
Trainer Among Fairies

One day, Nic Pularis is drawn into a sub-dimension, where he encounters Legendary Pokemon. He is entrusted with Plates by Arceus, and send to the land of Fiore, where he encounters Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza. He must go through multiple perilous journeys with his Pokemon and Fairy Tail, and triumph and endure hardships to master all eighteen Plates and save the universe. OcxHarem Original by Insane Dominator on FF.Net

Alistair_B22 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The Forces Of Nature...

In The Last Chapter:

The entire Fairy Tail Guild ventures off towards Phantom Lord to avenge Droy and Jet. The only ones left behind were Levy, Lucy, Mira, and Nic. Nic went out to the woods to recover and felt a similar energy that reacted with his Plates. In a flash, he senses danger and rushes back to town and defeats Juvia and Sol with the help of his Staraptor, thus saving Lucy. Lucy explains that she's a runaway, much like Nic, and he goes back to the forest. The Fairy Tail Guild returns defeated and they were coming up with plans to fight back. Nic unlocks the Meadow Plate and senses Phantom Lord's arrival...

Chapter 9: The Forces Of Nature...

The entire Fairy Tail Guild ventured outside and looked out in horrific shock. Everyone apart from Natsu, Nic, and Erza were wide eyed and almost shaking in their footwear.

"What is that thing?!" Natsu questioned.

What everyone saw was the entire HQ of Phantom lord on a huge heap of earth with enormous mechanical appendages. They were all super long, spider-like legs that protruded from the bottom of the earth heap, keeping the entire guild far above the water that they traveled on. With every step it took, the earth itself emanated a magnitude that made the land shook.

"Is that a Guild Hall with legs?" Happy shouted.

"No doubt, it's Phantom's!" Loke said. Almost everyone had fear and doubt in their eyes. This was an entire guild on legs!

"How the hell do we fight something like that?!" Wakaba shouted.

Erza was shivering in her pink towel, not just from being out of the shower, but from the dread running down her own spine.

"I never anticipated this. I never would've imagine them going to such extremes to attack us like this." Erza said.

The Phantom Lord HQ finally stopped moving and it rest its earth heap in the water. Inside the building, Jose was commanding everything. In his corridor, of which was commanding from his chair. There were four guys in that same room making modifications through seals. There was a large purple, red, blue, and yellow one over their heads.

"The Magic focusing cannon, Jupiter. Engage." He said in a calm manner, ordering his four men to activate Jupiter. The huge Jupiter lacrima was being filled with power, having a large sum of Magic energy swelling from four other lacrima around it.

The entire front of the upper half of the Guild Hall dropped down, revealing a super large canon. The cannon slowly lengthened out, making it almost twice as long as before stretching out. The tip of the cannon was conjuring up a massive charge that was dark purple.

There was no way Erza was going to let this happen to her fellow guild members. Still draped in her pink towel, she dashed forward.

"Erza!" Mira shouted.

"What are you doing?!" Macao yelled.

As Erza was dashing, she requiped out of her pink towel into another armor. It was a bulky, dark colored armor, which had a single blue chest plate with a light blue belt contraption around the waist. Three spikes lined the top of the chest plate that gives way to a white neck brace that split, which gives room for her chin. The shoulders are sectioned with a large spike dividing each section, with the middle spike being the largest of the three. The gauntlets had a few sections, one of which that attached the elbows to two large white shields. A blue jewel lined the back of her hands, and attached to the bottom of her chest plates was a two layer metallic skirt with small spikes hanging on the end of those two layers. A large spike hangs inward on the bottom layer. The legs were covered in sections, matching the armor with a pair of blue greaves at the knees. Several curved spikes attached just below the knees of the greaves. She had a large headdress atop with a reflective middle.

Happy recognized this armor right away. "I know that requip, that's her Adamantine Armor!"

"Is she going to try and block the shot?" Bisca wondered.

"There's no way her armor can hold against a blast so strong!" Alzack said.

"Stay back!" Erza warned, getting ready to block.

"Erza!" Natsu shouted. He tried reaching out to stop her, but was held back by Gray.

"We can't. We just gotta have faith in her!" Gray said, trying to restrain him.

The cannon then fired a huge beam at them. Erza locked her shield and braced for impact. Everyone was awaiting for the shockwave that they were all preparing for, but then they felt something from behind.

A similar Jupiter blast fired from atop the Guild Hall. The dark purple energy unleashed its way over Erza's shield, getting her to drop her guard.

"What?" Erza asked as the dark beam raced its way and collided with the actual Jupiter blast. Everyone looked on in shock to see the two blasts smash into one another. Everyone covered up as the two energies made a massive explosion in the middle. There was a shockwave that spread through the air, and that made everyone fall back on their behinds. Erza didn't have her big shield seal up, but her actual shield was good enough to save her from the traveling shockwave. The explosion kept escalating until the air and water was flying everywhere. Everything was shaking and trembling from the amount of power unleashed from those two blasts. The entire thing went on for a good ten or so seconds, but within those ten seconds, almost everything was torn up. Water was everywhere, the ground that Fairy Tail was on was softer from the trembling of the earth. Fortunately, no one got hurt, and Jupiter was out of Magic power, as well as the other blast that traced back to the top of the Guild Hall.

"What the heck was that just now?" Natsu wondered, getting up with the rest of the guild. Erza was still standing, and she requiped into her Heart Kreuz Armor.

"I don't know." Erza said. On top the Guild Hall, the spacial hole has disappeared.

"So, you're the Mage that took down Phantom's Dragon Slayer and two of the Element Four." Jose said, trying to hold back his irritated behavior. "To be fair, I imagined you would be older."

"They all say that!" The voice said from up top the guild. Everyone turned around and looked up. They were shocked to hear that particular voice.

Erza quickly turned around to see what everyone was looking at. She felt a slight smile form on her face when she saw who it was that was standing on the Guild Hall. She honestly couldn't recall being so happy to see someone in all her life.

Nic was in his Sky Plate Form, having said used Mirror Move to copy and intercept Jupiter. Nic flew down from the roof and landed lightly. The guild made way as he was walked confidently towards Phantom Lord.

"I take it that you're Jose right? I'm Nic Pularis." He stated. Erza looked to see him passing her. He stopped in front of her and planted his feet firmly. She could tell he was dead serious.

"A pleasure to meet you young Pularis." Jose responded. "I applaud for your acts to stop my guild's constant raids, but it's sad to say that your time has come. You don't have the strength to take on all of Phantom Lord, so I suggest you be a good little guild and relinquish Lucy Heartfilia over to me."

Fairy Tail didn't take this demand very well.

"Like hell we would!" Alzack protested.

"We don't turn our family over to monsters like you!" Bisca added. Everyone the guild was yelling back at Jose now, stating Lucy's stay and for Jose to get lost.

"We would never betray her like that! You'll have to kill us first!" Erza yelled. Everyone backed her up on that one for sure.

