
The begginings.

When I was young, whenever I touch anything, time seems to moves faster and I see visions. As I grow older it seems to get more interesting. Way too interesting..

I was in my teens when I realized what I can do. We were on a school trip visiting old churches. our first stop was the church of St. Anne which is said to have a finger of St. Anne herself. We were asked to gather around this small box inside one of the small room. While the nuns arent looking Charles, my funny crazy friend opened the box. With a smirk on his face he showed us a piece of white cloth, unwrapped it and passed this small white bone to us, and the moment I hold it in my hand i felt it again. Time around me seems to go faster as I move slower. Then visions, but it seems to be moving backwards. I was curious so I focused, then my vision stopped. I can see old houses, like really old ones, I looked at my feet and its just dirt. No tiles on my feet anymore, just dirt. I saw nuns, they are wearing big hats. It was funny looking, they are bringing in a wounded soldier. And I thought, what the heck?! A guy approached them and touched the soldier, he looked like a doctor. The guy said, I am sorry sister but this one is dead. Then the vision moved again, like a movie on fast forward, they are burrying that same soldier on the ground, no name, no markings. Fast forward again and I see a church being built around me, it stopped as they were putting in the foundation and saw the body of the soldier all bones now. A priest approached the workers and instructed them to put it in the bag. Then everything moves faster again, i see that I am inside a small room, different from where I am or was. A nun approached the priest looking out the window and said, "we have burried the soldiers father at the back with an unnamed tombstone". "But the workers seems to have forgotten a piece". The nun handed a piece of cloth to the priest. The priest thanked her and she left the room. I was looking at the priest as he placed the cloth on the same exact box where the said finger of St Anne was. As Olive my friend standing beside me took the piece of bone in my hand the visions stopped. And I blurted out so loud that the nuns saw what we were doing. I said, "this is not St. Anne's bone". They all stared at me, as I walked out of the room.