
Test run (Part 2)

Bieng a spectator was quite interesting the matter since l had Rak and Ghost spectating with me a we watched Shibisu panicking which was amusing but, rather understandable.A ranker was going to be part of the test even more with the fact that it was a scout which were efficient in investigating and scouting for clues.They were an essential unit in order to gain the upper hand against thier opponents.

Lastly,they were skilled in combat having an overall terrifying insight.I was lucky on having having passed had I not I'd be confronting a scout that was supressing his strength as a ranker.

Test administrator : "The test shall begin at the count down of 10 my fellow regulars!I hope you finished preparing anyways good luck! "In which he started the country down with his one of his pressing the button that would start the count down.










10 Goooooooo!


The test had started and from the look of it thier plan was already falling apart and Mr.Red hair was getting near the center at a frightening speed.How the hell was his strength bieng suppressed?In which Uriel responded inside my mind with a grim tone.

Uriel : "From what I've analyzed his strength has been halfed off but his physical prowess is as strong as when we fuse...no actually a tier above still due to his experience if we take that to account."

It made me ponder in silence the gap between rankers and regulars was usually due to experience and the time and age gap also showed the amount of Training one had to get there from what could be said from our fellow ranker over here.He was some centuries year old perhaps.

Anyways regarding that Shibisu was the first to fall victim to a rigth hook on the stomach sending him tumbling a few yards away which I flinched at,that's gotta hurt...


In which Uriel was muttering what was happening on the test on a small note.

Rak : "What a weak turtle,didn't even last 5 seconds !"As he started at Shibisu in disdain.

Uriel : "He broke a rib..."In which I could hear him whisper all the details he was taking.

Aether: "He's still hasn't shown his skills Uriel look again."In which I pointed at Shibisu.

Who was slowly getting up so it wasn't bad enough.It seemed that their plan had fallen in disarray. It confused me since from what I knew,Khun wouldn't have let such thing happen unless...

It was for Bam...He was planning to fail his team in order to give a pass to Bam...That could be why he's been acting suspicious and probing that guy called Hoh in the same category as Bam.

Will it be worth it Khun Aguero?Then again it doesn't matter I'm not one to have Arrogance but the technique that I taught Shibisu would raise the chances of foiling your.

As Aether was on his monolog Rak was enjoying eating his chocolate as he competed against Ghost.


(Shibisu pov)

II migth have jinxed our team on losing when I said,"I bet he ain't fast..."I mean I was simply trying to comfort myself.

Getting hid in the stomach never felt so agonizing as I was sent flying yards away and bieng called a cheeky twat never felt undeserving.It was even worse with how with Aether watching.He genuinely believed in my so called Heavenly martial arts...and it was a bluff.

Also the plans Khun made for use fell apart too quickly but there's plan B which was just for this case...

Adding to that was one of the ways for the cowardly Parakewl to join in the plan of stalling the red hair.Just a few seconds would be enough to save them time for Khun to begin his plan.

Even that didn't matter since I had learned from Aether a technique made for stalling a technique which would get us a higher chance of winning.


(Pov Khun)

So far everything was going accordingly,and nobody had an idea that he was intentionally sabotaging thier chances in this test.The so called plan B of mine was to make it into an instance where we would almost succeed had it not been for some remaining parts he had excluded...

(A/N: The Khun family is like this if you don't know their always filled with schemes...)

Even when planning such a disgusting plan that would ruin my team I usually never felt anything,yet now I felt as if I had gotten the disapproval of someone.

Anaak and Shibusu would be busy stalling at least for five minutes and since she had one of the thirteen needles it was definitely possible.The red hair Hwa Ryun was hiding on my light house.While I would bait ranker by getting him to jump near the bridge,which would be the signal for her to run to the exit which would've been a successful win...

Another move to prevent that would come to play....

Khun: "Laure are you ready?"As I spoke through the ligth house.

Laure : "One more minute I'm barely getting up..."~


In which I cut of our connection and I started walking to the the bridge on the below exit.


(Small time skip/Pov Aether)

It's such a pity had Shibusu lasted longer then perhaps Khuns plan would've gone wrong.Then again I was happy that Shibisu had already managed to apply the skill wisely.

Even Rak had been impressed with the tenacity Shibisu had and Uriel had seemed to predict such thing?He kept muttering something about Shibisu being dumb but not stupid....

On the other hand Ghost was quite or not as he stuffed himself with a bucket of chocolate bars,I wish I had asked for some food.

Disregarding that the next team is up and whe they done have a cunning fox on their sides they have the most unorthodox team.

An obsessed swordsman,a narcissistic princess,definitely a runner,jealous brat,a naive brother and a girl that looked like a back stabbing *****.

(A/N:I I don't hate Endorsi okay just Mc's view of perspective.)

Either way I wondered how they would come to do as a team.


(Small Timeskip)

Hatz was a great swordman but his Katana was getting repelled by the rankers bare fist and worst of all it seemed his teammates had left him to stall the ranker.

What assholes are you to leave a teammate behind when your part of the test!Especially with the ranker not killing anyone in the test the chances of stalling him longer were higher.

Such people aren't fit to climb the tower and yet they do...how disgusting.

Green who had appeared besides me due to my sudden anger seemed to sense my emotion as she hugged me while muttering in another language which began to calm my mind.

Desiciding to observe time started flying as quick of that of a snail.Anticapation and nervousness was on team B.Endorsi was fighting a two guys and a swordman with an Ignition type weapon.

The jealous guy Hoh was holding a knife behind the cloaked girl while the ranker and Bam were trying to persuade him to let her go.It went wrong a he stabbed her just in time before Bam could snack her away as the ranker came in as he stared at Hoh in disgust in which Hoh proceeded to stab himself.

It all ended in an anti-climatic way with Endorsi snatching the badge from the Ranker which was now asucces for team B.Congrats Khun you played your cards rigth.


(Evanhells Floor ranker side)

Yuri : "How long will it take to get to the regulars test floors,It's been taking so long... are you sure were on track?"As she stared above the trenches they were in.

Evan :"Perhaps by waiting more patiently~ack!"As he grabbed his head..

They began their travel once again to get the Black March and most importantly for Yuri the mission to see if she could find the two cute kids on the test floors.

What will the futures event lead to their a mystery for now.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter and comment if you have any ideas for the story or if you liked it or a powerstone.

Regarding to a hint of Shibisu's ability he gained it comes with life force exchange.

Next chapter