"You ain't gonna get any other answers, because we're Lucy's family now and we're not handing her over to you!" Natsu roared.

Within the crowd, Lucy was shaking, and she was swelling up in tears. She was so glad to have such amazing support in Fairy Tail, and seeing how they would risk their lives to keep her with them.

"You guys…" Lucy murmured. Nic looked back at Lucy, seeing her swell with a mixture of joy and guilt. He stared for a good few seconds before turning back.

"Alright pal, listen and listen good." Nic walked up and did yet another Form Change. He shifted from his Sky Plate Form into his new Meadow Plate Form, shocking Erza and the others. "This can go two ways: Either we kick your sorry ass to oblivion, or we forget this whole mess and never see each other again. Which do you prefer?"

Jose got up in frustration. He gritted his teeth and growled at the implication of Nic's threat.

"Are you threatening me?! No one threatens a Wizard Saint boy! Don't you know the first thing about authority?!" Jose roared.

Nic crossed his arms. "Yeah…it's stupid, like you."

"Prepare Jupiter! You got fifteen minutes to hand her over or you'll be punished!" This was Jose's final warning. This got everyone in a stir.

"Oh no, is he gonna fire that thing again?" "We can't take another shot!" "What do we do?"

"Is he for real?! He's going to fire Jupiter again!" Macao exclaimed. They all then witnessed Jose unleashing his phantom soldiers down on them. There was a vast number of them coming at them with force.

Nic then emanated a green aura. "Let's give this new Form a spin. Petal Blizzard!" A huge hurricane of green wind and petals and glowing leaves then scattered about and blasted through half of the entire shade army. Everyone looked on in shock of his huge power. Even Erza was stunned by his raw power.

However, they were all re-emerging and looked as though nothing happened. "Well…this might be an issue." Nic said casually. He then turned to Natsu. "Natsu, you and Happy get up there and smash Jupiter like you do anything else!"

Natsu cracked his knuckles and grinned. "Like you have to ask! C'mon Happy!" Happy spread his wings and took Natsu with him.

"Aye sir!" The two then rushed up to the canon.

Nic then turned to look at everyone else. "Elfman, Gray, Erza, time to storm that giant trash heap!"

"You got it!" Grayt said, running.

"We're taking that thing down like real men!" Elfman shouted.

"Let's do it!" Erza said.

"Cana, Macao, Wakaba, Bisca, Alzack, I leave the guild to you!" Nic shouted, as though he was in charge, probably because he was.

"Right, we'll do our best!" Cana shouted. Lucy then came up to him just before he was about to dash forward in the raid.

"Wh-what about me?" Lucy asked with a tear coming down her face, but she did show determination. Nic saw that she wanted to help, but he had to think of her safety. Nic placed a hand on her shoulders.

"Lucy, I need you to find cover. Mira will help you." Nic said, with Mira stepping forward.

The blonde shook her head. "No! I can't watch as my comrades fight for me! I want to help!"

Nic then looked down at her hand, and he softened his eyes. "Tell me Lucy, what is that on your hand?"

"It's…my Fairy Tail Emblem." Lucy said, somewhat surprised, yet confused.

Nic nodded. "Right. We all bear this emblem together. It means we're family, and that means we'll do anything to keep this family whole. This doesn't concern just you Lucy, it concerns us all. We have to do our part in this battle, and we need you to do yours. Bonds aren't just a link that connects people, its also something that unites them, so let's all show them our unity. We'll show them just how our bonds keep us united and how we will win with those bonds."

At the end of his speech, everyone was cheering in agreement. Erza was in awe of how wise Nic was. Obviously he was knowledgeable to a great extent. She wonders what else Nic had been through. He would put his life on the line to defend his own, just like he did with his sister.

"Okay." She quietly said. She didn't like it, but Nic was just looking out for her. Everyone was.

"Come on, let's go." Mira said, escorting Lucy. Lucy looked back at Nic. "Make sure you come back okay!"

Nic looked on as Lucy was taken somewhere safe. He then got out a poke ball and he had it open in his hand so as to not get as much attention.

"Kecleon, get out here." Nic said, with the Color Swap Pokémon being summoned in front of him.

"Yes, Nic?" Kecleon asked her trainer in her usual weird voice with a tilted head. Nic leaned in and lowered his voice as the shades drew ever so near and everyone was yelling at them, getting ready to attack. Although, everyone was there, so it's not like they weren't watching why Nic called out another pokémon.

"I need you to follow Lucy. Keep her safe. If any Phantom Lord goons go after her, stop them quick, and make sure your presence is low key." Nic explained. He had a bad feeling about the future, and he had to do something about the safety of Lucy. If anyone can defend with stealth, Kecleon's the weirdo for the job. Kecleon then instantly turned invisible, excluding the red stripe, and fled as fast as a rocket. Hardly anyone noticed it being gone that fast. Some people were amazed by that speed, but they had to refocus on the task at hand. Nic then turned and charged straight for the Phantom Lord HQ, along with Elfman, Gray, and Erza.

"Ice Make: Floor!" Gray shouted. He then coated the water in ice so that they could reach the Phantom HQ. From there, he made a staircase that trailed upwards to the guild entrance. They should catch up to Natsu in no time if they keep a fast pace throughout the place.

With Mira and Lucy...

Mira had Lucy get taken to safety by Reedus. When they were out of sight by Reedus riding a carriage he created with his magic, Mira turned and used her Transformation Magic and transformed into Lucy, just to make a façade.

'I may not be able to do Satan Soul, but there are other ways that I can help. I'll do what I can to help the others.' She thought in determination to save her friends.

Reedus had taken Lucy to a disclosed warehouse, where they were being held protected. Reedus sat down, as did Lucy, and she just sulked.

"I really wanted to help the guys. It makes me guilty seeing them fight for me." Lucy said. Reedus was painting a self-portrait of her sulking, but was well aware of the circumstances the young Celestial Mage was in.

"Don't worry. It's just as Nic said, we're all in this together. Your burden is our burden, and we will save you regardless of whatever happens to us." Reedus said.

Lucy got up and sighed. "I know that this isn't fair, I should be out there-!" She stopped in mid-sentence when the warehouse shook.

"What was that?!" Lucy exclaimed. They both turned to see the warehouse doors being rammed and dented with a hard object from the other side. The two backed away with their guard up. The door burst open with Gajeel leading two other Mages.

"Hehehe. Well well, a fat guy and a blonde. Time to snatch and grab." Gajeel said, hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"It's over tubby. Just give up Lucy Heartfilia." The female Mage said.

"Our boss is rather impatient." The other Mage said.

Reedus was about to draw some creatures on his stomach and use his magic to defend Lucy, but then something happened in a blink of an eye.

Nobody saw it coming. It was a red striped blur that took down the two subordinates with one strike each. They fell, out for the count. Gajeel took this by surprise, for even he didn't see that coming.

