
Chapter 1

One day Chad and his Girlfriend Sarah were going to get on a train to go to L.A. She was so excited to go that she would not leave him alone. They had been together for 6-7 years. He planned to ask her to marry him. But little did he know it wasn't going to work out the way he planned. He had told his friend that he was going to ask her to marry him. He said, "I don't think you should do that". Little did he know he should have listened to him. When the day came to leave she had 3 bags. He had asked her what was in them and she didn't answer. So he asked her again. Still no answer, so at this point, he's starting to get mad because she's not answering. So finally he said, "fine you won't answer me then I will go by myself." Well she didn't like that at all and started yelling at him. They had got into a big argument, she was screaming and he was screaming. Finally, they had stopped and after an hour or so, she went and apologized. After the fight, she had packed her stuff and left. As I watched her get in the cab, it was like watching a bunch of memories just disappear into thin air. I wasn't sure what to do after that. I thought about everything that I had done up to that point. After a few days, it was like there was a new life, I could do anything I wanted and I didn't have to be told what to do. Even though it was nice not being told what to do I still missed her very much. It was pretty sad, cold, and dark around the house without her. A couple of days later, I got a text message from my doctor who told me that I needed to come to the doctor's office. The day it said I needed to be there Was July 4th. The day finally came so I left to go to a doctor's appointment, I knew I had to ride an elevator and I hated them. So I had left to go to the doctor's office. On my way there I had this weird feeling something was going to happen. My gut told me to just turn around and go home but I just couldn't. It was a bad feeling but I wasn't sure what to do. About the time I got to the parking garage there were only 7 cars, I thought that was kinda strange because usually there are a lot of cars there. I didn't think anything of it, I thought that there weren't many cars there because it was the fourth. As I started to walk inside it had turned out that all those cars belonged to all of my old school friends. So we started talking and they all said that they had had the same weird feeling. So at this point, we are all starting to get pretty anxious. We all started to calm down when all of a sudden an older gentleman came walking through the door. Not one of us had known who this guy was, so we started to wonder what was going on. After he came in we all just looked at each other like what is going on here. The door finally opened, but what was weird was that the didn't open until he got there. So we went inside and there was only one elevator open because the others were out of order. So we all got into the elevator when he said "so, I bet you are wondering why I've gathered you here". We all stopped and looked at each other. So one of my friends said, "what did you just say". So the older gentleman said again "so, I bet you are wondering why I've gathered you here". We were all looking at each other like what in the world. Then all of a sudden he hit the emergency stop button. At this moment in time, I'm thinking this is some serial killer and he is here to kill all of us. I started to yell and make a big deal out of it when he said "don't freak out if one of you guys make one more noise I'm detonating this bomb". We had asked him if we could talk quietly in the corner and he had said "just don't tell anybody outside this elevator". So we all huddled together in the corner of the elevator and started talking about what we were going to do. One said that we should jump him and another said we should just play it out. So after so talking, we decided that we were going to jump him and try and knock him out. We were getting ready when he said "make one move and I'll have every one of your family members killed, house blown up, and then I'll shoot every one of you. So we huddled back in the corner and started to talk. At this point, we had no idea what we were going to do. So we were thinking about it when we had started to hear a beeping noise. We all looked at each other. One of my friends started to cry because he was certain this was it. I knew that I wasn't to go out with a fight. So I looked at them and said "I'm just going to go because I'm not going out without a fight". So I stood up and kinda walked over to him and just hit him in the head. He had fallen over than me and my friends that had belts tied him up. After we had made it back down to the bottom of the hospital the guy had started to come back to life. Then the elevator door opened and the cops met us. We all got put in handcuffs and had to lay there for 1 hour. Then we had to be searched to make sure we had no bombs on us.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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