
Empathy and Sympathy

The referee jogged over to me and healed my wounds. I totally forgot about the announcer until now. I guess since I was so focused on my matches I zoned out all other distractions.

The announcer was excited, "Those matches were incredible! The final three have been determined! First off is Melody Grace! She has shown fierce determination and skillfully used her magic as a tetra-mage to beat the competition. Next up is Nova Orchid! She is also a tetra-mage with great insight on how to counter and read her opponents with great skill in air magic! Last up is Warren Yggdrasil! Not once has he shown what type of magic he uses, only defeating his opponents with pure hand to hand combat! Since there are three contestants in the semifinals Warren Yggdrasil was determined to move on to the finals by random draw! Bring in the new stage!"

All of the arenas that had filled the area slowly descended into the ground. After they were completely gone a huge stage, taking up all of the space that was cleared away, rose out of the ground.

"Get ready because the semifinals are about to commence!"

I took my place opposite Melody in the center of the stage. We shook hands.

"Let's see how much you've grown, Melody."

"I'm not losing this time."

The stadium went completely silent as the referee counted us in, "Ready...!"

Both Melody and I got into fighting stances.


I made the first move, "Lightning Arrow."

I used the bow from Air Block but replaced the arrow with electricity. This allows the arrow to travel at the speed of lightning. The arrow wizzed through the air but got stuck in Melody's Air Block or was it being slowed?

"Air Block: Counter."

The arrow slowly stopped and shot right back at me grazing my left cheek. Blood trickled down my face from the wound.

"Interesting. You went and improved Air Block."

'You truly have grown.'

"Duel Water Pistol."

I made a gun like shape out of my hands and shot water droplets rapidly at Melody. She stood her ground, blocking the droplets with Air Block. Soon, the droplets started to penetrate Air Block and landed on her directly.


"It's as I told Vex, every spell has a weakness and Air Block's is water. When creating Air Blocks one must completely remove all other gases within the Air Block and cool it exponentially. What if I spray it with water but as it makes contact I heat the droplets into water vapor? The answer is what we see now. It creates holes."

"But what was the point? I'm just wet now."

I nonchalantly pointed above to the ceiling. Melody looked up and her eyes widened, "When did you-?"

"You lose. Lightning storm."

The rain clouds above Melody's head crackled with electricity and it was over in an instant. The lightning bolt came crashing down upon her and she fell to the floor unconscious.

"Im sorry, Melody, but I'll be proceeding without you."

The referee ran over to Melody and checked her to see if she was unconscious.

"Winner of the semifinals by knockout, Nova Orchid!"

Cheers erupted from the crowds and I fell to one knee. Even if no one realized it Melody almost won at the start using my lightning arrow. As the arrow flew past my ear, she amplified the sound, disorientating me for awhile. If I hadn't trained my body as well as my magic, she would have won.

'I'll check up on you after I win the finals. Wait for me.'

Warren was wearing a very in style look as he approached the steps leading to the arena. He wore torn jeans and a white hoodie with a dragon embroidered into the back. It looked familiar but that wasn't my focus at this second. After the referee replenished my spirit energy and healed my cut I walked to the center of the arena and stood before Warren.

I held out my hand, "Let's make a wager."

Warren looked at me with interest so I continued, "If I win, you have to tell me about your relationship with the four dragons."

Warren smirked a little, "And if I win?"

"I'll tell you my relationship with them instead. Deal?"

He shook my hand, "Deal."

"It's time for the final showdown! Who will win? Nova Orchid, a tetra-mage of air, water and electricity or Warren Yggdrasil, the black horse of the tournament!"

We got into our fighting stances and waited for the count in.

"Ready... Fight!"

We both sprinted at each other and started a physical battle. I threw my fist out and he met me with a punch that was the same power canceling it out. The punch reverberated through the room and the ground crackled beneath our feet from the impact.

I smirked, "Let's see if you can keep up."

I increased my speed to it's max breaking through the sound barrier. I went in for a punch but he unexpectedly caught my fist.

"What fast movements! I couldn't even see her yet Warren easily stopped her!"

Warren looked amused, "Why are you smiling?"

"Chidori Sword."

Loud cracking could be heard from my hand but it sounded like chirping birds. A lightning sword pierced through his hand and into his right shoulder.

"Don't worry, I missed your vital points but that arm is useless now."

I suddenly felt a chill and jumped backwards out of instinct.

'His killing intent actually made me retreat. What is he?'

"You actually landed a hit on me. Interesting! Let's have some fun!"

Suddenly a round black circle appeared beneath him and he vanished within it.

"It looks like Warren has finally opted to use his magic but I have never seen this type before! What could he be planning!?"

'It's not only that he vanished but his Ki as well. I'll have to counter as soon as he reappears.'

I took a deep breath and concentrated on sensing his Ki. There it is! I turned and used air magic to propel my punch but I hit nothing. Instead, I was the one who got hit. I was hit in the back and was sent flying a few feet, tumbling across the floor. After I stopped myself, I got up and looked around but he was gone again.

'How did he change positions so quickly?'

Another came, this time aimed for the side. Luckily I sensed him and blocked but my arm was fractured from the blow.

'He didn't reposition this time? No, that's not it. It's that he can't. Why though? What was different this time?'

Before I could think up a solution he appeared in front of me and punched me directly in the chest. The air left my lungs as I was pushed back, barely able to keep my feet from leaving the ground. I coughed up blood and it fell to the ground. The blood hit the floor and as it sat there it's radius increased in size.

'That's it! It wasn't that a black circle appeared, it was expanded from a source. Such as a shadow! Now that I think about it, every time he appeared it was from the ground and the direction my shadow was. The first time I tried to counter didn't work because as I moved so did my shadow.'

I closed my eyes and focused on his Ki once more. I waited for him to appear but when he did I stood still. He came at me from the front where my shadow was but this time I took the hit and grabbed his arm. My feet scraped the floor as the force of the blow pushed me back.

"I didn't want to use this but you leave me no choice."

I let the iciness come out and his arm was frozen solid. Since his arm was now fused with the ice, I dragged him out of the blackness and threw him towards the out of bounds area.

"Go Flying!"

With the remainder of my strength I tossed him into the air that was outside the platform.

'If I'm right then this is it.'

Warren fell and hit the ground with a loud bang.

"I... was... right."

The announcer was even more enthusiastic than before, "Unbelievable! Just like that it ended in an instant! Who would have thought that Nova was actually hiding her hex this whole time!"

I heard the murmurs from the crowd.

"She's a tetra-mage and has the ice hex. How frightening."

"Such innate ability is monstrous."

my vision faltered as I fell foreword. As my consciousness faded I could here the result.

"Winner by ring knockout, Nova Orchid!"


Translation: The word Chidori is from the Japanese language and it's literal meaning is "A Thousand Birds." The name Chidori comes from a story about famous samurai Tachibana Dōsetsu, who was in possession of a famous sword called Chidori.

Note: You probably know of it if you have watched Naruto.

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