"But how?" Gajeel asked as he jumped and landed with ease. He turned and didn't see anything. He then turned to face the two mages.

"What game are you playing?" Gajeel demanded to know.

In the shadows, he heard a voice; in fact, everyone heard it.

"It's a game called Hide and Seek!" The creepy female voice said. Gajeel turned here and there, wondering where on Earthland was that voice coming from. He turned his back and was hit with a Slash from behind, causing him to fall forward. Kecleon then reappeared in front of everybody. Lucy and Reedus were shocked to see this creature.

"What the? What are you?" Gajeel demanded to know. Kecleon's only response was her head tilting before lunging at Gajeel. Gajeel tried to counterattack with his Iron Dragon's Sword, but Kecleon ducked and used Shadow Sneak as an uppercut. Gajeel flew back, surprised of this creature's reflexes and speed. This thing the Iron Dragon Slayer was facing was very strong.

"Lucy, you and Reedus get out of here. This guy is nothing compared to me." Kecleon said. The two then pieced it all together. This one was on their side and she was stalling for Reedus and Lucy to escape.

"Wait…I know you. You're one of Nic's pokémon!" Lucy exclaimed. Kecleon looked back and nodded. Gajeel narrowed his eyes, thinking back to what he went up against not too long ago. He remembered the guy and his flaming dragon took him down. He also recounted him having a ninja frog. Upon realizing this was another one of Nic's helpers, Gajeel gritted his teeth.

"So, that Nic guy sent a lizard to deal with me, huh?" Gajeel said, cracking his knuckles. "My prime objective is to take the girl, but that guy owes me a rematch. Like hell I'll let this opportunity pass by."

Kecleon tilted her head. "You shall not pass!"

Lucy and Reedus were both making their getaway, as to where Kecleon stayed put and dealt with her adversary.

Gajeel smirked. "Time for some payback. Iron Dragon's Roar!" Gajeel send a tornado of iron at Kecleon, who was able to evade it by lunging to her right and started to turn invisible, hiding among the storage boxes.

"You can't hide from me you coward!" Gajeel then unleashed more of his Iron Dragon's Roar to shatter the boxes. Kecleon was able to duck once more, avoiding the flying boxes. After the hysteria of boxes had ended, Kecleon looked up to see Gajeel in front of her. With a quick reflex, she jumped and used Thief, hitting him on the shoulder, but Gajeel felt hardly anything and swatted her off.

"Come on, is that really the best you can do?" Gajeel asked, unimpressed by Kecleon's inability to scratch him. Kecleon grunted.

'Curses! He's like a Steel Type of sorts. My attacks won't do much on him.' Kecleon thought. 'I'm going to have to butter this toast!'

Kecleon then used Screech, emanating red shockwaves at Gajeel. Gajeel was wide eyed at the level of frequency this attack was, and he covered his ears to keep the frequency out.

"Gah! What is this?!" Gajeel said, having his ears plugged by his hands. Kecleon rushed in, now finished with Screech, and used Slash on a defenseless Iron Dragon Slayer. Gajeel opened his eyes, relieved to have the attack finished, but was cut off guard with the Slash he just took. He fell back and skid a few feet.

"That's how I butter my toast!" Kecleon said, using the simile of butter and toast with Screech and Slash.

Gajeel got back up and growled. "Iron Dragon's Club!" His attack managed to hit Kecleon hard, which made her skid back several feet; fortunately, she was able to block with her arms, meaning her body didn't get as hurt as it was suppose to.

Kecleon smirked, thinking this was perfect.

"What are you so happy about?" Gajeel wanted to know.

"Because I took that one on purpose." She said with her weird voice in a serious tone. Gajeel narrowed his eyes in confusion.


"Let me tell you this. I have Color Change, meaning that attack you just hit me with made my Type change. Considering you're relatively close to Steel Types from where I came from, that means I become a Steel Type."

Gajeel was having a hard time figuring out what she meant by that, and frankly he didn't care. "Look pal, I have no clue what you are talking about, but all I know is that you're not getting away with this!" He then used his Iron Dragon's Roar and almost obliterated the wall. Gajeel smirked, thinking that one blow did the trick. He was shocked to see his adversary still standing. "But how?! My Iron Dragon's Roar shatters everything it hits!"

Kecleon was walking forward with only a few scratches. "Like I said, you shall not pass. And did I forget to mention that my Special Defense is really high?" Kecleon was walking forward, readying a Slash.

Gajeel wasn't going to take this. He lunged at her with an Iron Dragon's Sword. The two attacks made contact, sending sparks everywhere. The moving points grinded along with lengthened sharp claws of Kecleon, with neither side calling it quits.

"You don't scare me!" Gajeel roared. He then used an Iron Dragon's Club with his other arm and rammed Kecleon, sending her into a nearby wall, he dragged his lengthy club along the wall with Kecleon being dragged as well. Eventually, he slammed her into a huge pile of boxes and watched as she crashed into them. After some sawdust and debris cleared, Kecleon was seen struggling to get up. She tried to get up, she took a lot of damage, regardless of her Type being changed. She coughed and got to her feet.

She saw Gajeel grinning very demonically at her. He was trying to intimidate her, and it was working.

She could recall the situation being just as bad a couple of years ago. That day, she had the confidence to triumph.

It was a great day, though it was cloudy. In the Pokémon League corridors. Nic was facing Wikstrom, who was much like a knight. He was on his last pokémon, Aegislash. It was in its offensive form, and it had sustained not much damage. Kecleon, on the other hand, had taken a massive beating. Taking on Aegislash wasn't the best option after being with its Sacred Sword. She was just about ready to fall flat on her face, but still pressed on.

"Use Shadow Sneak!" Nic shouted. Kecleon did as told and stretched out her shadow to attack.

"King's Shield!" Wikstrom ordered. Aegislash then changed its stance to a more defensive look, with the sword behind the shield. It then created a strong barrier that Shadow Sneak couldn't get past.

Nic grunted, thinking how stubborn this pokémon was. Wikstrom wasn't one of the Elite Four for nothing, that's for sure.

"Aegislash, Iron Head! Show them that thou has been honorable in battle, and shall finish this through with dignity!" Wikstrom commanded. Aegislash followed through, with the pointed tip of his head now enveloped in a coat if iron. It did a Stance Change and went straight at Kecleon.

If this hits, it would be lights out for Kecleon. Kecleon wasn't sure if she could do such a thing. She was sure that if she dodged, she might still have a chance, but then it might get hit with another Sacred Sword.

Suddenly, she heard Nic take a deep breath. She looked back to see him as calm as the placid sea. She couldn't believe that she was being terrified and that Nic wasn't. After this past year and few months, what was she doing? She's grown so much, and she was going to let it all end here? Her mentally weird mind was stirring with the past, with the numerous battles, the teaching of moves, the bonds shared. Kecleon was taking it all in, in a two second time span.

