
Breaking Away : Sands of Time

Adam's POV:

It has been many millennia since I transformed into my current state.

At first, I was very scared, about what will happen if those high-level magicians, arch-mages, or magus caught me.

But slowly I learned that even a magus that came to Fantijev city to investigate was not able to see me or in his words "not able to sense any abnormality" even though I was standing just next to me.

It was then I learned the extent of my power.

At that time due to my habits, my only goal was to take care of mom. I was always near around her seeing the in trauma state mad me 'uneasy', but not uncomfortable and slowly I came to accept that all my emotions have been stripped, I was no longer able to feel anything, may it be hate, love, fear, hunger or may it be anything else.

In the years my mother was still living she decided to leave our house and magus Nitern a famous magician even among the magus, asked mother to move near his tower. My mother accepted and only requested that mine and my father's grave to be also moved.

After that, my mother shifted to the north of the continent near the city of Lizeons, where Magus Nitern's mage tower was. He gifted my mother a cottage on the eastern side of the city that was walking distance away from the city cemetery. It was in this cemetery that my and father's grave was transferred. In the years to come my mother just passed her time while taking care of our graves. Whishing her misery to soon end. My mother lived to the age of 79, before passing away. Even then I did not feel anything, it was then that I accepted that I have become a monster, and there was no changing it.

Since then I was free of any worldly connections.

Over the next few days, I decided that because I have nothing to do so, I would start wandering the continent viewing the splendors of nature and men.

In years to come, I traveled the continent from city to city, village to village, going to each place I had heard or read about, going to any place that I heard had extraordinary things happening.

But in many such places, I saw humans in their most primitive form, where their every desire had come out, turning them into something more dreadful than a beast, or even the fantastical demons and devils.

On the eastern side of the continent, there is a city called Vienocia city, here for generations Vieno family has been in control of the city, a family that has heritage passing through seven centuries. They have been a magical-family with having mages through all the generations, and not only the normal magicians, in the last five-century their family head has been always an arch-mage, with at least 3 magus been born in the family in these seven centuries.

I found that in the area near the city for at least the last two years, beggars and poor, people who even if vanished from the face of the planet no one would notice have been vanishing at an astonishing speed, that people will think that no poor lived in the city. When I searched around I found that the Vieno family had has been at the end of his life, and to become a magus to increase his lifespan he has been crazily experimenting on humans. When all those in jail were killed in his experiments, he turned to beggars, when they realized that something was wrong he turned o the poor and sometimes taking away one or two beggars.

Similarly, an arch-mage, who had a magical tower near the western desert, A place on the Western side of the continent that has covers nearly 1/3 of the Western side of the continent. He was known to hate women, he was cheated by his girlfriend in his school, from then on he started hating women. But this was not the end, to come back at his girlfriend, he practiced magic like a mad man. Without caring for his safety he stopped going to school and went to nearby by jungle to hunt for the beast, there he made his name with mercenaries, adventure, even looters when a chance presented. In five years when students of his age had just passed his school and went for the university, while some smart ones made it to the second year of their university. While he was already a high-level magician with at least blood of 50 people on his hand. While his genius classmates were only mid-level magicians, he had already become a high-level magician by dancing on the edge of the line and playing with his life.

It was then that he returned to his home, where his family had already thought of him as dead. He gave a huge sum of money to his parents to live happily saying that they should continue to see him as dead as he soon will be even if he was not now and left.

After this, he kidnapped his ex, he had planned to kill her, and then kill himself, but after kidnapping her and seeing the horror and fear in her eyes his inner beast awakened, and he defiled and tortured her for 10 days straight. He let her scream as he defiled her, and he got even more thrill than when he was a slip away from death, and also the fear in her eyes when he carved her body, with his blade, after fully breaking her, he killed her and buried her in some forest. After this, he started roaming the world, but he was not able to forget the thrill when torturing his ex. Since then he started to search for new prays and then torturing them, In years to come he became an arch-mage, and as he always removed any clues pointing toward him when playing with his pray, hence there was no stain on his reputation, so the magical council made him a magic-tower as a gift for ascending to an archmage, but who would have thought he would request his tower in such a barren place. He converted this tower into a cell for keeping his pray and hell for many women. As he was careful, even investigating all his prays before and keeping the number count to less than ten a year he was never exposed, and I found him by a fluke.

Other times I went to many secret libraries, learning all about magic, forbidden magic, and even dark magic.

I learned everything from the construction of a house to the breeding of a pig, from managing a tavern to a city.

Seeing weirdest of the things, I even went as far as following a Playboys to learn his tricks, to be a beautician for women from a beauty.

I saw many great love stories and many heartbroken couples, and sometimes a special time of couples on be...heheh..heh.

I even learned trap making, tracking, scouting, fighting, assassination, herb-gathering, medicine, foraging, smithing, artifact making, rune-crafting, bow making, and even dragon-slaying.

I learned about politics, from some of the most famous personalities in the coming century, while flattering, etiquette, and diplomacy from masters in this field.

I saw the so-called magical council being destroyed to bits, the rise of empires, kingdoms, and aristocrats back to power, their infighting, cheating, assassination, cu*kholding, and many more.

Now I have a new goal and will be working toward it.