

A man stood in the middle of a dark forest, he was covered by a cloak. The only odd thing about his appearance is his bulky build and piercing red eyes. He continues to stand there until a man wearing a dark veil approaches him. He was also wearing a cloak, the only difference is the color. The man waiting in the forest was wearing a black, it was darker than black, it was as if his cloak is able to eat the light that shone on it. The other man was wearing a golden cloak, he was also carrying a staff with him, a clear indication that he may be a warlock or a sorcerer.

"Did you find her?" the man asked the warlock. His voice was quiet and yet it shook the forest as if it were a frightened child.

"Yes, my Lord" the man says. He kept avoiding the gaze of the man in front of him. The plan that took generations to do has been finally put into action.

"Where is she?" the man asks. The warlock couldn't help but flinch every time he speaks. It was as if the man is death himself.

"In the human world my Lord" he responds. His hands were trembling and yet he wasn't going to let him see it.

"I see, that's why we couldn't find her after all these years" the man then raises his arm.

"You know what to do," he says as he closes it in a tight fist. The warlock shuddered, the thought of being killed by the hands of a monster would terrify anyone. Especially if he is one of the Princes of Hell.

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