'Nic. You show no fear. You can stay calm, and I should follow. It took me this long to realize that I should be doing this too.' She thought. 'After all of this time, it's time to step up, and knock down this mighty oak and sprout a new fresh oak!' Despite her being quirky, Kecleon was serious on the inside. Her weirdness just interprets it differently. She knew this was no time to slack off. She leaped at the last second and landed safely.

"Kecleon." Nic shouted. "Even the toughest of armor can be worn down! We're going to shatter his Defense with some sharp tools of our own!"

Kecleon turned and heard Nic. She had never forgotten that saying.

"Use Screech!" Nic shouted. Kecleon then emanated a red shockwave and Aegislash quivered, seeing as it had no ears, but the vibrations ran through its body harshly.

"Use Sacred Sword!" Wikstrom shouted. The long blade then stretched with a large amount of energy. That energy concentrated into a longer blade. Aegislash then tilted its body and brought down the mighty sword onto Kecleon.

"Screech!" Nic commanded. Kecleon then emanated more red shockwaves. As the sword was coming down, Aegislash felt more vibrations going through itself, throwing off its aim. The attack missed by a few feet, shattering the ground that was right next to Kecleon.

"My word! His Kecleon has avoided my assault!" Wikstrom noted.

Aegislash got back up and glared at Kecleon deeply. Wikstrom then ordered another Sacred Sword, of which was coming at Kecleon sideways. Nic has Kecleon dodge by jumping. He asked her to do one last Screech.

'Fear me!' She emanated one more Screech, causing Aegislash to shiver harshly from all of the vibrations it felt. It was shivering and quivering uncontrollably.

'The tools are all sharpen.'

Wistrom had Aegislash then use Iron Head, which it followed through with. Nic found this to be the right opportunity.

"Thief! Now!" Nic yelled. Kecleon then charged at Aegislash and the two attacks collided. With Aegislash's Defense way down, the two were at an even standpoint. Kecleon's strength was probably getting the upper hand, since Thief is super effective on Aegislash. It was tough to see who would come out on top, Iron Head or Thief. After a few moments, Kecleon took this opportunity and grabbed its shoulders. This had caught Aegislash in a state of shock.

"What?!" Wikstrom shouted. Aegislash tried trying away, but Kecleon refused to let go. She held her ground and saw Aegislash struggle to pry itself free from Kecleon's claws. "Get out of there!"

'Time to cut down this oak.'

"Now, Shadow Sneak!" Nic shouted. Kecleon screamed as it made its shadow lung into Aegislash, ramming it right in the eye straight up. It didn't even had time to do King's Shield, and Kecleon had let go, watching her Shadow Sneak soar high into the air, sending Aegislash with it. Wikstrom watched in shock as the Shadow Sneak went so high up. The attack smashed Aegislash into the ceiling, causing a tremor and some rocks to fall. After a few moments, the shadow ceased and Aegislash started to fall, leaving a cracked roof. Aegislash crashed into the earth, right next to a piece of debris that fell from earlier. It had fainted with no doubt.

'And thus sprouts a new oak.' Kecleon turned and smiled, seeing how she grew to be such a fine and now confident weirdo. She then finished by tilting her head.

Now Kecleon was going to do just that – shatter that armor.

She frowned and looked at Gajeel dead in the eye, now back on her feet. She had no fear to show. She leaned forward and looked as though she was about to sprint towards Gajeel.

"I will butter this toast if it's my last breath!" Kecleon shouted, proclaiming her stand against Gajeel. Gajeel was really anxious now. He then transformed into his Iron Dragon Scales just to make thing go his way. He gritted his teeth and then the two lunged at one another.

"Iron Dragon's Hard Fist!"


The two went back to back assaults on one another. Kecleon kept up with Gajeel for a good thirty seconds. When Gajeel went to strike once more, Kecleon leaned to her left and jumped.

"Screech!" She did a mid-air attack, making red shockwaves vibrate at such a high frequency. Gajeel's Dragon Scales didn't make it any easier for him, as the vibrations made his scales almost quiver, this making him shake. He tried drowning out the sound, but his iron body absorbed it. She flipped over him and landed behind him. Gajeel recovered quickly, but he felt uneasy from that Screech. He turned and used an Iron Dragon's Club. Kecleon ducked and dashed left.

"Don't run away from me! Iron Dragon's Lance: Demon Logs!" He made a Magic Seal and out shot forth iron spears at her. Kecleon evasively maneuvered her way and dodged with a series of flips and more dashing. Kecleon then closed in on Gajeel and jumped over his head. Gajeel looked up, only to get hammered with an over-the-head Screech. He felt every iron nerve in his body shake and vibrate atrociously. He felt as though he was sensitive to the touch. His scales felt all worn out from the immense vibrations. Gajeel got to a knee as Kecleon landed in front of him and swiftly leaped a distance away for her adversary to take a breath.

"The…heck…my body...doesn't…feel sturdy." Gajeel stuttered, feeling off. Kecleon was ready to end this show. She got ready for one more Slash. Then, she charged full speed at Gajeel. Gajeel then create an Iron Dragon's Sword and the two attacks mad contact. The sword was trying to surpass Slash, but due to Screech dropping Gajeel's Defense to its minimum the sword shattered with Slash following through.

"Impossible!" Gajeel shouted. He was then struck with Slash, with Kecleon posing right behind him. Gajeel didn't yelp, but he felt his body drop to his knees again. A large fraction of his abdomen scales were slashed off and there were claw marks going at an angle. He looked in shock as he winced in pain.

"How did you…?" Gajeel struggled to look back, but then saw that Kecleon wasn't there. He turned his head back to find Kecleon in front on his face.

"You so done! Shadow Sneak!" Kecleon then unleashed her shadow from straight underneath Gajeel. The shadow sprang up and rammed Gajeel in his abdomen. Gajeel gagged and howled in agony as his defenses were shattered completely. He soared upwards, straight through the ceiling. His lackeys became conscious just in time to see Gajeel get send through the roof of the warehouse. The two looked to see that Kecleon was overpowering Gajeel. The shadow ceased and Gajeel came soaring downwards. He was about to crash into the earth and then Kecleon used Thief in mid-air and rammed into him, sending flying through the broken wall of the building and into the streets. His lackeys both looked in shock and disbelief as Gajeel had been defeated, again.

"B-boss was defeated!" The male Mage said. The two looked back to see the Kecleon tilting her head and glaring at them. They were both creeped out and scared.

"We've gotta get out of here, and get boss some iron!" The female Mage exclaimed. Gajeel's Dragon Scales were shattered all over his body, and he was barely conscious. The two got up and dragged Gajeel back to Phantom Lord, hoping to get him a speedy recovery with some iron.

Kecleon watched as they went off back to the guild, almost limping. She smiled.

"And that is how I butter my toast." She then turned and looked in the other direction, where Reedus and Lucy might had ran off.

