penalty for the second test. I decided that we will be doing the race test this time. It is important on the battlefield to work fast but also work thoroughly. Therefore we will do a team obstacle course. Terra, your penalty will be a vest that weighs 25 pounds."

I looked at Terra and saw the panic on her face. 25 pounds may not sound like a lot but the fatigue builds up over a short period of time.

Mr Willows continued, "Now for the advantages. Nova, Warren, you will each lead a team consisting of four including yourselves. Melody, your advantage is that you can pick which team you would like to be on. Why don't you two come on up to the front of the class?"

Warren and I glared at each other but went up to the front anyways. I stood on the right while Warren stood on the left.

Melody picked right away, "I will be on Nova's team."

She walked up and stood next to me.

Mr Willows spoke, "We will keep going back and forth. Warren, now you chose, then Nova and so on."

Warren said something for the first time, "Terra."

His voice sounded like someone who had went to war. He sounded dead, his voice almost monotone. Wait, what did he say?

Everyone was shocked at his choice. Why Terra?

I sputtered out my next sentence to break the tension, "Jack."

Jack looked like he had heard wrongly but when he saw my gaze land on him he walked to my side. From the information that Melody gave me, Jack will be an asset for this test.

Warren picked his next teammate, "Michael."

A bit of sadness covered Jack's face. It was probably from not being on the same team as Michael. I patted him on the shoulder and gave him a nod, letting him know that it'll be okay. He seemed to lighten up a bit at my actions.

I picked my last teammate, "Cynthia."

Cynthia looked at me with disgust, "Mr Willows, You can't possibly make me be on a team with HER!"

Cynthia emphasized the last word on purpose. I smiled and waved at her which just made her more furious.

Mr Willows interjected, "Those are the rules, Cynthia. If you have a problem with them then you can leave. However, If you leave you will also be expelled."

Cynthia had a troubled expression like she was seriously contemplating leaving. Eventually, she gave in and walked to my side.

Since Crystal was last she walked up to Warren's team, making each team even in numbers.

"Alright then." Mr Willows nodded. "Follow me."

He left the room and we followed close behind. Eventually we arrived at a set of double doors. We were close to the edge of the forest.

Mr Willows opened the doors and we went in. Immediately, bright sunlight blinded me. I squinted until my eyes adjusted to the brightness in the room and realized why it was so bright. This room was a gigantic glass dome with bleachers on opposite sides of the room. In the center was a stage about three feet off the ground. It looked like an arena for duals.

Mr Willows didn't stop though, he kept striding to the back of the room and out a door into the forest. Everyone exited only to see a massive wall blocking the descent of the Sun's rays.

"Welcome to hell children."

Everyone was speechless at this gargantuan twenty story wall protruding from the gentle grass.

Mr Willows elaborated, "This is the start of the course. Climb the wall and descend on the other side then continue on through the course. There are a total of three obstacles including the wall before you, each increasing in difficulty. The first team to finish wins, the loser... well, we'll get to that later when you finish. Any questions?"

I spoke, "Are our teams allowed to hinder the opposing team in a physical and/or non-direct way?"

"Good question but I'm afraid not. The course is already tough as it is. Any other questions? No? Alright, lets get this show on the road. Nova's team is on the right side of the wall, Warren's team is on the left."

Warren, Terra, Michael and Crystal stood at the left starting line while Melody, Jack Cynthia and myself stood at the right starting line. Mr Willows stood between our two groups and began.

"On your marks..."

Like someone preparing to run a marathon, everyone got into a running stance.

"Get set..."

Melody looked over at me nervously. I replied with a reassuring smile and a subtle head nod.


Both of our teams sprinted to the monstrous wall each with a unique plan in mind.

Welcome to Volume 2 everyone! I decided to finish up Volume 1 and focus on School a bit more. I hope everyone can understand. However, from now on, I plan to post a new chapter every Sunday. This way I can have a week to make a great chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy Volume 2, Fates Collided!

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