
The Beginning

"Commander Kiri, someone is approaching the gates." A man, most probably a watcher, who's stationed at a guard tower near the main gate, calls his commander's attention.

"He is riding a gargantor with a red flag on its back. He is most probably from the Cimean kingdom" he adds. The commander who seems is passing by to secure the main gate stops and immediately heads to the guard tower. 

He appears to be a man in his early 40's with a strong build, clean-cut hair, wearing a thick armor with boots and as well as a pair of swords strapped in his belt. He looks at the approaching individual and prepares himself to make a move to defend the kingdom.

"Archers take aim and wait for my signal. Gate keepers, make sure that the main gate is sealed. Shields, defend the front. Frontiers, form a v-line and wait for my order". Commander Kiri immediately give his orders as he studies the area. 

A visit from another kingdom was rare, especially now that the 8 kingdoms have avoided making much contact with each other because of the ongoing war. 

"Message! I have a message! I have a message to deliver in the kingdom of Faistran!" the individual shouted repeatedly as he gets off to the gargantor so that the watchman above the guard tower could hear him.

"A message?" Kiri repeats. 

"Commander Kiri" The messenger says with a trembling voice as he sees the familiar face looming over him from above. 

Soldiers, messengers, warriors, magicians, and even some of the villagers are not new to the other kingdom's high-ranking officials. During those times of peace, if there are any festivities or any other events occur, every official was always present and were standing at the stage. Their faces have always been familiar even to the commoner's eyes.

"Read the scroll from where you are standing loud and clear. I will be the judge whether the message is important or not and whether I will let you enter our kingdom or let you leave." Commander Kiri says in a serious tone.

A war happening between the other kingdoms as they speak. They should be extra careful in every decision they make for one wrong move could bring destruction to Faistran. Also, it would be difficult if other kingdoms mistook the sudden visit and think that Faistran is already forming an alliance with another kingdom. 

Faistran, along with the three other kingdoms, choose to stay on the neutral side. Not wanting to play any part in the war and forming alliances with any other kingdoms. 

As much as possible, they avoid the offer of the other kingdoms' proposals in forming an alliance in exchange of security, resources and power.  The officials chose to strengthen their defenses to protect its people and as much as possible, live peacefully in their kingdom. Although, as much as possible the leaders are vigilant of the neighboring kingdom's movement.

The Cimean kingdom, the kingdom of the argonians or lizards chose not to partake in the war. Although it is rumored that the reason behind them not partaking in the war is because they are still unsure on who to form an alliance with. Some say that they would want to for an alliance with the kingdom that would bring them absolute victory.

The kingdom of the Gnomes, the Garenac, is also on of those three kingdoms who chose not to partake in the war. Their reason is a little different from the other two kingdoms, whether there's a war or none, they just love being secluded. 

The largest and probably the richest among the eight kingdoms is the kingdom of the Elves, the Eessee. The people of Eessee also chose not to partake in the war. However, the kingdom of Olid, where the shamans live, and Ramguar, the kingdom of the Lilleans, formed an alliance to attack Eessee.

 It is unclear why the two kingdoms choose to oversee the difference between themselves and agree to form an alliance. Although, one theory is that they plan to attack the elves. Given that the land of elves is rich on resources such as gems and gold and other precious stones. It's possible that they're planning on splitting the loot between themselves. 

The other two kingdoms, the Zallovin of the Dwarves and Akris of the Santoran's has an ongoing war on their own. A war that will decide who will own the mountain between the two of them. The two kingdoms perceive that the mountain is rich in gold thinking that whoever owns it will match the wealth of the Elves. 

Death tolls keep on increasing as the unending war keeps on. It has gone for decades although it is difficult to keep track of time because of how it seems to move differently compared to the other world. 

In the past, the eight kingdoms sought for hundreds of years of peace; free from trading, no discrimination between species, being welcome to enter other kingdoms when they visit, just like heaven. But that peace did not last long after the new generation of kings had taken the seat on their throne.

Influenced by their greedy advisers who want to expand their influence to other kingdoms for their own selfishness. They feed the young kings, at that time were lacking knowledge in ruling a kingdom, lies and had manipulated them into destroying the peace that had existed for generations. 

Such advisers went as far as to present war tactics and promote newly upgraded war equipment, with the promise of sweet victory and power over the other kingdoms. The young kings were easily tempted and immediately fell for their adviser's hands into participating into a war that would destroy the peace and trust formed between them.

An endless war was then set into motion, casualties and deaths kept increasing throughout the years. Neutral kingdoms choose to close their doors and locked themselves in to be safe and were on full defense if any of the other kingdoms choose them as their prey.

"He has returned" the messenger shouted to commander Kiri with a frightened voice. The commander immediately knew who the messenger is referring to. He stared at him in disbelief and yet he knew, he just knew, who the messenger is referring to.

"What?" he mutters for a moment. 

"Open the gates. Quickly!" he wastes no second at all. He moves to observe the vicinity one last time, just to see if the messenger being accompanied by a hidden ally in the shadows waiting to strike.

 Just before the gate keepers act to open the gate, a black arrow with a strange liquid at the tip penetrates the armored messenger's leg. Just from the color of the strange liquid, it is most probably poison and a strong one at that.

"Defense squad! Hurry! Protect and carry him inside! Archers, the forest! Someone is hiding in the boulder at the left! Take aim and fire!" the commander orders as he sees the perpetrator's shadow, hiding. 

Arrows then shower the boulder and as the archers cease firing and check the site the shadow in hiding had already disappeared without a trace. 