'I hope those two made it safe.' She then turned and tilted her head. "I like grapes. They're my fruits of labor."

Meanwhile, in Phantom Lord…

Elfman, Gray, Erza, and Nic were all running through the halls of the Phantom Lord HQ. They needed to find a way to stop this place before it unleashed another weapon if they had one. Jupiter was bad enough, think if they had something worse than that. Jupiter might not be his only resort, so it's best to say Jose has more tricks up his sleeve.

"Get ready guys. There's a large group that's going to ambush us at the next turn." Nic informed his comrades.

"How can you be so sure?" Gray asked.

"When I'm in my Meadow Plate Form, I take in all of my surroundings. Nature is by my side, and I can sense a lot of properties in a vast area." Nic pointed out.

The other three couldn't help but be in awe. Being able to sense an enemy from such a distance was a very convenient advantage. They wondered what else Nic could do.

"Gray, as soon as I soften them up, you give them a welcome gift!" Nic instructed the Ice Make Mage.

"What do mean by that-?!" Gray didn't get an answer as Nic stretched out his arms and Vine Whip came from his sleeves. He used one vine to grab onto the above chandeliers, and used the other one to grab Gray. Nic reeled himself up and then swung his way towards another chandelier.

They reached the corner, and turned. There, Nic quickly reeled himself to another chandelier before the group saw them. The enemy group was startled. They expected them to arrive on foot, but Nic dooped them. As Nic swung from chandelier to chandelier, he inhaled and blew out a huge cloud of orange sparkly dust on the entire group, just before they could do their spells. They all had sparks going about their bodies and they became paralyzed. Gray knew instantly what Nic meant right after his Stun Spore paralyzed the group.

In mid-air, Nic whipped Gray at the group and let go of him. Gray brought his hands together as he went soaring downwards.

"Ice Make: Hammer!" A huge ice hammer was then made and Gray swung at the literally stunned group. The mages had no chance as Gray ploughed through them with ease.

Nic landed right next to him just as Erza and Elfman had caught up. As they continued to press forward, they were just about to reach to Jupiter room, when a massive explosion was heard, shaking the place.

"The heck?" Gray said.

"It sounds like Natsu's having a ball with that Jupiter Cannon." Elfman said. They made only a few steps when the entire building was shaking. They saw the room behind them just disappear and the floor shifted as well. The building was changing.

The rumbling stopped after a few minutes. Nic and the others felt as though the building had changed drastically. They saw the Jupiter room up ahead and saw the ground heavily cracked and several lacrima pieces destroyed. They also saw Natsu and Happy confronted by some guy with black and white hair.

Natsu looked as though his motion sickness was kicking in, which wasn't good.

"Gray! Elfman!" Nic ordered. Both sprang into action.

"Prepare to die, Dragon Slayer!" The Fire Mage yelled, ready to finish off Natsu. He then took note that his body was being coated in ice, nullifying any chance of escape or movement. "Hey, what's going on?" He was talking even though he was frozen in ice, illogical but nobody cared.

Elfman then changed his arm into some scaly lizard beast arm. "You're no man, you're an upward shooting crystal ball!" He then punched him to who knows where.

"That makes no sense!" The Fire Mage shouted. As soon as he was out of sight, Natsu was slowly getting up, recovering from his unfortunate motion sickness.

"Nice job, you guys." Natsu said.

"You guys are so awesome!" Happy shouted, glad that Elfman and Gray came just in time.

The two look down at their friends.

"Natsu, what you did was just sad." Gray said.

"Yeah. That shift from just now should've been motion sick of you." Elfman said, his arm changing back to itself. Nic and Erza joined up with them.

"So I take it that you showed that Jupiter Cannon that you're the boss, yes Natsu?" Nic asked, knowing that's how it went down.

"You bet!" Natsu replied. Happy then flew out of the broken chamber and took a good look at what happened.

He noticed that the entire building. Happy was in shock to see not only a giant golden seal, but the entire guild itself turned into a humungous giant.

"Holy cow! The entire Guild Hall transformed into a giant!" Happy shrieked once he got back to the others. "And what's worse, that thing is making a giant spell!"

Erza narrowed her eyes. "A giant spell? Could it be…" Erza was saying stuff and then trailed off, thinking what it was.

"Erza?" Gray asked. Erza looked back up and kept her composure. "It's casting the Abyss Break."

Everyone, except Nic, was taken back by this development. By everyone's reaction, Abyss Break sounds like a dangerous spell.

"I take it that it's dangerous?" Nic questioned the Requip Mage.

"Yes, and by the size of it, we can say that it will wipe out all of Magnolia." Erza indicated. Nic was wide eyed at this development now. He had a hunch that Jose had something up his dreadful sleeves, and his hunch was right.

"So what do we do now?! We can't stand here and wait for that thing to fire!" Natsu shouted impatiently.

Nic turned to Natsu. "Relax, we just need to figure out what makes the Abyss Break work." He then turned to Erza. "What else is there about the Abyss Break?"

"It's comprised of four elements: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The Abyss Break gets its power from those four elements." Erza said.

Nic then had a realization. Je went wide eyed as he recalled the Element Four. If he recalled correctly, Juvia and Sol were members of the Element Four, and that guy that they defeated just now must have been another member.

"Oh, duh." Nic said. This got everyone's attention. "The Element Four must be powering this thing. Since they all have the attributes that Abyss Break needs, it's safe to say that they're the ones that need to be defeated in order for Abyss Break to stop." Nic said.

Everyone was in shock. This was the whatever time that Nic had astounded the group. Erza didn't think of this earlier. She had no idea Nic was this perceptive when it came to reasoning.

"Wait, so how do we stop the rest of the Element Four? We don't even know where to look!" Natsu had a point. They didn't know how they'll come across them or when.

"Well, our best bet is to split up and cover more ground." Nic said. With no one throwing out counterarguments, they followed through with Nic's plan and started for the nearest hallway.

With Mira and the others

Down on the battlefield, Jose's shades were getting the upper hand. Mira, still transformed into Lucy, was in the broken Guild Hall, while Cana tried conversing on the other side. They tried to think as to how they should take action.

"How long until the Abyss Break activates?" Can questioned Mira through a boarded wall.

"I'd say ten minutes if not sooner." Mira said.

"I'm sure the guys inside are looking for that thing's power source. Nic, Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Elfman are all up there stopping it as we speak." Cana's words made Mira's eyes shot wide open upon hearing her brother taking action.

"Elfman?!" Mira exclaimed.

"What's the big deal? He was one of our best fighters in the raid earlier." Cana pointed out. Regardless, Mira was still concerned of her brother.

"Grunts are one thing, but if he went up against Phantom's strongest…I don't think he can handle it." Mira didn't sound all that confident in Elfman due to past experience. Cana remembered all too well the trauma she and Elfman had to endure in regards of their sister Lisanna.

