
Bad Face Girl

"Come on.... here! Sit here!"

"Sorry, Robert, I'm busy!"

"Aah..., you usually always sit with me too! Since when are you so busy?"

Carren wrung her fingers. He really wondered, how could Cassie be so patient with this guy?

"Okay....!" said Carren, shifting his seat. "Yes... Edmund, can I help you?" he asked then.

The man glared at him. The skin on his face seemed to be pulled forward.

"You don't look like Cassie..."


A girl watched the rain from the window of her apartment which was located in a small alley beside Philadelphia Street. The rain, which seemed to have no end, soaked the earth, making the black asphalt even blacker. Drops of water hit the roofs of the plastic tents of cafes by the roadside. The rhythm of his voice is regular but sad. One or two people sitting there unconsciously got carried away. Pendholva's clouds spread the gloom on their faces.

The night wind blows. From the end of a small alley to the top of a high-rise building. Kicking empty drink cans rolling down the street and making a sound that makes one imagine something really bad is happening. Removing the plastic blanket of a tramp trying to escape the onslaught of rain behind a Italy restaurant. She tried to keep busy on a September night.

Naughty. The night breeze is gentle, yet able to slip in the bones. And not infrequently make elderly people complain.

The girl pushed back the curtain that had fallen down. From this angle, you can see the Philadelphia Street intersection which is always crowded with vehicles. During the day, many people visit the 'River God Fountain'. It didn't matter how cold it was that day. And they'll look cute bulging like footy balls in their thick jackets.

She took out the knife that had been hidden in the pocket of his pajama pants. The girl held it shakily. The knife gleamed in the light. A glint swept across his eyeballs - he quickly pushed the knife away.

Half past nine in the evening. The person he's been waiting for yet come. Thirty minutes to go. After closing the window blinds back, the girl then sat down. His hands are squeezing the skin sofa. restless. Something bothered him.

The girl rose from the chair, across the small living room. He passed the half-wilted Dandelion vase beside the door right under the tall wooden lamppost. The light of the lamp crept up the living room wall which was covered with wallpaper with vertical stripes of dull brown color. He felt that these rooms were always quie, like his life was devoid of passion. She was part of these rooms and had not been separated for the past two years. He spent his life sitting quietly, and at best walking around the rooms of his apartment. She never even an inch out of this place.

The girl sat back down in the same chair, after feeling herself a little calmer from the twirling, though actually no. His eyes accidentally glanced at the knife on the table. The girl's fur bristled.

Ten minutes to nine o'clock sharp. She mem. imagine that woman must be out of work right now, a psychologist's clinic tucked away a little behind a main road. Then the woman waited for a taxi on the side of the road. Alone. Umbrella to protect the clothes from getting wet. though the hem of her long skirt must have been dragged in the puddles. The woman continued to wait. Five minutes later a black metallic car pulled over. A man opened the door and offered to help him get to the house. The man is very handsome. The woman blushed. It would be foolish for him to refuse the man's offer. He's not blind anyway, and he's well aware that the guy is attractive.

When the man offered for the second time, the woman did not refuse. He opened the car door, leaving the cold night and also the cold alone.

What happened next would be similar to the scene in the novel by Jackie Collins that he often reads. The girl smiled wryly. Released his back burden on the soft back of the sofa. His body seemed to sink into it.

As soon as she reached her apartment, the woman got out of the car.

"Thank You!" said the woman shyly while trying to steal glances. Her face was red when she realized that the man was also watching her.

Still with a flowery feeling, the woman walked down the corridor of her apartment building. He greeted everyone he met. It makes people who are about to go to bed get confused. for the woman herself looked as if she had just woken up happy in the morning.

She climbed the wooden stairs with light steps. There was a creaking sound of old wood as the woman stepped on the steps. But he felt the crackling of wood as the music that accompanied his heart which was dancing with joy. Moments later, he arrived at his apartment door. The door opened, and he poked his head in.

"I am home!"

A girl was waiting for him inside. Staring at him without blinking. The dim light couldn't hide the oddity on the girl's face. The right half of his face is deformed. Black and as if there is an overdraft on the cheek. There is a part of the flesh that looks raised - missing or somehow charred.

The cheerful woman then took out things from her paper bag. He bought a lot of things. Dry food. Dolly magazines, and fresh Dandelions. While doing that, he told me about the things he had encountered today. And when he arrived at the scene of his meeting with the handsome man, he told it with so much enthusiasm.

The ugly girl was more silent. Occasionally he nodded his head when the other person asked his opinion.

The woman said that she would take a hot bath for a while. He sauntered toward his bedroom. The bedroom is located next to the bathroom. Only separated by a ceramic jar that he used to put his umbrellas.

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