

Everyone gathered around Mr Willows awaiting the results of the first test. Mr Willows was busy preparing the scores while the rest of us chatted amongst ourselves.

I quickly found Melody, "Hey, did everything go alright?"

She chuckled, "It's all thanks to you. I wasn't doing so well when you decided to pop by and bring me back from the dead like that."

Melody paused, her face fell a bit, but still continued, "Thank you, Nova. For everything, saving me from those men, training me and helping me now, thank you."

Melody began to slightly blush. She became oddly cute when she was serious, it was like watching a little kid act like an adult.

I sighed, "Stop thanking me. I'm helping you because I want to not because I want something in return. All I ask of you is to be my friend and I will protect you no matter what."

I ruffled her hair a bit, like an older sibling would do, then walked up to Cynthia.

Her hair had twigs sticking out and her clothes were dirty, like they had been dipped in mud. She looked like a swamp monster.

I asked her, "What happened to you? I thought I put you in the tree for your protection. Did a monster get you?"

Cynthia looked surprised for a moment but that quickly turned to anger, "So you were the one who attacked me!?"

I answered with a straight face, "Listen princess, I didn't attack you. I found you lying on the ground helplessly so I picked you up and moved you to a safe place. Your welcome by the way."

With that I turned away from the flustered Cynthia and went to talk to someone else.

Of course what I told her was a lie but if it helps me get on her good side then it's worth it. I don't want any unnecessary enemies.

I found Crystal and Terra standing near a trove of trees and walked over to them.

They noticed me and stopped their conversation to welcome me, "Hey, Nova. What's up?"

They had a bit of fear written on their faces but that was the case ever since I muted them on the first day. They had been friendly with me because they were scared of someone who was stronger then them, not because they wanted to be. Sometimes being feared is better than being loved.

I asked them, "How did you both do?"

They both responded at the same time, "I think we did pretty well."

Terra then continued, "I think we will at least not be in the bottom three."

I smiled, "That's good. Keep it up you two."

I walked away from them and could see their faces lighten up as soon as I left.

I looked around me and saw Jack and Michael chatting like usual while Warren stood far away from everyone else clearly putting up a bad vibe saying 'If you get near me I'll kill you.'

I decided to walk back to Melody since I was done with the others.

I asked Melody, "What's up with Warren? He seems to shut off everyone."

Melody shrugged, "I don't know, but I heard he used to be pretty friendly with others. I guess something must have happened to him to make him like this."

Ahh the lone wolf type. I was just like him in my old life. I can only assume that something just as bad as my past, if not worse then my past happened to him.

I asked something else, "What about Jack and Michael? They only socialize with each other."

Melody responded, "I know a bit more about them. They were childhood friends and their families are very close. Jack is not very social, shy even, Michael on the other hand is much more enthusiastic and friendly. Michael made friends with Jack when he noticed that Jack was excluded from the rest of the class."

That would explain why those two talk with each other a lot.

I flashed Melody a curious glance, "By the way, how do you know all this?"

She replied, "Oh, that's because I went to school with them when I was younger."

Melody looked like she was struggling to find words to say.

Melody continued, "Nova... how come you never talk about yourself? You always ask about me but I want to know more about you."

My face faltered for a bit but I regained my composure and plastered a light smirk on my face.

"Melody, I know you want to know more about me but I can't tell you right now. I have a complicated past and I wish to leave it behind me but eventually I will have to face my past. I will tell you but not right now. I'm sorry."

Melody looked flustered, "No, no! don't be sorry. I was only curious, I didn't mean to pry."

I smiled, "Don't worry about it."

I sat with my back against a tree and Melody followed suit. We chatted about miscellaneous things, like what we had for lunch and the sort.

I looked away for a bit and saw Warren staring at me with dead eyes.

I gave him an equally cold glare until he looked away. That was a little strange but I ignored it for now.

I turned back to Melody and continued the conversation, "Your mom is kind of intense at times."

Melody replied, "Yeah, she does that to protect me I guess, but she seems to trust you more than others."

I smiled, "I know that. What are the chances that we are in the same class? it's pretty obvious your mom pulled some strings."

Melody had a troubled smile, "I knew she would do something like this again. I know she does it for me but still..."

I put my arm around Melody comforting her by moving my hand up and down on her arm.

She leaned into me and put her head on my shoulder.

I could see the sadness in her eyes so I spoke first, "I can understand that your mom is tough on you but there's really nothing you can do about it. That's just how she is. If you ever need to relieve some frustration or sadness just talk to me and I will listen. I'm here for you, alright?"

Her voice was a little weak, "Unn."

We sat like this until Mr Willows finally finished his tallies.

Mr Willows spoke, "Alright, everyone gather around and I will announce the rankings from last to first."

For some reason Mr Willows paused for a long while, probably to build anticipation.

He continued, "Tied for last place with 0 points, Aaron and Andrew. 8th place, with 24 points, Terra. 7th place, with 25 points, Crystal. 6th place, with 34 points, Cynthia. 5th place, with 57 points, Michael. 4th place, with 79 points, Jack. 3rd place, with 204 points, Melody."

Mr Willows deliberately stopped for a moment before saying, "I will now announce first place, either Nova or Warren have taken first."

Now It was really obvious that he was messing with us because he kept delaying his responses.

Mr Willows finally spoke, "First place goes to... Warren! 427 points!"

Everyone turned their gaze towards Warren including myself.

How was this possible?

Mr Willows coughed to get everyone's attention, "Although Warren took first place Nova came in a close 2nd with 400 points!"

Everyone then turned their head towards me. They alternated between looking at me and Warren. Their facial expressions clearly saying, 'These guys are monsters!'

Well, I didn't care about the others but this Warren... I should be careful around him from now on.

My Willows got everyone's attention again, "Tomorrow we will resume testing with the second test. Depending on what test is chosen, the penalties and advantages will be given out accordingly. You are dismissed."

With that, Mr Willows walked back to the building and the rest of us packed our things and headed home.

Hello readers! I will be trying to make each chapter a bit longer so I hope you enjoy the extension of each chapter. I hope to see you all in the next chapter!

BlueOrchidscreators' thoughts
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