"…I understand. After everything you two went through. I think this is his way of leaving the past behind and moving forward." Cana explained. Mira then looked down, deeply contemplating about how she should resolve this dilemma. After a few moments, she had to move forward as well. She left the building and went out on the battlefield.

"Mira, what are you doing?" Cana called out to her disguised friend.

"Don't do it!" Bisca shouted. Mira just kept walking forward out to the battlefield. Jose looked out and saw "Lucy" walk out. He smirked, thinking things will work in his favor. One of his fellow assistance then came into his room and took note.

"Sir, didn't you send Gajeel after her?" He asked. Jose frowned, thinking he had a point. He then turned back and looked at his assistant.

"Why yes, I did. Was he successful, I take it?" Jose said, thinking that things wren't as they seemed to be.

"No sir. Gajeel was defeated by one of Nic's creatures. He's back and started to make a fast recovery."

Jose was gritting his teeth. Now he was certain that this Lucy in front was a fraud. The real one had gotten away and Gajeel was defeated…again. His assistance started to freak out because they could see the foul Magic energy around him, showing how displeased he was.

"That Nic and his creatures have interfered one too many times! Young Pularis will have to meet me sooner than he will expect."

Back outside, "Lucy" was issuing a surrender. Jose didn't buy it one bit.

"Nice try. I know Lucy Heartfilia isn't here, so you can cut the transformation." Jose announced, much to Mira's shock. Seeing how she was seen through, she transformed back into herself, clenching her fists.

A green seal then appeared under Mira, pulling her under. She screamed as she was transported somewhere.

"Mira!" Cana shouted. Mira was then shown to be in the clutches of the big giant, wedged between two of its fingers.

"Did you think your little parlor trick could fool me?" Jose sneered from within the giant.

"Mira!" Cana shouted. She couldn't do anything from where she was at now. She looked up at Mira, hoping for the best. 'You guys, hurry.'

With Nic and the others

The group was about to come across another forty or so Mages up ahead, though they were unfazed due to Nic being able to sense them from earlier. Erza requiped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. She summoned twenty or so swords and launched them ahead, cutting the members into half. She then requiped back into her usual armor.

"Beast Arm: Iron Bull!" Elfman's right arm then morphed into a big gauntlet made of iron.

Nic used Vine Whip to grab Elfman's other arm and hurled him into the rest of them. The Mages toppled over like bowling pins. A perfect strike with no spares.

"Agh! I didn't get to set ablaze to any of those guys! Nic, I want to kick butt as well!" Complained Ntsu.

"Quit it. Now's not the time for your antics!" Nic scolded, getting him to flinch from his authority.

"He's right. We need to keep moving." Gray advised.

The four ran ahead to see Elfman embedded in a wall at the far end of the corridor with spirals for eyes.

"Eh…I think I threw him a little too hard." Nic mumbled. It only took a moment for the Take Over Mage to shake off his dizziness and come back to reality.

He glared at Nic with distaste. "Next time, I throw you!"

The Multitype Mage put his hands up as a gesture that he didn't mean to. "Sure, fine." He responded casually.

They all then saw that the corridor branched off into various hallways. Each looked as though it would lead to somewhere. It was safe to bet that it would be the Element Four.

Nic also sensed a familiar presence somewhere. He sighed, realizing what it was. He turned to face Natsu.

"Hey, Natsu." Nic said. "I detected Gajeel. He's st the top of the building. He's probably recovering from when he tried to kidnap Lucy earlier."

This news made everyone stand on edge. "What?! He tried to kidnap Lucy?!" Natsu shouted.

Nic nodded. "Yes, but I don't sense Lucy here, meaning that Kecleon defeated Gajeel. If I had to guess, I'd say he's eating iron to get back up to speed." He then turned to Elfman. "Also, I detected Mirajane here as well. She's somewhere down there." He then pointed down a hallway that was left of them.

"They have Mira?!" Elfman shouted. Nic nodded in response.

"Elfman, you go and save Mira. The rest of us will stop the rest of the Element Four; however, I would assume that one of them is down there where you might be going, so stay alert." Nic advised. Elfman mad no haste in dashing down a hallway on their left.

"Alright, I'm coming for you Gajeel!" Natsu roared. He engulfed himself in flames and shot upwards, burning through the ceiling and onto the next floor until he was escalating to the top. As soon as Natsu was out of sight, Nic grabbed one of his poke balls and tossed it upwards.

"Come on out!" Nic shouted. The energy then transformed into a cobra-like pokémon with a pattern on its belly. Everyone looked in shock to see another new creature that Nic has just now shown. Arbok hissed and turned to Nic.

"Nic-ssssama, what isssss it that you dessssire me to do?" The Cobra Pokémon asked his trainer in how he may serve him. Compared to normal Arboks, he was very mild and very obedient to Nic and does whatever he is ordered to do.

It's when he doesn't address to Nic is when he gets nasty.

"I need you to follow Natsu upwards. The odds are that Gajeel won't be the only one up there, so I need you to take care of any goons that may be helping him. Don't be afraid to assist Natsu if he's in a tight spot as well; however, leave most of the brawling to him and help if the time seems fit." Nic ordered in detail, making sure Arbok gets everything that he has said.

"Asssss you wish." Arbok hissed. It then slowly retracted its body backwards and bared its fangs. It then sprang forward and slithered in a blink of an eye down the hallway leading up to where Natsu was heading. Everyone looked in shock to see how fast Arbok's reflexes were. He was fast. Since when aren't any of Nic's pokémon fast?

"Geez, that one's a bit scary." Happy noted, which caught Nic by surprise.

"That's funny. Because his ability is Shed Skin. If it were Intimidate, that would be understandable." He implied. With no room to discuss the concept of abilities, Happy flew up through the burned ceilings to catch up with his pal.

In the meantime, Gray went down another hallway and Erza stayed by Nic's side.

"What about you? If possible, there's a good chance that one of us will be encountering someone who's not an Element Four." Erza noted.

Nic paused, knowing full-well that he knows where to find a certain person. "Trust me, I think Jose is interested in me only."

Erza went wide eyed, knowing that Nic will be going up against Jose.

"Are you blind? Nic, he's a member of the Ten Wizard Saints. His power is far too lethal for you alone!" She protested.

"Who says that I'm alone?" Nic asked in a calm manner. He got out a poke ball and out came Greninja, who was ready for battle.

"I don't think the two of you should be doing this. He's too powerful." Erza had a point. His power was something to behold.

Nic turned back to face her. "We won't know unless we try; besides, stopping Jose will stop this entire war. Greninja and I can do this Erza." Nic said.

There was a long silence, but Erza could see that Nic won't argue since there wasn't any time to argue anyway. All she could do was just hope that he will be alright.

"Okay Nic, we leave Jose to you." Erza spoke. With that said and done, Nic and Greninja dashed down a hallway, leaving Erza to sprint down the last remaining one.

