1 chapter 1 vandrians

This is a tale that was chosen to be forgotten in order to hide various secrets and sometimes altered to fit their greed.

The story of humans.

In a planet where green and blue prospered, it was a lively community.

In this planet lived hundreds of species big and small. However five beings were most known through legends and rumours: humans, deities, beasts, demons and fairies.

But above all, a spieces lies in secret. The vandrians was there chosen family name, they were stronger than beasts but had the voice of the Alkonosts and were extremely kind unlike their nature, their appearance drove away others even demon wouldn't dare to roam around their territory. Their titanic height with tree branch horns and varies tails with fangs sharper than those owned by felines so were their claws. However once the vandrians walked, plants and flowers grew and were loved by all of nature.

With a wave of their hand they could create fire, water, wind, electricity, earth, nature, ice and the rarest could speak to spirits and use all types of magic even the forbidden ones.

Unfortunately the vandrians had alot of  power but a lenient nature that could be easily manipulated. Even so their qualities were that of advanced humans, knowledge and technology that humans could only dream of.

The Rav forest where the vandrians lived ,flourished with so much love that at times it shined. The cool breeze travels through the aqua oceans and whistles by the lavish greens above an open path to the siren waterfalls that basked in golden sunrays. A woman in white with a sleeping infant in her bosom strolled the path in a hesitating manner.

When the night came Savy a vandrian felt restless, she came to the siren water fall and sat under a willow enjoying the view and trying to came down her restlessness.

"Sob sob I am sorry my baby but I.... I just can't so please understand" said a woman in a white cloak with a folded blanket from which small sounds of breathing leaked.

Savy confused why the woman was sad, " why do you cry" said savy not knowing that the woman will get even worse. The woman screamed and threw the child off the clef then took off, Savy without a second thought fell off to save the child, her size worked miracles, in just a second the child was above her. She cupped her hands to catch the child.Luckily the water curved and rose carrying savy to dry land.

Savy returned to the village and showed the baby to the villagers, savy was now a mother. Since vandrians were understanding they celebrated the new mother, the baby later named Aden which was short from adventure since this child was so active and curious desiring to know all that there was. Aden explored Rav forest finally finding the exit, walking farther and farther astonished it was a first time to see poorly constructed houses, his eyes were shocked to see figures similar to him. "These beings were the same mother said I resembled" Aden excitedly uttered, Aden sprint towards them.

The people saw a man in luxuriously tailored clothes and shoes ,all eyes on the brown haired and gold eyed man that seemed from those rich families but none was courageous enough to speak to the man. The man walked through the town as his eyes jumped from places to people and his smile just grew wider. Finally the man seemed desperate to speak to someone, he scanned all in his sight to find someone of his age . In the corner of his eyes he saw a group of four (two for both genders) that seemed his age, with a spark in his eyes that covered him in a holy glow he scurried to the group.

The group with their light atmosphere saw a glow touch walk towards and it said "Greetings my age mates, I am called Aden Loy Vandrian and if you don't mind could I request a friendship from you".

The group: ????

Aden: Is that a yes

The group: sure?

Aden: Thank you!

And that's how Aden made friends and his new routine of Rav forest to new town for two years began that's until his new friends asked if they could follow him back to his home and sure enough he agreed.


At the Rav forest, with the beautiful sun at centre and rich colours of flowers that needs people to just sit and enjoy, to the east is a boring meeting held by the vandrians about 'How to speak to other spieces?' That seemed to excite the vandrians as held their hands up to give answers just a normal day at the vandrians household. "Mom" was sweetly announced and Savy whose memory has recorded this voice many times can't help but be excited. "My

lovely" replied Savy as she turned but unexpectedly screams were saying monsters and demons by small figures just Aden's size "Oh my humans don't be scared we promise to not hurt " Savy gently and softly whispered trying her best not be scary using her power to make beautiful flowers to cover her fangs and claws only to show big round blue gem like eyes that gleamed. The screams died and the group started at Savy realising she wasn't that scary with scales like white gems and branched horns with cherry blossoms and a fluffy tail.

Slowly all vandrians showed beauty that couldn't be hated as vandrians were naturally talkative both spieces started to converse and laugh together inching closely to each other. The group and Aden brought other humans that were friendly to engage with the vandrians. After ten years of peace meaning Aden is 28 years now married to a blond haired brown eyed strong willed woman that puts Aden in place so less trouble of him getting lost. In this year the vandrians are celebrating their leader's return from the unknowns. The leader is a glorious red eyed long blue haired vicious woman that only wants to make her people happy no matter the sacrifice named Lacin Cora vandrian. Her return made all vandrians so pleased that the environment is only getting richer each second.

Moving farther to the south, there was a group that hastened to Rav forest among the group was a woman with demon red eyes and azure blue hair filled with caution. At the entrance of Rav forest the woman breathed in and out to reveal an outstanding smile and stars in her eyes, there was no need to ask she was happy to return. "LACIN" was whooped by the vandrians as they greeted their leader.

Lacin giggled as she told stories of their adventure, the group couldn't help but compare her to a child that wants praise. They chattered and laughed, to the east a blue light glimmer among the gigantic houses.
