
Feelings Untold

A few days have passed since my meeting with Vex. He thanked me for my help and gave me something, although, I don't know what it is. He moved his finger around in the air creating a pattern of sorts. There was a flash of light and my body was covered with sparkles but it quickly faded. He said that it would come in handy one day. He also gave me an identification card. I said I didn't need one but he insisted I take it saying that this will allow me to enter the palace whenever I like.

Since then, i've practiced my magic with Melody and educated myself on the different types. I was a tetra-mage meaning I was born able to cast four basic forms of magic; Water, Air, Sound and Electricity. There are six basic forms of magic that humans can cast. Those are Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Electricity, and Sound. Apparently being able to cast four basic magics is very uncommon since being born with three is quite rare in itself.

Melody and I stopped sparring for a water break, "Why do you get to be special?"

"I'm not special at all. You're the one who's special."

Melody scoffed, "You can cast four magics and have the King's General as a father. What's next? You're actually from another dimension?"

I wish I could say 'You're not wrong' but that would make things complicated, "I know how you feel but don't sell yourself short. Your mom is the best inventor in the country and your a tri-mage. You should be proud of who you are."

There was a twinkle in her eye, "You're right, I am pretty great aren't I?"

"Don't let it go to your head."

We both laughed like we had no worries, 'I wish this moment would last forever.'

When the laughter dissipated there was a look of anxiety on Melody's face.

"Actually, Nova, there's something I want to tell you," Melody took my hand in hers. "I... I like you. And I was wondering if you felt the same way? I know this is sudden and i'm not expecting an answer right away but I just had to tell you."

I smiled and without warning, leaned in and kissed her. Melody's lips were soft and smooth and made everything else melt away. Everything washed away and only this moment remained. The feel of her silky cheeks on my hand as I kissed her and the aroma of poppies, lingering in the air. This moment was perfect.

I pulled away and Melody was blushing with surprise, "Does that answer your question?"

Melody just stared off into space with her fingers on her lips.

A few seconds passed by, "Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to kiss me?"

Melody finally came to her senses, "I'd like that."

I took her cheek and we shared another moment that lasted several lifetimes.


Later that night, I couldn't fall asleep. I decided that it would be best if I got some fresh air so I tiptoed down the stairs and quietly left through the front door. As I stepped outside I could feel the night breeze whiz past my face, fluttering my citrus hair. Crickets could be heard from all directions playing their own tunes while lightning bugs swirled around the open air as if dancing to the tune. It was peaceful.

I walked to the stumps where I first used magic and sat. I heaved a sigh and gazed at the moon above. This feeling of serenity made me think of all that has happened. The Black Hood who attacked my home, waking up in another world, visions of someone not quite myself, and even magic. It took awhile but the weight of it all finally sunk in. This was everything I wanted, right? I finally get to be myself and live out a normal life. So why do I feel so unfulfilled?

It's ironic actually. To think that the first magic I used was song magic. Music was what kept me company before and even now it helps me forward. Thinking back, it was all I had. When I sang, I was never alone. I could release my true self even if it were a few minutes. This new life almost had me forget my ambitions. Maybe that's why I feel empty. I wanted to be recognized but in what way? The king told me I was the Interpreter but what does that entail? Battles of blood and gore and death and murder. Is this what I want to be recognized for?

'If there was a time to sing, now would be it.'

I built it on a whim but I never thought I would play it. I grabbed the acoustic guitar I made out from behind a tree and threw the strap on over my head. I used Air Block to make an artificial pick and placed it on the strings. Everything went silent as if anticipating my performance. I took a deep breath in through my nose and began to play. It was fairly fast paced and upbeat but for some reason it just felt right.

When the moment felt right and the phrase ended I began to sing,

"Feelings that were untold

They seemed so intangible

But if I waited for awhile would it be okay if I left it at that?

I wish I could say that

You were with me

From the beginning.

I wish i could say that

I have found peace

but that's so unlikely.

So I fight for future without all this pain

I wish it weren't all in vain

What am I saying it's true

I fight for you.

So I hope for a future without all this pain

I wish it weren't a game

What am I saying it's true

I do it for you."

I paused and slowly stroked the strings of the guitar, waiting for the right time to come back in.

I sang the final lines slowly,

"I can't let go just yet

The pain is throbbing again

I need you to never forget

You're all that I have left."

I strung the last few notes and the final chords echoed into silence. The crickets couldn't be heard and when I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful sight. Thousands of lightning bugs encircled me, flashing their lights like a round of applause. The crickets sat by feet looking at me with approval as if excepting me as their own.


I turned around to see Melody standing there in her pajamas. She looked as though she had just stopped crying, "Why are you crying?"

I felt under my eyes and I was shedding tears. Why though?

"I wonder that myself."

Melody ran and gave me a hug. I immediately began crying on her shoulder without reason, "Why won't it stop?"

After some time the tears stopped and I pulled away from the hug. I became anxious, "How much of that did you hear?"

Without warning Melody pressed her lips against mine and I felt that sensation again. That excited, yet nervous feeling you get when you talk to the person you like.

After what felt like forever she pulled away, "Does that answer your question?"

I went into a fit of laughter and Melody laughed with me. I finally know what I want to be recognized for.

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