'Nic, you better come back after this is all over.' Erza thought, starting to worry about Nic. For some reason, the thought of seeing Nic get hurt in front of her was almost too much to bear. Something in her was making her feel all jumpy and fluttery inside. She had to restrain every impulse that told her to run back to Nic, almost as though she had forgotten to give Nic something. A hug maybe?

She had to put these strange feelings aside for now and continue on with the mission at hand. As much as she would love to keep thinking about this desire to get back to Nic, she pressed onwards down the hall.

With Elfman

"Mira!" He shouted repeatedly. He didn't see any sign of her. Maybe Nic's senses weren't as good? He still kept running down the hall, hoping to find some answers. He stopped when he felt like he stepped on something. He turned around and saw that Monsieur Sol had emerged from underneath.

"Salut!" The member of the Element Four greeted. "Comment ca va? I am Sol, Monsieur Sol!"

"Ask me if I care! All I want to know is where you're keeping Mira. Beast Arm: Black Bull!" His arm then transformed into an even bigger and more muscular arm that was black all over. Sol adjusted his monocle, seeing this transformation.

"Oh, what is this? It would appear that you can only transform your right arm and not the rest of your body, monsieur." Sol said, waving his body about.

"So what, that still means that you're going down!" Elfman shouted, unleashing a punch down on Sol. Sol managed to dodge and backflip, keeping his distance.

"Sable Dance!" He created a Magic Seal and a whirlwind of sand engulfed Elfman, restraining his movements. Sol then appeared right behind him once the sand subsided. "Roche Concerto!" Rocks then escalated under Elfman's feet, making him fly into the air. He was able to bounce back by landing softly on the ground, thus taking little damage. Elfman, however, didn't have time to react when Monsieur Sol wrapped his entire body around Elfman's Black Bull Arm.

"Salut!" He said.

"You're sick man!" Elfman stated. He tried prying Sol off, but his body was too flexible. "Get off me, Man Sewer Sol!"

Taking offense, Monsieur Sol uncoiled his body and gave a mid-air kick to Elfman. "That's Monsieur Sol, idiot!" Elfman took a more defensive stance, seeing hoe he was tougher than he looked. "A long time ago, you attempted a Full-Body Take Over and went beserk, n'est pas?" Sol taunted him.

Elfman looked down in shame, seeing how it was true. "Beast Arm: Iron Bull!" He was about to strike when a statue resembling Lisanna appeared, which made him stop in his tracks.

"Je suis desolee, but I took the liberty of rummaging through your memories when you stepped on me earlier." Sol said. Elfman grunted and gritted his teeth, he then tried another attempt at a Full-Body Take Over, but wasn't holding up very well due to Sol taunting him with Lisanna.

"Non, non, non. Do you remember what happened last time?" Sol then created more copies of Lisanna with the earth around him. Now Elfman was surrounded by copies of his little sister everywhere. They all taunted him, throwing off his concentration.

"You coward." Elfman said, his knee on the ground. "A real man would face me head on!"

Sol then made all of the statues turn to dust and made that dust swirl about him. "Same implies to you. You're no man, you're a mindless east of whom killed his own sister! Platre Sonata!" He then launched a big plastered fist that broke the wall of the building. Mira saw this from the outside and looked to see what was happening. She saw Elfman on the ground.

"Elfman!" Mira shouted, causing him to instantly get back up onto his feet in shock.

"Mira? Mira!" Elfman shouted. He found her at least, but she was in the giant's grip.

Sol was right behind him when he saw his sister.

"I take it that is your older sister, Mademoiselle Mirajane. Formerly known as 'The She Devil'. She is being punished for trying to trick Master Jose, and now she will be crushed to death. As for you, your manly image is nothing more than a façade, hiding the weak creature that you are." He then made a seal in front of Elfman and his body was quaking in pain, causing him to scream. "Merci la Vie! You shall suffer the eternal memory of your sister's demise!"

"STOP IT!" Elfman shouted. His body was slowly turning into stone due to Merci la Vie. He was able to hear Mira shout out to him, bringing him back to reality.

"Elfman! I can't lose you too!" Mira was streaming tears and reaching out to him. Elfman saw his sister crying, which made him snap.

"…she's crying." Elfman said.

Sol looked back to see what he was doing, adjusting his monocle. "What now?"

Suddenly, a huge surge of power encased Elfman as the stone began breaking down. "I swore, I would never let anyone make you cry again. TELL ME, WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" Elfman shouted. His body was glowing very bright with a lot of Magic surfacing.

"That light! No Elfman!" Mira shouted.

"I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR MAKING MY SISTER CRY!" Elfman roared. A large seal then came and then Sol looked to see what was happening.

"He did it." Sol said in deep shock.

"A Full-Body Take Over: Beast Soul!" Mira shouted.

Elfman was now a towering monster with claws for feet. He still had his pants (thank god), and his skin was now red with green abs. His face and neck were also green. His hair now looked more like a mane and he now had canines and got striped horns going up from a plate on top of his head. He had horns on his shoulders and he had a demonic roar.

Monsieur Sol was terrified. His eyes were wide in horror of the beast in front of him.

He tried to make an excuse. "Non, non, non! I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was simply trying to help you recover from your trauma. You are indeed the manliest of men. Eh…n'est pas?" Sol then tried walking away, but Elfman swatted at him, making the Element Four member airborne.

"Curse you! Platre Sonata!" He then launched a giant plastered fist while still in the air, hitting Elfman. Monsieur Sol looked to see he was unfazed by the attack, and he proceeded to beating the defenseless Element Four member mercilessly into the ground, punch after punch. Elfman roared as he did so, also clenching his ghost and throwing it back into his body. Elfman then picked up the beaten-up Sol with one hand.

"Non, at least knock me out, s'il vous plait!" Sol pleaded. Elfman then hit him one more time before Mira called out to him.

"Elfman!" Mira shouted, getting his attention. He turned and his size began to diminish. He ran up to his sister, while leaving Sol defeated on the ground. Elfman jumped and leaped along the arm, getting closer and closer to his worried sister. He then stopped right in front of her and glare at her.

"Elfman, I'm worried. Please don't tell me you lost control." Mira said, a little scared. To her shock, she was pulled out of the giant's grip and was hugged by Elfman.

"I'm sorry." Elfman said, his voice a little more demonic since he's in the Beast Soul. "I promised that I would never do another Full-Body Take Over ever again, not after what happened with Lisanna. This was the only way I could protect you and all of Fairy Tail."

Mira was so happy Elfman was still in control. "You're still in control." She said, so happy her brother didn't go crazy. "What happened back then wasn't your fault. You were trying to protect us."

Elfman then transformed back into himself. "…And I failed miserably. I killed our little sister." Elfman then looked down in udder shame as to that incident. Mira then went and comforted him.

"I'm still here. I'm still alive." Mira said. "We promise to live on for her, and she'll always be in our hearts forever."