"How is he?" The commander approaches the wounded messenger. He checks the struck leg which now turned purple.

"I think we can still save him commander" One of the combatant replies. 

"Good. Take him to a healer to take care of him, the rest of you stay here and keep guard. Azorius take your troops and scout the area, the culprit may still be lurking somewhere out there. I'll go to the elder and report this incident." Commander Kiri stands and starts to walk to the direction of the fortress.

Hours just pass by quickly. The messenger slowly opens his eyes and sees two tridans standing guard by the door. 

"He's awake" one of the tridan notices and informs the other next to him.

"I'll get the commander, you stay here" the other tells his companion. He hurriedly opens the door and then starts to call on to any high-ranking officers present. Any second wasted on waiting for the officials to come to them would have a great impact on their situation.

- -

The elder stands by the window, listening to Kiri's story about the messenger that had arrived earlier that day with a message that seems unbelievable.

"What do you mean 'he's has returned'?" The Elder asks. There's no shock nor anger in his voice, it remains calm as always.

"That is what the messenger had said elder: he has returned" Kiri says again. Whatever decision they make will be up to the elder.

"I knew this time would come, but for it to happen now," the elder shakes his head. He grips his staff hard, as if letting go would result to his fall.

"Are you going to believe that messenger?" Kiri asks. It's not as if they have much time to discuss the situation. They have to talk to the messenger, soon.

"It is a difficult time to wait for surprises, Kiri. We must prepare. Even if what the messenger had relayed is false" the Elder stands and makes his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Kiri asks. Looking at the Elder.

"It seems our wait is over" is all the elder says.

"Wha-" Kiri starts to panic. Is he here?

At that someone knocks at the door, hard. The elder immediately opens it. A guard, with hands on his knees and is on the brink of passing out, stands straight after seeing the men in the room. He looks at the both of them for one moment and proceeds to tell them the news.

"He's awake. The messenger is awake," he says and the three of them run to the direction of the messenger.

- -

"Are you okay?" the elder asks the messenger from the Cimean kingdom. The messenger appears to be young, at least around 50 or 60 years. Despite the difference in the aging process of each kingdom some people of Faistran knew the age of the other races by looking at them thoroughly. 

"I'll be okay after a few moments of rest." He replies. He looks at the elder and then a Kiri who's standing behind him.

"Will you be able to discuss the message you had relayed us earlier?" the elder asks in a soft voice. The messenger nods and focuses his attention to the elder.

"Asmodeus, he has come back." The messenger repeats the message he had reported earlier at the gate. At that, the elder releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, Kiri's hands balls into fists and the messenger goes silent.

"For him to come at such a time," the elder closes his eyes. Kiri looks at him and then at the messenger who is gripping the sheets of the bed.

"Who bore witness?" he asks, maintaining the coolness of his voice.

"A civilian of our kingdom. In the border between our two kingdoms. In the demons' forest" the messenger answers the elder. 

"What?!" the elder stands abruptly. The news had definitely caught him off-guard.

"How come none of us had ever seen it happen?!" Kiri asks in behalf of the elder.

"It happened closer to our boarders. On the night of a full moon," the messenger reports. The elder is still in shock but they don't have time to stay shocked, they should start making their move or else.

"We have sent messengers to tell the other kingdoms." he adds.

"Then we know what is bound to happen next," the elder sighs, regaining his composure. He may be acting calm but Kiri knows that the elder is far from calm right now. None of them could remain calm because of Asmodeus.

Kiri looks at him, the messenger as well. The elder stands to leave the room. Kiri remains for a moment, waiting for the door to close shut before turning back to the messenger.

"Is your injury okay?" Kiri asks the messenger again. The arrow obviously had poison on its tip. Even with a healer's help anyone wouldn't actually survive long with poison running in his blood.

"Sadly, it would seem that I cannot return to my Lord." The messenger smiles with grimace. Kiri can't help but look at him with pity.

"I have already seen this coming. Even if I'm not really prepared to die, I cannot help it if my time has actually come." He adds.

"The elder may not have said this, but thank you for warning us. You have done a terrific job to help our kingdom and yours as well." Kiri holds a firm hand on the messenger's shoulder and smiles a reassuring commander's smile at him. Hoping that the messenger will somehow hold onto what little hope he has.

The messenger smiles back at him.

"Thank you as well, for saving my life Commander Kiri. If it is alright with you, I would like to ask you a favor. Man to man." The messenger says. He raises his arm in order for Kiri to catch it which obligingly did. 

"Yes, of course." Kiri replies. He looks at the messenger with a face of a man who is determined to do what is asked of him to do.

"Please if the time comes, I would like to humbly ask of you to give this to my family. I know that whatever was in that arrow, was no normal poison. I may not be able to return to my kingdom alive." The messenger gives Kiri a necklace with fangs as its decoration and a brown, shining walnut in the middle. Kiri studies it carefully and then clutches it with both hands.

"I promise you. I will deliver this to your family whatever it takes" Kiri looks at the messenger with a desperate and reassuring look. Hoping that the messenger would understand that he would indeed do his utmost best to do what is requested of him.

"Thank you. Thank you Commander Kiri. You are unlike what the rumors have said about you. You are humble and compassionate, and yet brave and strong at the same time." The messenger slowly closes his eyes. Kiri clutches the necklace tighter.

"Now, if it is alright with you, I would like to continue resting to recover myself from this injury of mine" the messenger says. With that, Kiri stands up to leave the room. 

The commander gives him one last glance before exiting the room, his breathing has slowly started to steady. Until, after a moment his chest had stopped rising and falling and Kiri immediately knew

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