Elfman then started to cry in joy. "Big sis! I'm so glad you're okay!" Mira looked up at her happy brother, and then noticed something in regards to the Abyss Break. Elfman saw this and looked at the circle as well.

"That's weird, the Magic circle for the Abyss Break Spell isn't being drawn as fast as it was before." She said.

Elfman then recalled what Nic had said about the Element Four powering the Abyss Break. "Mirajane, the Element Four is powering this thing, so tye giant slows down every time one of them is defeated." He explained, reiterating Nic's hunch. Mira was wide eyed at how this was very accurate.

"Yes. That must be it. How did you know?"

"Nic said it. He figured we could take down the Element Four and then the Abyss Break would be stopped."

Mira looked in shock, thinking how Nic was very knowledgeable. She had no idea that Nic was so perceptive. She and Elfman then got off the arm and went off to find the others.

With Gray

Gray crawled through a window and looked up, seeing that it was raining. He crawled out to find Juvia waiting there.

"Drip, drip, drop. Hello. I am Juvia of the Element Four. Drip, drip, drop." She said, holding an umbrella.

"Bring it on." Gray said calmly. "I'm not holding back since you're a chick."

After a long stare at one another, Juvia began to blush for some reason and turned back. "Well, I give up. You win." She said

"The heck?! Did you forget to go to the bathroom or something?!" Gray shouted. He then ran up to Juvia, only to get caught up in her Water Lock Spell. Gray winced in pain. Juvia noticed that Gray had an abdomen injury and started to panic.

"Oh my god. What do I do?!" Juvia questioned in concern. Gray then turned the whole thing into ice and shattered it, breaking free.

"He's an Ice Wizard!" Juvia exclaimed. "It's beautiful!" She then started thinking to herself. 'I'm water and he's ice. We must be bound by fate.'

Gray then slowly got up, still clenching his abdomen. "You almost got me there. You're fighting dirty."

Juvia got the wrong implication and started blushing when he took off his shirt.

"Ice Make: Lance!" He then summoned a Magic seal and arrows of ice shot at Juvia, only to have the attack go through her. Gray looked in deep shock that his attack didn't do anything.

"My body is made entirely of water. Drip, drip, drop. Sadly, I have no choice but to attack. Water Slicer!"

Gray then saw blades of water race towards him, but he managed to dodge.

"Ice Make: Battle Axe!" Gray then made a giant axe and swung at her, but it proved ineffective. 'Now what do I do?'

"You cannot defeat me. Your guild may be spared if you hand over Lucy Heartfilia. Do that and I'll ask our Master to stop the attack. Drip, drip, drop." Juvia said.

Gray wasn't moved. "Like hell that's going to happen. Lucy's one of us. I'd rather die than give her to you."

Juvia then dropped her umbrella. She was deeply shocked by the false implication. She thought Lucy was her rival now. Juvia screamed how fate could be so cruel, which caught Gray off guard.

Juvia then surge a lot of water in anger. "Lucy must not be allowed to live!" She shouted, determined to beat her new love rival.

Gray was just confused.

She then unleashed a scalding hot Water Beam at Gray, only he was able to avoid it.

"What's your problem with Lucy?!" Gray shouted, only to get responded with another Water Beam. Gray was too slow to use his Ice Make Magic, so he dodged until he saw a Water Beam coming from above. He was able to make a shield, but the water was boiling hot, making the ice melt.

"I am invincible in the rain. You cannot defeat me." She then saw that Gray was nowhere to be seen. There was a steam cloud and Gray used that to his advantage. He was in the air and Juvia saw him.

"It's all over!" Juvia shouted, unleashing another boiling hot Water Beam.

"Oh yeah?!" Gray then touched the beam and it was turned to ice. He slid down and encased Juvia in it.

Juvia was blushing when she noticed that Gray's hand was on one of her breasts and he started flipping out.

"GAH! It's not what you think, I didn't mean to!" He shouted. She's never felt so embarrassed in her life. Gray then yanked his hand out and the ice disappeared.

"Sorry!" Gray said, having Juvia drop to her knees. "Okay, how about we start all over."

"No. I don't want to hurt you anymore, so there's no point to continue." Juvia said, standing up. Gray then noticed that the rain was starting to get worse.

"Man, this rain is so gloomy." He said, setting off a nerve in Juvia.

She started to steam so much and got mad. "How could you be so cruel?!" She shouted. She then launched a huge Water Beam at Gray. He tried to use his Ice Make Magic, but he couldn't do it due to the water being too hot. "I'm through with love!" She yelled, sending Gray back. "I've lived my whole life as a gloomy rain girl, but Phantom Lord looked past that, and they welcomed me with open arms. Sierra!" She then lunged at Gray with her body made entirely of scalding water.

Gray then made a shield just as water shot at him. "How can you be a proud member if your guild has harmed the innocent?!" He then punched the water, turning it into ice and nullifying Juvia's attack.

Juvia looked in shock to see how Gray turned the rain around her to ice. "He's amazing!" She said out loud.

"Ice Make: Geyser!" A Magic Seal then formed at his feet and a tower of ice shot up and froze Juvia. She screamed as the ice shattered and she started falling to the ground.

'I lost. I'll splatter like a raindrop. Farewell world.' She thought. Only that didn't happen. Gray skid and saved her from falling. She looked up in shock.

"Just hang on!" Gray shouted. "I won't let you fall!" Juvia held on as Gray helped her up. He then set her right behind him.

"Why did you save me?" Juvia asked.

"Just because." Gray said.

'He saved my life…' She then saw the sun come out and the clouds began to disappear. "So bright." She then saw and looked up at the blue sky. "The rain…it stopped."

"Hey look, the sun's coming out." Gray indicated. He then looked at Juvia, who was on the verge of tears.

"The blue sky, I've never seen it before." She said. "It's so beautiful."

Gray looked astonished that she never saw it before, but got out of that shock.

"So, you wanna go at it?" He asked her. Once again, the false implication made her heart jump and have hearts for a mouth and eyes. She screamed as she had hearts all over and fell unconscious.

Gray got up in shock of Juvia's behavior and the fact she was out.

"Hey, are you okay?! Speak to me!" Gray said, not understanding what went on in her head.

It wasn't long before Mira and Elfman showed right by Gray's side.

"Hey, you managed to defeat another of the Element Four." Elfman said, seeing how Juvia was down.

"Though, why is grinning in her sleep?" Mira wondered. Gray just shrugged, thinking she might be having a good dream.

They then saw that the Abyss Break circle was even slower than before, meaning there was only one left.

"Three down, one to go. Let's take them down like real men!" Elfman said with a clenched fist.

"Man, I sure hope Natsu, Erza, and Nic are okay." Gray said.

With the Abyss Break slowing down, everyone in the guild fighting below noticed the giant slowing down as well.

"Nice one you guys, keep it up!" Cana cheered as she shot a few cards and destroyed shades. 'Hurry up Nic. We don't know how much more we can take.'